What is better, being alone or marriage?

a couple celebrating with dancing on their marriag - 317 x 419 - 26k

December 10, 2007 11:26pm CST
I have seen many spinsters/bachelors live life of ease and comfort. They are answerable to no one, enjoy life the way they feel they should and are content. I have also seen them die lonely deaths if they have no one to care for them. On the other hand, being married means having to learn to live with another, working more than usual, having to tolerate their tantrums and tempers and bring up children. Yet, with the right partner, one can do almost everything. However marriage is no guarantee for all the good things in life. What would you advise the young of today?
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29 responses
• Hong Kong
12 Dec 07
Marriage is for to have a family, and if you feel yourself lonely all the time. Marriage is perfect for you. Well, perhaps you should try thinking not to get married if you do not have the understanding. Well, this quality might get into you, after getting into a relationship. Being bachelor, is fun, but sometimes you might feel lonely. Human is bound to be social. It's the fundamental quality of a human being. However there are exceptions, some people are not very social, and some don't have this quality. The state of mind is important, if you are fine with being bachelor, its good, otherwise, marriage is the best option :)
• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
Do you feel loneliness is the only reason to get married? If so I would never have married. My husband and I are both lone wolves. We like spending time on our own. Of course, we are comfortable together now and will spend some time together - but he works nights and sleeps days and this suits us just fine. My mom used to say that marraige is built on the foundation of love, friendship, communication and trust - and on this the house of love of built. Good day - have fun mylotting!
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• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
We are in agreement that - not that it would have been the end of the world were we not. :)--- have fun
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• India
13 Dec 07
Marriage is based on love, respect and understanding and of course companionship. However, one cannot say marriage is best for one and all. It totally depends on the partner you have chosen to share your life. Many a married person have claimed they would have been better off being single. So its a Catch 22 situation. Marry and repent, dont m arry and repent or dont marry and be happy, marry and be happy.
@karilyn (40)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
there was a time I realized that though you have everything but there's something lacking. and I then know that it's the someone special. I thought it was really that one that is missing but it isn't. I didn't used my mind I got married coz I was thinking that it's the one...but a big mistake that ever happened to me... So gurls out there don't be too harsh into that situation. Try to think of it as many as you could, think of the pros and cons of it. Look around you!
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• India
13 Dec 07
Yes, dear, very often we make the mistake of chosing the wrong partner and we feel we are better off unmarried. Life teaches us many things, so you are much wiser now. However, dont give up. some day u wl find your soul mate. till then, enjoy your freedom.
@bishu_sinha (1457)
• India
12 Dec 07
Obiously, I am recomending for marriage. Partnership continues to be the healthiest state in general. There are health benefits associated with partnership, especially marriage.
• United States
12 Dec 07
Neither is "better", they're both a choice and each person is different. One person may be perfectly happy staying single their whole life, another may be in a relationship but choose to never get married and someone else may love the idea of being married. Also, being married does NOT mean that you automatically have to have children. Not all married couples want children.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
What I'm sure of is that it is better to be alone than to be in a bad marriage. So my attitude is that I go through life not worrying about marriage. If I happen to have someone that I love then I will certainly consider marriage. Otherwise it's not something that I require of myself. It shouldn't be forced just because "everybody else is doing it" or just because I'm getting old.
• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
I agree with sety - very wise - wise dragon.
• India
12 Dec 07
You certainly live up to the wise part of your name. Just be very very sure before marrying anyone. Loving someone and yet getting along with that persons nature are two different things. Good luck dear.
• United States
12 Dec 07
Cheers to that!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
I think this is a highly subjective question. Totally up to the individual an their situation. I didn't marry until 35 - and as you say, I was answerable to no one and could move across country to take a job at a drop of a hat. My money and time was my own to do with what I will, I could go to the movies and see what I want, when I want. Now I'm married and have a little baby - it is acutally the baby that ties me up as I am nursing. However, I found a man who unlike many, doesn't throw tantrums or have a temper, like me, he is so laid back he practically reclines. Great thing that, or we wouldn't be married long! We want the same things in life, and plan to adventure together so I have no need to give up my adventures. We will travel to Asia to see his family, and across country to see other family members,go on cruises etc. We both eventually will have careers, (mine based out of the home) so neither of us will have to work more. We plan to buy an energy efficient house so we can save money by living off the grid. We will have an organic garden so we don't spend so much at the store (its expensive to eat healthy). Again though, its highly individual. I may never have married had I not met him and been asked so spontaneously (I've been asked before, but not the right time/circumstances). I would have continued my adventures, answerable to no one, enjoying a life of ease asnd comfort as you say. I might have eventually adopted a few kids though. I'm very happy and content to have a little family, however, I think i would've been happy and content otherwise as well. Friends and family gathered around. A boyfriend to spend my life into my golden years with. But then I would never have known Robert, my little son. Its good all around. Good luck and have fun mylotting!
• Abernathy, Texas
14 Dec 07
Thank you. You know I never liked the word spinster, it has much worse connotations then bachelor. I prefer former female bachelor!
• India
13 Dec 07
You saw life at its best both ways. When you were a spinster, you enjoyed life. Now you have found the right partner, you are happy. May you always have a smile on your face and enjoy life together. A big big kiss to Robert. God Bless.
• Canada
13 Dec 07
It depends on you, your life, and your circumstances. I have never been married before my curent marriage, and my husband has been married three times before me. We were just talking about this. He never thought he'd ever get married again, and I didn't think I'd get married the first time, but when we realized we were right for eachother, we both decided it was time to get married.
• India
13 Dec 07
Whew, married thrice. He must by now know all types of nature of women. So uttimately he found you and married you. May your marriage last and last till eternity and may you both find lots of happiness in each other. Amen.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
Well it does differ from person to person. I guess it depends on how happy are you and comfortable are you in your cuirrent situation. Right now, I am happily married and the companionship I am experiencing with my family is incomparable when I was living alone. I may have lose some freedom to some I used to do when I was single but then I have wife who loves me and supports me I have a son who also loves me as I love them both too. I am happy where I am but I could not speak for everybody since there are others who really prefer to stay out of marriage for their own personal reasons. For that I truly respect their idea.
• India
12 Dec 07
Marriage means companionship, love and caring and most of all understanding. So if one has all this in a mariage, well the ups and downs of life can be fought together. The right partner is very essential. I too have a married life of 20 years and am happy with my spouse, though at times I do wish I was single. But thats in the heat of the moment. Thank you for responding so well.
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• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
I agree, lifetime partnership needs to be with the right person!
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@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Dec 07
Well, actually both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. If you have a bad marriage, be sure it is much more suffering than a single life. So if you want to get married, be sure you have to think it over carefully and marry to the right one. Otherwise you will be regretful in your whole life. Being single means you are free to do anything. But getting married needs consideration and responsibility.
• India
12 Dec 07
Exactly and well said. Either way goes for anyone.
• United States
12 Dec 07
I guess that all really depends on the person and what really makes them happy. I would much rather be with someone then die alone. That was always a big fear of mine. And having children isnt necessarily a bad thing. I would advise that you always do what makes you happy.
• India
13 Dec 07
Happiness is a term we use vaguely. You may think you are happy for some time and then if things dont work out or you get a wrong partner, then happiness turns to sadness. yes, dying alone is scary and children may just look after us if our luck is good. Do what makes you happy and marry your right partner. God bless.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Different things for different people. I will say a couple of responders here have some pitiful views and logic on this (most of it I could easily dispose of). Marriage is no guarantee for all good things in life since someone could get many good things in life without it (successful career, friendship, community involvement, fame, mentoring, just living life, and even relationships - they do not always require marriage). Plus one person saying this premise is wrong needs to think about it. Divorce is a proof that there is no guarantee marriage can give you the good things in life, or even a secure relationship (especially since more and more divorces are for superficial reasons, i.e. "starter" husband, "boredom", extramarital affairs). Then you have some of the nuances of divorce and post divorce life (losing a companion you thought loved you, losing your children, being denied visitation, financial burdens, and more). Now tell me, how is ANY of that "good" or even close to "guaranteed happiness"?! What about bad marriages too? How is being married to some abusive or nasty person "happiness"!? Because they are married? NONSENSE!! Youth needs to look carefully at relationships and at what marriage is (both the good and the bad). Averting ones eyes from either leads to a skewed and incomplete perspective on the matter. Also, do not buy into the lie that you MUST get married to be happy. That's complete nonsense too. You have to live your own life, you have to be satisfied with how its going. Thinking marriage is going to instantly make you happy (even if its temporary) is a bad move. The consequences for a failed marriage or even a horrific marriage is far worse than being single.
• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
I agree pro. My mom always said wait until at least thirty before even thinking of marraige. Before then, you may marry for the wrong reasons. Because you have an animal attraction to another - but nothing else, for security, because you think you're supposed to - or even to get out of the house! It is better to wait forever for mr or mrs right then end up shackled to mr or mrs wrong.
• India
12 Dec 07
Very wisely said. Marriage is not a must for a happy contented life. If you land up with the wrong partner, all the love flies out of the window and you are left with stark reality of life. I have really not come to any final conclusion yet after readig my lotters replies. Thank you for a very good reply.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Dec 07
Most people especially ladies dream of their wedding day and then it happens and they realize it's not really as magical as it should have been. At least this was my experience.. I'm not alone right now but not looking for marriage either. I could take it or leave it and honestly I don't think being alone is that bad!
• India
12 Dec 07
Marriage is like a catch 22 situation. You marry and may live to regret it. Dont marry and also live to regret it. Yes, getting the right partner is the key to a happy marriage, so maybe you werent that lucky or maybe you just rushed into marriage. No regrets now, dear, I too honestly believe that being alone is not that bad if you are financially stable and can look after yourself in your old age. Be careful the next time love.
• United States
12 Dec 07
You know it- I learned not to jump- head first this time! Heart later! OK only a little later! :)
• United States
12 Dec 07
I have been married for four years going on five and I still don't have all the answers. Marriage has its good and bad points. It's nice to come home to someone you love and who loves you but it sucks sometimes that you are always thinking of that other person so it's not just you that you have to think about. Whn you make a bad decision it doesn't just effect you it effects both of you. I would say to wait to get married until you are absolutely sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Live with that person for a while. That way you get to see what they are really like. Talk to that significant other as much as possible. That way you get to know there thoughts and points of view. Also that way you find out how much you have in common. Don't rush into mrriage because once you are married you have your whole life to spend together.
• India
12 Dec 07
After 20 years of marriage, I am still not sure too. I have a good man as my husband, but a Leo at that, so his ego is collosal. Getting him to understand sometimes is like banging your head against a brick wall. Those are the times I wish i were single. Other times, he is loving and caring, and I am glad I married him. So its like a saying, marry and regret, dont marry and also regret.
@hanyang (16)
• China
12 Dec 07
i perfer to live with another who i love forever!
• India
12 Dec 07
May you find the right partner in life to share your joys and sorrows.
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
11 Dec 07
I'm married for over 25 years, so I could not imagine myself being single and missing the joys of motherhood and that of being a wife. But I have friends who seem to be happy with their being single, so I guess with the state that they are in, some single people could be happy and satisfied with their life....
• India
12 Dec 07
Exactly my views. I too am married for the last 20 years. Good marriages are made in heavens and the ones that turn sour are maybe also made in heavens but we as humans could not adjust or just plain bad luck. Sometimes it is better to be single and enjoy life for you are totally stable financially, emotionally .
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
I guess, it depends on the person concern. There are a lot of single persons that lived their lives to the fullest till they die. There are also married people who lived their lives to the fullest till they die also. Getting married is not for everybody. There are those who are cut to be single for life. Whatever, it is just a state of mind. You can still be "better" either you are single or married.
• India
12 Dec 07
The key to a happy married life is finding the right partner, a lot of love, understanding and care. Both bachelors/married people can live either full happy lives or sad miserable ones.
• United States
11 Dec 07
It really depends on the person or people involve in the relationships. If the two are ready and they want to yes but if it is for convenience or just for the heck of it no. For some people it is best that they stay un-married and just co-exist or be alone or for others it's better for them to married. It really depends on the people...everyone is different and one solutions is not an answer for all......
• India
12 Dec 07
Marriage is like a lottery. If you get the right partner, you have stuck it rich. Otherwise it is a either grin and bear or part solution. Yes, there are different solutions for all and we cant paint it a shade of grey.
11 Dec 07
well you are true. i think every kinda life has its own fun and negative points. However i feel if you are right and understanding spouse you lead a wonderful life. however but in marriage you should be caring to each other and give the other person his/her personal space and trust him/her.bachelors life looks good for some time as some point of time you feel to have someone to share and be supportive.DOnt mind this is my personal view
• Philippines
11 Dec 07
I rather stay married happily with the persohe most in my life no matter what circumstances we had been
• India
12 Dec 07
The word happily is of prime importance. if your partner is good and understanding, nothing like it. One must stay married and get strength from each other. With the wrong partner, life becomes miserable. You either grin and bear it or part.
• Nigeria
11 Dec 07
yes it is good for a man or a woman to get marry
• Abernathy, Texas
12 Dec 07
I happen to agree that in some cases it is good for a man or a woman to get married - but I'd like to know why you think so?