Rude People
By bethyboo
@bethyboo (399)
United States
December 23, 2007 12:10am CST
I don't completely understand why so many people are so rude during this time for the year. I understand that everyone is trying to rush to get everything done before Christmas but do you have to be rude to get things done? It seems like drivers are ten times worse during Christmas than any other time of the year. I don't know how many times someone has rushed to cut me off or pulled out in front of me. Do they think they are going to get there quicker by being that way? I think they are just putting themselves into dangerous situations when they are driving like that. And they definitely wouldn't have a good Christmas if they got into a wreck.
Holiday shoppers are the worst too. All I see is pushing and shoving but never hear an "excuse me." I try to still be as polite as I can but it is hard when so many people are being so rude. Do you feel like people are ruder during this time of the year? How do you deal with the rude people?
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11 responses
@bhappy2 (327)
• Australia
23 Dec 07
I think Christmas is the most stressful time of the year and this is why people are so rude and impatient. There is so much pressure put on people now to buy and cook and so all those things and they feel like they can't cope. My girlfriend go abused by a car driver because he was stuck in traffic and she just smiled and him and told him "I hope you have a wonderful Christmas" and I guess that is all any of us can do. Smile in the face of their ignorance and hope they will see how rude they are being.
@bizmom (515)
• United States
26 Dec 07
WOW!! its so funny u posted about this i was about to after my experiances in Walmart this year! i was finished pretty much two weeks before hand but I wanted to get some other things - i had all day - unfort Hubby was sick that weekend so i went alone - kids with thier gramma
I went to walmart and since they built the kholes here the traffic has been crazy so i sat in traffic for 20-25 min the whole while just listening to the radio singing carols!
watching other cars turning around and horns being blasted! ( as if anyone could move!!) lol
Well im finally in the Barbie aisle and theres an old woman just looking prepexted well she turns to me and asks if there any dolls with undies on anymore? ( looking concerned) lol so i giggled a bit and said no actually alot nowadays are painted on but i offered to help her look - we found one, she picked out one that was like $10 so i showed her one that was only $5 since she wanted to take the panties and bra off for a Porcline doll she had for her grandaughter i said it was cheaper and her eyes lit up thanked me alot and told me i was the first with any christmas spirit that offered to help her at all!! * i was flattered* SMILED AND SAID well im in no rush and no reason to be in one :)
She smiled and wished me happy holidays i squeezed her hand and she went off!
Then as im leaving the *pink* aisle a couple walked up and looked in my cart and said *OH GOOD ur buying for girls* laughing ( lots of pink in the cart!) lol and asked if i knew what a streek and shine ( something or other??) was? i assumed it was a styling head from Bratz or Barbie and pointed them in the direction! :)
It just felt so good to help! i HATED being in retail when i was in it but LOVED when i was able to help someone find something they were going CRAZY looking for! :)
It really made me feel good! i went home wrapped gifts and have been on a Christmas *high* since :)
@bizmom (515)
• United States
26 Dec 07
thank you
and i apologize i didnt exaclty answer what or how i handle rude people.. i guess i just ignore them and move on is that best way i know how! WHEN and IF im in a bad mood then i will SAY something like * hmm, excuse me sicn u knocked me down!*
or whatever that would be right for that moment! lol
OR my hubby does for me! lol
But on the most part i just let people like that run off me like rain water!
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I think people are under so much pressure to make everything "perfect" that they forget what the holiday season is really about. It is kind of sad.
@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Yes i do feel like people are ruder this time of the year. I work in a retail store and customers seem to have gotten MUCH ruder. Im used to people being rude but its just gotten plain out ridiculous. Theres no sense in people acting like that. Especially around christmas time.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
23 Dec 07
I personally think most people are rude all year round and we just notice it more this time of the year. I'm 60 years old and have been practically knocked down by people trying to get past me because they are in such a hurry and I'm a fast walker! When someone is rude to me I usually say excuse me to them hoping to embarrass It always makes me feel better anyway.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Depends on what kind of day i'm having. LOL! No, really I really try my hardest to still be polite to these people. I think it's absolutely insane around Christmas time, so i try to do all my shopping before all the last minute shoppers get out there. They really are very rude people and you have to wonder what is wrong with them. This is supposed to be a joyous holiday and a happy time, but all you see are people pushing and shoving and being rude to everyone around them. Are they not happy to be out shopping for others and their loved ones? I know I try to be as nice as possible and I certainly wouldn't just push by someone. I apologize a million times, it seems like, if one of my kids bumps into someone. I can't imagine doing it on purpose and then just going on. i think the Christmas spirit has been taken away and now it's all about getting, getting, getting. I think people need to slow down and remember what this special holiday and season is all about. God bless
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 Dec 07
oh yes... i can feel that too... the shopping centre becomes so packed with people now and people are just rushing to do their business without thinking of other people... that's why i don't usually like to shop near christmas time and prefer to stay away from shopping mall during this time of the year... it is too stressful for me too... have a merry christmas...
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
23 Dec 07
we cannot say because of christmas the people will be rude,they are already rude in thier life so they cannot change already those attitude, rude people is every where, even there mistake they will yell at you. those people is need to give them a right decipline so they will realize what they are doing to others.
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
23 Dec 07
oh they are definatly ruder during this time of year! and thats a top reason why i do my shopping almost exclusivly online now! women will even use their baby strollers to try and push you out of the way or get you to move up in the checkout lines! like thats gonna make the person in front of you move any faster themselves.
i worked at a Target store one year during xmas time...omg that was the worst work ive ever done! ppl getting mad and yelling cause the "must have" item was no longer in stock..why its a different price here that at the store they NORMALLY shop at..blah blah blah!
so much for peace joy and loving your fellow man when it comes to xmas shopping!
@monty24 (154)
• India
23 Dec 07
I think everyone wait for this time of the year to celebrate to the fullest so they want every thing to be ready bofore and for that reason they rush like nobodies bussiness.Basically I am a peace loving woman and dont like rushing,shouting at people to get my job done etc, so I always keep a distance to those who are rude or high temper.
@nickel13 (19)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Rude people are the worst this time of year. They come out of the woodwork and the shame of it all is, shouldn't we be nicer this time of year? People are frequenting their churches or synagogues more but for some reason the good will is not rubbing off. I guess it is just stress. Either way, I just snub my nose at rude people. I don't give them the satisfaction and I just go about my merry way.