Um... wrong.

United States
December 1, 2007 11:23am CST
I find a lot of times here on myLot (and pretty much everywhere else in life) that people will take their opinions and state them as fact. It annoys me to no end when people do this!! I hate that people will take something that is completely untrue and try to make it sound like it is.. you can tell they have done no research and know very little about the subject they are talking about, but still they just go on with their "facts". On top of that when someone argues that they are incorrect, they never admit they are wrong. Why don't people keep their faces shut when they don't know what they're talking about? Doesn't this annoy you?
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25 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Well it happens. I will say this though, I get mad at people who try to spin what someone else said and perceive it as fact when really its just an opinion and the said first person does not agree with it. Also, there are times people are quick to think another person does not know what they are talking about, but making that assumption may lead to you disregarding what someone else has been through and what they have learned. This should be considered as well.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Actually this annoys me very much....not as much on mylot as it does in person. On mylot I really don't know who is responding so I just blow it off. In real life if I know that person I have a hard time not telling them to shut their mouths....they are experts on everything.....right. no one is an expert at everything! LOL
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@loralee (542)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Ain't that a fact. ;)
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Nope no one is an expert at everything. But one shouldn't skip over everything a person says or knows. They may have an idea of what they are talking about...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Dec 07
Ye, I agree with you, it's very annoying. It seems too that the more ignorant the person is, the more outrageous their "facts" are. If you shoot them down with the real facts they are unable to see the logic and ridicule you or they become defensive and shoot you down for disagreeing with them, or they lie and say "that's what I heard". They won't own that they're wrong. What really annoys me though on here is when their 'friends' have gone along with them and stick up for them and you end up being the one who is wrong or has the bad
@loralee (542)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I find I get annoyed when surrounded by an over-abundance of negatively motivated opinionated freaks with nothing to say. I try to distance myself from people with closed minds who feel they hold all the answers or can never admit to being in error. They are not worth my time. It is difficult if you are forced to be around people who practice such an annoying behavior if you cannot walk away from them - i.e. in work environment or in connection to friends and family. The thing I find that cuts down on being annoyed is to avoid them, and definitely avoid having conversations with them. It is hard to do when they purposely try to press your buttons. And though it is hard and takes time to remove certain buttons, I make it a mission to let them think those buttons have already been removed. I also try to indirectly and subliminally transmit the message that they have no more connection to me than outdated and antiquated facts that have evolved into uninformative and uninteresting fiction.
@loralee (542)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Thank you for the best response remark. :)
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• United States
31 Dec 07
Yes, all groups of people have included among them, the obnoxious.. What I find frustrating is how so many seem to think one group is worse than another, and they judge a whole group by the obnoxious ones, pointing to one group or another, as the more 'guilty ones' of the human race (bigotry is nothing more or less than the 'blame game'). Personally, I have close relatives, I love dearly, who have decided some speech or mentioning of topics are tabu, unless presented in their slant, or when I'm not there (as they know I'm of a certain sect or belief, tho I rarely have mentioned it). Then when I am not present, it is not tabu, and they ridicule me. But this only assures me that they haven't enough 'facts' or knowledge to back their own opinion or theory, which is no more "proven" than another, though they think it is.. so they do the next best thing which is to censure and belittle the opinion I have which they completely misunderstand in the first place. But I've given up trying to present anything different then their preconceived notion... (the notion that my group all thinks alike and we're all obnoxious, overbearing and ignorant).
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
I'll go along with the olde saying,-One person's fact is another person's folly! I hold this belief, and am not bothered by the folly.An (almost) immutable fact!- Nothing in this dimension remains static. Change and change alone, is permanent. That being the case, does it not suggest that fact can be fluid also?
• United States
2 Dec 07
Yes, I see what you're saying here. I agree with you and I am usually a pretty easy going person when it comes to other people's opinions. I feel I am very open-minded. I just get bothered when people start spreading rumors and stating them as "facts" that can give other people the wrong impression of something. For instance, in the example I used above, if a person said "painting your nails red will cause you to get cancer and your nails will fall off" and someone who knew nothing about the subject read it and thought it was a fact they may never paint their nails again or may tell others that that is true, when it really isn't.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
Yes I get your drift! I've caught myself stating ( so called) facts without backup info. Must be careful about that! Thanks Molly!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
I have a question? How long did the Flat Earth Theory remain a Fact?
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• United States
1 Dec 07
This is pretty true...kind of like what I'm dealing with with some of th epople I've been arguing with on here LOL...I answered a couple posts about Peta being a little full of shi*, and the person is STILL arguing with me about it! I even gave him/her a few websites where I'VE done MY research on the matter, because I myself used to be a member, and recently cancelled after all of my findings. They don't care. They're concerned with their posts, and get excited when some silly people actually do agree with their nonsense. I wasn't even trying to be mean about it, I was trying to show them the same things I found, and I get my head chewed off! MyLot says they want posts "with substance", maybe they should look into these "wrong" facts! Thanks for your post!
@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
31 Dec 07
I wouldn't say it annoys me, I would say it makes me wonder... and sometimes sad too. And I agree with ahgong, it tells a lot about the person himself. I saw there in myLot a lot many very stupid statements, and in "offline life" too, and unfortunately we can't do much about it but still, we can try.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
2 Dec 07
No Molly it does not. The reason is I understand that we all wish to feel important that we are somehow contributing. We all make mistakes. All of us. And the more we feel about a subject the more likely we are to impart it without the research you refer to. If we rely on what we read here to direct our lives or to change our view of something then we kind of ask for it. Regardless the subject most of what people say is opinion. Right or wrong. That is true of all of us.
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• United States
6 Dec 07
Regardless I do hope you are able to sort out fact from fiction so that it does not upset you. Hope you have a good christmas.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Does it annoy me? Yes and no. The problem I see most frequently here is that what IS fact in one culture is NOT fact for another. No amount of arguing back and forth will make either side right or wrong because both sides are correct within the context of their culture. Everything from major issues to mundane everyday life can be affected by those attitudes. I once had a mini debate with someone over diapers because they believed it was wrong to keep a diaper on a baby (under a year) all the time because potty training should begin at 6 months at the latest and I believe that is just ridiculous. While what we were saying could be considered opinions when it comes down to it in their culture it is a fact that babies do not wear diapers whereas in my culture it is a fact that they do. So, what annoys me is when people state or argue over "facts" without considering the cultural differences between users.
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@urbandekay (18278)
9 Dec 07
I think you are confusing facts with values. A fact is a fact regardless of culture; for instance it is a fact that an object dropped above the earth will experience an acceleration due to gravity, ceteris paribus, regardless of culture. It may also be a fact that babies wear nappies in US over 6 months of age and that remains a fact regardless of the culture of the hearer. What does change is the cultural value placed on that fact. So, a fact may be considered a good or bad thing in different cultures without that affecting its truth value. all the best urban
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I have to take note of this. Completely right, well said. I've had a couple of situations like you described. Other times its also the perspective itself in question and both people (in their personal experience) are correct, but still arguing. And arguments aren't always bad, sometimes they do bring out something from within, or they help bring a different picture for people to consider. Even when its cultural this can apply, although one should definitely consider culture, where you live, how you live, and other relevant issues.
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@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
2 Dec 07
hmmmmmmmmmmmm ya know what though? when people are staing only feelings and saying what they feel..............then it IS fact, for them only, still very much fact though, whether you like it or not
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• United States
2 Dec 07
Yeah, I get what you are saying and you're right. When it is something like "The color blue is the best color" that is obviously an opinion of their's and a fact for them. But when they say something like "If you paint your nails red you will get cancer and your fingers will fall off." then they are obviously just someone who doesn't know what they are talking about and that's when I get bothered.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
11 Dec 07
Some times it does annoy me. Especially when you post a discussion expecting some serious discussions. But at times, it is amusing to read these posts. They then to tell you a lot about the person who wrote it. How ignorant he is with regards to the topic of discussion. How shallow he/she will get when the arguments go against him.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Annoying as he!!, actually. I had a bit of a debate recently on the subject of ghosts with someone who insisted that "ghosts" are in fact demons pretending to be the people you love who have passed away. She got this from the bible, apparently and kept insisting that it was fact. Now, I'm all for holding to ones religious beliefs and all of that. But I don't see how anyone can try to present something that is based on FAITH as a fact. You know? I find that what you're talking about is incredibly prevalent when it comes to religion. People seem to forget what the word faith means.
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• United States
2 Dec 07
Oh yeah, you're so right. It is the worst to me because I feel like people start to attack me on my beliefs (which are nonreligious.) I do not care about what other people believe, I support their right to believe it and I am not bothered by differing beliefs. I would never say to someone who has faith in a religion that they are wrong because I know they believe they are right and I respect that. I hate when they do not show me the same respect, for example, I can't count how many times I've been told I am "going to hell." It wouldn't even bother me at all if they just put "I think" ahead of that statement.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
8 Dec 07
My opinion of this discussion is your right. But if you can't handle it and you get freaked out by it, don't read it or respond to it. Life is too short to worry about this kind of thing. Don't stress yourself over it. The idea of being in mylot is to make some friends and have some fun. That's what I'm doing, and I don't take anything here I read serious.
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• United States
8 Dec 07
I don't stress about it because I don't take what I read as a fact unless I look it up myself. I'm just concerned about people who might believe things that are not facts.
• Germany
1 Dec 07
It is possible ....but there re some peoples who have already some life experience on what they used to tell .It is something other than to make a study or research.In the modernising world each and everyone would like to see a study about every matter.I personaly cannot accept all these concepts.I have my own views .It is not obligatory to be everytime correct.
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• United States
1 Dec 07
All I'm saying is there is a difference between having an opinion and saying "this is what I think" and having an opinion but saying "this is what is" Opinions are not facts and people should not state them like they are because then other people may think false information is true. Life experience can be stated as a fact because it happened, but it only a fact for that person, not necessarily for all.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
2 Dec 07
That does annoy me. I have had people who state their opinions as fact and then argue because you've not agreed but the worst thing is when you state something which is a fact and people still argue with you. Sometimes I think it's just for the sake of arguing but other times I think there are people who genuinely don't understand the difference between fact and opinion, people who think that whatever they think is true but even if you proved them wrong, they'd still argue because they have already deciided that they are right. I admit I have some strong opinions on certain subjects and my opinions can not usually be changed but I'm not going to say that someone is wrong about something where it is only a matter of opinion.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Well, emotions can be very strong when it comes to our opinions. For me, I feel like, as far as I am concerned, my opinion is fact - for me. If I believe something is what it is, then it might be a bit hard to sway me from that opinion. I do believe we are all entitled to our own opinions and that some people will disagree with me. I do try to preface anything like that with "I think" or "I feel" something like that. It is difficult though when we disagree on things... I have learned to agree to disagree just to keep the peace.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
2 Dec 07
yeah I hate that also. i wish some of my discussins I had never even started in here truthfully. Espically the ones about my past. I won't to drop it but it still comes up. Mylot should have a way to delete discussions.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
2 Dec 07
I must salute you for this observation of yours. I have also noticed this but not so deeply. I also have noticed that there are so many discussions where it is related to only a single type of people. it really annoys me.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
2 Dec 07
Not necessarily. People are often like that and they mean no harm, sometimes they are convinced that they are correct. It does annoy me a bit when they are not open to the fact that they might be wrong, but I don't really get upset by it. It's their choice and with exceptions I am not wasting time "educating" them,if they're not open to it. SOme people are actually so good at it that they can convince many others. I kind of admire those. To say something with such conviction that it's complicated to disagree if you're not really that sure about the subject. Others are just not aware that they're wrong. They think they're right so they are convincing for that same reason. It doesn't bother me either way. I do my own research even when I feel like believing in something they say.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 Dec 07
yes, i agree with you. I try to ignore people like that but ya, its hard.
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