Fat vs. Skinny
By wooitsmolly
@wooitsmolly (3613)
United States
November 30, 2007 8:27am CST
Let's discuss why the word "fat" considered so offensive. When is one considered "fat"? I mean, some people are clearly fat, but if you say to them "hey, you're fat" they will most likely be offended, even though they know they are fat. If you say to a person who is clearly skinny, "hey, you're skinny" they probably wouldn't be.
How many times does a person say to someone else, "I am so fat" and expect the other person to say "no you're not!"? What if they said "yeah, I know" instead. They would simply be agreeing.
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22 responses
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
30 Nov 07
From the looks of your picture (assuming you're the one in the picture) I assume that you're not fat. I wonder if over the next few years you put on quite a bit of weight, let's say you get pregnant and for whatever reason you gain 100 pounds and it doesn't come off right away. Every time you look in the mirror or try on a pair of pants you know that you're overweight. I think it would be painful to be reminded of the fact that you're "fat". What if your dad reffered to you as his fat daughter, your boss started calling you the fat girl and your friends described you as the fat brown haired girl? As if it wasn't painful enough to be struggling with your weight, wanting to be thinner and possibly having weight related health issues and now the people that you love the most and complete strangers think that they need to tell you that your fat? It might be the truth, but what about compassion and love? Do you tell handicapped people that their handicapped? They might not know that their handicapped? I certainly hope not, why? Because that's insensitive.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Handicapped people cannot necessarily be compared to fat people. No, I do not tell fat people they are fat. I do not refer to people as "fat" I was merely opening a discussion about it. I agree that it is insensitive to talk to people that way, but my question from the start has been WHY?
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@navtech (1773)
• India
30 Nov 07
Dear wooitsmolly, In case of person is fat, call them as he holds a "CLASSICAL FIGURE". It is more dignified. You can apply the above term for both of fat and skinny people. It is natural for the human beings to get offended when you say directly that they are fatty or skinny.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I guess my question is why?
Let me put it this way...
Let's say you are at a party and you came with a skinny friend with brown hair and a fat friend with blonde hair. You are in a different room from them talking to another person about one of your friends, let's say the fat blonde one. You are describing her personality and what she is like. The person you are talking to says she sounds like someone they would like to meet so you say "oh, she's in the other room. She's fat and blonde, maybe you can find her."
It would be an accurate description, right? But I think the person you were talking to would look at you pretty funny if you actually said that about her.. not to mention she probably wouldn't like to hear that you called her fat.
So my question remains, "why is that offensive?"

@Celanith (2327)
• United States
7 Dec 07
What irritates me the most is the reason other people THINK you are fat. Some people are fat because of overeating but many people are NOT fat because they overeat or don't exercise enough. I am one of those people. I have Fibromyalgia and Hypothyrodism. For 22 years medical doctors had me on a low dose of thyroid just enough I learned a year ago after I fired my medical doctors and went to a naturopath
I learned 95% of medical doctors push pills to get a kickback from the pharmecudical companies and don't care to treat you so you get well or better. The Naturopath put me on both Adrenaline and Pituitory plus Thyroid all Raw natural from beef. The cost was wonderful inexpensive. I paid half of what I was for one prescription of thyroid med for a month and the bottles lasted 90 days not a month. He put me on L-Glutamine, L-Arginine and L-Caritine. I finally after 22 years have been able to LOSE weight and put on muscle. I lost 29 lbs so far. I was walking hiking, exercise, taking care of 5 small children daily. I don't have never over eaten and always eat healthy. It was the lack of proper meds and my metabolism. I have not got sick or the flu or cold now for over a year either and before I was getting sick every Fall or winter for 3-6 weeks. So Saying someone is FAT is rude especially when people ASSUME erroniously without knowing all the facts they are FAT because they don't exercise or they eat too much. Some are fat due to genetics too. The diet industry sells the idea of weight loss and being SKINNY to promote their sales yet most don't lose weight with any of them or keep it off if they do. It is about MONEY for them as are the Spas and Gyms. They don't care about your health all they care is how much green bucks they can rake in at your expense. Walking, Hiking is Free. Buy an above ground pool and swim when you can. Cheaper than a Gym. An excercise Ball with Video is cheaper too and just as effective. Dance at home with hubby, wife or kids FREE! You put on muscle, have fun, and feel better.
Being fat is not always about over eating or lack of exercise it is about YOU and knowing your body and what works for you. It is about taking pounds off slowly, steady and knowing just because the scales says you gained weight (MUSCLE WEIGHT) try the tape measure how many INCHES have you lost and how are your clothes fitting? Are they beginning to be lose and big GOOD your losing the FAT. It is also about attitude and willingness. It is about other people NOT ridiculing and judging. But helping.
When someone says YOUR FAT HOW RUDE they are and HOW uninformed and illiterate. I may be fat but people who scorn me are not perfect either. Maybe a big Nose or crosseyed, pimply, or just plain RUDE. Maybe too SKINNY
The word FAT portrays the person wants to be that way and condemns without the condemer knowing anything about that person. Or why.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
8 Dec 07
I don't agree that saying someone is fat necessarily means you think the person wants to be or that you are condemning them by saying that.
@steerforth (1797)
• Italy
1 Dec 07
I think that "fat" is someone that is at least 10 kilograms over his weight. However we must consider fat someone that does not think about the foods he/she eats, but eats all the things he/she find.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I don't think that fat can be defined that way necessarily.
A "fat" person definitely cannot be defined as someone who eats all the things he/she can find. I don't believe I have to explain further why that is offensive, untrue, and perpetuates a false stereotype.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I have known "skinny" people that don't like it when people point it out to them. It's not about fat or skinny. Why do we have to say anything to anyone? I am overweight and I know it. I don't need someone walking by me and saying "hey, you're fat" That is rude in my opinion. I don't walk around telling people they are skinny, ugly, fat, etc. And if I say "I am so fat" I really don't expect anyone to tell me I am not. I am just making a statement. Most of the people that say "I am so fat" or "Do I look fat" are pretentious, skinny, little girls who want validation. I am who I am and I do not need anyone telling me what I look like. I own a mirror. People come in various shapes/sizes/colors . We don't need to remind them that they are fat/skinny. I think they already know.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I realize it goes both ways, skinny and fat.
I am not saying we SHOULD say anything to anyone, but the fact is that people DO say things, and that's what I'm addressing. You say that people shouldn't say anything about anyone, but you do say aloud, "I am so fat." Why would you say that or point it out if you already know and "don't need to be reminded"?
Most people who say "I am so fat" I would wager are overweight. There is no way to know who says it more, skinny girls or fat girls, but my guess is fat girls, to be honest. Not that it matters. I don't think it's fair to judge a skinny person who says "I am so fat" as a "pretentious little girl who wants validation." How judgmental of someone who doesn't want to be judged herself. She may have a distorted body image, eating disorder, etc. Not saying all girls who say that do, but you never know.
It isn't safe to say everyone knows that they are fat or skinny. Well, they may KNOW it but not be able to see and feel it. That is where ED comes in.
I am not trying to attack or offend you here, but I just feel that some of what you are saying is in conflict with other things you are saying.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
30 Nov 07
" but you do say aloud, "I am so fat." Why would you say that or point it out if you already know and "don't need to be reminded"? "
I may say it to myself while getting dressed, etc. not out in public. I do hate my body, but as I have said before, it is not anyone's place to remind me.
"Most people who say "I am so fat" I would wager are overweight. I don't think it's fair to judge a skinny person who says "I am so fat" as a "pretentious little girl who wants validation."
I have heard and seen many "normal" girls that want validation say "I'm so ugly or fat" just to hear their friends say how pretty they are or skinny. My point in making that statement proves itself. You said I was judgmental. EXACTLY.. I am not that way, just making a point. I wanted you to maybe see it from the other side. We don't know if they have an eating disorder or what not. One girl I knew was a set of triplets (2 brothers and her) they were both overweight, while she was skin and bones. People used to tease her mercilessly saying she was squished in the womb. She tried everything but could not gain weight. I am overweight so many assume I eat too much and need to diet. When in all actuality the doctor said I need to eat more to burn calories. My body stores fat as if in starvation mode because I hardly eat anything. Believe it or not.
"I am not trying to attack or offend you here, but I just feel that some of what you are saying is in conflict with other things you are saying. "
I am fine with what you have said, I do not feel attacked nor offended. I just wanted to put out there the "other side" of things. I read that someone said to tell someone to "go on a diet" it's not that simple. Just for the same reason you do not know if a skinny person has an eating disorder, you have no clue why said person is fat either. You can't just assume it's from what they eat. I have my own saying when people call me fat.."I may be fat, but you're ugly. I can lose weight but WHAT are you going to do with your face?"
I do get upset when people make snap judments about others. I didn't mean that all girls that said that were skinny and pretentious. I just wanted to get a point across. I think I did. We all want to be accepted and loved. Regardless of our size. I am lucky. I have been married to a wonderful man for 12 years now, that loves me no matter what my waist size. He loves ME for ME. That is what truly matters. And people that walk around judging others are what makes this society as bad as it is. (not meaning you in any way)
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
8 Dec 07
There are a lot of fat people, there are a lot of skinny people, and there are a lot of inbetween people, in this world. So what. The size of a person doesn't make them who they are. It's inside that matters, not just the housing of their soul. But you ask why people are fat. Usually because they just like to eat. I am a little overweight because I love to eat and then I don't exercise enough to wear off those calories. I don't think the word fat is offensive. But myabe I say that because I am fat. lol I think it would be very impolite to agree with a person when they say I'm so fat. They are usually hoping someone will respond back with, no your not. So if you agreed with them you would be hurting their feelings. What I will usually say is, you're not that fat, just pleasantly plump.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Nov 07
I am overweight, but I do not like someone saying I am fat. To me fat means someone who is not solid but someone who has a large stomach and mounds of unshapely bulges over the person's body and you can clearly see that it is fat, not a large bone structure or muscle mass. If someone calls someone skinny, I think of a bean pole with ribs showing. A slim person looks better. So it is rather in the way one associates with the term that determines whether or not it is offensive.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
You're right, it's all about how we perceive different terms. BUT what about the person saying it's intentions? Those should be considered as well, I think.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
30 Nov 07
The word fat has always been offensive,i suppose because no one really wants to be fat..Skinny, you can tell a person all day how skinny they are and they love it..I hear people say "im so fat' all the time,and it is like they are waiting for a response....and if you said yeah i know they would be offended..I have a friend that when you tell her you are fat, she comes back with "well go on a diet" and lose it...Lol
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
That's what my boyfriend says... lol people don't like it.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I know that I am fat. I don't go around saying "I am so fat" that would just be stupid. I have a mirror and I know what I look like. I have been working to get the weight off.
I think that people need to just get over the whole idea that saying things to people that are the truth are offensive. If you are fat and someone says that you are fat, it's the truth. As I always say "if the truth hurts, then don't let it be the truth". I got tired of being fat. I changed my lifestyle and how I eat and stuff. I started losing the weight.
I am tired of always trying not to offend people. I have gone back to my old ways of just telling it how I see it. If you get offended, sorry, but it's the truth from my point of view. Don't like it? Change it.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
That's a good attitude to have. I mean, if someone finds something another person said to them offensive they are giving that person control over their feelings. The only person who can control how you feel is yourself. If you don't want to be offended, don't be. You were living your life without that person's comment, so you can choose to continue living without it.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I think reminding someone of something they already know is kind of a moot point, but yeah, if someone says "God, I am so fat" and they really are, people truly expect you to say "no your not". I am fat and I am honest about it. I can hide the ugly words by saying "larger, plus size" etc. but it's true, I'm fat. But to be honest if I had said "God I am fat" and someone said "yeah I know" I would probably get a little upset and hurt. Because everyone wants to look their best to other people. I am no different, but I also know that I am honestly fat so it's the truth.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
Who's to say that saying someone is fat is always a put down? I mean, if someone said "I'm fat" and they were and another person said "yeah, I know" that doesn't necessarily mean they think it's a bad thing, you know? I get why it upsets people, don't get me wrong, but I think that being called fat is not a bad thing all the time.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
7 Dec 07
That would really depend on who said it to you.
Usually if it was your girlfriend or wife, it would be really difficult to answer.
On one hand, when you agree with them, they will claim that you are begrudging that they are fat and will not like them no more. The actual situation is contrary to the fact.
But if you don't agree, they will blame you for not being truthful and always lying to them. There is a no win situation.
So if possible, I never want to hear it at all. You are what you are, there is no need to affirm it with anyone.
So what if you are fat? Does it make you less of a person?
If you are confident, there is no shaking you down regardless of whether you are fat or skinny.
When ever people poke fun at my potbelly, I always tell them that United Nations has been following me for a good quarter of a century, not likely to be disbanded anytime soon. ;)
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
5 Dec 07
I disagree with you. I know I am fat and when someone has told me I am fat I agree. I do not get mad if someone tells me that I am fat it is the truth. I think when someone is slighly over weight then they are the ones who get mad.
Some people get mad if you say they are skinny. I have know people that are skinny no matter what they eat and have trouble keeping weight on. Not my problem.
I have been fat most of my life and have lost over 100 pounds and still continue to be fat.
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@disassembled (52)
• United States
30 Nov 07
i have a friend who is really big. i am not. at first i used to be nervous about complaining about me being fat but she seemed to be okay and understand that she was fat. still, if you were to tell her "dude, you're really fat" i'm sure it would offend her. and i'm sure she gets frustrated when she hears me complain about how my boyfriend calls me fatty. i know a fat girl that i work with is angry with me because (and i work at a gym) i was talking about being on a diet because i'm getting too big for my clothes and i need to lose weight, plus my boyfriend calls me fatty. she gets so upset. i know i'm not fat obese fat. but when you start getting too big for your clothes, something's wrong.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
1 Dec 07
We live in a world where people are constantly comparing themselves to others. If someone feels that they are fat or that they need to lose weight for their own personal reasons then I think that should be respected regardless of who they are saying this to. Why? Because it is a truth. The person saying it believes it is true, so why should they lie or hold back their feelings? If the other person doesn't like it it is their own insecurities. I guess they may be thinking "well, if she thinks SHES fat then she must think IM huge" or something, but at that point they are just assuming other people are thinking about them. The truth is people are generally concerned with themselves and other people's issues aren't really on their mind. I think that made sense.
@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
30 Nov 07
The word fat has been made into something offensive. This has to do with the fact that all people are not created equal. If you are fat, as I am so I feel I know a little about the subject, you have that drummed into your brain starting at a fairly young age. Usually it is little kids on the playground picking on you. Later it is a negative feeling that you have.
Most people who say, "I am so fat" are those who don't feel good about who they are and are drumming for compliments. Those who say that and are fat, are those who are hoping they are wrong.
Other terms don't feel very good either. Chubby. Obese. How about morbidly obese. That's a great term, eh?
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
30 Nov 07
But morbidly obese is a medical term, so I mean, it really isn't an offensive term unless someone makes it one. If a doctor says someone is morbidly obese it is just a fact. If someone is taunting another person and calls them that then it is offensive. I don't think any word for fat would be considered unoffensive, no matter how it is meant to be taken, you know?
@magnet (2087)
• United States
1 Dec 07
The word fat is considered offensive because society associate fat as ugly and no one wants to be called ugly. Looking at someone and saying hey you're fat is like saying hey you look gross. Our society does not have anything positive to say about being fat. Our society is more acceptable of skinny. Most models have to be skinny.They even have jeans called skinny jeans and people are buying it. I don't think anyone would buy jeans called fat jeans.Now I have had some friends to look at me and say do you think I'm fat? I would think to myself that's a stupid question.It's like they are asking a question they already know. But I would say what does it matter what I think.? or what anyone thinks? How do you feel about yourself? If you are content stay the way you are and look your best and be confident, and if you are not content don't let anyone know that you don't feel good about yourself because they way you represent yourself is the way people will treat you. If a person feels good about themselves and keep their head up that person will have respect no matter what size. I had a friend that was fat and I could not tell if she minded being that way or not. She always talked about how beautiful she was and she always looked her best.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Two things to note - in some slang languages 'fat' means good, cool, neat.
Also, I have a friend I used to work with I just saw her the other day. She is extremely 'fat' weight wise and she has told people 'I'm fat and if you try saying I'm not then your really stupid and a bad lier.' I love her attitude about her weight she would like (and needs for health reasons) to lose about half her body weight but she makes the most of what she has right now.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
30 Nov 07
I guess that would be like telling someone about the gorilla sitting on the desk. The answer is right there, but we have been trained to not say hurtful things to people even if a person says it themselves first. Sometimes they say it in a defensive way before they think someone would say it.
@TyNSethsMom (136)
• United States
30 Nov 07
You know people say "no your not" because it is the "nice" thing to do. Maybe if we had a little more honesty in the America the population would be so obese. Now you know to know that this comment is not coming from a person who weight 100 lbs. I am tipping the scales at 200 lbs. I know that I am obese and dont ever ask someone "do I look fat in this?" because I'm sure one day I would get the response I dread.