What is your religion?
By Monkeyrose
@Monkeyrose (2840)
19 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Nov 07
It's a modern religion based off various older religions. Depending on what particular type of Wiccan a person is, their influences might be Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, or many other ancient cultures. It's basically a modern reinterpretation of ancient religions... it has nothing to do with the Christian devil at all.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
I guess thats one way that you might look at it. Wiccan is a new aged pagan religion. It has few border and boundries. Basic elements of it are the element of the goddess as mother earth. Its also about connectedness to the earth and the elements. It involves meditation.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
3 Jan 08
I have heard of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu. I haven't read much but Iknow people of these relgions. I have never heard of Diccordian though. Would you be able to elaborate on this religion? I am very much interestest in learning about different people's beliefs.
Also how do you combine all these? Or is this just a way to discribe your beliefs?

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Nov 07
On the most basic level, or rather in the most basic of terms I am Pagan Buddhist...More specifically though my path is a blend of Witchcraft (not to be confused with Wicca mind you), Buddhism, Vodou and Native American Spirituality
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Nov 07
Wicca is a new religion whereas I am a practitioner of old world Witchcraft which isnt a religion but a practice...I don't believe or follow any of the Wiccan ways, for example there is no Rede for me....I do things "old school" so if something needs to be dealt with, it is (thats just a simple example)..another example would be I dont bother casting circles, using tools etc etc, everything I need is in me (energy/gods and goddess') or around me (items found out in the world or in my kitchen etc etc)..I dont follow or celebrate the Sabbats (othe than Samhain for very personal reasons and Yule but thats also my wedding anni LOL) but I do celebrate the change of the seasons...I do have a BoS BUT only because my memory sucks and I'll be passing it on to my kids when they are grown...
Wicca is a set, recognized religion with a specific system of rules, beliefs etc..Witchcraft is a way of life for me, very natural, very everyday-ish really and isnt a religion at all...
Hope that clears it up some for you..I just got up and dont even have a 1/2 cup of coffee into me yet LOL....
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
19 Nov 07
Thats interesting. Whats the difference between witchcraft and wicca?
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
20 Nov 07
hehe well it pretty much makes it a lot more confusing for me. I consider myself wiccan but I don't really follow it a lot. I tend not to like structure which is why wicca drew me to it. You can prety much believe what you want.
When you say witchcraft are you saying that you perform the spells etc but don't really believe in the philosophy of wicca?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Nov 07
Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan, always. Well, actually, when I was young my great-grandmother who was teaching me just called it "Celtic Pagan" but later when we talked about the Reconstructionist title we decided it fit what we were doing. There are some elements of my religion that are not exactly what my ancestors did because of imperfect historical records, or because of simply having to live in the modern world.
My choice of religion was mostly caused by dreams I had of my primary Goddess as a young child, but the fact that it was my great-grandmother's religion and she was always kind to me helped as well. I was lucky to have her to learn from.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Nov 07
Yes, I follow the Celtic Gods. Personally, my main deity is Morrigan, because she came to me in dreams as a child, though I follow many other Celtic deities as well. I believe in my deities as actual separate entities, so I'm a true polytheist. I point that out because many Wiccans equate all Gods with one God, and all Goddesses with one Goddess, or all deities with one divine entity, from my experience in the pagan community.
My religion is a lot more structured than Wicca, I think. I've known Wiccans who claimed to believe and practice some really different things. Celtic Recons basically try to be as historically accurate as possible, and stay pretty much within the sphere of whatever specific Celtic region they're dealing with.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
I'm really interested to hear more about your religion. Do you believe in the Celtic gods? How is it structured? Is it similar to wicca?
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
yes wicca is very open. You can believe in multiple gods. Some people stick to one deity. I personally dont actually believe in gods in a particular sense at all. I sorta believe in the energy of the earth moving around. Gods are just personifications of this.
Thats interesting. I didn't know that people still believed in the celtic pagan religions.
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@caf48180 (281)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I dont have one...I just dont think trying to figure out how we got here or anything like that is a waste of time really not to insult anyone. I just dont feel the need for it im my life all I know is i am here and i am living so thats what I do is live.but my girlfriend of 4 years is Wiccan but she does not get involed in it very often just because their are not many left around here.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
Well everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Does that mean your an atheist? That you don't believe in god?
I don't really get involved with Wicca a lot either. I'm not really a practicing witch. I just believe that it fits the most with my personal beliefs. I am definately a solitary witch.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
20 Nov 07
Well everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions. I do agree that religion has caused millions of deaths and wars through the years. I still believe that everyone is entitled to have a belief though, as long as it doesn't adversly affect others.
I'm not sure about humanity being the the best religion. What do you mean when you say this?
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
14 Jul 08
No, my parents were both Christian's. I have known my path in life since I was very young, even when my mother and father had me going to church I knew the path that I was meant to be on. I have never had any doubts.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
20 Jul 08
Wow thats odd that you even knew what wicca was at a young age. Especially if your parents were christian. I didn't know about real wicca until I was 8 or 9. Good for you for finding your place.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
Wow I envy that you can say that with such strong conviction. Spirtuality has always been quite unknown to me and complecated. It would be nice to just know and believe.
Did you're parents bring you up wiccan then?

@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Used to be Christian too, but I don't follow organized religion anymore for many reasons. I've been studying up on Paganism for many years now (although I haven't been doing that for months unfortunately). I don't have a good excuse for it, I'm just lazy.
@Captain_Car (10)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I have been an atheist since I was about five years old (give or take a year). I did not know what an Atheist was back then but I shared their ideas. But unlike most Atheists I won't sit around whining about Christianity or trying to convert them, so I don't really socialize with other Atheists.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
17 Nov 07
lol, that reminds me of highschool. Back in high school I was christian and I joined the christian club. I was also very intelligent and was in many classes/clubs with the intellectual group. They were all atheists. They wanted to start an atheist club because if the christians should have one why shouldn't they.
I thought it was ridiculous becaue atheists are anti-religion. Also I kinda thought, what are you going to do, sit around and talk about your lack of beliefs?
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@lynthec16 (18)
• Philippines
17 Nov 07
I was born as a Roman Catholic and i will always be.
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@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
23 May 08
i am a muslim, i will give you an advice to be a muslim, read the Holy Quran once the translation of it, and you will find out everything (INSHALLAH)GODWILLING
Quran the book of MUSLIMS,
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@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
1 Jun 08
i'm into Buddhist + Christianity
Sometimes i loves to be a christian and sometimes i become a buddhist.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
14 Jul 08

@dowhatyewill (15)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
I was brought up as a Christian, went to catholic school, church on Sundays, I was even an alter boy as a young teenager. As I grew up I started to question a lot of things. I also had a few experiences personally that made me stop and think very carefully. I have decided that most religions (especially Christianity) is all about keeping people in line, making them follow the rules set up by the hierarchy, as I get older and think about it more I don't believe it to be true.
I now follow Wicca, It is about Karma, do good things and good things come back, look after the earth and everything on the earth, and live your life as a good person, and the god and goddess will help you when you are in need... and in return, I will help others in need when I am able. And I don't have to follow strict rules or criteria to do this.... It gives me the freedom to foillow my religeon how I please, and I benefit from that. I love being Wiccan.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
14 Jul 08
I too was brought up Christian but now am Wiccan. I still follow a lot of christian philosophies. Like being good to other etc. but the wiccan religion makes more sense to who I am.
@dinxcarin (595)
• Singapore
1 Dec 07
I am a Christian. And I love being with Jesus.
Why do like being a wiccan?
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
4 Dec 07
I like being a wiccan because most of my beliefs that I have come upon on my own are the same if not similar to wiccan beliefs.
I like it because it fits me the most.
@sunchild2000 (511)
• Romania
30 Nov 07
I'm Christina orthodox but I don't really go to church or following the rituals (too exaggerated and too sever). our religion is full or superstitions and the priest are mean, not to mention that in the church the songs are kind of scary and the atmosphere is dark. Oh well got to live with what you have.
@FireHorse (293)
• United States
28 Nov 07
I consider myself agnostic but still believe in God. I was a fundemental christian through my teen years but wound up studying the bible to much to believe it word for word, as fundi dogma dictates. My belief system is constantly in flux and evolving. The universe itself is "the word of God" to me. Physics has discovered new aspects of matter on the sub atomic level that are blurring the lines between metaphysics and conventional science. It now seems as though sub atomic particles actually respond to conscious intent and may well be MADE of pure thought energy. For anyone interested in further exploration of these ideas I suggest "What the Bleep Do We Know", "Down the Rabbit Hole", "The Power of Attraction: The Secret", and Zeitgeistmovie.com
If we can alter matter and circumstances individually with our thoughts, imagine what we could accomplish collectively!
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
2 Jan 08
I too was a christian through my teens. I found that I too did not believe everything I read in the bible. Especially when I started to read different versions of it.
I am really interested in metaphysics and conventional science. I'm a big believer in energies on the atomic level and how it affects us.
Thank you for the suggestion of books. I'm not a big science nut; is there one that is written in lay man's terms?
@rovian (1924)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I was born into a Christian family and had the beliefs forced onto me. At a young age, I didn't know what Christianity was. I didn't realize it but I was on a slow process of leaving that religion. It started when I stopped praying and when I would get asked why, I said it doesn't do anything. I am now older and no longer part of it. Another thing that caused my change was that I felt the bible was trying to tell me how I should think.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
I had similar problems to you with my belief system. I was brought up loosely christian until I as 7 when my parents started forcing me to go to church. My Dad refused to go though. It was very strange.
I do now believe in praying and meditation but not in the same way I did as a christian. I find when you ask god for something directly you often don't get it. The bible was also difficult for me to understand. I know that it was written by people and handed down over generations so I had a difficult time believing it.
I also didn't understand how people could pick and choose which things to follow in the bible. For example women are not supposed to leave their house during their mentrual period are not allowed in church because they are considered unclean. Noone follows this rule... but they make a big stink about homosexuality and how god says that is wrong.??