are you depressed??
By angelface23
@angelface23 (2494)
United States
18 responses
@ilse72 (1450)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Angelface, you need to get out! Are you married? If so, your husband needs to keep the baby once in a while so you can jsut get away. If you live near family, get them to keep your baby ocassionally...or a friend. Time away is important to not lose sight of are more than a mommy. Being a stay at home mom can make you feel very isolated...especially if all your friends work. You need to get involved in some "mommy and me" groups so that you meet others like you. These groups lead to strong friendships as well as babysitting swaps so that moms can have alone time. Check your local YWCA...most have mommy and me groups. Also ask around, someone will know of resources in your area. Good luck!

@happygal68 (3275)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Dollbaby, That is a great suggestion "mommy & me" classes. Even if you can't find any like that, just take a walk with the baby. That way you are aleast getting out of the house & you both will get to benefit from the fresh air. That is what I used to do when my boys were little & write in my journal (this helped more than ever).
Hope things start looking up for you, hun.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
29 Oct 06
thank you for the reply. We actually went out last night. So that was nice but we ended up spending too much $. I am not a SAHM though. My grandma watches her alot for us. I just don't know why lately I am just so sad and pissed off at the world and theres no pinpoint reason for it. I am trying to get back on insurance so I can get help.
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@lectricky (680)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Oh, hon, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. Have you considered that you might have post-natal depression?
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
29 Oct 06
I guess I might. Like at my 6 week checkup they gave me Prozac to take for 14 days and it really worked. But now I am off insurance so I can't go to the doctor. It's weird too cause I will be in a good mood and then do a complete 360 and just cry and be so pissed off but I don't know why I am feeling it cause a minute ago everything was fine. I mean I have my good and bad days and I never feel any animosity towards the baby but I seem to take it out on my fiance ALOT!
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@hush5605 (674)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Hi angelface! I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a hard time. It sounds as though you may be suffering from postpartum depression. I'd suggest contacting your doctor and filling them in on how you're feeling and see if they can suggest anything that may help. Getting out with a friend once in a while is necessary to keep your spirits up - is there someone you could have come in and watch the baby for a few hours so you can get out and enjoy yourself? I hope your baby is doing well. I wish you all the best..
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@mommygirlX4 (675)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Do ur baby and urself a favor. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!! But I know how you fell I am a stay at home mom of 4. I can't drive. It makes me nuts.
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
29 Oct 06
t/y for the reply. I don't have insurance anymore. I reapplied for the state insurance and i guess it takes 2-3 weeks and that was about 3 weeks ago. I called on Thursday to check on it and they said it was still pending so I don't know. I faxed all the stuff they needed on Friday so maybe by this week I should hear something. But I have major dental problems and something is wrong with my stomach too.
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@twmoores (566)
• United States
29 Oct 06
I also so go to the doc. It would help you alot, also start talking to your partner, and friends... they will help you if nothing else by letting you know your not alone. You can email me here if you like, I would love to talk to you. I am also a mother of 3, one who is just a yr old...and because she is very attached have not been able to go back to work. So I know what your going through. ((HUGGS))
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@littletoad (317)
• Canada
29 Oct 06
This is a perfectly normal way for a new mother to feel, and it's good to recognize it. But to recognize it fully, you need to see your doctor. Thare are medications and support groups too numerous to mention. And I'm sure with a new baby, since everyone just loves babies, that you must have had offers from people to babysit. Take them up on it! It's the best way to get time for yourself. And when the baby is napping, spoil yourself a little either with a nap yourself, a relaxing bath with candles, or just having quiet time.
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@spirit1949 (373)
1 Nov 06
You have to make time for youself, your time. Make your husband stay in and baby sit for a few hours while you get away from the house, or pay a baby sitter to get out.
@HerShe (2383)
• Canada
29 Oct 06
Congratulations on your new arrival!! Post natal depression is not uncommon. My advice would be to talk to your doctor about it before it gets worse. I don't think it ever gets better without some kind of professional help. My daughter was the same way after her first one. She never went for help. She now has two and quite frankly, she's a mess!
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@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Maybe you have postpartum depression. First, you should talk with your doctor, and maybe get some anti-depressives. Second, do you have some family members or friends that you could ask to take the baby off your hands for maybe an afternoon or a night so you could go out without him or her?
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@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
29 Oct 06
Yes, I am depressed and take it from someone who has been there -- get help immediately. Also know that you have those that love and need you -- you need to stick around for them. Depression can be dealt with. You just need the help of a good doctor, preferably a good psychiatrist and psychologist. I'm taking both medications and receiving counseling right now. They really do help.
@vbembot (747)
• Philippines
29 Oct 06
just think of your baby. why take your own life? it was your choice so be it.
@charmedone (593)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I had post partum depression after my youngest son was born. I was so depressed and I cryed all the time. Every time my fiance would leave the house I would break down and didn't want him to go. Best thing I can suggest is to try to get out of the house even if its just to go to a family members home and hang out. Im still a stay at home mom and my son is 3 now, so when I feel like I need to get out I go to my moms. And sometimes my sister comes over and hangs out with me. We also have a girls night, where me, my sister, my brothers girlfriend and my aunt all get together with the kids and hang out while the kids play.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Wow, I don't think I'm at that point although I was scared to be alone with her in case something happened. I am feeling better now. I really don't believe in taking pills to solve your problems. Everyone has good and bad days. I think I am just a really intense person so when I am upset it's like the end of the world and pills aren't gonna fix that. I have a lot of friends for support though. Thanks for posting. How do you give someone a best response cause I can't figure it out??
@Trishzen (281)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I understand! For 15 months I've rarely given myself a break to do what I want to do! So tonight I'm going out and her daddy is going to put my baby to bed! I know I'll feel guilty and miss her but I really do need a break! If you can work it out with your hubby or a babysitter you might want to plan a night out for yourself every week, every other week or even once a month. It'll help recharge you!!
@LooneyToons (383)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I'm so sorry that you are depressed. I would seek professional help right away. If you can't do it for yourself, do it for your baby and the people in your life. You may be suffering from Post Pardum Depression.
@crazy_mom83 (7)
• Canada
29 Oct 06
I am so sorry that you are going through this. I too am a sufferer of post partum depression. I am a stay at home mom as well, and it gets very repetative, depressing, frustrating, and any other emotion you can think of. If you can't get to a doctor, at least try to phone a councelor, or a crisis workeror anyone else that you can talk to. And just remember that post partum is NOT YOUR FAULT. It is a chemical and hormonal imbalance. After having a child, your body goes through MAJOR changes, and sometimes it takes a while for your body to get back to normal. seek out help from any source you can. And until you can see a doctor, get out and walk if you can. That seemed to help me. please, feel free to message me anytime. I am always online :)