The One TV Person I Can't Stand...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
November 27, 2007 12:33pm CST
Has there ever been a TV person that you just can't stand?
Mine is Judge Judy. That woman makes me want to punch her every time I see her. I think she's rude, hateful and a bully. She tells ppl to shut up, she's told ppl who have 2-3 kids that they need to quit having kids or they have too many, she's threatened to report parents and have their kids taken away and she makes fun of disabled ppl.
Yesterday at my Moms, my Stepdad was watching her and there was a guy on there that was deaf in one ear and was disabled and she told him he wasn't too disabled if he had 3 kids and then told him to sit down. She was so rude!
I avoid watching anything to do with her and I'd walk out if I ever ended up in a courtroom with her as the judge.
What do you think of her?
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69 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I get a kick out of her. Everyone who AGREES to appear on the show knows what to expect and as far as I know they get paid for it. So therefore I can't feel sorry for them. I also like to watch Judge Joe Brown he is not as rude as Judge Judy but he doesn't take too much crap from the real a$$holes and he does have a sense of humor. The female judge on "Peoples Court" can also be pretty brutal at times.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I love Judge Judy. She is not a teddy bear, she is a judge. She controls her TV courtroom. She does not badger people who do not disrespect the court. That guy wasn't disabled! I saw that episode! C'mon! You may disagree, but I think more people ought to tell off deadbeat dads. I love the way she tells people that if they make babies they should take care of them.
Do you really want to punch her? She is forever telling people not to put their hands on other people in violence. What ever happened to sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?
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@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Drannahh, words DO hurt. I have been told many hurtful things by my husband that have made me cry, like that I am a bad mother, a lazy woman, a bad wife, and on several occasions a c*nt.
I said to myself, he is the one with the problem, I am not all the things he says I am but it does not make his words less hurtful.
There is a way to Judge without the put downs. I agree she goes overboard with her comments. even though some people may deserve it, I find alot of times her negative comments/verbal abuse is not necessary and is hurtful.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I am sorry to hear your husband has such low self-esteem that he would try to bring you down verbally in order to puff himself up. This must be quite difficult.
But secretly, sometimes, don't you wish that someone could make your husband feel what it is like to be on the receiving end of some words that could hurt him enough to make him understand that he is wrong when he uses words to abuse you. Don't you like to see a woman who is strong and can handle herself?
The difference between a verbal abuser and someone like Judge Judy is the verbal abuser has no authority and uses words to hurt someone weaker. Judy uses words to teach women to be strong and stand up for themselves and to put bullies in their proper perspective. People who are codependent with bullies enable their behavior and facilitate more violence.
Judy is completely non-violent. She is a champion for the rights of children and is completely intolerant of spousal abuse whether it is verbal or otherwise.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I go along with you drannhh - she has to talk specific and straight...most of the time those people have done something so stupid and talk so stuid as in not even knowing their own facts, and have so little respect for where they are and why they are there, that she has no choice but to talk to them straight and specific. I don't think it is harsh, as what she says is what they did or do or said. She is just pointing out how stupid their action was, since they don't know or they wouldn't have done it. There is to much candy coating in the legal system these days - no one has to take resonsibility for anything anymore and the courts go along with it. Judge Judy doesnt
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I used to have a boss who looked very similar to Judge Judy. So when I see her I just think of Harriet. My old boss.
I hate a lot of people on TV... I'd say the first person that comes to mind is Oprah. Dr. Phil is the second person that comes to mind. Kelly Ripa is another person. I think the latter two are idiots. I just can't stand Oprah in general. She just really bugs me.
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@jtr115 (722)
• United States
28 Nov 07
I'm not a huge fan of Judge Judy, but she's not as bad as the trash talk hosts like Geraldo Rivera, Jerry Springer and Maury Povich. These hosts really exploit and make fun of people. They also highlight it in their commercials when the guests physically attack each other while the host sits back and laughs. Whenever I channel-surf past Maury, he's usually doing a show about paternity tests or severely-obese children. I can't believe some stations put these types of shows on during the afternoons when kids could see them.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
2 Dec 07
Good Grief!!!
Is Geraldo at it, too!?!
I used to have so much admiration for him.
The first time I heard of him was when he was exposing cruelty and neglect going on in an institution for mentally-handicapped people.
Guess I've been out of the loop when it comes to his antics, and I can't believe that he sold out.
Geraldo, Jerry, and Maury all used to be worthwhile journalists and talk show hosts, and I can't believe how they sold their souls to the devil of exploitation serving as entertainment.
Maybe, some of those screaming boot-camp officers from Maury's trashy show should get in THEIR faces and shame them!
I would be glad to be out in the audience cheering the screaming officers on and booing Geraldo, Jerry, and Maury!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 08
I absolutely cannot stand Jerry Springer and the trashy people he has on his show nor Maury Povich and find it hard to believe people would sit and watch that crap. they do indeed exploit people and they should be ashamed of all that they do.
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@Stiletto (4579)
27 Nov 07
LOL I LOVE Judge Judy! I think she's great. I only started watching the show a couple of years ago on satellite tv but I quickly got hooked on it. She is tough on some people but a lot of them deserve it. I mean, I wouldn't have a lot of patience with some of the losers that stand in front of her either, especially the ones with kids who obviously can't look after themselves let alone their children. I imagine that a lot of it is for the camera's benefit though. I guess in real life she's probably not quite like that.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I have seen her interviewed on other shows and she is not like that and seemingly is well loved by her family, grandchildren, also daughters in law!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
27 Nov 07
I don't like Letterman, I just don't think he is funny, mind you there are not many stand up comedy type people that I do like simply because most of their jokes is running people down, I believe a real funny is not at another persons expense even ig they are in the public eye and do silly things, I don't like laughing at people.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
27 Nov 07
I do not like her opinion of disabled people. She once told a man if he could walk, he could collect cans. There is a reason (for most) that people are ruled disabled. Mine, is Multiple Sclerosis. Yet, if she saw me, I look great. Which in her terms, I could work. By the way, we do collect cans for recycling. :-)
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I have to disagree with you. I love Judge Judy. She tells it like it is and is usually right on the money. It would be great if 1/2 the people take her advice and straighten out.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Personally, I enjoy watching Judge Judy...although, I do agree that at times some of the things that come out of her mouth have surprised me...LOL
Blessed be.
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@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
27 Nov 07
I used to like Sean Hannity, but now, he makes me sick. Him and his cohort, Alan Colmes. They drive me crazy and I no longer watch their show.
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@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
28 Mar 08
I don't mind Judge Judy, but she has said some things that really surprised me. I can't stand Sean Hannity! I used to watch his show faithfully, but now I can't stand him at all. He is so biased against democrats, yet he seems to support republicans no matter what crimes they commit. There's always some excuse. Rita Cosby was another Fox News person who grated my nerves. I was glad when she left Fox. I didn't find her credible, but everyone at Fox seemed to fall all over her feet and rave about what a great reporter she is.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
27 Nov 07
I have seen her and don't like the way she talks to people too. I think she does it for ratings. I don't bother with that show. That is terrible that she puts people with disabilities down and it isn't any of her business how many children a person has. I have three children and far from rich. But I can give them a loving caring home and that is all that should matter. Get bent holier than though Judy.
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
27 Nov 07
For the same reasons I am crazy about Judge judy, I like that she is so rude and obnoxious, because some of the goofies she has on her show need that, I dont care for judge Joe Brown cause he spends too much time trying to be a home boy and not enough time being a stern judge.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Nov 07
Jerry Springer in the one I cannot stand. It really isn't him, but his show.
As for Judge Judy, I do think she steps over the line, in some of her comments. She acts as if she knows all. Sometimes the people don't even get to say anything. I do like it when she calls out the bad apples that are trying to pull the wool over her eyes. I do not really watch it, but when my husband is home, he does.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Nov 07
The only thing I do not like is when she tells people who have two or three kids to stop having them if they are married. I do not mind if she tells a couple who have lived together (or living in sin) that they had better stop having children or else get married, but since I have not been able to bear my own kids, and since I know what is going on in Europe with the Europeans deciding not to have any kids or just one, I can see the future and anyone who encourages that future is not that good.
As for disabled, being deaf in one ear is not disabled. Did he say, he could not work?
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 08
I was under the impression that she meant people should plan for their children so that they can take care of the ones they have without having to get government aid and I can sure agree with that. Why should people who have already raised their own families have to pay for someone else's children because they were breeding like bunny rabbits and not trying to make their own way.I think large families are great if I do not have to help pay for their kids.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
28 Nov 07
I agree that judge Judy can be very rude and abrasive. This is why some people like her so much. I don't feel one way or the other about her. I don't watch her show or any other. I did read her book years ago and there was only one thing that was really memorable about it.
She says that sometimes at night, her husband leaves the toilet seat up. When she goes after him, she falls in. She says she then gets pots and pans and bangs them over his head while he is sleeping. I have always thought that this was a little harsh. If it were me, I would just turn the light on in the first place.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Mar 08
If you have ever sat down on a cold rim you would be upset also and I do not think that she really hit him over the head with anything that is just tv fluff to get people excited. He is also a judge and I doubt very much if he would let himself get hit over the head. Men doggone it should put the blasted lid down out of consideration for their wives.
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
27 Nov 07
My brother was actually on Judge Judy one time. She was really mean to him but his ex-girlfriend made him look really bad too. She went on and told Judge Judy that he threw something (can't remember what) at her and had pictures of a bruise on her back. It looked really bad on my brother if you didn't know what a lying, cheating person the girl was. She asked my brother if he had any siblings and he told her "yeah two". She then asked how they turned out and he told her fine. She told him that our mom should have stopped before him then. What a b!tch!!!
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
28 Nov 07
From what I have read is that if your case is accepted by the Judge Judy show you have to sign a document agreeing that the judgement is final and you cannot bring it up again in a regular court. Also both parties must agree to have the case heard on the show. Each party gets a fee for appearing and the judgement can only be in the amount that would be awarded in small claims court in their state. Also the show will not hear any criminal cases, only small claims cases with a maximum award of $5000 in most states, regardless of how much the plaintiff is out.
@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
29 Nov 07
They do pay them to be on the show! Both parties recieve $500 I think and then the show pays for the judgement too. In my brother's case the ex recieved $3,000 for her lies! It is true also as stated above that they have to agree to accpet Judge Judy's ruling and can't bring it up in any other courts.
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@kimberlylynn (978)
• United States
27 Nov 07
so how does the show work? Do they pay them to be on it? I always wondered about that.
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