Do you believe in the concept of mortal sin? Have you ever committed one?
By ctrymuziklvr
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
United States
November 25, 2007 10:26am CST
Growing up in the Catholic religion I was taught that there are mortal and venial sins. The mortal sins were the huge sins that to me only adults committed like murder, stealing and adultry. They had to know they were doing wrong, it was VERY serious and it was done of their own free will. The venial sins were where I came in and had to go to confession for. These included disobeying my parents, swearing, lying and missing a Sunday at mass (which never happened!).
Do you believe in mortal and venial sins? Have you committed a mortal sin in your life?
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9 responses
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I am not catholic but i believe in God, my mother took me to church every Sunday morning, every sunday night, wednesday night Bible study, and to prayer meeting.I did this all my life.If anyone ever believed in God I do !!!The way i was brought up sin was sin regardless of how big or small the sin was...however i find That hard because to me telling a lie is not as bad as murder..I suppose i have committed most all sins in my life, except for a couple.I would never murder anyone..I spent most of my life going to church, so i suppose I have repented most of my life too.I have never used Gods name in Vain, but i have said small words like hell and stuff, i have never been a cusser though and i try never to use foul words...I was not taught mortal sins and venial sins but it does make sense to me..I really do not know anyone that has not sinned, but i was taught that if we sin we have an advocate with the father, and if we do sin ,then we should repent and ask God to forgive us and try not to do that again..I was brought up so ridgid that everything was a sin, so i have spent a lot of time repentimg..Not only was i taught sin but it was a sin to cut your hair, wear pants, shorts, or go to the movies..Now that i am older i am still a firm believer in God and i love god with all that is within me and i try very hard not to ever do the wrong thing..but i feel that a relationship with God is more important than all the rules that is sit down for us.When i feel that something i am about to do is wrong, then i will not do it...I just have got to the point that we are all sinners and saved by the grace of God..
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I agree with you in that our relationship with God is so much more important than all of the rules that we were brought up with. My problem has always been that the Catholic church has seen fit to change some of them which is why I'm not the "devout" Catholic I once was and I know I'm not alone in this.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I understand what you mean.It is the same way in the way i was brought up.When i was brought up the church had these strick rules that they taught us, and now all of a sudden they are changing and becoming different, just like the Catholic church is doing...It is confusing to us why we were taught one way and now it is different, and we get discouraged in the way they have done..If it was a rule back then, it should still be the same rule...The very thing that they taught us not to do, and instilled in us , they are now doing..It has made me lose confidence in the church, but not in God. God never changes.he is the same today ..So to me organized religion chances but Gods the same today and forever, so a relationship with God means more than all these things ...
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I was baptized catholic but never followed it. I've never labeled sins as mortal and venial but I understand what your saying. Having spent part of my childhood growing up with my Dad's side of the family (Catholic's) the biggest things we saw were swearing, lying, disobeying. It wasn't till I was older and on my own that I realized ppl really did commit mortal sins. I've never committed a mortal sin...I guess b/c I don't really fear jail as much as I fear disappointing God. I don't know if that makes sense.
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Yes, you make a lot of sense. When I was younger it was the fear of God and going to hell that scared me and now it's more the fear of going to jail! lol...
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Forgive me but I am so glad I am not Catholic. I wouldn't have been able to follow all the rules. And that is why I respect all faithful Catholics.I guess I believe that people believe in them. For me, you shouldn't steal, but if you are poor with no money for food, you have to.You shouldn't commit murder, but if you are in war, you must kill the enemy and there are people that should die, like murders and rapists and child molesters.And adultry is and should be defined by the coulpe. With some couples, it is s$x and others it would be falling in love with someone else.
As for the venial sins.Sunday around here means football and great movies. And yes I will happily go to hell if I had the choice between going to a place of worship on Sunday morning and staying home and watching The Redskins-Giants game or seeing the Fugitive.If G-d doesn't know that about me by now... And for swearing.That is half my vocabulary.So stopping isn't in my future.Disobeying good parents I can see as a problem but if you have bad parents that want you to do something against the law or your comfortable zone, then they should be disobeyed.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
26 Nov 07
I was raise catholic and when to catholic school till I graduated. Because what they thought to be BAD sins I didn't agree with I lost interest in the faith. A strict catholic would say that I have done a mortal sin but I think they could kiss my behind. I remember going in for confession and saying the same stuff as you but thought what was the point, I am going to do this all again this week? I am not really sorry so how can you forgive me? How can some human forgive me? Only the maker can really? So much doubts I had about this that I learned that the faith wasn't right for me. I am now spiritual on things that I truly feel, not what someone else tells me I should feel and I am a lot happier for it.
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@Reclusivehermitguy (21)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I also believe that a sin is a sin, for the most part. I don't agree with Catholics on a few things, but then again I suppose I don't agree with most Christian denominations. First and foremost, I believe in God, and in what Jesus taught. Secondly, I try to be the best person I can be. And beyond that, I just don't think anything else matters.
Have I committed what you call a mortal sin? I stole a rubber eraser and a small Hotwheels toy car as a child, but have since received God's forgiveness :).
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
26 Nov 07
im catholic, not a very good one, since i really dont go to church much... but i do belive in mortal sin. and i hope that i have good morals, and have lived a life without hurting someone else. emotionally, or physically.. that is. it doesn't matter what religion you are, if you are a good person, and live a good life that is what its all about. Peace!
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I guess I believe sin is sin and no matter the seriousness of the sin it's still sin. But, in response to your question yes, I have sinned, but am so very thankful that Our God is a forgiving God and I learned since that time that I will do anything and everything to please God and do my best not to sin - large or small.
@lillake (1630)
• United States
25 Nov 07
I'm not Catholic, or Christian even, so I do not belive in sin. At least not in the Christian meaning. Now sin as in an act that violates a moral code does exsist, I just don't believe that there is a god in the ksy creating that moral code. Thus I don't call it sin.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
26 Nov 07
I am not of the Catholic faith, ctry, and was brought up with the belief that sin is sin with no variation as to degree. I was also taught that all sins are forgivable except the sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. I would like to believe that some sins are greater than others. And, no, I have never committed a mortal sin.
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