The Antichrist: Alive Today?
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
December 22, 2007 2:56am CST
It is a widely held belief among many people that the Antichrist is alive today. Given that this supposition is true, who would make a likely candidate for him? From all that I've heard, he will be a wildly popular, charismatic leader of people. Do you know of anyone on the world stage who would fit that description? I think he would have much money and power at his disposal. He will, thus, be able to sway the people into believing whatever he sees fit to tell them. What are your thoughts on the Antichrist?
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11 responses
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
24 Dec 07
There's something slick and disturbing to me about Mitt Romney. If I believed in the Antichrist, or the devil, which I do not, I imagine he'd appear like Romney - dark, greased back hair, fake sincerity, dubious politics, sanctimonious. But it's all laughable really, isn't it? If anyone deserved the title in recent history, it would have been Hitler. Maybe the Antichrist has been and gone?
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
24 Dec 07
That was the only modern day person I could come up with too. But I think with a world population at 6 billion now, the millions of lives lost because of him are a small drop in the bucket compared to what the antichrist and end times are supposed to bring.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Maybe I should do a bit more research into Mitt Romney, bravenewworld, lol. Don't delude yourself into believing that the devil is not real-he is. I don't think for one second that the Antichrist has been here and gone. Honestly, I don't want to be here when he does come.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Yeah but the anti christ will be known not for war but for peace. He will speak great things and do what no other man has done. It is only later after he has grow his army to sringht after lulling the world to sleep with peace and security will he strick out with a closed fist "and the rod of the Asyrian", he will stickout from his capital in Iraq with his eastern allies and wage war against the Jews and Christians. Oh we will know him, those who believe in their God, for we havwe already been told. His words will not sway us for it is impossible for the elect to be decieved.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 Dec 07
I never gave it much thought and I doubt he is alive today. I know many people feel we are in or nearing the "end times" but I just don't see it that way. Yes we do have many things going on but I really do beleive they are minor compared to what the real tribulations will be. I think we are still far off from those times so the antichrist wouldn't be here yet. I can't even think of anyone that really fits the given description.
It's a little annoying to not be able to read other responses when you answer straight from your email. I'd love to have read how other people responded before I responded to this one. Maybe someone else has named a person that would make me say Hmmm...good point.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
22 Dec 07
No thanks SEOGUY. I'm not worried about being caught offguard. Like I said I believe we are no where near the end times and they Antichrist will not be here in my lifetime. And no you will not change my mind so there's no need to try... misguided prayers for me are also unnecessary.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
7 Jan 08
There has to be an antichrist, sigma, because it is stated in Bible prophecy. He will be the one that will gather the forces of satan together at the end times.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sigma, but I believe it because I believe in Bible prophecy.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I admit, pillusch, that we all harbor a certain degree of evil within us, but I think it is small potatoes compared to what the real thing will be.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
22 Dec 07
On The Omen (2006 remake) they had a special feature talking about the numbers 666 and how that is connected to the devil. Someone on the DVD said that George Bush's (both of them) name comes out to 666 when using the Hebrew numerical thing (each 6 was for each name. So the first name comes out to 6, the middle name comes out to 6 and the last name comes out to 6.) I thought that was interesting and funny lol.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
No it's not Bush. Each letter in hebrew is a number though and a name can therefor also be a number. But this person the Anti-Christ will not rule from America, he will rule from the counttry that is now called Iraq. Infact George Bush has played a role in preparing the way for the beast to come, I am not saying G.W. Bush is evil in anyway, onlt that God is deffanitly moveing in his life. The Anti -Christ identity should be obveious to everyone if they read all the bible and studied up on some other religions around now days and their belifes of the end days, it matches perfectly with the description of the bible only in reverse. Same caricters, same numbers, same places, and same time lines.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Well, lancingboy, we must take everything with a grain of salt that comes out of Hollywood, lol. If I remember my Bible prophecy correctly, though, I think the Antichrist will be an easterner.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Every generation picks its anitchrist. This has been going on since the christian testament was codefied. Prior to that there was no need for such a thing. The Book of Daniel was not predicting the end times as the christians believe but that is too long a story for now.
Obviously I do not believe that the antichrist is alive and well right now nor do I think that he will ever arrive. I do think that people like the Pres. of Iran would like to take advantage of the christian belief in these things and make it look like these things are happenning.
There are enough fanatical Muslims listening to him that they would be perfectly willing to lay down their lives in order to start a war to end all wars in the Mideast. I am not saying that all Muslims are willing to do this, just the fanatical ones, but that may be enough. If Ahmadinejad decided to make it look like the end of times was happening, I think he could probably pull it off with a little help from his friends.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I respect your opinion, Adoniah, but according to the faith I was brought up in, the Antichrist does indeed have a vital role to play in the last days.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
23 Dec 07
I do not believe there is or will be an Antichrist. If anyone is going to destroy the world, it will be humanity as a whole for not respecting one another. Of course, I will be happy if the world does not end in 2012 when the Mayan Calendar ends.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I don't believe the Mayans had an inside track on when the world would end, sedel, but I do believe in end-time prophesy and the Antichrist.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I think you've got the right idea, Shaun, and that he is someone we would least expect.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
7 Jan 08
Who knows, winky? It could be anyone now living-or soon to be born.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
23 Dec 07
i have read revelations a few times, and i think we are nearing end times. all the catastrophes are clearly named in the bible. re 4 horseman of the apocalypse. then the antichrist will or are good looking and will speak with much persuation. i think his time is near and i have a strange feeling that it would not be a muslim. nor american. rather europe.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
24 Dec 07
My feelings exactly, Zorrogirl! He will be someone entirely unexpected. Regardless of all the naysayers who don't believe in the Antichrist, they should study their Bibles. The denial of the devil is the main way that he gets into people's lives.
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
24 Dec 07
i have noticed that too in the bible. revelations 13 has 2 chapters. one about the beast from the sea and one about the beast from the earth. then theres chapter 17. very interesting. especially the last verse. i dont want to name who i think it is. it wont sit well with a lot of people.

@merrydew (60)
• United States
7 Jan 08
Interesting topic!
I can't think of anyone that quite fits your description of the Antichrist. However, I suspect that the Antichrist would aim to become the US president, as the most powerful world leader.
This bunch of US presidential candidates do not have very much charisma, though, do they? Obama has charisma, and seemingly came from nowhere. But it would be unreasonable, I think, to accuse him, or anyone else, of being the Antichrist based solely on popularity and ambition.
I'm afraid we won't know the Antichrist 'til it's too late.
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