"I Need A Boyfriend."?
By Malyck
@Malyck (3425)
December 8, 2007 9:05pm CST
YES, I am back on myLot again!!! =) Hello again friends and strangers.
I was just thinking of the numerous times I've heard this in my life.
Especially from teenage girls and on tv shows.
But what is it that makes anyone think that they *need* to be in a relationship.
What do you think the reason is for this?
Would you ever go out with the first girl/guy that crossed your path just to be in a relationship?
Now don't get me wrong, I think relationships are (or have the potential to be) great, and I'm certainly in a wonderful one at the moment, but I wasn't actively looking to be in one when we met.
It was just luck, fate, good vibes or whatever.
But never, when single, have I thought "I need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend/relationship".
In my opinion, when you feel that you need another always to make you happy or "full", there's a bigger problem.
Share your opinions, stories and whatnot here =)
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15 responses
@mengchuijie (324)
• South Korea
9 Dec 07
it is common for some girls to have the feeling of needing a boyfriend.
good luck! Go for your boyfriend! you will make it!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
9 Dec 07
HEY!!! It's MALYCK!!!!
"Awwwww yeaaaaa!!"
[Plays semi hiphop/urban music]
"What do you think the reason is for this?"
To answer your question, its the social hypnotism and bombardment of the matter. Everywhere one looks its couples this, marriage that, relationship advice, dating advice, dating sites, get together, blah blah blah...-_- Its also a social stigma in some capacity (though not like before) if one is not in a relationship.
"Would you ever go out with the first girl that crossed your path just to be in a relationship?"
No, no and triple no. Its not worth it at all. And just to be in a relationship? That's just crazy in my opinion. No telling who or what I just paired up with. -_-
I'm right there with you a relationship isn't needed. In fact I've got experience on that, and I've seen plenty of relationships turn out horribly (along with potential relationships). I'm content to keep being me. Plus changing my outlook and removing some of the social "Matrix programming" really helped me out. I feel great and this life is pretty nice.

@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Yep, I've supported "de-facto" relationships. To me I think they are real relationships. Especially if they do a lot better than other supposed "stable" or "traditional" relationships and also if the partners in it are fufilled and happy.
As for the rest of your comment at my situation...
well uh... *blush* I think you're playing a bit with me heart. :)
Thanks for the kind words Mal.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
I agree about the de-facto thing, that's not to say I'm a relationship snob or something.
I don't look down on people who choose to marry, nor do I think that people who don't opt for that option have a less meaningful and loving relationship.
Different things work for different people, as most of us have worked out in life.
(Some people still seem to deem it necessary to shove their beliefs down our throats regardless =P)
As far as playing with your heart - that's never my intention.
I just hope to be honest and share my true opinion - you have a great personality and outlook as far as I have encountered.
@wondericequeen (7876)
• Hong Kong
5 May 08
Well, I think you hear that because many girls don't want to be left out in the group, like when almost all their friends are dating someone, they would want that too! I don't think anyone "NEED" a boyfriend, I don't need one and I don't need him to complete me (pure fantasy). I think if it happens, it will happen. I enjoy being single mostly because I can focus more on me and things I want to do with my life.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
5 May 08
My boyfriend and I have almost been officially going out for 1 year, at the end of this month!
I also think it's a fantasy that we need someone to "complete" us.
I mean, I have grown into a new form of myself through my relationship, but if I were single and feeling incomplete, the problem wouldn't be solved by entering a relationship, you know?
Do enjoy it and live it up while you're single, and once you find someone also!

@dana_ann (67)
• Australia
11 Dec 07
I wouldn't say I 'need' to have a boyfriend. I would like to, especially as there's someone I like at the moment, but I wouldn't just hook up with some random person for the sake of saying I have a boyfriend. Not having one hasn't killed me in the last 16 years of my life.
Besides, great songs come from wanting something you can't have :P
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
11 Dec 07
Hi Mal,
My sister is like this, she rarely can go too long without having a guy in her life, and often jumps from one to the other. I'm not saying she sleeps with them all, but she does seem to be unhappy unless there is a guy present. I'm not sure why she is like this, and I try and tell her to chill in the nicest way possible, but she doesn't listen.
I don't think some women realise that unless your healed from any pain a man has brought upon you, the next relationship is going to fail too. It's hard to let go of the baggage and not bring it over into the next guy a girl meets. This goes for guys too.
A friend of mine has a friend that is constantly jumping from one man to another, then cries to my friend about how she's not happy. She has told her numerous times, chill out, allow more than 2 weeks before you start going out with someone else! She get's on my nerves, glad she's not my friend. lol
I wasn't looking when I met my hubby. I was content, it had been about 6mos since my last relationship and he really scarred me, so I was not ready, plus I was enjoying being single. But like you said, it was fate, it was meant to be and it still feels that way after 3 yrs. We get along so well and laugh more than anything else. I don't think I have healed completely from the last relationship, but hubby understands somewhat and will tolerate a few things I still need to let go of. I'm a hard one to forget things, let alone forgive. lol ;o)
Bay Lay Gray xx
@BayleighGray (4334)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I think I've done good to pace my relationships over the years, I did jump from one to the other too quickly and of course it didn't work out. Go figure! lol
Just this year my sis has had 3 boyfriends. The latest one, I forget his name, lol, seemed like a nice guy, he drove a truck, he was gone 2 weeks home 1, he made good money and was really nice too her. Of course, she turned down coming here for Thanksgiving because she wanted to spend it with him and his family, and then when I called her on Thanksgiving, she said so nonchalantly that they had broke up. lol ???? I'm like huh? Then in the same breath mentions this other guy, and when I go to say something she cut me off saying "he's just a friend". GRRRR She's my older sister too! Been married so many times I lost count.....I just don't get it. I'm not here talking about her to dog her, I love my sister, she know's she's like this. She know's I feel this way.
I'm sorry to hear that Mal, I've been there too. I don't remember letting it bother me. Maybe I was just too young to understand or something. Everyone has a different reaction in this situation I guess. It was rather violent, physical, and when he was done, he drove for a little bit then sort of slowed the car down and pushed me out. I just think I put it somewhere and locked it away. When I think about it, I feel blank, so I don't know. Sound's like your letting it out, which is probably the best thing, let it out and let it go. Hugs xx
We have something in common honey, not that above, but something good. :) Alex is my hubby's name too! He's really patient and kind and I'm SOOOO thankful for him. I love him with all my heart. They sound a bit alike to me.
Bay xx
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
9 Dec 07
Just kno that man by nature is a social being-you cannot live your life alone, you will aways need someone, and especially, someone with whom to have some intimate connection. Am happy you got on, please keep your catch!
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
That is a very true statement about human beings - mammals in general are very sociable and cannot survive alone.
That, of course, doesn't mean that we should constantly be in an intimate relationship either.
There's a happy balance that some people seem to be lacking.
Thank you so much for your response, and I will be keeping him!
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
9 Dec 07
Well I am in my teens and yes I had the same feeling some weeks ago that "I NEED A BOYFRIEND"!!!
Well its a normal thing in us teens!!
I got two proposals around but I turned them down because they are my friends and I don't want to play with their hearts..!! I do need a boyfriend but not in cost of loosing any friend of mine!!
But now I am in no hurry to get a guy for me. As I am very much happy single.
A relationship with a "pointless need" and "no feelings" just means to nothing.
Its better to wait for the right guy to come.
Or else a bit "time pass" is not bad either. :P
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
Well it sounds to me like you don't "need" a boyfriend at all,
And that you have a great outlook on what a relationship should be like.
You're right, though, it is natural for teenagers (both guys and girls) to long for being in a relationship.
But relationships with no feelings definitely aren't the way to go at any time in life.
=) It's always better to wait for the "right" guy/girl for you.
And there's nothing wrong with the "time pass" either =P
Thanks for your comment.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
9 Dec 07
Yes, exactly, this drives me nuts actually! :P
I can't imagine needing to be in a relationship all the time. I've had those moments in my life where I've been like "You know, I'm happy with myself right now" and not really felt like I wanted or needed to be in a relationship. I really like waiting to find the right person instead of just jumping into something!
I think always having to have a partner means that you aren't fulfilled yourself, and need to find your own path.
@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Malyck, I really love what you said, "why do females say that they need a boyfriend." But in my age group I would use the word 'man friend.' But I never say that I need one. And like you said you weren't actively looking for one when you met. And it was fate and good vibes.
One needs to love one's self and know that they have a lot to offer themselves, especially when you enjoy being with yourself.
Each morning look in the morning and say to yourself that you love yourself and a smile should light up you countenance.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
Oh, I'm sorry - I should have covered more aspects than "boyfriend".
Man friend is a good one to settle on =)
Counterpart? Partner?
Anywho, thank you for such a positive and lovely response.
I'm a firm believer in self-love and self-respect and feel that they are the foundations to a strong relationship with another person.
I hope you continue to have such a wonderful attitude towards life, and have a great Christmas and new Year!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
12 Dec 07
It is upto you for you may be boys are like products so select the better one and make sure before reject and eject them. Anyhow I hope to get a good friend is one of the best gift of God. So all the best and soon you will get a worthy boyfriends. Boyfriends are lot but a boyfriend with you could get alone so well is more worthy and valued. Hope you will soon get one. Best wishes.
@shinnis (55)
• China
9 Dec 07
Hi,friends , This maybe the first time our disscusion met .
You subject is very meaningful and acctractive to my eyes. In my mind ,i always said i need a boyfriend, i need a one to always make myself happy offer happy to him ,to see his smile shinnining on his face ,so sunny . I got lots of happy . People is selfish ? No i don't think so ,some people takes others' happy as theirs . They are glad when others are happy who they truely care about .
I need to be in a relationship because i can not share my happiness . Maybe one more people can enlarge this mood. Love is not the funny thing, break-up between the lovers may show they are not approriate. They look for their true love .But don't cheat my own heart . I look for someone i really love and spent all my life with him .Before we met , i would rather to be single . Marriage is sacred ,show the mature of two people's love .So i always don't want to mess that and destroy my life .
I need a boyfriend to make my happy and share my happy and spent all my life .
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
I definitely understand your views on this topic,
and thank you for your comments about it =)
I know what you mean about being happy because of another's happiness,
but I find that I don't need to be in a romantic relationship to share my happiness with others.
I have a wonderful family and many great friends, and we have a lot of fun together, as well as just enjoying my time to myself.
Being in a relationship is fantastic, but I don't need one.
I hope that you do find a lovely man who will make you a very happy wife!
Best wishes!
@breadthless (124)
• United States
9 Dec 07
Yes, there was a time, only a few months ago, that I felt I "needed" to be in a relationship. I never did before and I really didn't feel like I "needed" them to be happy. It was just like no one had ever told me they'd had a crush on me or had asked me to a dance or out on a date, and I was freaking out because I thought there was something completely unlikeable about me that I guess I "needed" someone to prove that was wrong. I admit it, one of my horrible shames. So I ended up dating this guy that I didn't even like (but at the time, I really thought I did!), and I was so completely miserable for a month and a half! Then I realized that I was really satisfied with the people already in my life, and I didn't need a guy...a guy I didn't even LIKE in the first place, to prove to me anything!! I'm so happy that I'm single now...like I'm free.
@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
9 Dec 07
That's understandable.
I can say I've gone through that before, but I don't think that makes me a hypocrite.
Sometimes we really do [think we] like the person or whatever.
But I have needed some sort of confirmation in the past, and sometimes you need a date a random guy you don't like to realise that you don't need them =)
Thanks for sharing!
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
9 Dec 07
some vampires invited me to a party
Mr. Mrs. Donner I think tey said
should I go?