Have you read "The Alchemist"?

November 28, 2007 2:34pm CST
Who among you here have read the very inspiring book by paulo coelho, the alchemist? How did it change your way of thinking? How did it touches you and how would you rate it from 1-10 the highest is 10.
5 responses
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
The alchemist tells of the story of a boy who follows his dreams. He has found signs and continues with his journey in the process. The book has changed me in so many ways. I tried to read the signs and analyze and provide reasons behind the things happening in my life. I still am looking for my personal legend, and I am hopeful, that I won’t lose the sign nor will I give up my personal legend, because at this point in time I know the universe has conspired to make everything I dreamt of real. It's a 10. :)
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@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
29 Nov 07
The author is counting on the surprise effect and he is really good in writing an end nobody would expect. But that's also the way things function in life, when you are sure some thing will go one way they will most certainly go the other one. It made me think that sometimes we ask for too much and in most of the cases we have all that we need. The only thing I have never understood about this book is the title. Why is the name of the book Alchemist? Alchemists are people who can turn any material in gold. What's gold here? Is the point that the things we usually think are common material are actually gold? The main character had that fig in his garden all his life and just at the end he found out it was his dream come true. Is this the the alchemy he is talking about?
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
Santiago, the main character in the story is an Andulasian boy who dreams of traveling the world in search of the most fabulous treasure he used to see in his night dreams. You are correct, Alchemist is a person who can turn any material in gold. In this particular book, Santiago met the Alchemist someway in his journey from Spain to Egypt. And the true other meaning of Alchemist in this book is Santiago, his dream is like a gold. He turned his dream into reality. This book is full of hope.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
yes, i have read the alchemist, and it has become one of my favorite books ever. its got the best story and i love the quotes! :) i have never read such a book with so much inspiring and truth revealing words. :)
• India
23 Apr 08
I have read this book more than 10 times. Its really a nice books.One thing it teaches me is never wuit till end.
• India
15 Apr 08
I would rate 10 out of 10.The story is really good.It practically explains how difficult to achieve something in life and how fate comes into picture.It is little spirtual so i really love it.