She Thinks I Charged To Much??!!

United States
November 17, 2007 2:31pm CST
Ok I babysit for a boy and girl. They are moving. She asked me to watch the kids from 9pm last night till 3 pm today. I said No problem. It would be 30$. 30$ for 2 kids {3 and 5} for 18 hours. Thats 1.60$ an hour!! She had the nerve to say I was charging to much!! Well to bad. If you want your kids watched you have to pay. I am not a free service!! She payed but not willingly. What do you think? I think I was very fair! Thanx for listening. :)
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46 responses
• United States
17 Mar 08
I'd say you didn't ask for enough. When I used to babysit, people would pay me $20 just to watch their kids for an 8 hour workday. I'd watch them five days out of the week. They lived down the street, so I didn't have to drive, but if I did have to drive I would have asked for more in order to compensate for gas.
3 people like this
• United States
17 Mar 08
Thats what I normaly charge 25$ a day for two kids. Usually 3-5 days a week. The only reason I charge more for over night is because I feed them dinner, bath them, and put them to bed. I also have to get up with them if they get up in the night. Then in the morning I feed them breakfast and get them dressed. Some people just take things for granted. I mean come on your trusting your children with someone else overnight. I should get all of what I asked for if not more.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
evenConsidering it was overnight and they were sleeping 90% of the time that still was a GREAT deal i babysit for my aunt from about 3pm till 9 am and she pays me $100 so you gave her an awesome deal not sure what her problem was! but what is she complaining about she got quality childcare and an veyr inexpensive price!
• United States
18 Nov 07
Hell I could have charged her 5$ an hour. But I know she dosent make a whole lot so I try to help out but not jip my self.
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@citygirl (1080)
• Canada
18 Nov 07
I think you were fair as well. If she thought it too much then she shouldn't have gotten you to keep them I assume she knew the price ahead of time, but either way it was more than fair. I paid that much for my two when they were young and they are in there twentys now. The world doesn't owe her favors so why does she think you do I wonder. Even at the price it was still a favor. Take care.
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• United States
18 Nov 07
Thanx. She knew how much I wanted. She asked what I would charge and I said if there hear all night and tomorrow I will charge 30. If there here just for the day I will charge you 20. And No I dont owe her a darn thing. I have watched her kids for over a year now. She owes me!!
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Sounds like she needs to get a grip on reality...I'm sure she wouldn't have watched your boys for free, or anything less than $30. If she has a problem then she can go find someone else...It would have been less if she would have had them stay home and not brought them until morning...You didn't charge enough...She is lucky that you only charged her $30..Next time she can find someone else to do it...
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Remember, she is used to the state paying for her kids childcare, but now that she makes too much money and has to pay for childcare herself she doesn't want to...How sad for the children..She is very lucky to have you...
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• United States
18 Nov 07
I know right. Like its an inconvienence to pay for child care. Its like she dosent care for them.
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• United States
17 Nov 07
You know what gets me these people that drop off their kids, mind you, THEIR kids, the most important thing in the world, and they argue about paying someone who will feed AND cook for them, talk to them, play with them, dress them, keep them safe and out of danger, are trusting you to be the Mom for a while, and then they complain about the money?.........PULEEZE! That totally disgusts me and I would drop her like a bad habit. You were totally way beyond fair and I give you much credit for doing it, and I don't care whether they were sleeping or not.
• United States
18 Nov 07
EXACTLY!! I have to take responcibility and then they bitc* about the price! I was more than fair! Next time I will say sorry I already have plans. I will still watch him while shes working but thats it. No extra times. She ruined it!!
2 people like this
• United States
18 Nov 07
You have a heart of gold, Copper. Do you think its going to be the same between the two of you anymore since she complained? Or are you her only alternative in babysitting?
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• United States
18 Nov 07
Im the only one she has to watch her kids. She always says Oh so and so is going to watch them but ends up bringing them to me anyways. Shes just going to have to understand that I dont do this for nothing!!
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@Curt6887 (26)
• United States
18 Nov 07
Well considering I pay 85 a week in daycare for 1 kid and shes there from 12 till 3 every day not including weekends. Honestly if you wanted to watch my kid for 30 dollars every 18 hours id say heck yes! 30 dollars is a small price to pay for a baby sitter especially for almost a full day with 2 kids!
2 people like this
• United States
18 Nov 07
WOW. 85$ for 3 hours a day! Thats alot I think. I would do it for 10$ a day! LOL. Some people just take things for granted!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
18 Nov 07
fair??? i will say that you are being very very generous to her... childcare here is so expensive... for 18 hours and 2 children she is only paying $30 and still complaining??? shame on her... here, for 8 hours and 1 child, you will be looking for at least $80 and if you pick the child late, they start counting you by minutes... $1.20 per minutes... imagine that... so i don't really understand what is she complaining about... next time, she can look for other people who want to do this job for her with that price... some people are just ridiculous... good on you for standing up for your right...
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• United States
18 Nov 07
She just dosent care apperantly. She knows I take care of the kids, change them, feed them, cloth them and make sure there safe. And yet has the nerve to tell me its to much. Well next time its 2$ and hour for each kid. That is if there is a next time.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
18 Nov 07
You should not have to justify what you charged for childcare. That is cheaper than the going rate when I watched children more than twenty years ago. That is cheaper than what state assistance pays, and they pay cut rates. It is too bad that she cannot figure out that she has to pay for good service. At least she did pay you, and not stick you, after you watched them.
@youless (112897)
• Guangzhou, China
17 Mar 08
I think it depends on the average paid from your place. I think if she thinks the money you require is high, then she can try to hire another one. Everybody has their price. Your working hour is very long. Here babysitting a baby is very expensive.
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@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
17 Nov 07
wow that lady got a deal and a half,i think you charged her way too low and she should not even say a single word.because if she had to take them to daycare,let me tell you she would be broke because they are so darn expensive.hey i got 3 kids for that price of $30 wow thats like nothing, i will be there in 6 hors or so depending on the traffic lol.i would really charge her more next time.shes just getting away too cheap and it's your time.pattie
2 people like this
• United States
18 Nov 07
Come on over! I would watch all the bubmlebees for a great group rate!! LOL!!! Thanx for the chuckle!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I think you gave her a really good deal actually. Most people around here would have charged her at least $2 an hour per kid. She should not be complaining.
2 people like this
• United States
18 Nov 07
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
18 Nov 07
Fair? I'd say fair doesnt even begin to cover it! These days people will ask expecting you will drop our price. Many do just cause theya re caught off guard or dont' want to loose the job. Next time ask her if when she is shopping at Target or Sears or some store, does she ask them to drop their prices? I really hate it when people do that. What an insult. Glad you held your ground.
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• United States
18 Nov 07
LOL!! Thats funny!! I did hold my ground. My time is worth it. She trusts me to care for, change, and feed her children. She shouldnt complaine! I could have charged hger a whole lot more!!
• United States
21 Mar 08
Girl that was a favor. That's an awesome price, thats what our babysitter charges us to keep our children when or if we need a night, or have a business trip or whatever. That's a great price, because when i was searching for babysitter, before we had a permanent one, they were going to charge us 95.00 for our two children for 16 hours! We can't afford that. 30.00 is an AWESOME PRICE, you did her a major favor!! She couldnt' find a better price than that if she tried.
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• United States
17 Mar 08
My God!!!.... what? Baby sitting for 30dollars I would have you watch my kids everyday. That is too generous. The lady who lives next to us is a baby sitter and you can't pay her 100 dollars she gonna name her bills. she takes children age 3-9yrs old and you have to pay here from 100dollars and bring lunch for your kids. If you plan them to stay late at night you have to add the money for her to make dinner for them. She will lecture that she did not graduate from school to make 50dollars. Children like her so parents around my place often talk about her. when we had a party once one other lady asked me How I'm dealing with my kids and no baby sitter . I explain we are sharing hours to watch them. I think you are a gift to that stupid woman.
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@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
5 Dec 07
I think you gave her to cheap a deal. So think you were more then fair. She must have not counted the per hours that totaly up to $30. I would have charged more for that many hours and those 2 ages. That must have been kinda frusterating for you. Sorry you got such a headace from the mother. The parents never think she must have had alot of work to watch our two very young kid I'll be nice and pay her the price she asks. I am a mother and I always ask the baby sitter when I get their how was my son? if he was frusterating to them and you know by looking at the face or expresses. I say I am sorry. He was 2 the last time any one watched him. But I would never complain about the price because that person is taking time out of the day to watch my kid who ain't always the perfect angel. he is alot, but not always. He's 3 yrs. now and I can't imagine how he would be around a babysitter. I can't find one here, I like to hire people I know.
• United States
6 Dec 07
To bad I didnt live by you. I would watch him even if hes a turd sometimes LOL!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Nov 07
$30 for 2 children, 18 hours and it was overnight? I WOULD OF CHARGED MORE LOL sorry for the caps. Who does she think you are? She's getting off lightly for paying that amount of money and its not fair on you because you should be charging more for that length of time AND its overnight. Do you have to feed them and such? If so that should cost more. Sorry but thats my opinion. I would be glad to pay that amount of money if someone nice like you babysat for my 5 year old son AND it was overnight. If she doesn't like what you charge she can always find someone else. If she took her children to daycare I bet she will be paying double for just 8 hours.
• United States
19 Nov 07
I have to feed them and change one of them. The 3 year old boy is not potty trained. He will be 4 next month!
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• United States
19 Nov 07
My boys were 28 months and 3 when they were trained but I payed attention to them and worked with them. She still has him in diapers. Not even pull ups. Shes not trying and its sad. She didnt have to work when I watched them over night. They were moving and figured it would be easier without the kids. They brough them to me in the evening so they didnt have to get them up at 6am to bring them.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Sometimes I hear that boys take a lot longer than girls to potty train so that could be it, but then again maybe the mom is not paying much attention to it and encouraging her son to use the potty. I know it takes a lot of time, effort and patience and it needs to be consistent. Where does she work at night for 18 hours?
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@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
18 Nov 07
I used to get paid 30 dollars a day..and that was from 7 in the morning till 5 p.m. I babysat a boy and a girl. The mother has to realize that your sacrificing your day to look after 2 children (which is very stressfull if they are busy kids) You werent charging to much at all! if you charged any less than that would just be wrong.
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• United States
18 Nov 07
I also babysit a 10 month old and a 3 year old brothers. There mom pays me 25$ a day for 6-8 hours. She got a heck of a deal at 30$ for 18 hours!!
• United States
17 Nov 07
That price is more that fair i think. I also babysit a lot and I charge 2 dollars per child I have never had anyone tell me that I charge to much. I also feed the kids out of my home and thats why i charge this amount. Don't change your price because of one unsatisfied parent.
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@geot08 (46)
17 Nov 07
No you did not charge too much. You charged too little. I'm surprised she said it was too much because if I were her I wouldnt have complained. You gave her a good deal.
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• United States
17 Mar 08
LOL, I dont think that is too much, for 18 hours thats reasonable. The only problem for you now is that she probably wont come back to you... Good luck!
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• United States
17 Mar 08
She did come back several times. She never had a problem with it sence. I think she realized what a deal I was giving her and how much I do for the kids.
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