My heart is in my throat and I am still shaking!!

@cyntrow (8523)
United States
December 15, 2007 5:42pm CST
I almost lost my youngest kid 20 minutes ago. I had bought Mozzarella sticks for my two youngest, aged 9 and 5 because they love them so much and I don't make dinner on Saturdays. I warned both girls to take little bites and chew chew chew. I walked back into the living room about a half hour ago and my baby was clutching her throat and hacking. I opened her mouth and attempted to get the mozzerella cheese out of her throat. when that didn't work, I turned her over and beat her on the back until the cheese came free. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had not been there. I'm shaking. Sooooo thankful that all turned out well. She was crying, but alive. Anyone else had a close call????
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16 responses
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
16 Dec 07
I never had a close call with my children so far thank god but when I was at my parents house for supper before I had children my nephew choked on mashed potatoes. I know everyone usually thinks of things that are firm like grapes etc getting stuck in there throats but who really thinks about mashed potatoes. It was scary because it wasent something hard it wouldnt come out good. He turned blue and purple and black and started to pass out when we finally got it out. It is a terrifing experience! He was about 17 months I remember. If turning your daughter and beating on her back hadent worked you would have had to do the hymlic to get it out. I'm surprised at 5 that it even worked hitting her back to get the food out.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
I don't think it had gotten fully into her esophogis(sp) at that point. It was just blocking her throat. Beating her back did the trick. If necessary, I cold have done the himlic(sp). I know how to perform it, just not how to spell it. LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Dec 07
Oh Hun!! That sure was a close call! Im glad you were right there and were able to get it out. Thank god! I had a close call like this several years ago. My son was 8 months old. {hes 5 now} We had went to a friends house to hang out. Everything was going good. We were sitting on the couch talking and my son was sitting in front of me on the floor playing with the dog. Well the next thing I know he is turning Purple! I picked him up, turned him over, smacked his back a few times and a penny comes flying out! Oh Man! I guess the dog was laying on it and when he got up my son grabed it and stuck it in his mouth. That quick. I was right there and didnt see it happen. Im glad I was able to get it out of him befor he stopped breathing. It can be a very scary situation! Im glad your daughter is ok! Merry Christmas!
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Pennies? Oh horrible. I caught one of mine trying to put a penny in his mouth years ago. Thing is, we can't hover over them for life. We can only hope....
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@Stiletto (4579)
16 Dec 07
I'm glad she's ok and I know how frightening it is. I had the same thing with my daughter when she was about 18 months old. My dimwit sister gave her a biscuit that had nuts in it and of course she choked on a piece of nut! It was very scary even though I'm trained in emergency first aid. My heart was racing all the way through it.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
yes, but at the same time, it lets a person know what they can handle. I did what I had to do. I cried and shook later. That's as it should be. I'm sure you agree.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Oh cyntrow, I am glad you were there also. How frightening the sight of your little one choking on the cheese must have been for you. I have never experienced anything like this myself, nor with anyone in my life. I am so glad she is okay. PEACE
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Thanks so much. She's fine. She barely recalls it. I'll remember it forever.
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• United States
16 Dec 07
Years ago, when my son was just two yrs old or so, my mother was babysitting, while I was off at work. She was sitting right beside him as he ate grapes in his high chair, and she recognized the look in his eye the moment the grape slid the wrong way down his throat... she knew he was about to choke, even before he did... She did just like you, trying to pry the grape lose, to no avail, finally pulling him from the chair, and flipping him completely upside down, beating gently and panicked on his little back, praying out loud that God save my son, and that she not lose him before I get back. She just couldn't imagine what she could say to ease my pain or try to explain how she lost him in just that short time that I was away. And, then in an instant, just moments before I came through the door, the grape dislodged from his little throat and fell to the did my mother, holding my son in her arms, thankful that God heard her prayers and saved my son, just in time. When I came through the door she was still crying... and told me of her worst nightmare. All I can say.. is I am SO glad I missed that. But, my mother will never forget.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
OMG, I never gave any of my kids grapes unless they were peeled and quartered. It was a paranoia of mine, but I still think it was the right decision.
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• United States
16 Dec 07
I know how you felt. When my youngest child was 3 weeks old he got RSV. Now I didn't know what RSV was or anything about until he got it. With the first symptoms, I mistook it for a cold and treated it as I did my older child when he had a cold as an infant. To treat the RSV, they had to keep him in the hospital on a ventilator till it worked its way out of his system. The scary part was however, the day I took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with RSV. Before that, I was holding him in my arms. I was talking to someone at the same time and I wasn't really looking at him, just holding him. A few minutes later I went to put him in his crib and when I did so, I looked down at him.....and about lost it! He wasn't breathing and his face was turning almost purple! Well, he is ok now, but I hate to think what would have happened if I had waited just a few more seconds before actually looking at him!
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
I've heard of RSV. Twins usually get it, right? Not overly educated in the ailment, but I know it is life threatening. It must have been horrible for you. Soooo glad for you that he is OK now. Thanks for sharing
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
16 Dec 07
i never experience something like this before cyntrow as i don't have a child yet... but i know how scary it can be... i've been choked couple of times before and i know how it feels... glad that everything is alright and your baby is fine... take care and God Bless you...
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• United States
17 Dec 07
Oh my ss to hear that and yes thank God ya was there I can;t remember every having anything like that happen to us
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@mummymo (23706)
18 Dec 07
Several times sweety and I know just how sick and shaky you must have felt! My youngest had a period in time where she would choke on everything and anything - swallowing coins and things didn't help! Try not to dwell on thew what ifs sweety - they will only upset you more - far better to focus on the fact that you WERE there and you DID help her - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger sweety! Hugs xxx
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
16 Dec 07
Wow when those things happens it makes me shiver.I´m glad your baby is okey. When i was young i remember my sister had eaten some plastic and she was choking and my mom she was in panic and luckily my neighbour was at home.Eventually the plastic got out of her mouth but it was covered in blood.So it was pretty scary to see. Situations like these makes us more alert for a next time. I´m glad your reaction was fast some mothers would panic that they don´t know what to do and then it´s too late for the child.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
OMG, plastic and latex balloons are my greatest fears. Balloons especially. They expand in the esophogis and the choking is almost always fatal. I don't let my younger kids blow up balloons unless they have the plastic adapter.
• United States
17 Dec 07
Oh Cyn, I'm really glad to hear that she is ok! It was a very good thing you were able to get to her quickly. I've never had anything like that happen to me, or anyone that I as around, thank goodness. I know I would try to help them, but I wonder if I would think of the right thing's to do. Bay Lay Gray xx
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@xboxboy (5576)
15 Dec 07
no, but that is a scary moment! i hope everything is okay now. i guess it shows how mortal we are and how easy it is to lose someone. glad everything is now good!
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Thanks. She is fine. sleeping well now. I;m still at an abyss in my mind. Yes, I know that everyone must die. It is the nature of things. But I must die before my children. Sigh.....I did what needed to be done and I saved her breath, as I did with my oldest son who choked on a french fry when he was one. This time it hit me harder. I think I am just getting old.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Dec 07
Omg!! that is so not cool 1 i am so sorry u had to ecperience that..i cant even explina how i would feel if that happend.. no more cheese stick for them!!!..... i am glad that your little girl is okay.. and just be thankfull the good lord was with you on that one:)....
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Well, the thing is that she;s had Mozzerella sticks before, but I bought a different brand, because it was on sale. It was stringyer and cheesier. Never again.
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@erion123 (24)
• United States
16 Dec 07
Oh my gosh. You must have been scared out of your mind.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Dec 07
I can't even describe it. I'm just glad I kept my cool
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Dec 07
Bless you Cyn, and thank God you were there and were able to save your little girl! I knew as soon as I started to read your post what you were about to say. There was always something about mozzarella cheese that scared me of choking, but a lot of people think I'm crazy. My grandkids are almost 11 and 13 and and they absolutely love pizza with extra cheese of course, and I'm constantly telling them to chew chew chew, just like you did! I can feel your shakes from here, Hon! Annie
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Apr 08
oh I know that feeling so wellI am glad you were there andsaved her life.Myson was about four and sitting in his high chair at my mom;s . She gave him a piece of bacon to chew and it was not crispy but limp. We were talking and i heard this gurgling sound.i turned around and my son was turning blue. I pried open his mouth and pulled out that damned bacon with a pair of forceps and threw it in the garbage. I yelled at my mom do not ever give him a limp pieceof bacon as its too hard to chew.She agreed wholeheartedly and never did that again.