This is going to be so fun!!!
By bicklelady
@bicklelady (1404)
United States
December 17, 2007 4:52pm CST
I have thought about doing something different. I love to write and I know many of you also love to write. You would not be here if you did not like it. O.K. here goes. I want to start a contest. you get a timer and set your timer for 5 min. For that 5 min, I want you to write your heart out. Write what comes to your mind. We are going to do this up until Dec 26. So at 12 am on Christmas Day, The contest ends. Now the subject will be about the word Christmas. What it means. After Dec 25 I want everyone to message me on who should win. You cant choose yourself. The winner will receive something. I don't know what. Yall can message me some ideas. Good luck I hope alot of people do this.
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12 responses
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
18 Dec 07
To me the word Christmas means Family and Love.
Our family gets together each year to exchange gifts. We have a large meal and everyone catches up with each other. I have never missed this get-together and would never do so.
It is the one time a year when we all get together and one merely has to walk in to feel the love that is shared.
Then there are the traditions that are passed down from year to year, parent to child. The one present that gets the honor of being opened on Christmas Eve. Hot chocolate and cookies. Chocolate covered cherries, nuts and oranges are staples in our stockings.
It is also a time of year to remember the love of God.There is no greater love than that. NO matter what, God will always love us. Even if you don't believe in him, he still believes in you.
To get the meaning of Christmas one should turn the "M" up-side down:
Christmas Love
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
hey that is cool! did you figure that one out. I love that. Hold on, I have to tell my son. Wow I just love that. Thanks

@slickcut (8141)
• United States
18 Dec 07
My timer is on.Christmas means to me Jesus's birthday,a day to celebrate the day that the Christ child was born.It was a great day,the wise men came and gave gifts to the baby Jesus, so i guess that is why we give gifts.the word Christmas means a tree, lots of lights,good food,turkey,dressing and cranberry sauce.,oranges and apples and wassel and celebrations of all kinds, the smell of pine in the air, pinecones remind me of Christmas..songs,carols and jingle
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Maybe an award certificate with the winners name on it..Perhaps a book of poems, a small one..They have those small precious liile books at the book store.i really cannot think of anything, but either one would be nice.We could frame a certificate..
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
That sounds good! so far you are the only one with a suggestion. Thanks!
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Thanks! yea I live on about 7 ackers and it is a family comunity. My parents live about 300 ft from me and my brother lives about 500 ft from me. We call it the Johnson hill. My dad is a Johnson. Well we all together light up this whole hill. Send me a message and tell me what a good prize would be for the winner.

@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
18 Dec 07
OK... i would like to join the contest... Christmas to me means love... the love that Jesus shows when He comes down to the earth as a baby and let go of all His glory to be crucified and save us from our sins... the pain, humiliation and rejection that He endures when He comes down to earth... from a King, He becomes a humble servant when He comes down to earth to serve us... and never even once that He complains... He does them all out of His love to us... so Christmas to me is a time to reflect once again on His great love to us and the greatest gift that He had given to us which is His own life... have an enjoyable and merry Christmas everyone... :-)
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
That was beautiful. I love the movie, The Passion Of Christ. Alot of people don't agree with it. To me knowing that Jesus went through more worse the the actor on the movie. That is a true Christmas gift in itself. Now I know I wont go to Hell for what he had to go through. Thanks
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
18 Dec 07
5 minutes well here goes, it's more what Christmas has come to mean to some, and I can't stand not saying what needs to be said....
How far is it going to go? Being 'Politically Correct' has gone too far in my opinion. They, and I'm not sure who the proverbial 'they' are, have now decided that most everything about Christmas and the holidays is wrong in some way. First item that came to my attention was Santa, yes, the jolly fat man himself, you know the one in a red velvet suit, well he shouldn't be saying HO HO HO! it is deragatory towards a certain section of the population of women. So what should he be saying HE HE HE, oopps no, that would be an insult to men? women? who? I'll get back to you on that one. Or maybe he should say HA HA HA, oh, no, wait that would sound like he was laughing AT people, not with them. So, how about if we just leave Santa alone, after all he's been saying HO HO HO for hundreds of years (long before HO alone meant anything) and noone, particularly women were insulted by this. After all, as I recall it was my mother, that took me and my sister for pictures with Santa.
Speaking of Santa, the jolly fat man, I'm thinking he doesn't want to join Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem or any other weight loss program. I'm thinking he's pretty happy with getting to eat all the cookies he can on Christmas Eve, and not even have to feel guilty about it the next morning! If Santa did become 'health' concious, and did loose all the weight, well then we would have to re-write Christmas stories, because his belly would no longer shake like a bowl full of jelly. And Mrs. Claus would have to take up all of Santa's red suits, which I'm sure there is something politically incorrect about red velvet worn by a man, I am just not sure what, yet. But, hey, give them time, they will tell us what is wrong with that picture.
Not only have they found Santa to be politically incorrect, but the very thought of having a real tree in our homes is now a cause for horror. How non-ecofriendly can we be? Beside the fact that real trees have been cut and displayed in homes for centuries, and oh my gosh, there are still forests Virginia. Beside the fact that real trees are painstakingly chosen each year to be displayed in the White House, and have been for hundreds of years. Hundreds, if not thousands of people travel to see the huge Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, which by the way is a real tree, are going to be told what, that from now on they can all travel from far and wide to see an artificial tree?
If going after Santa and Christmas trees are not enough, now we are informed that we should be insulted if someone tells us Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, or any number of other greetings during the holiday season. I suppose we could all learn to say Merry Happy Hanukka Holidays, and for any that I have left out, we can just add those too. Of course I am sure we could come up with some type of acronym, you know, MHHH or M3H, well you get the idea.
Since all the Hollywood writers are on strike now, I have a suggestion, so they don't get bored. They can start re-writing all the Christmas movies. How politically incorrect are those! First, now I realize that it's a classic, but come on, A Christmas Carol, well first the ghosts have to be re-done. The ghost of Christmas past, why is that particular ghost always a woman? The spirit of Christmas Present, I am not sure that 'spirit' is actually politically correct. Instead, maybe they could consider just playing videos of past Christmas', and just refer to it as Christmas Past In Review, A look at Christmas present, and Christmas Future predictions. Opps, no that's not right either, I used that C word. Ok ok I have it, it could be December 25th Past Reviews, December 25th The Current Year, and December 25th of the Future, that about covers it. Now, about Miracle on 34th Street, that is so politically incorrect for the fact that the Judicial system has tagged Santa as a elderly person with some type of dementia, that's profiling isn't it? And that is wrong. It's a Wonderful Life, well now, that just wreaks of incorrectness, first the Angel, I'm not sure everyone believes in angels, so maybe that part should be a Doctor, who then could just give George some type of anti-depressant and it would all be good, no wait, that would stir up the mental health professionals.
Oh I give up, I for one will go right on putting a real, cut, non-ecofriendly tree in my living room every Christmas, and decorating it with lights and tinsel. I will go right on hanging stockings (which that's a whole other issue) for Santa to fill on Christmas Eve, and I'll be leaving him some cookies and milk, eat all you want to Santa. I will continue to tell friends and strangers alike, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Season's Greetings, if that offends someone, get over it, but I promise it will not offend me to be greeted with any of the above. I will continue to watch all the Christmas classics, just as they are. Because if we continue on the path of Political Correctness pretty soon we will be a nation of non-speaking people, afraid of offending someone somewhere, and the only thing on television will be the weather, which we all know how 'correct' that can be.
Sorry if it's long, but once I get
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Wow! Ok, well my mind is really getting blown away. Thanks
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
19 Dec 07
:) It's just I love writing, and I type fairly fast, and well once I get going the only problem I have is my mind getting ahead of my fingers. But writing just comes naturally, and once I get an idea, it just starts flowing lol
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I wish that Christmas would just be done for this year! I'm stick of shopping and cooking and rude people every where I go. The Christmas season just seems to bring out the worst in the general public who are forgetting that your supposed to be nice through the holiday. I went shopping today and by the end I was so angry and emotionally drained from yelling at people who were rude to me first, that I don't even feel like it is Christmas, I don't really celebrate in a religious way just materialistic quite honestly so maybe it shows. As much as people want to say it is religious and all, I find that hard to believe when they act so rude.
Cool, thanks for letting me vent- I'm going to bed now with a stiff drink to forget about the 8 hours of cooking that I will be doing tomorrow- Uggggg
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I am really sorry you had such a bad day. I hope things get better for you tomorrow.
@sherinek (3320)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Good. Here's + for you.
Christmas is for kids. So i try to make it the best possible way to make my kids enjoy and celebrate the birth of the Holy Child. With gifts and food I try to make them understand the true meaning of Christmas. That is "giving". I can see so many people miss this reality and go behind the commercial things. I truly think that we have to educate our kids now so that when they grow up they will celebrate the Christmas for what it is. This year, Christmas is not very grand for most in our country because the cost of living has sky rocketted and there is a civil war going on. People do not have money and also they are scared to go shopping, not knowing where a bomb might go off. I feel really sorry for children who are in the war areas, who cant at least have some basic food on their table on this day of Christmas. Baby Jesus brought peace in to the World, and I hope and pray, we will have peace at least for next Christmas.
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
wow! that was good. It hit home for me in so many ways, you can only imagine. I am going to write about Christmas also at the end. But! I am not in the contest. I just want to right about what this Chirstmas means to me.
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
Christmas is not in the Holy Bible. It is a tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. None of the apostles and disciples of Christ ever celebrated the birth of Christ. Besides, there is no specific date in the Holy Bible when the Christ was born. But there were shepherds tending their sheep at night. Accordingly, during the month of December there and then, shepherds could not go out because of the very cool weather and therefore the Christ was not born in the month of December. Christmas is a 2-coined words - Christ and mass which means a mass celebrated for Christ. And who officiates masses? The priests of the Roman Catholic Church. Christians should not meddle with the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
17 Dec 07
Christmas means very little to me. It's hard to say that in today's world and be understood. Christmas is such a huge deal to everyone, with the shopping, the decorating, the parties, the religious observations, and everything that goes on around that time of year.
I just don't understand. Since I don't celebrate the religious holiday Christmas, I'm stuck trying to examine and deal with the secular version. Many of the traditions came from Pagan ones that I'm familiar with, and yet I feel no real attachment. I do celebrate the Winter Solstice, but even that for me is less exciting than other holidays I celebrate.
If anything, Christmas is a time of sadness for me because I feel excluded. Of course I would be welcome to celebrate it if I wanted, but I don't have the happy memories or the warm fuzzy feelings to make me want to do so. I celebrate it with my husband because it's his holiday, and I celebrate with coworkers or friends because they ask. That is all.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
You know I have never looked at Christmas through someone elses eyes, like yours. I am sorry Christmas is not a good holiday for you. Good luck in the contest!!
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
18 Dec 07
This could be fun and pretty enlighten depending on how many of us respond.
So many things can be said about Christmas. There's the religious holiday side of it that is such a beautiful story. One of my favorite things to do is go to Christmas Eve services. One year I went to a candle light service and they rang the bells at midnight and it was so moving. Then there's the fun Santa side of it. It makes things so merry and fun. I love the decorating and carols and making cookies. I made a big batch tonight in fact!. I love watching the kids stare in awe at the Christmas lights for the first time and the sleepy happy look on their face in the morning when they see that Santa has arrived. But the best part of Christmas is that it seems like no matter how bad things are everywhere or who is mad at who, on Christmas day people seem to be able to pull it all together and be happy together. I wanted to talk about Christmas dinners too but ran out of time...
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
18 Dec 07
That is great! You can message me and tell me what would be a good idea as a prize. Thanks
@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
Christmas used to be merry especiaally when your a child. Every gift comes for free. You worry what to receive and sometimes think of what to give to only few people. Now that you are older and have family of your own, Christmas seems to be just another occassion where you have to spend money for gift for families, friends and people around you. Some people expect gifts and money from you. Most of the time, the joy of giving just disappear. Let alone its hard to find gift to suit a budget, its also hard to find one that will suit the reciever, either his too rich and simply hard to give and your gift becomes a recycled gift, or the receiver would needs more cash than the gift itself.
Sometimes you already dread Christmas because of what others expect from you and you end up not buying the things that you like anymore. Sort of a Christmas humbag, I guess some people turns to being a Scrooge comes Christmas day. And we lost the true meaning of Christmas due to much commercialism by the media. I guess we have some much expectation that we end up being empty during Christmas holiday season. We forgot the true meaning of Christmas, God giving His only Son to us for us to have eternal life. Merry Christmas to all.
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@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
I agree with you 100%. It is how many presents you can get under the tree. My family has a thing where we will get one of those little tags off of a tree with a child's name on it. Then we will buy a gift for that child in someone elses name. That is the gift we give to alot of our family. If they don't like it, then fine. They will get a bag of cole the next year. LOL
@bluemars (952)
• Australia
18 Dec 07
Okay here goes but like I really thought that perhaps what comes to mind could be anything at all. I mean i read through most of the responses and they seem to be focusing on the christmas theme. I don't know why because the first thing that came to mind with me was the fact that I was feeling a bit on the hungry side and was thinking about what I may eat. There is so many things that I am craving as it is that time of the month and I hate it in a way because that means that I will be most likely thinking about food a bit more just until those feelings clear towards the end of the thing. I can not wait for the new year and I hope for many good things and I hope to see more of my family and have been missing them terribly because everyone has been so busy and doing their own thing. I am hoping that there is something good on television tonight too so that I can have a relaxed night in and just be able to do nothing for a while. Oh I think my time is up soon, there you go my friend.
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
19 Dec 07
hum, LOL, hum, Well, hum, O.K. Thanks. Lol Hum. Thanks alot! That really made my day.