When Was The Last Time You Had A Nightmare?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
December 6, 2007 5:48am CST
I had a terrible night last night, I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing and turning and I woke up this morning with all my bed clothes on the floor! I had woken up twice in the night, and I had had about two or three, or could be more they all flowed into one another, like when you watch commercials on tv, one would come after another.
I woke up with a screaming headache!
I now feel totally drained and my head is thumping away!I haven't had a nightmare for ages, then two or three come along at once. They were awful and depicted some of my past where people I have known in the past appearing along with new unseen people of the future, without going too much into it but they were pretty vivid and scary.
So when was the last time you had a nightmare/bad dream?
Can you remember it?
What causes nightmares?
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22 responses
@mummymo (23706)
29 Jan 08
It has been a little while since I had a nightmare, you have to be in a deep sleep to have them and I think the only reason I haven't had any is because I haven't had very good sleeps! I hate to think of you having these nightmares and wish I had been there to give you a hug and soothe away those dreams like I do with the kids! i have found that stoking the forehead and down the middle of the nose soothes them while they are still asleep and stops the bad dreams in their tracks - give me a shout next time! xxx
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Sweets, I am living my worst nightmare ..
I keep hoping I'll wake up...
So far everytime I do wake up I'm still in this horrible dream..
Oh well...I will adjust in time..
My parents used to tell me as a child when I had one to think about ice cream and candy while I fell asleep...I would try to imagine climbing a mountain of ice cream and sliding down it on a candy bar with candy cane runners and licorice pull rope and I would soon be into a sweet dream..try it Honey..you never know!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Nightmares can be caused by numerous things from some situation going on in ones waking life to medication and also they can be your subconscious trying to get your attention..When was the last time I had a major nightmare..wow its actually been a while now that I'm thinking about it..no I dont remember it though...Back a couple yrs ago nightmares were the norm for me, I had them often and they were usually extremely brutal to the point of messing me up for several days...
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I know just how bad those kinds of nights can be, wolfie. I have a history of nightmares and night terrors dating back from childhood. This is only my opinion, but I think that people who have the most vivid imaginations and are creative have the worst nightmares(I wonder if Stephen King has them?) Sometimes I will go for a period of a couple of months without having one, but then I'll get a lulu. Some are so frightening that I have to get out of bed, turn on the lights, and find something to do to take my mind off them. I have dream catchers hanging over my bed but they really don't help much.
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@makatas (1098)
• Greece
6 Dec 07
Almost two weeks ago, but it wasnt very scary. I was isolated with a girl and we had to escape hordes of attacking zombies :) Well, it wasnt scary because it was relatively easy to avoid those slow moving creatures. Also, the dream ended with me being in love with the girl, right out of movie, right?LOL. Well, at that period of time i had been playing Resident Evil 4, so that was the reason. Usually nightmares, like dreams are referring to things we have thought or done during our time awake.Or so i think.
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@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
9 Dec 07
I have rarely had nightmares in my life. More often than not, when I have bad "dreams", it's more of a waking dream, where I'm on the edge of consciousness and my thoughts tend to wander freely. Little things that I worry about tend to get blown way out of proportion when this happens, like worrying that my dogs might get out and get hit by a car or something along those lines. My mind will play out circumstances into negative results and I honestly think this happens more when I'm worried or unhappy about something.
I did search out nightmares on yahoo and this is what I found:
"Unlike most normal dreams, nightmares don't appear to help a person work through the events in their daily lives. Even after decades of research, scientists still puzzle over why some people have nightmares but others don't. Although the causes of recurrent nightmares are still mysterious, some personality patterns have emerged among those who experience them.
People with nightmare disorder are often characterized as "thin boundaried," says Ross Levin, Ph.D, associate professor of psychology at Yeshiva University in New York City, and a therapist who treats nightmare disorder and insomnia. For the most part, they are unusually open with others and can be emotionally vulnerable. Levin has also found nightmare sufferers to be more inward looking than the average person and prone to vivid fantasies. Their thoughts and daydreams are often negative, according to his new study, published in the journal Imagination, Cognition and Personality.
"These people often have depressive background thoughts, but they don't know it," he says.
The majority of people who suffer from regular nightmares can trace their nighttime images to trauma. They are crime victims, rape survivors and others who are haunted by disturbing events. Most have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is often characterized by bad dreams.
In most cases, the nightmares fade away. But for some trauma survivors, bad dreams linger and become destructive.
Krakow has treated hundreds of people with PTSD whose dreams have plagued them for up to 20 years. He has developed a way to break the cycle with image rehearsal therapy (IRT). Patients don't discuss the experience that spurred the nightmares or even the content of the dreams. Instead they focus on changing the imagery. They script the dream, perhaps only a scene. Then they practice it while awake.
"Nightmares can have many influences, but for these people, nightmares are a bad habit," he says. "They're a learned behavior."
The therapy's framework is similar to that used to manage pain and ease anxiety. Of those receptive to the therapy, a majority sees results, Krakow says.
He has found that treating nightmares can reduce many of the other symptoms of PTSD. "You don't have to get rid of the trauma to get rid of the nightmares," he says."
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 Dec 07
How strange that I should read this a week later and I had a nightmare last night. I even mentioned it in another response earlier today.
No pun intended but it was a wake up call for me. I consider myself pretty independant but as it turns out I rely heavily on my good friend. If anything happened to him I would be devastated for several reasons as it turns out.
I can understand nightmares about the past where troubles in your head manifest themselves for some reason and I have had nightmares about weird things that didn't really make sense but this one I had was sort of about the future. I have no idea why we have them.
Sometimes I have awful dreams where I need to pee all the time but can't relieve myself. I'll dream I using the loo then a short time later I need to go gain. When I finally wake, I actually do need to pee...lol.
@recycledgoth (9894)
6 Dec 07
((( hugs ))) Wolfie. I think most of my nightmares are caused by stress or anxiety. Sometimes when you have something on your mind it stays put and triggers a series of dreams and nightmares, and sometimes I find myself waking in a cold sweat but can't remember anything. I tend to suffer bouts of insomnia and that often causes me to have ngihtmares when I finally manage to get to sleep I am over-tired and anxious. The last time I felt I was falling from a very great height, I couldn't see the ground but I could feel myself falling faster and faster, then I hit the ground and realised that I had fallen out of bed. I still don't know why I dreamed of falling, it was very scary at the time as I don't like heights much.
@yanjiaren (9031)
10 Dec 07
I think excess stress causes nightmares. Last night I had one lol. It was with my dad and we were running away from the bdevil, then In was married again to my ex lol. He isn't a bad person but it wans't where I wanted to be if you get my drift lol. Today I had a mixed f=day, the first half was crap but now I got three reviews with paid per post and earned some bucks I feel a bit better lol.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I had a nightmare last night; it was about aliens invading earth while I was on a plane, and the plane almost crashed! lol, it sounds funny, but I was really really scared in my dream.
@miaoyu0807 (101)
• China
7 Dec 07
That's a long time that I don't remember the last time I had a nightmare.I have not remember what my last nightmare was,maybe now everyday is my nightmare.There is full of no aimed and unfairness and having no other way.
@jam14zen (149)
• United States
18 Dec 07
I heard a lot has to do with your thought prior to falling asleep. I guess that means try to think nice thoughts when drifting off to sleep. Sometimes that is nearly impossible, and stressed out people probably get more than carefree folks. I woke up a few nights ago in a small puddle of sweat, kind of trembling and had to dry off with a towel in the middle of winter...perhaps that was involved with a nightmare, I can't remember.
@erielle (1280)
• United States
6 Dec 07
Try meditation. It really helps. if you do not know how to meditate, look it up online. Stress, and supressed feelings of anger, and anixity or grief can cause nightmares along with many other things. Do not go to sleep worrying. That is the main key.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
7 Dec 07
Nowdays for last 1 year most of the nights i get nightmares. sometimes i think as i think a lot about my future, job i get nightmares. yesterday there was some tension at office and i started getting nightmares at night. i think to much mental stress, tension, depression ,agony brings nightmares.
@HomeFlower (987)
• Canada
7 Dec 07
I hate nightmares.
I dream a lot.
I'm sure some of them are horrible because I yell, toss and turn, end up beating on hubby. Poor guy!
Most of the time I don't remember them for days - and then I'll remember bits and pieces. I wake up with headaches, in physical pain and exhausted (like I've been running all night).
Too bad we can't control what we dream about.
Or can we? ....
@marcialoyd (1173)
• United States
6 Dec 07
The last time I had a nightmare was a couple of weeks ago. Someone Breaks into my house and kills everyone I love and I am the only one to survive. I have been having this same dream since I was about 5 years old. I totally wish I could understand why. Maybe its a fear of losing the people I love and being left alone. I don't really know.
@almajoes (53)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I sometimes have dreams and when I do, I don't usually don't remember them. However, I recently had a nightmare where my family's house burned down. Now, how about that? I did manage to get back to sleep after, although. Stress may be a factor in getting nightmares, you never know.