relationship b/w science and religion
By sweetpunch
@sweetpunch (915)
December 21, 2007 4:09pm CST
some people think that there isn't any relationship between science and religion,and that todays world is the world of science so there isn't any requirement of religion while vI believe what Alberteinstein said,"Science without religion is lame.Religion without science is blind"
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10 responses
@wahptb (188)
• Canada
22 Dec 07
I would say that they don't necessarily have anything to do with each other. Religion is a man made invention used to explain phenomena that he does not understand. Science aims to find out the reason to unexplained phenomena. They are both trying to explain a lot of the same things but one is based on facts and the other is based on stories written by much less informed people than we are today.
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
24 Dec 07
You obveously have never read some of my religious responses and post. I bring reilgious writings into question all the time, or at least the excepted meanins of what the texts realy say, and I am a christian and I believe it's time for christians to realy read whats there beyond the deffanitions they been told. I question both science and religion to bring the two back to gether and they are not as far apart as some beleive inlight of the oragins of the bible and the hidden meanings of the stories that sound supernatural. But at the same time I don't exspect to make anyone believe what I say, everyone is intitled to their own beliefs and I respect yours as well. thanks.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
But infact they are very related, The first scientis were in fact religious, and used faith to descover many new theories. They are alike becouse BOTH are "man made" as you say to determine the couses and actions of the phisical world. Even Enstine beleived in a universe of intellegent design. Both also make the practisioner use alittle faith in their theories when everything doesn't quite add up. Take the bigbang theory, It states that over a billion years ago everything that is in the universe was compressed into the size of an atom , and then it spontaiously began to exspand, and that all the matter in the universe has just always existed. This statemendt defies both the first and second laws of thermodynamics! So therefor takes to my oppenion even more faith to beleive than an intelligent being creating all that is in the Universe useing the constant exspansion theory stated in the bigbang theory. Thw Universe thus had a beginning in finite history and therefor according to the second law will someday end. Scientis bend phisical laws or just outright break them some times to mold the phisical universe into their mold, and scoff and laugh at religious people for seeing the universe following the laws of design? Yet the laws of thermodynamics match perfectly with creation, The first law simply in it's most understandable form to the general poulation says, You can not get something from nothing. Meaning you must have something to have something and the couse of change to make somthing is equil to the couse minus amount lost as a result done by the work by the system and its surounding. One then would see the falicy of the big bang taking the size and heat energy of the universe, the amount of work performed minus the loss, the universe would have been the big dud. The second law furthe states in everyday english that the natural state of matter is decay and winding down, not speeding up exspanding and new material being created as the big bang suggest in order to try to overcome the obveious violation of the firs law, they break the second law to try to explain the existance of matter in the universe. So obveously all the matter in the universe could not have always existed, becouse you can not #1 get something from nothing, and second all matter deteriorates not stays stable in an ever increaseing exspansion. So wich takes more faith to beleive? A theory that breaks the laws of phisics, or the belife that everything that is was created by one who has always been?
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@wahptb (188)
• Canada
24 Dec 07
Well I think that religion bends a lot more rules than science. I grant that science sometimes gives wrong answers but at least there is a constant drive towards new information. If a different truth is discovered it is applied and becomes the norm as soon as possible.
You can not really question the stories from religious texts because they all call upon your faith to believe and describe unnatural phenomena. How do you disprove something that doesn't exist?
I do believe in "God" and was raised in a religious background but I no longer believe much of what organized religion has to offer. I do not believe they have my best interests at heart. The great thing about science though, is that we are always discovering new things, who knows, maybe someday the laws of physics will be different. The bible however will not likely change.

@season0907 (671)
• India
22 Dec 07
Hi sweetpunch,
Religion is first and science is second. Even before the civilization religion existed. The man after getting in to civilization started thinking about around him and that is how science has born.The age old cultures have run on the path of religion and still it is best. Even now science is slowly coming to thatway only and one day science will agree that age old cultures are same and they are called science to-day.Ofcourse ther is a very close relationship between religion and science.
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@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
10 Feb 08
I believe science is like a scale with which we can measure the truth about a religion: a true religion will fulfill all aspecs of science and logic.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Yes both try to explain our phisical world, and science was born from religion, All sciences have their oragins in religion. It is a shame that today scientis believe that if one imbraces science they muust therefor reject religion and faith. It is not neccary to do so. Both can work together, it makes more sense than a theory put forth by science that breaks the laws of phisics inorder to make it work in a universe with no God.

@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
God created everything including man. God gives us knowledge and wisdom to use in decision making and to discover what is good for us. God provided us with all the basic needs necessary for life. It's up for us to improve from the roots given to us and therefore science is from God. Science cannot do anything without God. Of course, there's nothing impossible to God. He can make bread out of stones and can even have children out of stones which science can never do but to discover how things are done.

@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Mar 08
Considering this discussion relates to Science and Religion it perhaps is best to understand that it is physically impossible to bear a child without some form of physical intervention.
Interpretation of the bible needs to be studied here to understand the context in which these words are spoken.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 08
Truely said,there isn't anything impossible to God He can even creat a child while his mother is never being touched by a man.

@runner0369 (641)
• United States
8 Feb 08
As a Baha'i I believe that science and religion support one another and everyone should strive to educate themselves in both areas as much as possible. I believe they are very closely related.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
10 Feb 08
sorry i dont understand what are baha'i can you please explain.regaring your comment i feel qiute agreed
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
14 Feb 08
really thta what Muslims believe as well,where then lies the difference?
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
11 Feb 08
The Baha'i Faith is a religion that believes all of the Prophets of the major world religions are from the same God and all of humanity is one race. For more general info you can check out or if you have a specific question you can ask me.

@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Many of the reasons that science and religion seems to differ is becouse number one the scriptures in the bible are missunderstood or just blatenly missinturpited, and secondly becouse people confuse dogma with scripture. I.E. the church said that the earth is the center of the universe and that the earth is flat, even thogh this is never said in the bible, infact the bible said i job that the earth is a spher. Also even thogh the bible is the "inspired word of God" it was not writen by God and thus can wrong espcaily when it comes to dateing certain things mentioned. The garden of Eden according to the bible takes place around 4000 BCE, but should be dated at 10,000 BCE, and the Exodes should be backed up another 200 years are so. It would suprise people to find out that the Exodos IS metioned and backed up by the Egyptians, though they tell it differently and the time table like I said is a few hundred years earlier. Laso another reason why alot of the bible is thought of by science as Myth is becouse certain people like king Davis and others can't be found by any other sorce outside of the bible. well wrong, the egyptians name him and his decendents, although they are the egyptian names, not hebrew names, and it would be real suprising to find out why the egyptians kept track of the "Hebrew knigs". Science and religion could work nicly to gether if only people on both sides opened their minds alittle to actualy learn the truth.
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@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
2 Mar 08
yeah but a true scripture should have the quality of explaining or proving all the scientifical concepts and should not contrary them even if it differ for some time them it should bre proved laqter
@eric_v_b (261)
• Canada
21 Dec 07
It is very interesting that you bring this up, because I had a class on this. The relationship between science and religion is very different from one person to another. Some think that the world in which we live in can only be explained by science; others think it can only be explained by religion; and some say that science and religion complement each other, science makes up our world and religion explains our place in it.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
21 Dec 07
Yes it not only explains our place but also the reason behind our creation, our purpose and way of life and what will happen when we will die.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
3 Feb 08
yeah like heaven or hell,though not seen yet we can really feel what it would be like.

@sheenshaukat (2617)
• Pakistan
8 Feb 08
This is very important for the people to get the knowledge of science. It is not possible to understand about this gigantic universe with out the knowledge of science. We should also get the education of our religion, but we should also learn the rules of sciences as science is a name of study of nature. Study of nature is study of religion. So it means that science and religion are co-related.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
10 Feb 08
your thoughts show that you are an educated and open minded person
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
It is true there are plenty of gaps in science that require a theory (and with that faith) to solve the subject. At least when it comes to theories this is the case and theories are always worked on with research, deduction and a bit of faith. Also other events like the creation of the universe the formation of how "semi-perfect" Earth is, the formation of life and its intricacies... they can also use some belief in religion, extraneous intervention, or other extraordinary item.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
10 Feb 08
religion provides us with an idea and science is a way to prove that thought to be true or false and the authenticatiohn of the religion.a true religion will prove to be true by science and logic
@fangzi (69)
• China
22 Dec 07
I think science and religion is different aspects of human life,which are originated from different recognition.So there should be no confliction between religion and science.The belief of religion is the faith in your heart ,which can help u overcome the difficulty of life and science is the method with which u use to overcome it.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
10 Feb 08
your thinking is quite logical and unbiased.dont you think that science can be used as a scale to measure the truth about a areligion since their are several religions in the world.
@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
16 Mar 08
the thing we now call as facts are something that has been origtinated from the beliefs of previoius peole