Democratics are Anti Christmas
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
December 15, 2007 2:36am CST
In a typical PC mode of thinking there was a vote in congress to recoginize Chirstmas as important holiday (it is a National Holiday) and 9 democratics voted against it. Earlier a similar resolution about Ramadon passed with all memebers voting yes. Such resolutions are feel good things. It seems that some democratics see it as alright to vote for holidays of a minority of people but vote agains a majority holiday. To me this is a snub of Christmas and all of us who celebrate Christmas. I have no problem with people celebrating their holidays and sometimes it is fun and interesting to learn about them, but to vote against Ramadon would be wrong and insulting to Muslums.
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6 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Dec 07
With all of the truely important business that Congress should be doing, they are doing ni-picky stuff like voting on something that already exists. It does not matter that a couple of idiots voted against it; there will always be idiots. The real issue is: this Congress cannot get anything of substance done. They have a majority and all they ever do is rant and rave and mess with unimportant issues. When will they fix some of the important messes, that the country needs fixed?!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I'm with Mntlward...why in the world is this even being brought up in Non-progress Congress?! And yes, this whole thing is just plain garbage for the reasons you put down and for the question I posed. Time for a /facepalm. -_-
Sigh... -_-
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
17 Dec 07
Hello Bobmnu,
After reading your question, I did a cursory search for a list of the 9 Democrats who voted "nay" on this measure. I have not yet found such a list. If you, or anyone else has any knowledge of who the nine are, I would appreciate your sharing it.
As for this most recent vote: it is not the first of its kind, nor will it be the last.
The below link provides a list of the 22 Democrats who, in Dec. '05 voted against protecting the symbols & traditions of Christmas.
Although I understand the voices who question the substance of such seemingly frivolous votes, it does remain the job of Congress to protect Constitutionally recognized rights in this great land. Given that the courts continue to hear annual challenges to the display of Nativity scenes and Menorrahs, it would seem that there is an ongoing war against certain religious symbols & traditions, despite the abundently clear text of our Founding Documents. So, as long as their are Scrooges out there who desire to quash Christianity & Judaism, in favor of secular PCism, then Congress must address these types of bills.
I would offer this one caution though: It is not average Democrats who oppose the observance of Christmas, it is the Democrat Party and its leadership. And, the reason is simple: the Democrat Party of Joe Lieberman, Sam Stratton, JFK, etc ... has been replaced by closet Socialists. Socialism & religion don't historically 'play nice in the sandbox'. There IS a reason why Socialist Republics have historically banned religion -- religion threatens the 'all mighty' standing of government.
I've seen statistics ranging from the high-80 to the mid-90 percentile of Americans who are Christian or Jewish, and who support the traditional symbols of this holiday season. This means three things:
1. Many American Democrats are Christian or Jewish, and support the traditions of Christmas/Hanukkah.
2. Today's Democrat party is not representing their base, nor are they supporting and upholding the U.S. Constitution.
3. Every citizen, regardless of political or religious pursuasion, should be outraged!!!
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I think both of those resolutions violate the establishment clause of the first amendment and all should have voted against both of them.
Since when did we need Congress to vote that Christmas is important to people, anyway? That's just ridiculous.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Congress does a lot of thing that are against the consitution but few are willing to challenge them because they are getting something out of it. There is no Constitutional Provision for Social Security, health care or even making education policy other than the Federal Government is putting up money. Congress should read the Constitution and learn what their duties are and what they can do. They would be suprised to find out they have less power than they think.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
17 Dec 07
The only reason Christmas retained it's status as a national holiday is because of secular ties. Because Christmas became more secular, and embraced certain values that are pretty much universal, such as family life and what not, the courts allowed it to remain a national holiday.
So for those of you wishing Christmas could go back to it's original religious roots - be careful what you wish for. If your wish is granted, Christmas will no longer be a national holiday, and you're looking at the possibility of having to work on Christmas day.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Dec 07
"It seems that some democratics see it as alright to vote for holidays of a minority of people but vote agains a majority holiday."
The key here is "some", not ALL Democrats as your title implies. It's no more fair to judge all Democrats by a small group of them who for some reason felt like "making a statement" than it would be to judge all Republicans by a man who would say women should be submissive to their husbands or one who states his favorite possession is his trophy wife! This "War Against Christmas" is getting just as ridiculous as the whole "Freedom Fries" bit - let's just get over it and live our lives as we see fit and treat others accordingly. Merry Christmas from a life-long Democrat!
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I think that many Christians are getting fed up with being told everything they can't do and say except in church. Schools that make rules against carrying a Bible, Courts that say monuments that have been landmarks for years have to come down, and then say that schools can make children learn prayers from the Quarn in the name of Diversity. Schools that allow Muslum students to pray under the direction of a school employee while not allowing Christians to meet as a group after school. With a society that allows a minority to dictate what the majority must do many people feel that is wrong. We had a lady drive over 100 miles to view a monument and then file a law suit because she was offended by it and forced the community to spend tax money to defend what was considered a landmark and them to have to cover the espense of moving it because of one person who wanted to make a point. You have a society that is saying that Christmas is a religious holiday and to keep it out of the mainstream and in the next breath saying that the Christian Churches are wrong for supporting ideas that go against their core beliefs (abortion, Gay Rights, end of life issues) Maybe the Christians are getting sick and tired of the apparent attacks on their faith while we are asked to bend over to accomadate other religions - foot baths for Muslums, in public places but make Christian remove any symbol from public places and even tell employees that they can't use Merry Christmas at the work place. It only take a minority or one to impose their will on the majority. I don't think the war over Christmas is rediculous.
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
17 Dec 07
The constution says: (in everyday english)
Congress shall pass no law instatuting a religion or prohibiting the free exsercise of religion:
simple explanation, congress can not instatute a state religion, or pass any law prohibiting the observance of any religion, They can not constatuionaly pass any law that says, people can not say "mary christmas, or put up a nativity sceen, or display the ten comandments.
Nether can tey pass a law stating that government buildings can not display these things, It is not the same as saying the government only reconises christianity, nothing provents them from reconizing any religion as long as they do not say only this religion.
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