Do you believe in one true God?
By CoffeeAnyone
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
16 responses
@goinliveinfive (561)
• United States
28 Nov 07
I believe that it's a bad idea, in a global community (of which the Internet is the largest and most powerful example), to start a conversation with a blanket proclamation that is certain to motivate some and incense others. It is, to me, the proverbial yelling of, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater and communicates a lack of sensitivity and respect to others' beliefs or lack thereof. In short, it's generally not a great idea. And I hate to be picky here but in your belief system, God is Triune, so His name would not be simply, "Jesus" but also "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit." I prefer Y'HWH (Yahweh) - the Lord our God is ONE.
Just for the record, I'm a Christian and I agree with the spirit of your statement. I just don't like the notion of bullhorn evangelism; I don't think it impresses anyone. I do think that it perpetuates some negative stereotypes, though, so if that's what you were going for, mission accomplished.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
I love what you said about a crowded theatre. I learn once again in this discuss that many people cannot take things for what they truly are? My question was not to promote anything accept my curiosity of what others believe and why they believe it. Does everything need to be a debate or a yelling match? Why can't we just answer the question a matter of factly? I am curious to understand how people think and why they think what they think. I am not trying to push my views just curious about other people's views. I ask the question the way I do as a writer wanting to capture the interest of readers and responders. Let's keep it simple! I have a problem understanding why people get all riled up over a simple question calling for a simple answer. No matter if it is me asking a question or someone else. I come here to learn to write and to learn! Maybe people are just so defensive now days because there is so much strife in our world today?
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@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
30 Nov 07
There is only one true God, he is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all things and the salvation we should all seek.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
And the salvation we should all seek! I love how you ended that. I was wondering could you come back and share why you believe what you believe. If you will, thanks I appreciate it.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Actually the truth is, after many, many years of looking for reasons not to believe, Jesus in his infinite wisdom found me and told me to get my self together. He told me I had every right to question, but I still have to keep my faith in check. God is the only God and there is none other save he. He comes to you as our Father in heaven, as his son who was God in human form who came to live among us, to teach the world the Good News and to die that our sins be forgiven and we granted everlasting life, and the Holy Spirit who guides us on our path of righteousness for Jesus' name sake. That is who our one Savior is and may he in Jesus name care and keep you all the days of your life, and eternal life.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
3 Dec 07
That was perfectly said! I wish I could of said it that well. ...LOL just sitting here thinking about what you said and I notice your name. LOL make no wonder you put that so well. Pastorkayte! Blessings to you!

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Nov 07
No I dont believe that at all...I DO believe that there in the all of all IS one true higher power BUT it/she/he goes by many names and is as different to each of us as there are different ppl....But no I dont believe that Jesus is the one and only by any means....
What Jesus may be to you is the same as what Allah is to someone else or Bondye is to me and so on...but at the core of all they are all the same essense/being/energy etc...Its ppl in various groups/cultures/locations etc over the centuries who have made that energy into something each group/culture/location of ppl can relate to...Make sense?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Dec 07
"I would not want someone else to take credit for it and especially I wouldn't want someone to change the rules. So I do believe that the bible is the final and holy word of God"
but the rules HAVE been changed..the bible has been written and REwritten so many times over the centuries its NOT the original word has tainted revised altered and so on any original text to suit their needs repeatedly....
As for someone else taking credit...I dont mean that at all if thats what you are thinking...What I mean about the many names/different personalities/characteristics etc is that the one same higher power appears to many in different forms in order to get the message/guidance etc through...For example on a smaller scale...Some of my nieces and nephews call me by my name, some call me by my nickname and others still just all me Auntie...It doesnt change WHO I just makes it easier for them to address me, relate to me or whatever the case may be...But I'm still me...I feel the same with the higher power...some ppl refer to it/him/her as God, others Allah, others Bondye, others Pan or maybe Gaia, others still Grandmother Spider and the list goes on....but it/he/she is still the same being.....make sense? (sorry I'm very scatterbrained today..busy busy busy)
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
I was thinking today that if I were the creator of something, anything, I would not want someone else to take credit for it and especially I wouldn't want someone to change the rules. So I do believe that the bible is the final and holy word of God. In it he says he created all things. He says no one can come to him unless they are born again by acceping His son Jesus. He says there are many gods but He is the One True God, He is the Beginning and the End! I truly appreciate your commenting. I really missed up when I posted this disscusion so the discussion isn't going as I had thought in my head. I really ment to just ask people what they believed and why they believed it. You know when you search your heart and say why, why do I believe what I believe?
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Raven don't worry about it I am scatterbrained all the time. Okay will maybe not, I do have my good days. I hear what your saying for sure. I understand the name thing. I guess it is the higher power thing that throws me off. It sounds so impersonal when God is so personal to each and everyone of us. As in we wants us to have a relationship with him. Like you do with yur neices let's say. You know them personally and they know who you are. I guess higher power makes it sound like they don't know God intimately! Talks about God can go on for ever can't they. I notice that as I read through mylot it is just amazing how many conversations have been started. Take care!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Nov 07
I believe in the Triune God who exists in Three Persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (or Ghost if you use the King James Version.) All other gods and goddesses are idols of man's imagination.
When I was a young girl, I dreamed that there was a boy who was the son of Thor the Thundergod of Norse mythology and since one of my ancestors may have come over with the Norman invasion, and my maternal grandfather came from Yorkshire where many of the Danes settled, it might be that I have a little of Danish or Norman blood in my veins. However just because I dreamt of Thor the Thundergod does not mean that I am going to worship him.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Hi suspenseful, thank you for sharing that. I had to retract in a comment above to clarify that I should of said Triune God as well. I was wondering why do you believe as you believe. I understand your last part as well. I had many weird dreams as a child too but it never dawned on me to relate that to a spiitual truth. I guess that is why for me I know it is true when the bible talks about the fact that we don't find God he finds us! I am sure I would of never found HIM on my own.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
You have amazing faith. I have never doubted God yet I cannot always see so clearly.
@TravisE (440)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Asking what I believe is asking to open a big 'ol can 'o worms. ;-) I do believe there is one God. I believe that any direction you look, outward or inward, you cannot help but behold the shining face of God. I believe it is only through mistakes based on the limited perspective that we cling to due to false identification with our apparently individual lives, that we perceive God in different aspects, male and female, human and beast, manifest and empty.
Never in my life, during any moment have I ever been free of the deeply felt presence of God. For a long time I did doubt that God would care about my problems, or deign to help me. Then, as my looking within deepened I saw the shining face of God there as well.
You see, I agree with your original post, there is only one God, and you can see God's face every time you look in the mirror, or at a stranger.
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@blanc_look707 (32)
• Philippines
29 Nov 07
yes there is only one true God..the father of jesus Christ, try to look at it in your Bible 1cor.8:6 and john 17:3 these two particular verses from the bible will decide the true point of who is that ONE TRUE GOD..never can you find in the Bible that says God the Son, but only Son of God which means anyone can be called son's of God but not the title God the Son making Jesus God...nothing in the Bible that says such..
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Thanks for responding. I do appreciate it. I have tried to clarify myself in the comments as I have been reading through. The most I learnt so far is that I have to write what I mean and mean what I say. Yours is the last comment thus far and I would have to sum it up by saying. I wanted to share what I believe which is the Trinity and asked what others believed and why they believed it. How simple is that and how bad did I miss it up? LOL I am learning. I love how you clarified this for readers. I was wondering though why do you believe what you believe?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
28 Nov 07
I don't believe that. There's a very simple reason why I don't believe that.
When I was a small child, I had dreams about a particular Goddess. I didn't know she was a Goddess until I mentioned the dreams to my great-grandmother, who immediately picked up a book and showed me an exact description of the woman from my dreams. The book was an exploration of Celtic Gods and Goddesses, and my path has been decided since then. Over the years since that time I've learned about and had interactions with many other Gods and Goddesses, who have become loved ones to me.
I don't mind that not everyone believes the same way I do. I don't mind that some people think their God is the one true God. I do however mind when they try to get me to betray my Gods for theirs.
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@Mike227 (155)
• Australia
29 Nov 07
Hi lecanis,
I really think that your response deserves a response too.
CoffeAnyone obviously didn't have enough time to respond to you, or is it, because you have a different opinion???
Somehow I've got this feeling, by seeing here, who got a reply and who not...
I quite like your tolerant believes, which allow others to be same as free in their way, as you consider yourself, regardless of their believes.
I posted my thoughts to that already in kayakalp's post: "Why do we have to follow Gods!!??" - Where I found you as well... If you are interested in my views, my response was no. 18
As for this topic here, I just post my response here with you, lecanis, I'm sure you don't mind (I also wrote this in kayakalp's post as a response to willsprout (Response 15):
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer God than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible Gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Sir Henry Roberts (1901-1971)
This is not what I personally believe, but he has a valid point against intolerance.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
29 Nov 07
Thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it, as I was feeling a little bummed about not getting any comment to my response. I felt like I put work into my response and was trying to be thoughtful. I got the feeling as well that my differing opinion was the reason I got no comment.
I vaguely remembered the discussion you were referencing, so I went to find it before replying to you so I could be sure of the details.
You have a really interesting point of view, and an impressive grasp of how all the many religions really can be narrowed down to a few different beliefs. I of course fit in the group that believes in multiple Gods, however, I also do believe that everyone's belief is valid. Ultimately I think that many things I don't know about could be true, I just believe that my Gods are also true, because of my own experience. So I could never condemn anyone else's beliefs. :)
I agree with you on the Sir Henry Roberts quote: It's not what I personally believe either, but it is a good point against intolerance. I could say much the same about believing in more Gods than one... all of the reasons people have for embracing their one God, I could give for embracing my many Gods.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Lecanis I have egg on my face for sure. I read all the comments before I started to answer them in the wee hours of the morning. Then I scrolled back to the top so I thought to start responding. If I were to miss any comment out yours would not have been the one that I would have choosen. For one I saw that you truly considerd my discussion and how to answer it in its fullness which most, if not all the rest didn't. Meaning everyone else left out the why they believe what they believe or why they don't believe something else. I love knowing the nitty gritty don't you? LIke ya you believe or I believe this or that but why do we? What is our reasoning to choose any type of belief. Anyway yours was the one I looked forward to commenting on for that very reason. However I wanted to tell you that when I was a child I had some strange dreams to but it never dawned on me to believe anything more of it then it was a dream. So it is interesting how different ideas, thoughts and decisions happen for people differently. I would love to debate our beliefs with you but that is not what my discussion is meant for. Thanks for your thoughtful response.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Yes I should of typed it just that way. I really want to learn to be a good writer so I have to learn that I can't just be lazy and throw a question out there. I need to clarify my meanings and intentions. I should not have just said Jesus....John 12:44-46 tells us; Jesus said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me (Father). And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness......a few verses down Jesus says....And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter (Holy Spirit), that he may abide with you for ever;.... so yes I believe in the Triune God. Writing is a responsibility to say it right.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
29 Nov 07
Hi Coffee!
Yes I do believe in the one true God and that is the Living God. The Bible tells us that God is one and He is the Creator of the entire universe and all that is in it. He is the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End.
There are no other "gods". Yes, anytime we put other things before God, they become "gods" in our lives and that is very wrong. We all are guilty of this to some extent.
Yes, there is only one God and He is the One Who sent His Son to save us from our sins!
Praise be to God!! :)
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I'm not really good at writing things out. But I believe because God said it. God cannot lie.
I have gone thru some really difficult times in my life and there is no way I could have gotten thru all that without the Lord. He has proven His faithfulness to me over and over again.
I believe the Bible to be His Holy Word. Every word of it is true. It is God's Truth.
Since I have known the Lord the way I do now, I have experienced an incredible peace and joy that I cannot express in words! I know that God is in control and that gives me more comfort than I can express! I know nothing happens that He will not allow and the things He does allow, He is in control of it. I am His child and He takes care of me.
God bless you!
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
I love how you said that. Yes, it is like a knowing in our Knower that is what I always say. I would however like to be able to put my knowledge of truth into better words as you did!
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
You sound like a really strong christian. I was wondering if you can explain why you believe what you believe. I have been trying to write this out for myself but I find it hard to put into words. Do you?
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
lillake, looks like I missed more then one comment in the wee hours of the morning. It must have been your comment was so smile. NONE the LESS you answered my question perfectly. Short and sweet as they say! I was wondering according to your response. Did you mean no you have no belief because you have no reason to or do you mean no to God or any other God as well because you have no reason to.
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@markmiyashiro (213)
• United States
29 Nov 07
The Hawaiians worship the one true God, I'o (Jahovah) and his Son I'eso Christo, and the Uhani Hemolele (Holy Spirit). But when Pa'au came from Tahiti, he brought Pagen worship and the Kapu System (Phrasee, and Saducess) Legalism system. Still they people kept silent about this one true God, and now we worship him. From the Tower of Babel, Hawaiians sailed the open seas, while in Europe men painted drawing in Caves. The Hawaiians had cities of refuse, conflict resolution (Ho'o pono'pono), we also have the Hula, and the Chant, they crossed the Pacific Ocean in hulled canoes, with stars as their navigation, they knew the one true God, and everthing depended upon him. The name of I'o was so sacred it was not told to the people, and so the people didn't remember who he was, and gave into pagan worship.

@Modestah (11177)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I do believe in One God Who is Triune. I believe this because of faith and reason. That's about it. Sorry this is not a long answer, I just don't see another way of answering the question that would take up more space..... so I type this explanation out in order that you receive credit for the response :)
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
30 Nov 07
oh, if the answer is short or one line long it does not give you credit, but if it is 3 or 4 lines long you will - least this is what I have read several times on here during the past 8 mos.
no, I have been most irregular on mylot as of late. I have been terrible sad and unmotivated.
I am glad to "see" you too, coffee.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Faith and Reason, hmmm that is good! I like that! I am wondering what do you mean you answered my question so that I receive credit for it? Is there a way to answer questions wrong? I would really like to know hopfully you have time to come back and answer. Good to see you Modestah I have not been on much so I have not see you in a long time. Have you been on here regular?

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
Hi CoffeeAnyone, There was a time in my life when I would have said yes without hesitation, but not anymore. I was raised a Christian, and raised my own children in that faith. I have read the Bible many times, especially the new testament, and continue to read today, especially the Gospels. There is much that is good there, but I do not think that Jesus ever wanted to be called a God, or to be worshipped as the churches teach. I believe that we are all eternal beings, that our life did not begin with this body nor will it end with it. I believe in all that is good, no matter where it comes from. I believe in helping each other and working together to bring about peace in the world, and to put an end to poverty. I believe in making friends and enjoying life. I could say much more but I think you get my point. Sorry about getting carried away here. Blessings.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
I cannot fathom that you came to that conclusion! Unless I am misunderstanding. In what you said; are you still saying that in your heart Jesus is your savior and that He is the truth, the way and the life and the only way to God the Father? I believe we do all those things you said; making friends, helping others in His love.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
3 Dec 07
Okay ya I thought we were on the same path. I agree with you one hundred percent. I do attend chruch as not to forsake the gathering as the bible says. But I struggle with christianity as I once new it just like you. I am disheartened with the overall ways of the churches today and many christians. I think many christians are and many are leaving the churches and I am not sure that is what Jesus wants. We must come together and be more Christ like our selves. Problem is... oh boy..... you can see we can go on and on with this. Just know I hear you! Blessings to you and all as we do our best to follow our Lord.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
I came to these conclusions after much thought and seeking for the truth. I realized that I could no longer believe in what the Christian church teaches. I think that Christianity is a religion about Christ not the religion of Christ. The Jesus that we read about in the Gospels was a simple man who loved all, and was happiest among the poor and simple people of his day. When he spoke out it was against the injustice of his day. He had no time for those who thought themselves better than others. He did not beg for money. Today, TV evangelists prey upon seniors, who have little money for themselves, so that they may stay in the best hotels as they travel the country and the world. In some churches, the minister, and many of the congregation will refuse to shake the hand of, or even speak with a gay man who comes to worship with them. I am sure if Jesus Christ were to come here today in the flesh, he would be appalled at what is being taught and done in his name. Jesus wanted to set people free, not enslave them to an institution. I honor all who teach that we are brothers and sisters no matter what our faith, and who work for the betterment of all. Blessings.
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@megumiart (3771)
• United States
28 Nov 07
No. I don't believe in one god, because I don't belive he created everything, and answers prayers. My religeous beliefs are a mix of buddhism and paganism.
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
Thanks for sharing and sticking to the question! I was wondering why you believe as you believe? thank you
@deepseadolphin (88)
• Hong Kong
28 Nov 07
The religion is only a few thousands years of history, but the universe had lived much longer than that. And if there's God, would he wonder if there's a God's God too? If there's only one God, who is his friend? Wouldn't he be so lonely if he's the God of the universe?
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@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
29 Nov 07
God created us to have fellowship with HIM! The book of John explains a lot about God.
About my actual question do you have a belief in God or something else?
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@blueinferno2001 (100)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 07
there are many gods, but there's only one god dares to guarantee human's salvation. that's Jesus. i haven't heard of other gods say or do the same thing. why should we follow some gods who can't protect us? why should we worship some gods who can't even hear us talking to them?
@froggylovesu (173)
• United States
7 Dec 07
Yes I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.Going on 40 + years for me .