Zoo animals can be dangerous!

@shakeroo (3986)
December 20, 2007 10:16am CST
Can you trust the animals in the zoo? Do you think that they are tame after a long time in captivity and with all those interactions with humans daily? Well, think again! A man in India stuck his hand into the tiger enclosure in the zoo and got his limb ripped off and bled to death in front of his family. "The man ignored warnings from keepers, crossed the first barrier and stretched his hand into the enclosure that housed a male and a female tiger," he said. "The animals grabbed his limb and tore it apart at the shoulder." Never take animals for granted. Predators will always keep some of their animal sense in them and they could strike when feel provoked. Whose fault is it then? Read about this horrifying story here: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/12/19/tiger.attack.ap/index.html
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23 responses
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
20 Dec 07
Of course they are dangerous! The fact that they live in captivity for long doesnt make them lose their instincts. I have seen many videos and heard stories of terrible accidents that have happened in zoo...especially in the great carnivore animals, if you combine them with unattended kids...Its so sad to think about it.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
yes and people always take that for granted...
@Estina54 (385)
• United States
20 Dec 07
This is true. Wild amnimals, no matter how cute, are not family pets. They keep their wild instincts and we can never trust them as being very friendly.
• United States
20 Dec 07
my dad use to raise raccoons like if thier mother got hurt or something and would raise them and let em go...their was one he had raised and then let it go back in the woods where they camped in the summer and when they went up their a couple years later the raccoon seen him and crawled up his leg. they had another raccoon that were getting older and the dog tryed to get it and my dad went up their to try and get it down off the ceiling in the barn and tryed to bite my dad so then we let that one go cuz we were children then and he knew it wasnt safe for a raccoon like that to be around us kids. But it was fun growing up with them. they arnt really that bad if you raise them from babies and they dont get frightened like the one did or nothing bad happens to them. its like hybrid dogs...really one good with one owner
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 07
You are absolutely right!
• United States
20 Dec 07
That reminds me of a childhood friend who used to raise raccoons. Sure, they're cute as babies, but no matter how much you love them, they're still wild!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Dec 07
If someone is stupid enough to go near a wild animal - in a zoo or not - they deserve what they get. Just because an animal is in a zoo does not mean they are like a pet or a trained animal. They are a wild animal plain and simple. Some people need more common sense!
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
20 Dec 07
Yup, it was his fault!
• United States
20 Dec 07
I totally agree! Why would you stick your hand in a tiger cage? They are wild animals regardless if they are around humans off and on through out the day. If anything being caged in would give them more of an excuse to be a little angry! I know I wouldn't want to be caged in! I would go a little insane!
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Dec 07
I've taken my sympathy and thrown it out the window. This man got what he had coming. They're Tigers. You see their teeth? Yeah, they'll rip your limbs off and not think twice. Not to sound like a nut or anything, but we need to put ourselves in the animals position. Constantly being pointed at, stared at, locked up, bothered, and very limited contact with your own species or environment. I'm not sure about you, but if I was put in a cage in the middle of Africa all by myself with Lions, Giraffes and Hyenas constantly surrounding and staring at me, the minute one of them put their little paw inside MY cage, I would bite it right off!!! That's just my logic. Lesson of the day: DON'T STICK YOUR HANDS IN A CAGE WITH WILD ANIMALS, BECAUSE YOUR LIMB WILL BE BITTEN OFF.
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• United States
21 Dec 07
Alright, I just regained some of my sympathy and I've decided I feel very sorry for the man's family. :( My sympathies go out to them.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
It was his mistake in the first place... too bad...
@Vucjak (242)
• Macedonia
21 Dec 07
You're not suppose to put your hand in front of any unknown animal, especially not a tiger. If you put your hand in my dog's cage, I suppose you won't have a hand anymore, either. It's the animal basic instinct to protect themselves and their territory.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
You are absolutely right!
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
Even your own pet dog can be unpredictable and be moody sometimes.
• United States
20 Dec 07
This also reminds me of the stories of elephants turning on their trainers. A lot of trainers whip and beat the elephants, and as we all know, elephants have good memories! I always remember hearing that elephants would suddenly turn on their trainers. That's pretty scary, too!
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Elephants are one of the animals that have been treated badly by humans... those humans should be crushed...
• United States
20 Dec 07
That is way scary. I saw a story about that on TV...but you are right....they beat those animals...again, they get what they deserve! Animals don't have the ability to talk obviously, how are they going to let you know they don't like what you are doing? Duh! They are going to do what the do best....be a wild animal and attack.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Dec 07
I agree.
@cyfernet (2383)
• United States
21 Dec 07
it's stupidity for a man to go and touch a tiger when the tiger is in a enclosure. what did the authorities there do? weren't they keeping watch on all the activities hat goes on there? i think they should not be allowed to guard unless they look after the security of the visitors
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Nothing can beat his stupidity...
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
21 Dec 07
That is scary!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
Can i trust animals on caged? surely not...i would be as mad as hell too if i'm caged. Captivity only mellows the pure instincts of survival in these animals but never lessens it once needed for an instance. It been a known scientific fact that animals do get bored too, just imagine being on the same place, seeing the same thing, smelling the same thing every moment of the day for almost the rest of your life - that itself irates at least their existence in that particular space. Now comes a human getting stupid that surely removes the bore even for a moment or perhaps it was that stupid human got bored, surely hes got weeks of exciting pain to deal with now.
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• Philippines
21 Dec 07
Animals can be as unpredictable as people, even more so since they are not bound by morals or norms. They just do what they do. And the first thing in their minds is eat. I've got two posts in my Macrocosm Magbook blog on vets who got their arms bit off by crocodiles in captivity. Note that they are not the same vets but they do both live in Asia.
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Thanks for the information!
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Dec 07
Of course the animals in the zoo are still dangerous. A tiger will be always a tiger and it only eats meat and don't expect it to eat vegetables.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
yes, I agree with you...
@az03r4 (913)
• Indonesia
21 Dec 07
Wow, that was really horrible. Yupz, along with your carefullness and obey to any sign, I think it will be safe.
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
never ignore the signs...
• United States
21 Dec 07
I have worked with exotic animals and big cats. Although there are many examples of domesticated wild animals, for the most part, one should not trust their limbs to such a dangerous animal. Especially at a zoo, where they are behind bars and separated from man for safety. They are not domesticated, only caged and fed. They are not used to interacting with humans and not trained. Also, any animal at a zoo has to have all their body parts, which means they are not de-clawed, where as most domesticated beasts are. And, once any captive exotic animal harms a human they must be put down. It's the law. So that cat is history, along with the mans arm.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Thanks for sharing your valuable experience here.
21 Dec 07
Animals are wild.They can"t become our friends because if they think that they are not safe then they attack on us.So they should be kept in forest.I dont like bringing them and keeping 'em in zoo they too should have freedom...
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Yes, animals have rights too...
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
20 Dec 07
I dont trust them, even they contact everyday with the people, because they are still wild animals anyway.for me that what happen to the man in india his really out of his man, we know the zoo keeper will wrote near in thier cage regarding pre-caution for the visitor so you will not be near in the cage thats also the reason why they give a distance between were the people will stand & tthe animal cages.
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
He should have heeded the warning...
• United States
20 Dec 07
i would say its his fault...he shouldve listened to what the signs says. his family cant sue the sue cuz of his stupidity. They have the signs there for a reason.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Too bad for him...
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
20 Dec 07
Yea, if dood is dumb enough to stick his hand in the cage even after reading the warning signs, and using the common sense he should have been born with, well. I can't say as he deserved to die, but holy, if you dont understand why you can't stick your hand into a cage where tigers are.. natural selection sure is failing us!
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
You are absolutely right!
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
yeah! but not all animals,because i know not all animals are safe to hold, but there is some animals that we all know are safe to touch and to play with them.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
He failed to use his common sense in this incident...
• United States
20 Dec 07
its the mans fault even an idiot would know not to put their hand in the cage especially that of a tiger so yes you can trust animals in the zoo actually the animals act the way they do because they are so enclosed so when the zoo thinks its doing them a favor its actually not some of them go crazy and probably die of isolation.
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
Too bad for him and not reading the signs...
• United States
20 Dec 07
Well, that was dumb!
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@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 07
dumb acts can cost your life...