Are you an owl or a lark?

Are you an owl or a lark? - A picture of an owl and lark. Photo sources: and .
November 14, 2007 11:38am CST
Owls hoot. Larks chirp. *hoot* *chirp* *hoot* *chirp* Are you an owl or a lark? Well not literally of course! You are human and I know that, but does your sleeping pattern resemble that of an owl or lark? For someone who enjoys waking up early in the morning and feels in his element, he is like a lark. He can wake up early and have an energetic day. But ask him to sleep late? He would rather not. For someone who prefers to stay up late into the night and wake up as late as possible, he is like an owl. He doesn't mind burning the midnight oil but to wake up early? No way! I am an owl. HOOT. I am that weird guy who sleeps at unearthly hours. I remain wide alert at night but please don't ask me to wake up early. I can if I really need to but please, spare me the torment. So, do you prefer to sleep late or wake up early? Are you an owl or a lark? Do you hoot or chirp (lol)? :P
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59 responses
@AmbiePam (96655)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I like to go to bed late, and get up early. I also happen to frequently wrestle with insomnia. Insomnia usually kicks my rear. Speaking of owls, two nights ago I was walking my dog at 10pm so he could do his business. I never get close to the fence at the back because there are a lot of trees, and behind the trees is a place where flood waters go if the area ever floods (and it has). Behind that are a bunch of houses. So I'm walking, and I hear, hoo, hoo, hoo. I look around and think, no way is there an owl in those trees. It just didn't seem natural. So I keep walking and I hear hoo, hoo, hoo. My dog wants to run over there, but I never get close to the fence because you can't tell if anyone is back there or not. We walked further and I finally had my suspicions confirmed, I heard hoo, hoo, ack, hoo. Seems this owl had a very masculine cough. Hmmm...
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@AmbiePam (96655)
• United States
14 Nov 07
You're a wizard, you know all. : )
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Well, I don't usually shape change to owls... LOL.:PPP
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
LOL, and you thought that was me? Geez, I don't even know why you live! :P
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I am most certainly a lark. I would rather get up early than stay up late. My body clock works well from early am until about 3 in the afternoon. When we rented a house I used to love to sit on the patio drinking coffee and listening to the birds wake up. The enve have their own order of who chirps when in the am. Chirp, chirp!
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
Wow... I am envious! :P
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
14 Nov 07
When I am asleep my wife says I am a "bear". HAHAHAHA! meaning I snore and toss and turn way too much for her liking. Now I would classify myself as an owl type as I sleep maybe 4 hours a night which is sufficient enough for my body. I never like getting up early nor sleeping in late so I am sort of a lark in that respect as well. Oh hell let's just say I am a BEAR. HAHAHAHA! "Growwwwwwllllll! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
14 Nov 07
Bear Bob? - I think so don't you?
Do I look like a bear in this 30+ year old photo? HAHAHAHA!1 HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
Yea I guessed it right, BEAR BOB. :PPP
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
A skinny bear LOL.:P
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Nov 07
hey nice to hear from you (do owl hibranate???) but seriously, i am an lark (or maybe a pumpkin because i turn into 1 around 11 pm - i fall asleep on my feet!) i generally wake up early (ish) on the weekends - around 8 or so...
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
LOL... you are a pumpkin! :P And hmm.. I don't know if owls hibernate. I think not though since usually only cold blooded creatures do that. I think.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
14 Nov 07
My wifes says I am a bear to sleep with. Bears hibernate. But not this one. HAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
So you snore and she can't sleep without your snoring? :P
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
14 Nov 07
Hoot, hoot, hoot to my fellow night owl friend. Most certainly am I a night owl. Like you I can get up early if I really must, which means going to bed much earlier than accustomed to, which I HATE. I have to admit I'm brain-drained today for instance and not all "there" I went to bed super late, as I got involved with "discovering" my iMovie feature on my Mac computer that I never used before. I discovered I could make a "movie" with my photos, with fade in, fade out words, and even added a soundtrack to it. I had such fun puttering around with it that time flew by and before you know it it was about 5 in the morning! And I didn't get to sleep until about an hour later--ONLY to be rudely awaken as the electricians wanted to access each apartment to do the final hookups for switching over to the circuit breaker system rather than fuses. They said they could come back at another time, but figured crap let me get this done and over with. So I only had four hours sleep, not a happy camper here, and my mind is mush, but once I'm awake, I'm awake. Now just why is it though, most night owls are usually of the creative mode and vice versa...I take you are of the creative persona yourself, right??
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@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Well, Pye, if you are like me, if they have woken you up, they might as well get their business done, and get out of here. I hope your electricity is happy and well fixed now. I am a larkish one, so I am on my way to bed, extra early, so I can wake up extra early and use my whole day off to myself!!!!
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
tsk tsk - You are in the running for best response!
You are pagan, if I recall correctly. It would be weird if a witch sleeps early. :P (Or does being pagan doesn't necessarily mean you are a witch? I am applying a liberal definition here - witch as in you conduct rituals and cast spells, etc...) Oh yea, I am a great pretender. I pretend I am pretty creative. =)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Well Lordwarwizard I've only been a pagan/witch for about five years, but I've always been a night owl. No, not all pagans consider themselves to be witches and vice versa, but I do. Hehehe Mmm...GardenG. I'm ALWAYS promising myself to go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. Never seems to work out that way. If I get involved with something in front of my computer, forget about it..LOL
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
14 Nov 07
Hehehe, I'm a owl too. I usually sleep around 3am like now It's already 2am here in my country and I will wake up at around 9am to start my day. I got used to it coz before my part time job usually at night. But sometimes also if there's something important to do in the morning I'm forced to wake up at very early.
• Singapore
14 Nov 07
Good also if you need to perform shift work which pays more. :)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
14 Nov 07
Like the creature I am, a wolf I am a nocturnal animal, I'm always alive, awake and active at night, so in answer to your question definitely a lark. I had to get up at 7.45 this morning and I was like a wolf with a sore head, not nice for people to see me, especially after a full moon! Big hooter me ;0)
• Singapore
14 Nov 07
So you howl. :P So aren't you like more a wolf forced to act like a weeny lark? Aww... poor wolfie... :(
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
14 Nov 07
definately an owl I like staying up late even if I knwo I have to be up early in the morning to work ANyhow, when I can , I like sleeping in ... so Owl But at night I alternate sounds ... hoot .. chirp ...hoot ...chirp LOL
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Owl hoot hoot hoot.:P
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• United States
14 Nov 07
i hate getting up early so i guess that makes me an owl!
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Only if you sleep late too.:P
• United States
14 Nov 07
Well I would have to say that there are elements of both in me. I do stay up late as in 1 am or so but I also get up at 6 am for work. On the weekends I do sleep later as in maybe 10 or 11 am. I have bad sleeping habits for sure since it is obvious I don't sleep enough. But the system seems to work ok for me. On weekends when I get that extra sleep, I am a lot slower accomplishing things.
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• Singapore
14 Nov 07
Wow then you are very versatile!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I'm a lark at heart but an owl in practice. Nevertheless I do more or less bounce out of bed approximately 8 hours from the time I went there, regardless of when that might have been. The chirping sound is more appealing to me than the hooting sound, too, and yes I do my best work in the morning, so I do try not to stay up later than 2 a.m. in order not the miss the whole next morning. But there is much to be said for staying up late, too, and regardless of what time it is, I'm one of those who just does not want to ever stop what I'm doing to go to sleep, although, it is quite often necessary. The torment isn't so much getting up as going to bed.
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Well, no choice there. If you gotta get up, you gotta. :P
@dio123 (1788)
• India
14 Nov 07
hi, Now I found who is like me, I am also an owl and No body is dare enough in my house to wake up early in the morning I love to sleep late and wake up late
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Good that you found your natural rhythm of things.=)
• Canada
14 Nov 07
Snuggling owls - Two snuggling owls...even though my hubby really is a lark in disguise.
Hello again... Good to see you back here more often. It is not a big reach for anyone to know my natural tendencies. Of course they are that of an owl. I have always been able to stay up late and like you keep crazy nocturnal hours and manage quite well. My hubby on the other hand is a lark and we have had to learn how to interesting juggle and to adapt to our different patterns. Sometimes he willingly stays up late when we are doing something we enjoy together. Other times I will rally myself and go to bed early when when we have to get up earlier in the morning. So overall we do quite well in supporting each other and adapting as we need to. We feel fortunate to be self-employed and work, play and relax on our own schedule rather than being forced into an artificial one because we work for others. Fun topic, Raia
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
It's comforting to know that your husband is so understanding. And geez, I like the pic of snuggling owls. How sweet!
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I am 75% lark, 25% owl. I usually am early to bed, early to rise. But once in a while I stay up late for one reason or another, and enjoy sleeping in, if I can. Usually I can't because my son is up early every day. Once he is up we are all up.
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
It's good to be able to be flexible. =)
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
14 Nov 07
I am definitely a night owl. Sometimes I wish I weren't. My husband is a lark. He is in bed by 9:00 some nights. I find the quiet of the evening after everyone has gone to bed "my time". I try and force myself to go to bed at a decent time but it doesn't always happen. Going to bed "early" is not an option due to my health. I will not go to sleep if I go to bed early. So part of it is of my own doing, and part of it is health-related. Whichever way you look at it, I'm a real hoot!
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Hoot hoot. =) My first thought was if only your hubby is an owl too. Then my second thought became actually it is good for a couple to consist of an owl and a lark - especially when the years drag on. We all want our private time and a lark-owl situation naturally allows both parties time to themselves.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
15 Nov 07
I'm neither an owl or a lark. But I'm definitely a bunny. I sleep when I feel like sleeping. I stay awake when I feel like staying awake. I didn't bother to check on the clock nor use any alarm clock. The only time I turn into an owl is when this little babycake of mine kept me entertained all through out the night, lol.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
The good news is that I'm a lark for 2 days now. I shall continue to be a lark since I find that I'm more energetic and woke up refreshed and oriented. =)
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
No no, don't lie through your bunny whiskers. You are an owl - an even worse owl than me! :PPP
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Well considering I work midnight shift, I am an owl. I have always been a night person. I don't do mornings, in fact I have a shirt that says much to that affect. So I guess I
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• United States
16 Nov 07
yup, swinging through the trees in the darkness.. hooting & hollering and waiting for unsuspecting banana thiefs to throw rotten bananas at !!!
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
14 Nov 07
I guess you could say I'm a lark. I like to get up early and start my day as soon as I wake up, but I don't really go to bed that early. Between the two, I
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Chirp chirp. :P
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Hello there. I am an OWL in denial. I want to be a Lark but been finding it very difficult to turn in early. =( I think I am suffering from insonmia. Sob sob. I'll also sleep only during the wee hours of the night. As a result, I find it extremely difficult to wake up early even though I have to do that almost everyday. The result of being an OWL for me is... dark eye rings... LOL
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Geez, what's so good about being a lark? *ROLL EYES* And it's hard. Let me tell you my story. I am an owl. I sleep like 5 or 6am then I had to totally upset my cycle when I was called for reservist. So I had to wait up at the time I sleep. Imagine that! Then what it ended, I actually thought I might become a mini lark. But ended up that 10pm sleeping time became 12am, then 2am then 5am and geez, in no time, despite my attempts to maintain the larky habit, my owl form reasserted itself and here I am again. HOOT.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
16 Nov 07
LOL. Well.. my turn to share my story. When I was in JC 1, I was an OWL. I often stayed up to watch television programs and soccer matches. Despite my late night sleeping habit, I still had to wake up at 545am to make it for school. As a result, I was always late for school and I did badly for my promos (always kena retained). =p So, when I was in JC 2, I decided to become a Lark. I sleep at 11pm daily (except days with soccer matches) and that really helped me to concentrate better during the day and do better for studies. =D I guess you are lucky to have a job that allows you to sleep at 5 or 6am (perfectly fit your OWL characteristic). I am curious.. What time do you wake up?
• United States
15 Nov 07
I am an owl... I don't give a hoot about early rising, and while I do consider my life a lark, I would never want to be one. Not only that I don't sing well.
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• Singapore
15 Nov 07
Lol, who says owls can't sing? :P
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• United States
15 Nov 07
Good answer. And some of them do have a lovely, rich and melodic voice. But have you ever heard a bunch of barred owls in the middle of the night? Frightening. Like a bunch of insane hyenas!
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• United States
15 Nov 07
Also, they're not listed as song birds! They're listed as predators!
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