When Two Arent Enough!!

United States
November 18, 2007 3:02pm CST
I was answering a comment on a discussion and low and behold the ebay advert at the top was for 3 fake breasts.....???? Intrigued by this, I clicked the add. Heres the link http://cgi.ebay.com/FAKE-BREASTS-3-BREASTS-Life-Size-Feel-Real-NEW-R1497_W0QQitemZ190173570232QQihZ009QQcategoryZ19255QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting So the ad reads that you too can look like the hot chick from Total Recall. Again...????? Other than a practical joke, what do you think these could be used for? Im really wracking my brain and cant come up with a single reason why I would purchase something like this and actually use it!! Have any ideas?? This should be fun! LOL Bay Lay Gray xx
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11 responses
• United States
18 Nov 07
I always thought that bar girl in Total Recall was a turn on! And it seems obvious to me the benefit of three... one for each hand and one to enjoy with the mouth!
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• United States
18 Nov 07
LMAO!! Oh goodness!! Leave it up too you Zig!! I dont remember anyone in this film with 3 boobs...but it has been a long time since I seen it. So I could have just missed it or forgotten. But they are fake! So what would you buy them for?? Besides a joke! Bay xx
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• United States
18 Nov 07
PS: She was a 'flasher' and went around flashing everybody all night!
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• United States
19 Nov 07
Haven't you ever heard of the Third Eye??? You do have 3 of them Bayleigh!
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Hi so I looked at this picture and even ask my man if he knows what that can be used for. And his answer was : I hope I will not see this in my life..what the hell is that..he continued..so I guess we could not figure it out for what someone would purchase something like this...I guess it is for some party, but I am not sure it would be funny for someone. But I am sure maybe som guys would like that???
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• United States
19 Nov 07
Hey Laurika, Hmm I dont know if some guys like this or not. I know one guy that wont and thats my hubby! haha I hope some more men will stop by and tell us what they think. Gamer said he couldnt see any point to it. Maybe the freaks will come out and give some responses. lol Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I was thinking what about my man would say he like it , how I would react ???I would probably call doctor for him. what about you? If your man will say , he likes it? LOLb (i know crazy , just wonder)
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• United States
19 Nov 07
Im p!ssed at him right now, so I havent really talked to him or shown him anything. He better not say that he likes it. Bay xx
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I think I'll pass on that one.... I have no use for it at all... My hubby is busy enough with the couple real ones I've got...
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Mine would probably say "Oh, I love you just the way you are..." Just like when you have little boobs and they tell you that anything more than a mouthful is a waste!
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• United States
19 Nov 07
HI Dawn, Ok so just for fun, you should ask him! Show him the pic and then ask him what thinks of it. Im going to show my man when he comes home tomorrow. I cant wait to see his reaction! Hes so shy its not even funny. You should of seen how nervous he was when I took him into an Adult Shop. Pricless!! lol Bay xx
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Thanks for the link Bay. I would like to un-see that now. Pass the eye bleech please?
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
20 Nov 07
I'm shy... sometimes. But check out my response on the Ex-Gays thread... you might get a chuckle out of it :) And its not that I dont like boobs... i just dont "get" them. Why are straight guys so obsessed? I think ill start a discussion about that hahaha...
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• United States
20 Nov 07
LMAO!!! Well you dont like boobs no way do you hon??? I find it really funny that you found that offensive in a way. *passing Tee the eye bleach* LOL Where you been hiding??? Not seen you around in a very long time, dont be such a stranger!! Bay xx
• United States
20 Nov 07
Ill check it out. :) Thanks. I love a good laugh! Well honey, I dont know why men are so obsessed with boobs. I mean I know I cant help but stare a nice pair of them and Im not bi or anything. LOL I like men with no boobs! LMAO Bay xx
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Nov 07
Would be Great for Triplets, or twice around, sextupalets. Other than that I can think of nothing. AS for being Hot, I'd say it was total Overkill!
• United States
20 Nov 07
Well yeah I have heard of men having 3 nipples. Chandler on Friends said he had 3 of them. LOL Not sure if you watch friends or not. I have personally never seen this phenomenom, I dont think I could handle it if I did. LOL Some people are born with extra limbs and things, so why not some boobs?? Still.....strange. Bay xx
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• United States
26 Dec 07
That was very interesting Bare! lol To say the least. So you can really do that to a cow eh? I had no idea! You learn something new everyday! Hehe Bay xx
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@Toni_07 (175)
• United States
19 Nov 07
That is too funny about the triplets..never thought of it like that. LMBO
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
18 Nov 07
Ooookay then.... Maybe someone could use it for roleplay or something. But I'm with you Bay. My minds just not getting this. "Does not compute"
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
25 Nov 07
I'm hoping this response won't go down like brewers droop, but wouldn't most men kill for two organs, especially if they need a spare? I mean what fun! Sorry this is turning into an x rated response! But as for three, well two's company, three's a crowd, there's now where to, no I won't even go there. Thanks for putting a smile on my face, but it seems that Ebay will sell anything! Trouble is there will always be a buyer out there for these 'er unusuall items'
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Okay, I am praying that my hubby isn't searching around Ebay and runs across these, because I KNOW he would order them!! LOL I can't count to you how many times he has brought up the chic with the 3 boobs from Total Recall, and I'm pretty sure he's ask me to wear them, even if just for a laugh! I can't think of any other reason to use these either Bayleigh. Maybe you get an extra in case you lose one? Who knows? LOL
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@sumi123 (129)
• India
21 Nov 07
Hey this is crazy i really wonder what they will do with this. Mens may like it and as it is so different but i think it will look odd when worn.
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• United States
21 Nov 07
Hi Sumi, yes very crazy! Im thinking it would look really silly too. It looks very unnatural to me. haha Bay xx
• India
21 Nov 07
O no!!! this is the most weird thing i have seen sold on e-bay or for that matter anywhere.....gosh why would they want to make something like that? LOL and i have to ask you something...i have a blog on gifts that i keep posting on different ideas can i post this link there?...LOL i hope nobody ever thinks this will make a great gift idea!!!..and thanks for sharing this and make us all laugh and THINK LOL
• United States
21 Nov 07
Hi Ano!! Yes I agree, rather strange! Slightly entertaining too though. LOL You sure can take the link, I dont see why not! Your very welcome, thank you for stopping by!! Have a great day! Bay xx
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@Toni_07 (175)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Hello, That is insane! Never in my life have i seen anything like that. Im sure that there are alot of people out there that would be turned on by that i are to scared to admit it. Good discussion peice :)
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• United States
19 Nov 07
They should be scared to admit that! lol Id like to see someone come along and say how sexy it is. lol I dont remember this chick in Total Recall, but I guess she was there. Its been a long time since I seen that movie really. I guess its the chick behind the bar??? Bay xx