Need meal ideas that freeze easily!!

United States
December 18, 2007 2:50pm CST
My friend is going to be induced tomorrow (she's pregnant with twins!!) and some of her friends have decided to get together a bunch of meals that her and her husband could freeze and eat what sounded good to them at the time. After agreeing that this was an amazing idea my friend who is heading this up decided that each of us should make SIX meals each! My friend Cindy shouldn't have to cook for at least a month and a half! I'm wondering if anyone has any recipe ideas that freeze well? Seeing that it is the holiday season it would be great if they weren't high priced meals!! I'm also pregnant and due the end of Feb./beginning of March and thought that I might make up some meals for our family to freeze also!!
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5 responses
@medooley (1873)
• United States
28 Dec 07
As you know, I am an expert cook, and I have used all of these recipes on this website and they have been just as good as they have been frozen as well as they are fresh off the stove. Enjoy!
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Dec 07
I actually just booked marked this to my favorites. I was just thinking that I wanted some slow cooker recipes, since getting an amazing crock pot from my ma for Christmas. Thanks for the suggestion Chef Medooley!
@medooley (1873)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Any time, you know that I am here to help.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
I make macaroni casseroles, also rice dishes, stews, meat pies, and you can make some chili. You can put rice in separate servings, about one third of a cup per person. You can also buy frozen veggies as well. I do not know about spaghetti unless you mix the sauce with it and then freeze it, but you can make lasagna and freeze that as well. Potatoes are a different matter. You can partially fry them for French fries and reheat in the oven, but have no idea about mashed potatoes or baked potatoes. That is all I can help you with.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Pretty much any type of casserole would freeze well. So go crazy with those. They make cook books full of only casserole recipes. Also, an idea my mom does. She will bake an entire ham and then slice it up completely and freeze it in ziploc bags. She'd put enough in each bag for a meal for her and my dad.
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@r0131n (357)
18 Dec 07
My wife and I are expecting our first baby mid February and meals have been one of the topics we've discussed during and just after the big day. We didn't really think of cooking and freezing food but we've thought of food that can take between 15 to 30 minutes to prepare and cook. Spaghetti normally take about 20 to 30 minutes, sweet and sour meatballs takes about 15 minutes or some salad dishes. Also, we're used to eating repeats so why not cook enough for 2 days so you can just reheat what's left over for the next day's meal?
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Wow, 6 meals each. Just make sure she has enough freezer space. I like to freeze stews, spaghetti sauce with meatballs, chili, the only thing that I find that doesn't freeze well is pasta. Lasagne does ok, but that's about it for meals containing pasta. But if you have a meal that goes with pasta, you could cook everything else and freeze it, and they could cook the pasta when they are ready to eat it. That's not much work. Your friend is lucky to have you and your other friends doing this for her. I had lots of meals frozen before I had my son, and it made life so much easier.
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