Care to share your favorite 'Aha!' Moments?
@Perspectives (7131)
November 28, 2007 8:18pm CST
As Christmas draws near for David and I it will be the third one without my Mom. She was central to our family celebrations and kept them up even after my father died in 1998. During this time of year I find myself thinking about how much I miss her...but I know she wouldn't want her passing to spoil the joy of the season for we each year we make some new traditions that reflect who and where we are now.
So where is this leading in regard to favorite 'Aha' moments? Well one of my earliest light bulb moments came when I realized that what my mother always told me was actually true. She told me that we were always in the process of writing our own destinies and that there is a direct connection between what I say and do...and what happens to me. Mom always told me not to 'borrow trouble' by worrying and focusing on everything I DIDN'T want in life.
After growing with a negative, oppressive, diminishing alcoholic father I had a tendency to focus on the negatives rather than the positives earlier in my life path. Thankfully my father's negativity was counter-balanced by my mother's positive attitude about things and no matter how bad they were she constantly reminded me to look around that there is always someone else with more to deal with and that is certainly true for all of us. So one of my big 'Ahas' was seeing that changing my beliefs actually changed my life. Now I offer that reality to others in what has turned out to be my life's work in partnership with David who has had similar epiphanies in growing his soul.
Another big 'Aha' for David and I was coming to terms with the fact that we were living beyond our means...physically, financially, emotionally...and once we got it we 'got it' we began making changes that led us to the simpler, more satisfying and in many ways more abundant living than we ever had before.
So I'd love to hear about any light bulb moments that shifted things for you...either in the way you were doing things...or in how you changed the lens in how you view the world...anything at at all...Aha moments anyone?
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7 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Nov 07
LIke you at this time of year for the last 3 years have had a time getting in the mood for christmas as hubby passed away 3 years ago. but it has been 4 christmases without him.
Like last 2 years Daughter wanted all the lighting put up but she did nt have any thing to do with it never touched one part of the decorating.
THis year we tried to get every one in the mood lol
and the whole outside now is all lit up and we have our CHristmas town all put up in the front room where we always had it so dad could set and see it from his chair.
also I made sign to put up above it sayin Dads Town
and Daughter has helped this year a good thing for her I think The only thing left to do is the tree.
will go into the dinning area.
As you say we have to move on and make new things happen so we can get back into the mood that we had years ago.
I have always tried to loook on the bright side of things for being negitive just gets ya down.
And down dont help anyone at all . Keep Smiling no matter what and the world smiles with you frown and ya frown alone!
hugs and blessings
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
Once again your innate wise woman ways come through. Yes, positivity and optimism truly do make the world a brighter place for ourselves and others! You have sure walked your talk on this one with what you've been going through and that is why I have said so often what a truly shining example you are.
It gives me a good feeling to know that this year you and your family have much to celebrate and are starting to enjoy the season more than in the previous years after your hubby's passing.
We are feeling the same way too...I am sure neither your hubs or my Mom would want us to feel sad indefinitely. The fact that the lights are up and you have your Christmas town up is probably making him smile too!
Anyway dear friend my thoughts, love light and well wishes are with you and I hope you continue to have many 'look forwards to' as the year closes and a new one begins. You deserve a wonderful life!
Hugs and blessings,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
6 Dec 07
Yes, we are doing that and enjoying the process. Instead of getting a big tree as we usually do I put up a smaller one Mom and Dad had in their apartment in our great room. I have two wreaths that are have memories of Mom. We have lights in the great room and dining room with a lot of favorite figures on Santa, Angels and so the house is lovely and we are really in the mood. The stocking have been hung on the yes the year is winding down on a positive note for both of us.
Much to celebrate within our simple abundance!
Cheers, hugs and love,
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I am in the middle of a major transition right now, and am having 'aha' moments on practically a daily basis. Sometimes 3 or 4 in one day. It's all I can do to keep up with them.
I would love to share a few with you but it goes so far beyond words that it would be impossible. Not only that but many of them have to do with subjects that would rile the general mentality around here. And on that note, there is actually one that I can share with you! I just realized that I have had a 'nobody loves me everybody hates me guess I'll go eat worms' attitude my entire life! And mostly because I didn't like myself! So I am diligently practicing self appreciation these days, and it no longer matters to me whether anybody else appreciates me or not. Granted it's nice when others are appreciating you, but it's no longer necessary to my well-being.
Your mother sure sounds like a very wise being! I am constantly having to pull my attention off something that it is stuck on that I DON'T want and drag it over to what I DO want! What an exercise that is!!! I think it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to do!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
Thanks so much for another candid, open, honest response. I understand where you are coming from and re-training a busy mind chattering brain can be daunting...and exhausting at times. Good for you that you are willing to take charge of what no longer works for you and to begin changing your attitude. No doubt as you do that your life will change as well. It sure has for me over the years.
Thanks for you comments about my mom and her wise ways. If you'd like to know more about how she thought and raised me I posted what I prepared and gave out at her memorial on my blog. It is the entry "Valuable Life Lessons my Mother Taught me...Winnie's Wisdom. I think I gave you the Blog address before but here it is again:
Some of her wisdom ways might augment your journey. It is my way of having her legacy live in...because she was a wonderful woman in so many ways. Without her love and spiritual direction I am sure the dysfunctional abuse I sustained from my father would have warped my thinking even more than it did. However, it all turned out the best because now I am in a position to offer my experiences to others as a testimony of hope.
Mom also said..."I wish for you whatever you wish for yourself" and that I do.
Take care and it is good to be keeping in touch. How is the kitty? You haven't said...I hope things are alright there.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
30 Nov 07
It's my nature to be open and candid. I'm glad to have found somebody who appreciates it rather than getting their 'knickers in a twist' over it!
I actually went to your blogspot and read a bunch of 'winnies wisdom'... I was going to comment there, but I would have had to sign up and I was feeling too lazy. I've been feeling not only lazy these last few weeks, but also impatient. Very impatient.
I did too give you an update on my little kitty! It was in your other discussion.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
1 Dec 07
Hi sorry I missed the update...I am only here for short periods of time and try to keep my responses going at least. Will check it out...thanks!
You will find as we chat and get to know each other more that I love honest, upfront people and will rarely get my 'knickers in a knot' unless the honesty is rude, disrespectful or accusatory. Then I will stand my ground...but if people speak their minds in an open, genuine way, (even if we disagree) I would rather have that than double level messages.
So yes, my friend we know there are no accidents and everything happens for a reason..and we are on a similar vibe here.
Thanks for checking out the Mom was a wise lady alright!
Take care, David and I are off to 'shop for grocs' will chat more in the next day or so. Thanks for stopping by again..
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Nov 07
I guess my “aha moment” came many years ago, when my husband and I were really struggling financially and I’d drive home from work every day and just worry myself sick about how to pay this bill and that bill. I’d literally have a headache and an upset stomach before I got home. One day I just said to myself “This is crazy! Those bills are going to get paid or not whether you make yourself sick over it or not!” I’ve made myself put things into perspective more from that moment on and realized there are lots of things much more important that money or bills.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
What you shared is a great 'Aha' moment. The way you concerned yourself is similar to a pattern I had. Thankfully I have arrived at a similar place and I no longer choose to 'agonize and awfulize' about things because more often than not it always works out in the end. Now I know that life is too short to live in the past or worry about the future. Today and this moment is all we ever we may as well treasure it.
All the best, good addition...thanks..
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
9 Dec 07 beter not what? Interesting comment just not quite sure what to do with it. Anyway, I always appreciated those who drop by and add their unique perspectives..even when I am not sure what it is! (smile)
@cordacs99 (15)
• Canada
7 Dec 07
The best aha moment for me is when I met my wife and still is.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
7 Dec 07
Ahhhh how sweet that is. I am sure many women would love to hear their hubbies say something like that. She is a lucky woman to have such a thoughtful guy...hopefully she knows it...sounds like you deserve many good things. Best regards to you both and may you continue to feel that way for many years to come.
Wishing you the best of the season and a very happy new year.