Pet ideas for a 19 month old boy?
@joey_matthews (8354)
December 23, 2007 6:48pm CST
Me and Joey were thinking about getting our 19 month old son a pet at some point.
We want something that isn't expensive to look after and easy to manage, as he is only little.
We want a pet that doesn't need attention 24/7 and is easy to feed.
I was thinking it may be a good idea to get a pet he wouldn't get bored of aswell.
What pet would you recommend?
What equipment do you need for this pet?
~Joeys wife
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22 responses
@helpful_ideas (1620)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Well, it depends on the temperament of your kiddo.
My son got his cat at 14 months, but of course we (the parents) looked after him not our son. He really enjoyed being with him though.
We also has a pet rock, which he looks after and tucks into bed, all by himself.
@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
24 Dec 07
"a pet rock"
Fantastic idea! If the child gets tired of it, it can find a new home as a decoration in your garden. No hurt feelings and best of all, rocks are easy to find homes for! No euthanasia at the local pound when the rock gets too much to handle or jumps or scratches the kid.
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@Alloy42 (372)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Seriously, he really took good care of that rock that helpful_ideas and I got him. It was adorable to watch him tuck it in at night.
@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Are you expecting your son to take care of the pet primarily? Sounds like that's unlikely to happen until he's much older. How about a turtle they sound easy to care for, or fish or a lizard. Or a snake. You'd only have to feed them once a month if you feed it a big mouse.
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@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
1 Jan 08
A very easy to maintain and kids always love to watch: fish.
a big strong fish tank and tall to reach but high enough to see and standing. And colorful fish in it, I think it would perfect.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Well you would want something that wont bite for one. Maybe start with a fish tank. They arnt that hard to care for and he can have all kinds of colorfull fish to watch. Plus its easy enough for him to feed them.
Hamsters are an ok pet but tend to nip even the nice ones if they get scared. A gerbil would be a better idea. They dont get very big, need fed once a day or so, cage cleaned once a week, and they DONT stink! All they need is a nice cage like a 10 gallon aquarium, a screen cover, gerbil food, a water bottle, some wood chips for bedding, a wheel to run in and a hut to hide in. They are very nice animals. Get one as a baby so you can train it to your smells and to watch it grow. They like company so maybe get two like a brother sister or sister sister pair. You can have two females together or a male and female. Dont put two males together they tend to fight. All of this should cost no more than 50-60$ at a resonable pet shop. They also come in diffrent colors so maybe your son could pick the colors he likes. They like to dig so give them plenty of bedding to play with and move around. Ill add a pic so you can see what they look like.
A land turtle is another idea but need to be cleaned often. They tend to make a big mess and they dont eat all there food. A water turtle would be neat but you have to feed it live food like fish. They need a tank with water in the bottom and land on one side. They also need a light and a filter for the water.
Ooo..What about some frogs? They have a kind called Dumpy frogs. They are bigger than normal frogs and are calmer as well. They dont mind to be held. They also eat crickets which would be fun for your son to watch. They dont need a whole lot either and dont stink if you keep the tank clean. They need a 10-15 gallon tank, screen cover, sticks or vines to crawl on, crickets to eat, and a bowl of water they can get in. Clean there cage once a week and they will be good.
Thats all I can think of for now. What ever you decide have fun and enjoy!!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Heres a picture of a dumpy frog. They are really neat and you can have a whole bunch of them in a tank. They can stick to the sides and they like to sleep on top of one another like a little frog pile..LOL.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 Dec 07
hey joeys wife!
we have a cat and while i suppose, you should take it to the vet and the like, we have not since we got her two summers ago.
all we do is buy kitty food for her and change her litter box every other day. she is very low maintainence, not like a dog.
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@megumiart (3771)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Maybe seamonkeys? There's usually kits that come with all you need for them. Or a turtle may be? I don;t know much about them, though. or a gold fish? You can put toys and decorations in the tank to keep it exiting. :]
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
27 Dec 07
Hey there Joey..lemme see..there is always a hampster..but ithink they stink lol..sooo thats why Sky doesnt have one..but when he was yr and a half they are pretty much happy with anything.but have u thought about a turtle? my friend has one..and they just need a glass cage..little food..but i dont know much about them..but i do know there easy to care for because she told me it maybe check into that.lemme know what u decide will ya?? i wil be intrigued till i know..take care!
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
24 Dec 07
I would also advise against it, sorry to be a party pooper, but do you know if your son is allergic to fur, hair or faesces? The smell from an animal causes a lot of skin complaints as well as breathing complaints, when he gets a little older my friend I would suggest a guinea pig because they are small and easier to clean, but until then I would recommend you leave that idea, sorry probably what you don't want to hear.
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@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
24 Dec 07
i dont suggest any thing. Even a dog's lick can affect the child's health. fur of cat can cause respiratory problems. i never brought a pet for my daughter. my son is one month old and i wouldnt even think of a pet for him too..
@Seraphine (385)
• Finland
30 Dec 07
If you want a pet for him, I'd suggest some easy to keep tropical fish (not goldfish, cause they're large, messy and require a big tank for a school). A smaller tropical fishtank will need a water change about once a week which isn't hard and doesn't take a lot of time, and fish can be very entertaining to watch. I frequently find myself watching my fish tanks more than the TV.
If you want a pet that can be held or at least interact with it more, then a guinea pig might be another alternative. Obviously you can't let your son hold a guinea pig when he's that young, but as he gets older and you supervise the interactions between them there shouldn't be a problem. Guineas very rarely bite and aren't as wiggly as for example rabbits and hamsters. I think they're pretty low maintenance too. I feed mine with vegetables twice a day, make sure he's got access to hay at all times and clean the cage a few times a week. They're social animals so it might be best to get two (not a male and female obviously unless you want little guineas all the time). If you have the time to interact with one daily though, one is just fine too. Mine is perfectly happy being alone and is more attached to humans than two guineas that grow up together would be.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
24 Dec 07
I would recomend goldfish which is what my little monsters have got at the moment. Obviously you need a tank and preferably a pump which is the expensive bit but if you shop around you can get good deals from pet shops or try ebay/car boot sales for cheaper alternatives. Many tanks now are designed for children which means they have lids and are made of thick plastic. Also when filled they are extremely heavy so they won't get knocked over easily. As for food you can pick up a 3 month supply for around $2. Maintaince is a bit more tricky as you need to change the water around once a week so you'll need a bucket and some rubber tubing (which you should be able to pick up at the pet shop) Oh, and you'll need some special potions for the water as goldfish can't survive in tap water. Again around $2 each but a little really goes a long way. Probably sounds a bit of a faff and to be honest the first time is as you have to set the tank up first before buying the fish and then have to faff leaving the fish in the bag to acclimatise but once they are in it really doesn't matter if little man gets fed up with them - just remember to feed them LOL
The other good pet when he is maybe a little older would be a hamster. Again the expense comes with the cage and bedding etc. but you can get starter sets with everything you need for around $20 and a hamster is around $5. You can get really mad cage attachments with tubes and stuff to watch the little critter in and with a lot of care you can let little man stroke him if he is in a ball or something. Of course the downfall with hamsters is that they can bite - although in my experience it was only when you stuck your fingers through the bars. Again stuff like food and bedding is relatively cheap and you only have to clean the cage out once a week.
Good luck choosing a pet :)
@myearnings (73)
• India
24 Dec 07
it is easy to manage pet. when i was 16 years, 4 dogs were in our home in my control
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I am getting my grandson a parakeet for his 3rd. birthday, he is happy about that. I also have a dog and cats. Dogs and cats are alot of work. The bird is easy, fish are even easier. Have you asked him what kind of pet he would like. Dogs and cats can be lots of fun. I think every kid should have pets growing up. I have always had pets. They teach you so much. If you have pet stores where you live, you can take him with you an explore the store. Whatever pet you pick he will love.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I'm not sure I would get any pet for a child when you are still counting their age in Months. The truth is, the only pet that fits with your requirements is a fish... and that would bore him. We had gerbils when we were kids, oh what a pain! Yes they stay in the cage a lot but my parents had to clean the cage every week or else it smelled bad. Had to buy special food and special things for his cage. It was just a pain and you, as the parents, would be doing all the work.
So the only good pet at this point is a fish b/c they need very little care.
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
24 Dec 07
Well a rabbit is not difficult.You feed the rabbit and once in a while you clean his cage ( i don't know the exact word in english).You do have to give him a little bit attention but not 24/7.Make sure his cage is clean and feed him every day and water him everyday.Also you could try a hamster is a little bit the same as a rabbit.These are also not too expensive.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
24 Dec 07
A bird could work, maybe a smaller one for the time being.
You could get a tank of small fish.
A gecko or lizard could work as well.
Maybe a gerbil or hampster.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I would definitely recommend a puppy...just not anything really small, like a chihua. Saying this, I also have a 19 month old and she loves animals, especially dogs. So, we went out and bought a chihihua thinking it would be perfect for her. Wrong! The poor puppy was so little that she would grab him up and carry him around the house like a doll, sometimes hurting the puppy. it was either hear the puppy cry because she had him or hear her scream because i wouldn't let her have him. So, we got rid of him and now have a mixed dog...half rottie, half lab. it has worked out really well to. She is now six months old and my daughter absolutely loves her and loves to play with her and the puppy is big enough that she can't pick her up and drag her around the house. Hope this helped some. Good luck and keep us posted! God bless
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@Rosabranca (44)
• Portugal
14 Feb 08
Your boy is very young to have a pet. It will be your pet because will be you who cares for it. Think on a little bird or a fish, they are easy to care and they do not make allergies, mainly the fish. Of course the kid could not play with but can look at. He will grow-up you offer him a dog or a rabbit. The dog has to walk everyday but the rabbit is always at home. I do not advise cat, they are fun but they are sometimes agressive and independent it depends on race.