Can Someone Really Explain Heaven?
By theprogamer
@theprogamer (10532)
United States
December 22, 2007 4:32am CST
Another discussion where some may think I've lost it. I have not. This discussion has been on my mind for awhile, and thanks to my interest searching I'm reminded of it.
The question is this. Can someone, anyone TRULY describe Heaven? I have teachings, I have scriptures, I have some experience. But I also have philosophical arguments, thoughts, some counter beliefs, ideas... its actually exhilarating. One thing that comes to mind is that Heaven is perfect. That there is no pain, no suffering, no hunger, no death, nothing negative. Its also a place of Eternal life. This comes not just from scripture and people's comments but a splinter of my own mind and belief. However, there are plenty of counter instances I think of in this matter. If I can think of Heaven, does it really exist? If other people can describe heaven to me, does it exist then? If no one in life has been to Heaven, where is the knowledge for Heaven coming from? Faith is one option and answer to this, but again... no real experience, no real senses of the place, in terms of philosophy and's nothing.
What of conduct and life in Heaven? Is it an amplified version of life on Earth? Impossible. If it was such, why would Heaven be an augmentation of an imperfect situation known as Earth? If anything, such a situation would be nearly impossible (only nearly since the mortal mind can only conceive, perceive and imagine so much; there maybe oversight or things one can never feasibly imagine). Still, Earth is filled with "good" (life, laughter, harmony, love, joy) and "evil" (pain, chaos, fear, greed, sadness, madness, anger, hate, rage, war). Could a supposed Perfect Life be based on a haphazard situation? Even without the "evil" there are still situations that may cause problems for the Perfect Life of Heaven. What of sports and gaming? In that case there is a "winner" and a "loser". Winners experience the "good", but losers may or may not experience it at all. Even if they did, is it an equal experience. Common experience says its impossible. Even if the losers could dispel thoughts of jealousy, sadness, disappointment, there is no guarantee of this, even when talking of a Life in Heaven (because we are talking about a fundamentally flawed and imperfect item, humanity).
Or maybe I've got something missing here. Perhaps Heaven isn't a collective in terms of the vast experience, writings and imagination. There is a possibility, Heaven does exist, but it only exists in the minds of those that believe. Now with this and the other premises there is an item I have not covered yet. Lost loved ones. It is said they await those who live the life of relative purity believing in the path of righteousness and spread kindess among the masses (or whatever path to Heaven/Afterlife one believes). If Heaven is a collective its stands to reason these lost loved ones are real and one will be united with them in the Afterlife. However, if Heaven only exists in the minds of the believers as an individualist stance then what are the loved ones encountered? Are they memories? Are they dreams? Or are they manifestations of the self or something to keep the construct of "Heaven" intact and understandable for the believer? If either of these is correct, can it truly be called "Heaven"/"Afterlife" then? In this scenario, you DO NOT meet the lost loved ones, only figments of your conscious/spiritual/religious belief. Therefore, its not perfect and by definition its not Heaven.
On another point... the path to "Heaven"/Afterlife. Who can really define this path properly. Its is mortal minds, opinions, beliefs and perceptions. But with this, its still imperfect, open to interpretation, vulnerable to change or perversion, and it can be left to the individuals in question. If there was really a true path to "Heaven" can mortals really paint that path adequately? Maybe adequately is incorrect. Heaven is meant to be perfect. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the path to it would be perfect too? How can a perfect place exist and with an imperfect path to it? Of course some would say that many places on Earth and in history were discovered through imperfect paths, guessing, faith, reason and belief. All of this is true, but remember, this is still imperfect beings plotting out courses in an imperfect world. It seems unlikely an imperfect being would have the same result plotting out an imperfect course on Earth (or in self) to a perfect location (whereabouts: null in physical and "real" terms). Some would say spiritual guidance, prophets, seers, lords, spirits, even God himself reveal the path to this perfect but hidden location and that it does not matter how or why mortals choose to heed this path. I contend this is a fair point, however do these entities truly exist? For spirits/entities its possible they exist in the minds of the believers and the faithful. However, prophets, seers, lords, historical features...they are all mortal and succeptible to flaws. Following that course, the path is again imperfect, vulnerable to corruption, vulnerable to perversion. It doesn't seem possible to find Heaven if the leaders of the religion warp the doctrine or corrupt it for their own ends. It would be like giving someone a map and writing incorrect directions on it. In a case like that one would not reach the correct destination. Applying this to the thesis, the same is possible.
There is another point, and it may retrace the earlier one of how mortals can describe Heaven accurately. This point is the following: how can a flawed mind and existence truly live in a "perfected" existence? Humans have lived a life filled with the good and the bad. They know plenty of things can go wrong in life. Life is also a struggle each day. For some the struggles are minor or very minor with a few cases of harder struggles; for others the struggles are intense. Still, they both underscore one thing. Humans grow in environments with struggles and they quickly learned to deal with struggles, they learned to struggle is to live(jobs, careers, community work, daily life), while not struggling means death and more importantly people learned to expect the summary of items. Exchange this for a sudden "perfect" existence in Heaven/Afterlife upon death. All of a sudden, the "bad" and the life of trials and tribulations are gone and in their place a life of "Eternal" good and a perfect existence await you. Consider, that one cannot "die" in Heaven/Afterlife. One also has nothing to struggle for or struggle against in Heaven. On the positive side, on could catch up on many constructive hobbies without the "bad". On the negative side, even information, thought and experience have their limits. Even the most diligent of denizen can end up learning all the wealth of the experience, doing everything they've ever wanted to do... but then they become bored. In many circles and in my own belief boredom can be "bad". One may want to alleviate this boredom but there is no way to do so (everything has been learned and done, there is eternal life, there is no death). With this boredom people will become disenchanted with Heaven, they won't except the program, they want to escape. Logically people will reach a point like this be it through learning everything, or realizing life is already taken care of in the "Perfect" existence... One argument the faithful may consider is that Heaven/Afterlife is constantly growing, evolving, or one could default back to me inconceivability of Heaven by mortals (and only through faith). And again, I concede this, I have no idea what people are thinking or what they believe. Still, there are near utopian ideas and fiction that portray something similar (people being taken care of, all "bad" gone from a person, a lack of freedom). Of course one could say its imperfect and could not properly describe Heaven. I have no choice to admit that, but I can also say one uses mortal based literature to point to Heaven... there is really no significant difference in either.
In conclusion: I think Heaven may exist, but with all of these factors it maybe much harder than I thought. For one thing, is there truly a place that one can point to and accurately describe? Additionally, is life in Heaven truly eternal or perfect? Furthermore, Heaven may have its winners and losers, its workers and sitters... both point out possibilities of unhappiness or boredom. I do not do this for insulting any religion or anything like that. This is an honest philsophical question and dissertation I thought of just for discussion.
Can you describe or explain Heaven? What do you think of my points and summary? I do not expect to change or influence everyone. I just want a real 120% discussion on a fascinating topic/thought.
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11 responses
@livewyre (2450)
22 Dec 07
We learn about Heaven from our scriptures, but the Bible (my chosen scripture) does not give as much information about Heaven (or Hell) as is desirable for us to have a clear idea.
My impressions are that Heaven is a place where God dwells, where sin, sadness and conflict cannot exist (for God is present and such things cannot exist in the presence of God). Beyond those simple thoughts, most of what people believe is conjecture and traditional teachings which may or may not be supported by scripture.
The Bible teaches us that those who are 'saved' (a discussion for another day....) will have a new body and live in this place forever. Those simple ideas are completely beyond our understanding, so my guess is that any more information would probably just confuse us even more. It would be like trying to explain colour to someone who has never seen or music to someone who has never heard.
I believe that Heaven holds good things in the purest sense and even a kind of fulfillment for human beings, and although I would like to understand it, I don't think I shall in this lifetime.
One more idea that we can know, but not truly understand is that this existence will be forever - that alone is enough for one person to contemplate without ever understanding - never mind the facts about Heaven itself.
I hope that this is useful, but I suspect that your curiosity will not be answered on this forum... To get to grips with the comparison of earth and Heaven, I believe the earth was created perfect, but became corrupt with the introduction of Man and his ability to make his own decisions about right and wrong. I think that the earth now is a very poor reflection of what Heaven is like.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
This post and curiosity was just more for thought and discussion. I found it very reviving. As for some of the ideas, part of me knows about the abscence impurity, sadness and conflict in the presence of God. However, I still have to rethink that its still people we are talking about in some of this discussion. They are the ones who feel the good and the bad(hence a contradiction of sorts), it seems unlikely this is simply eliminated; and if it is, it does seem to be a nearly impossible task. (Hmm, maybe I think too much...)
I know one cannot comprehend how all of this works, but from time to time I find it a good mental exercise. I do appreciate and respect your response overall despite what I think. There's some agreement, some disagreement, several questions, and more (like other responses of course). You did excellent Livewyre and so did everyone else. I also have to second and quote for truth your final sentences. Earth was perfect, but then man was created... with it came joy...and evil (hate, greed, fear, rage, pain, sin, apathy). Its possible Earth is a twisted form of Heaven due to the corruption. Of course there's possibility its not like this and Earth is simply a planet or plane of existence for us to "exist" in.
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@livewyre (2450)
22 Dec 07
Yes I think that earth may well be a twisted version of Heaven, although I accept that God may not have based the blue-print on heaven, he DID make man in his own image, so maybe earth was made in the image of Heaven?
Ha Ha, I think you may be in danger of thinking too much, but thinking is all good in my opinion, so keep thinking...
The human nature idea you mention is interesting, I believe the Bible teaches us that our spirit and our flesh are at war with each other on earth. That is to say that our spirit is good (we have, I believe in innate faith in God and hence a desire to 'find' God) and our flesh is weak (and in old school language 'wicked').
In heaven, our flesh will be no more and our desire for evil will have gone - therefore no sin, no sadness or harm or distress.
Boy, it's gonna be great!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
That is fascinating and forgot to consider it in thesis. Probably because I believe that the body is kept, but pain doesn't occur. Well now we're getting more into my own beliefs too and not just my objective scientist posting :)
If your premise is correct, then it would eliminate the sadness/suffering issue quite well. Of course its still belief and interpretation, so anything is fair game. I have to admit, the premise is intriguing (I remember it now) and it would be a decent change from suffering done to others on mortal Earth.
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@season0907 (671)
• India
22 Dec 07
Hi theprogamer,
In my opinion Heven is here only. ofcourse hell also here only.I am a strong beliver of both Heven and Hell. I only disagree that it is another world.
If you indulge in bad things you can see hell out of it and if you involve in good things you can see heven.Human being is always guilty concious.If he commit a mistake, it will follow him through out his life and he will psychologiclly feel for it and face lot of hardships.But the same person fulfills his responsibility he will enjoy himself and there you can see heven.
If you take your own life, and go for a flash back you will understand the difference for both.I have experenced it.
Good Luck.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Alright, fair assessment in your posting. It seems like a deterministic view of the matter which isn't that surprising. I did like your plea to view the past as a comparison of the paths. All of us have been through light and dark in that sense. Life can even resemble a "heaven" and a "hell" at certain instances. Of course this is nothing like the real deal... but maybe it is a type of hint for these places (if they exist).
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@ashokpethkar (575)
• India
23 Dec 07
It is a concept of all good things at one place and no place to negative thing.I don't know wheather it really exists but it is human's dream of positive things.
If you have a good health and a peaceful mind then you are in heaven. You will look towards everything positively and everything will make you happy.
Suppose you are looking and feeling a smiling innocent baby, watching a beautiful nature then what is it?It is nothing but heaven.
No need to search!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Hmm, assigning it to real world examples rather than the mysterious or the extraordinary. I did not truly consider this in thesis either. Perhaps Heaven is already here in this manner.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
12 Apr 08
My first impressions of heaven came from what I was told at school. I was raised Catholic so there was the thought that if you were good etc you would go to that place. As a result of those teachings I did not get an impression of heaven at all, quite the opposite. But really those impressions were not imprinted and it was only an idea. I saw that movie with Robin Williams called What Dreams May Come which sparked something, I can't really tell you what. That was getting somewhere but that wasn't all of it or was it a little bit???
I started doing the real deal spiritual work - that in which the brave man Jesus also did. That being deconstructing all that is of the world, all the illusion that is our thoughts and emotions, all the reactions that bring about characters that hold ourselves away from our essence. That is a work in progress, until the day I die probably! I also do meditation etc. etc. etc.
So back to your heaven thing. Why I started doing it in the first place was that this world was not what I was happy with and so began looking for that something that was going to make me happy. In the process of all this seeking, I began to get glimpses of memories, memories of knowing that there is something else. These were experiences. I began to get images of presences higher than the state I was in, ie my standpoint, the human standpoint was of a lesser nature. Lesser in understanding that's for sure.
I came to learn that these experiences are very difficult to describe using our vocabulary. But there is a vibrancy in those experiences that we do not have on earth.
So is there a heaven? I believe so, yet I don't think you just get in that easily. My understanding, and what is becoming an experience, is that the more you come in touch with the real essence of who you are, the more you can 'see' and understand the concept of heaven, void of written teachings that are of an earthly nature. I have come to understand allot of symbology within the bible and unfortunately what I'm seeing is those who do not do as Jesus did will have a difficult time staying in that heavenly place. For their sake I hope I'm wrong. Not talking about carrying that cross, more to love yourself totally, be awakened, be awesome, be learned, intelligent and have the ability to overcome obstacles and still be humble and humane.
My understanding is that 'heaven' is totally void of humaness as we understand it from our mortal standpoint. We do not have a physical body. We take another 'body.' It is our consciousness that moves from one existence to another and it's our consciousness that evolves. A human evolves or transforms himself to be able to hold the fire of love. We humans do a terrible job of loving, we can only hold small amounts compared to what is available.
I understand that we do not meet our loved ones in the afterlife, not in the way we think it will be here. All is not as it seems in non physical realms. Though perhaps for some it will manifest just in this way. I am sure it will not for me.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I too question written scripture. No disrespect intended, but I've always had my doubts and questions about trusting scripture, written by humans, translated multiple times, depicted from oral accounts(of which can't truly be confirmed) and somehow its a reflection of something "holy" or from the "Creator(s)".
I do not care what others think, true spirituality comes from experience and being in touch with the self and reality (though both can also be questioned, but thats in another discussion). I also think there could be reincarnation with accumulated experience, though said experience is harder for the next human (or life) in the line to access. Each life and experience has its capabilities, capacities, choices and trials... but its interesting that these (or maybe the effects of these items) passes on through each life. Love for example. Some believe in "soulmates" and this mate cannot be changed through any known process, just an example. In another way of speaking a life takes love, hate, anger, confusion and other emotions along with it to the next life: perhaps as a fraction, perhaps as a total spiritual basis. There is no way to ascertain any of this, but it does provoke a great deal of thought.
Heaven itself... it could be there and it'd be nice if people who at least work hard and do "right" are rewarded with it. I still think Heaven/Afterlife isn't as defined or it could be very different from what the existing worldviews are. Tet you mention that loved ones may not be like what they are in the mortal realm... this can be very possible (and I think of the "private"/self-generated afterlife for this scenario among others). Whatever "afterlife" is, I hope you and everyone else do find what you are looking for.
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
16 Apr 08
Well there's another way of looking at it. It's not a geographical location. It's a space where your consciousness is more 'free spirited.' Am using that term to enable wider vision perhaps. Not tied to the grossness of every day thoughts and emotions, basically out of your mind! (without the LSD)
So it becomes a state of mind, or a state of consciousness and it can be achieved while walking around in this life. Though I get the impression (from where I'm experience now) that it's like having one foot in a higher place and another here. Though I have allot of aspiration when I leave this world and go to another state of consciousness that I will at least visit the space known as Heaven. I prefer to call it the Fields of Peace myself.
Similar to what vijigopi said, there are levels, and for me those levels equate to different spaces, different states of consciousness. Some of those states of consciousness can be experienced through meditation, which is how I have come to these realisations and visions. They are actual experiences. They can never be proven in a scientific sense, they will only ever be my word against yours, unless of course you experience it too. Which is not impossible. I'm saying that I have many acquaintances who can map spaces through a meticulous discernment of vision. It takes allot of patience and putting consciousness into what it is you actually see with your eyes closed. It is actually with your inner eye, or Third Eye as it is called. vijigopi would be familiar with this organ of vision, though it's called a chakra in many traditions.
Along with this consciousness comes a transformation that I for one was not expecting. That is getting more in touch with Self. Not little self as defined by the senses, but the real Self. (Called Atman in the Hindu tradition). That is an experience which is not definable through the senses. And very difficult to explain. It is void of emotion. The feeling is one of extreme stillness - there is no sense, meaning no exvolution at all. The peace felt in this space is beyond words. Yet it is not really the Fields of Peace. It is a state, reachable yet not easily reached. I think what I'm trying to say is that seeing/experiencing something described as Heaven (a space where love is 100 fold better than here) is also very possible, not really provable except by data collation.
I can tell you without doubt and I'd take 1 million lie detectors to prove my words, that the love you feel (tactile feeling that is) by a spiritual connection "thought' to be, yet not categorically proven to be from the Fields of Peace (Heaven) is sublime. I've not come close to feeling it from a human being I've known so far on this planet, unfortunately. This is experiential and not supposition. It's not because of the bible or a belief. I feel very fortunate to have felt these experiences and I keep going so I can have them more often. It's hard work!
@vijigopi (991)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Wow! Tetchie. I was awed to read what you are experiencing. I have no words to tell you how much respect I feel for you after reading this. You appear to be too much evolved in my opinion. Only one thing I am sad about is that you said you had no opportunity to experience unearthly love from a human. I hope you get that chance very soon and I am definite that when that moment comes, there will be no stopping you anymore. Great view of life... and keep inspiring us! 

@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Hey programmer...I don't think anyone can truly describe Heaven. I don't think any of us will know what it's really like until we get there. All I know is that it is going to be beautiful and there will be joy and happiness throughout more sadness or anger. Oh what a day that will be. As far as Heave, wow...there aer no words to how amazing it's going to be or how beautiful it's going to be, but i would say we will be so awe struck by it. God bless.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
After seeing and knowing examples of sadness, anger... all of the vice in the world...I can say I too would be happy to see and know Heaven.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
23 Dec 07
Since no one has bothered to return to tell us what it is truly like, we can only speculate and wonder. I like to keep things as simple as possible. And the simplist realistic answer that satisfies me is that Heaven is simply the Presence of G'd. Nothing more nothing less. What difference does it make if we are here on earth or in space or someplace totally new as long as we are in the presence of the Supreme Being. Finally engulfed in pure knowledge. I cannot wait!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Interesting take on it. Rather than definining Heaven moreso, you've placed a lot of it on the Almighty (and deservedly so I may add). Well done.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
The claim I can relate to Adon. With or without the destination, the actions and life itself still matter for this reason (and others).
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
28 Dec 07
We have no clue what or where Heaven is. It is not ours to know aparentley until we face it. We can dream, we can speculate, and we can hope. I think that the very best we can do is prepare by doing our best on this earth to take care of each other and to take care of the gifts that we have been given: our minds and bodies and this beautiful earth!

@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Heave as tought in judaic belifes is that there are three heavens, the first bein are sourounding apmospher, The secon being that of the deep space or universe. and the third being out side of the created phisical universe. Becouse this third heaven is outside the phisical universe it does not follow any phisical laws. Sense time is a concept of phisical space then with the absense of phisical spase we also have the absense of time, thus eternity past present and future at one time, nolonger is time a straitline moveing forward but a multi dimentional sphere with no beginning and no end. Their can be no pain as there is no phisical universe or laws to govern "feelings". There is only the ever present exisitanse of the singularity. This is know as the trown of God, We are not to go here though, for we can't becouse we are phisical, and have no existance outside of the phisical universe. However corectly read we remain on earth but are given a gift. This can be compaired to getting a trial version of a software, where you are alowed to use it for a certain time and after that you must upgrade or the program becomes usless. We are given a gift of eternal life in the phisical universe. We are reprogramed and "upgraded to where are bodies and minds are no longer subject to some phiical laws of the univers, We become "like" him. In this situation we can now exsperiance joy without pain becouse we are not in the third heaven out side of creation, but in the phisical universe with a time deliniated existance propetualy moveing further into eternity futre.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Of course "Heaven" could be a different plane of existence, hence its imperception to mortal beings. The other items are a bit disconcerting, yet provocative and interesting.
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@mustafabadri (178)
• India
22 Dec 07
hi progamer!!
heaven is not at all as what we think like, coz it is a place no one has visited during his life all that we know about heaven is what we can understand,but actually the heaven is the place beyond our understanding.
we explain children about the sweetness of thing more sweeter then chocolate by saying it is as sweet as chocolate because the choclate is the sweetest thing to them.the same way we explain the heaven by saying there are fruits no pain happiness and so on.but the heaven is beyond all these things.all we know are the exampels and not the truth.the truth is beyond our imaginations.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Same as said in the argument. Thank you for sharing the view Mustafa. Truly defining "Heaven"/"Afterlife" would be difficult as the "facts" stand. Too many conflicting views, imperfect people fabricate the facts/testaments, and the truth is obscured beyond reach, beyond real perception.
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@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
22 Dec 07
Hello,theprogamer!you will enjoy heavenly pleasure as well as the hell in this depends on the actions or deeds in your daily is an accepted truth that as you sow so you the religious people have framed some code of conducts and advised for strict practising,to live a happy life.but we being selfish behave negatively and as consequence suffer with a view to lead a heavenly life we must do good to all living be good,think good,do good to others and God will be pleased with you and bless you.thank you.good day.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
Another present day application. And then its brought into the true "places" themselves. This also has the deterministic view which I do find refereshing in a sense. Nice work Bbsr. Great view on current life and degeneration of morals into apathy and selfishness. There is truth in that.
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@asawanialvin0611 (1877)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
heaven is whenyou ar with your love ones, with no problems, no conflicts, no quarrels...these you will achieve upon the coming of Jesus
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
22 Dec 07
And you have selected a present day interpretation. Most fascinating. I cannot say I disagree with this since it has a point in my view.
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@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
16 Apr 08
in the bible heaven is explained like this it is a mustard seed. it is something so small that can create the biggest of trees. the mustard tree is the worlds largest tree or so i heard. But if you think of it as a place you are already wrong there are no signs saying you have 40 miles to heaven there is no roads that lead us to the doorway. these are expressions of the path we are supposed to take to get there. In truth no one on Earth or anywhere else can tell us what it really looks like they paint it to be a place of no mortal sickness meaning no suffering or sorrow. But in my opinion it is one thing to you and another to me. They say you will know your loved ones and your family. The bible speaks of it as the new jeruslum a place where you can see everything. In truth i believe heaven is a symbol of what you think it is or how you lived your life. The bible speaks of seven as a ruley number. there are seven levels in heaven and seven churches that will be noticed my heaven we don't know who is right or who is wrong all you can do is live by your morals and follow your heart. I am not trying to sound like i am trying to quote scripture here, but tell you from what i have read and heard as a child growing up. It is written by man and interputed by men. We are finding out that we are revolving and not evolving. In the oldest pyamids they found hyrogythics that showed a airplane a submarine and a helicopter on the walls inside this tomb. So i ask you are we reincarnated are we the first descendants on this planet? or are we once again given the chance to do things right again. What if the creator said instead of destroying everything i built why dont we just restart a new and send back all the souls and spirits that still live on forever. Do you think that is what they mean by eternal life?