Can a man be a good mom, too?

United States
November 28, 2007 1:55am CST
Do you think that it's possible for a Dad to have the same caring qualities of a Mom? Do you think that men can be just as good moms when caring for their own children as a woman would be? Personally, I do think that it's possible for a Dad to show the same type of loving tenderness as the Mom would. My spouse is very caring and good with our child. He says that he could never replace me. But, certainly, he is a very good Dad to our youngster. He feeds her and makes sure that she is well entertained and cared for. During times when I have been sick, he was there to make sure that she was alright. He is very dedicated to he safety and well being. Those are all the things that I would ordinarily do. We make a good parenting team. So, what do you think? Do you think that a man can be just as good of a parent as a woman?
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12 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Nov 07
Absolutely! I know several men who already are great dads or would make great dads someday...Flip of the coin I know many women who either suck as parents or should they ever have kids would suck as parents....IMO good parenting isnt about gender in fact it really has nothing to do with it at all as far as I'm concerned..
• United States
29 Nov 07
A caring heart and generous spirit makes up for a world of differences. Many children are blessed to have both loving mother and father. But, it is always admirable to see a single Dad who has stepped up to the plate to be there for his kids full time. Thanks for your comment and contributing.
• Philippines
7 Jan 08
Its a hundred and one percent possible :). I have been privileged to have one for a father and he did took care of us like a mother.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
17 Dec 07
I do believe that there are some men out there that could do a better job than some women. There are some that would not, but most of them, if they were put in that position, could do it. The biggest thing that they might have trouble with, is the tenderness. Alot of men, do not know how to show that side of them.
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Nov 07
Sure. I think my husband does very well for parenting. I am only one child in my family, so I don't know much more about how to bring up a child. My husband has two sisters. So when he was little, he also helped to take care of them. So when our son was born, my husband was very helpful and qualified:)
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
29 Nov 07
"Do you think that a man can be just as good of a parent as a woman?" Definitely. I'm also sick of several assumptions to the contrary. I've seen plenty of men that are good parents like their wifes. I've seen other cases where men exceed what their wife is as a parent. Neither parent can be replaced. Its just too bad some people try to downplay one parents role or pretend that parent isn't needed at all (typically happens to dads much much more than moms).
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
for me if your dad is good and responsible to what he had i think he can be a good mom also. if he is very caring,honest and loyal to her child and to her job he can be a real and good mom too.
• India
28 Nov 07
yes, of course dads can be good moms too just as there are many single women who are parents and bring up their children without any help from the father. love and affection for a child is an emotion irrespective of the gender and just as you will find very very caring dads, there are moms too who like to spend less time with their kids and more time outside.
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
28 Nov 07
Most definitely a dad can be as good as a mom. Sometimes the dad is better than the mom. Unfortunately, not everyone who has children is a good parent. My cousin has full custody of his son. Has had him since he was 2 when he and the mom split. He's doing a wonderful job. His son has good grades, is respectful, and involved in sports. Also, I breifly dated a man who was divorced and had full custody of his 5 children. The mother just wasn't cut out to be a mother on her own. I was raised by my mom, but I think I would have turned out 95% better than I am, if I was raised by my dad. Dads not only have the tenderness and compassion from being a parent, but they are better with survival skills. There was never any question of me going to work and the kids staying with their dad/stepdad. Both of my ex-husbands were and are very nurturing to the children. There were times when I think they were more nurturing than me because the kids usually went to them when hurt or sad. I think I'm probably just a little rough around the edges and not as sympathetic sometimes, due to how I was raised by a single mom. Whereas both ex-husbands came from 2 parent family homes.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
28 Nov 07
Hello beauty queen. You have already given us a very nice and convincing example that a man can be a good mom as well. I am so happy that you have got such a nice and loving hubby and the child has such a good daddy. So there is no problem for a man to be a good mom if he has his whole heart into his family in whatever. Thanks for your nice discussion, dear beauty queen. Enjoy your life, dear friend.
• Philippines
28 Nov 07
Yeah, it is possible that a man could be a good mom and a mom could be a good dad. Actually, there are lots of single parent who used to act as a mom or dad as well. Everything is possible especially if you're doing this for the sake of your children.:-)
@menctomas (278)
• Philippines
28 Nov 07
i believe so too. during my childhood days, my mom worked abroad, so my dad was the one that really did all the "mom" stuff. he was even the one that put my hair in pigtails and picked out my outfits and the like. then during my teenage years, it was my mom's turn because they separated. my husband too is very caring with the children. he has more patience and i think most dad's are like that. they are sort of the "overseer" of the household. they sit back when the kids are really being troublesome and will only step in when it becomes out of hand. well, mothers tend to over-react sometimes. we try to stop things from happening. i do anyway... but yes, a dad has the same caring qualities as a mom. but it always, always depend on the dad.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
29 Nov 07
A man can do as good a job as a mum. He is after all a parent. After reading magazines it seems that both men and women are now staying home to be homemakers. Personally I'd rather be the one staying home with my son. But sometimes it comes down to career and who earns the most. In this day and age with the price of living rising we have to do what we have to do.