@Dblabcker2200 (183)
United States
5 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Maybe try doing the lvl 70 5-man instances for your gear. After that or during that, also try the heroic versions of the expansion instances to get more gear and possibly epics to help you out. I warn you, heroics are no joke. Also look into crafted gear, either by yourself, guildmates(hopefully there is a guild's grand master blacksmith), friends, crafters, or use AH.
This guide may help you get ideas for your gear and spec.
They have the drops that you can get from the major instances, heroic instances
and ideas on what you could get.
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@Dblabcker2200 (183)
• United States
19 Dec 07
Thank you for the link. Since the failed Kara run, I have been running Slabs, for the shield my guildies tell me I needed. Took 10 runs for it to drop. Im suppose to run Heroic Mech for the Sun Eater. But it is from the final boss and its like a 2% drop rate. /groan
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I know... it did seem harder for some drops (saw it more in post expansion, but it could just be my bad luck).
I've stepped back from WoW for now, but may comeback. I do have some knowledge and experience though. Happy to help and if you have any other questions, you can post a discussion or just ask, I'll still be glad to help or find something that may help.
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@sobitthen (7)
• United States
20 Dec 07
I am a DPS warrior and about 1/2 of the kara drops have been protect items, and since our main tank is a druid, I end up off spec winning them, I have 8 tank items from kara, I gathered mostly DPS gear until then but now, since the DPS warrior leads a lonely life other than PVP, I might use them and respec to Protect to do ZA raids. Save your badges from heroics and get gear from Sha'tar quartermaster, or grind PVP for gear if unale to enter groups...

@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
I forgot about the PVP part. Sob or Garona is correct. The PVP items are much better all around compared to pre-expansion. A good number of them can compare to PVE equipment and can be useful in both situations. Good luck with either or both, that goes for the two of you.

@kids91911 (4363)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I have no idea how to play it exactly but I have a niece named Kara!!!!
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@Dblabcker2200 (183)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Well, kara isnt a girl. its a 10-man raid dungeon in World of Warcraft.
@Roosaymer (46)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
20 Dec 07
Hehe i cant realy help you here... I dont play warrior, i'm playing enhancemant shaman, soo if you are interested in any questions about it just ask me :D
Warriors in my guild are the best warriors on my realm, and we stopped raid Karazhan like 6-7 month ago soo they are probably Overgeared for you :D
• United States
2 Jan 08
first off i want to say in response to your other post i am a girl and i do play a girl toon.
but more importantly there are several ways to get geared you can run sl, shattered halls, arc, bm and etc. or you can build rep and there are a few and i mean a few good pieces for tanking. the third is pvp but resilience is not as good as defense but my husband did sucessfully mt kara in pvp gear till he built his prot set and now we run with our ot as a ms warr but mt has to be geared.
if you like my husband and i are co-gms of a kargath guild you can look on our website at guildportal and search for the deprived ones, we have a post there with min. requirements for every class posted there for kara!
and btw gl!
@Dblabcker2200 (183)
• United States
3 Jan 08
THank you very much for your responce. I have run a lot of instances and gotten quite a few boss drops, shield from first boss in SL, chest from mech i think. lol shoulders of the bold off murmur. My guild really wants me toget suneater from heroic mech, but i have been having trouble getting group. I have all but given up on my tank lol, only running kara with him. I just got my hunter to 70 this weekend and am working on gettin him geared and keyed.