Now That Christmas Is Over......
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
December 25, 2007 10:21pm CST
Okay I can't help but ask. Now Christmas is officially over. How do you feel about that? Are you relieved that all that frantic gift shopping is over? That all the hoopla is over? That you can now have a sigh of relief? Was your Christmas a good one? Or did it completely suck? Did you celebrate with family, loved ones? Did you enjoy that or were you stuck visiting relatives that you really didn't care about and had to put on a happy face and endure it counting the minutes you could leave?
Or are you a bit like me, a bit sad? I guess I'm very much a kid at heart. All that anticipation, the waiting, the planning, counting the days....and then,'s over. I still continue celebrating Christmas awhile longer. It's usually AFTER Christmas that I can sit back and relax and watch those Christmas specials and movies I've taped over the years but didn't get a chance to watch before Christmas
So are you glad it's over? Feel sad, Let down...what?
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49 responses
@kamokittie (12)
26 Dec 07
Personally, I'm actually glad that Christmas is over. I can't stand this time of the year because nothing is the same as it used to be with my family. I used to cherish this time of year. Things change and I don't deal with it well. I get aggrivated with myself because I often feel jealous when watching everyone around me with their family's. I only wish I had that happy, thankful, peaceful feeling they all felt. My family doesn't even allow the giving of gifts anymore...and that just tears the joy out of my heart. I'm a giver, that's what I do. :( I'm sorry for being so gloomy but that's how I feel this year and it's nice to get it off of my chest.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
As MSV1313 has said, welcome to mylot and yes, this is a good place to vent about many things here. Christmas isn't really the same for me anymore either as my mother passed away in 2006...this was actually the second year without her and she really was the only family I had. Yes I get a bit jealous of "family" get togethers at holidays to. There was never much of a family to begin with, with me
Well now that it's over you can move on, right?
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@kamokittie (12)
26 Dec 07
Thank you for the support. It's good to know that others understand where I'm coming from. :) I suppose this time of year isn't all that bad because everyone seems to be so caring and understanding...if only it were like that all the time. Thank you both.
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@kamokittie (12)
26 Dec 07
Also, pyewacket, I'm sorry to hear about your mother, I can't imagine what that would be like and I dread the day that I have to deal with it. I really hope that you have at least come to a sense of peace with it. I wish you the best!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
26 Dec 07
yeh Christmas can bring how alone you are right home to you, its just me and my kitty as well, I had offers from friends but it is not the same.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Aw--you don't have any family either? Our family was small to begin with. My parents got divorced when I was only one and a half so I grew up with my grandmother and mother. My grandmother passed away in 1986 and my mother just last year. My mother had no siblings, and neither do I. My father's family is out in CA and sort of in their own the only "family" I have now are my two kitties
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Dec 07
It seems like every year it's both a relief and a letdown at the same time. This year we were really toughing it out financially, so it was so frustrating to not be able to buy the things I'd have like to have gotten for my family, especially my grandkids, but we got through and everyone was happy. It's right this minute, Christmas night, that I'm so grateful for my computer and my DVR because the gifts are open and dinner's long over and there's still nothing good on TV! So when I decide to take a break from here I'm going to relax and watch The Christmas Shoes, which I recorded earlier. I haven't watched a single Christmas movie yet this year, so don't feel bad, Pye, I watch them afterwards too!
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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
26 Dec 07
What hoopla? Been a very relaxed Christmas here..before and now after. lol Ended up making the ham and that's it. Noone felt like eating here and I sure didn't feel like cooking. My daughter unwrapped the few gifts we had for her along with the few Santa left her and is content with what she got. I brushed out her hair for her since it started knotting up in one spot that just got worse being it hurt whenever she tried to brush her own hair. I didn't realize just how long it was getting. Almost down to her butt. lol We both need haircuts so I'm going to make an appointment to get it done. We both donate our hair to Locks of Love so we will be coming back with lot shorter hair afterwards. Mine is back down to the middle of my back like it was 1 1/2 yrs ago which was the last time we got ours cut. I trim bangs myself. Anyways, I'm not sad or anything that the big day is over. Just my normal tired/relaxed feeling is all.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Kind of disappointed with my two spoiled brat kitties. They are now so used to ONLY eating Fancy Feast that they no longer eat "people" food, so when I gave them some of my roast beef they just looked at it, although Kissy was licking some of the homemade potatoes au gratin..LOL
Going to be changing my Merry Christmas puppy avatar soon to a New Year one, complete with hat, balloon, and a bottle of champagne...Heheeee
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I didn't get too excited about Christmas, I actually haven't for years. I used to spend Christmas sick because of all the real trees I'd run into at people's houses. With my cats I'm a tree free person, even when I only had a couple of cats.
I went on christmas eve to my brother's for turkey and on the day to his girlfriend's for ham.
The food was WONDERFUL. Turns out my neice is an excellent cook, she made a cauliflower dish to DIE for! There were also augratan potatos, a brocolli dish and some mashed sweet potatos.
I had a good time with the family - just wish the bro was less obsessed with wiping mom's mouth until she's done with dinner! LOL
I was the first to leave today, I was tired.
Glad you had a happy holiday, and new years is right around the corner.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I have some cauliflower on hand, what was in this special dish?
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
27 Dec 07
Well, you put the cauliflower in an oven safe dish, pore some heavy cream in it, shred some montery jack cheese, sprinkle some parisan cheese and then dab on some goat cheese. YUM!
Like I said, Pye, I get sick from the live trees so I'm not fond of them. And so trees aren't high on my needs list. Since I'd be the one decorating it why should I do it? I probably mostly used the cats as an excuse.
The former roomie wanted a tree badly, but ONLY a real tree. I didn't want a real tree in the house, for obvious reasons - so no tree at all.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I couldn't imagine a Christmas without a real tree..I've had one every year since I can remember, even when I had a lot of kitties. The trees don't seem to bother them and they never bothered with the tree..just kind of viewed it as a bit of a forest that comes in once a year. Think they enjoy it, as my two cats now love to sleep under it...LOL--think they actually get sad when it comes down

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
26 Dec 07
My Xmas was nice. I am always a little sad when it's over. Am same way with other events I look forward to and consider fun.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Me Thanksgiving also, New Years, Easter..and on and on..LOL
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
26 Dec 07
YIPEE it is over I don't celebrate it ever. It is a pain and stressful and long and people are crazed with shopping for gifts and going into debt and partying and it is stupid and obsessed with a stupid glitzy tree fake or real both are stupid. Like you HAVE to have a tree so it is an idol. Lying to kids about flying reindeer and fat men in red suits bringing presents made by elves RIGHT! And what does ANY Of that have to do with Christ, his birth, his life, or salavation? Paganism is what it is pure and simple and people can make all the excuses in the world to celebrate it but it is not cutting it with God. It is just a celebration and tradition of men. Overly commercialized and full of greed. The gimmies and I wants and selfish whims kick in. Stressful and false joy. Good over for another year. I am glad. Bah Humbug. Looking forward to Spring and warm weather and flowers, not ice, snow and cold.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
It saddens me that you feel this way. I've seen 'more generosity' this year than ever, and I usually see a lot of it (generosity) anyway. I've seen people that have 'never even met' reach out to one another.;) I don't make an idol of my tree, nor do others that I know, and the spirit of giving that I see in them, has everything to do with the celebration of Christ's birth. I pray for peace and happiness for you, in the New Year.
Sorry about this pyewacket, but I just felt I had to express my sentiments here.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
Well said, pyewacket. Thanks for the insight (for me) into your background. I'm well aware too, of the over commercialism of Christmas, and 'I certainly can't afford to keep up with the Joneses.' However, I did enjoy my trip to the mall this year, despite the fact that my daughter in law was pushing me around in a wheelchair part of the time. It always gives me a warm feeling to see the various groups out, singing carols, and the Salvation Army band. The gifts I purchased this year, were from my heart, as I always do the best I can for my daughter (and others). I buy her practical things for under the tree, and for her stocking, that many parents get for their kids all year long, and take for granted (that they're able to do so). She does have 'some of the toys' that many kids her age (16) have, but I haven't been able to provide them. They're mostly from my sister, who I appreciate very much, for doing this, and other reasons of course. I would like her to have a cell phone (soon) as it's a safety factor (for me), as I worry about her running all over the city to work etc., on the bus. They've taken out many of the pay phones. She's worked hard, and gotten some of her own things. Sorry, pyewacket, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent here.
I am aware of the origins of the Christmas tree, and that there are some things that have been adapted from Paganism, and embraced by Christians. This doesn't bother me, as whatever our faith may be (or not be), the beautiful trees, decorations, etc., are a part of the celebration. My faith teaches that the gifts we share with others, are in remembrance of 'the first Christmas gifts,' that were presented by the Magi, to the Christ child. If Christmas is 'the one time' each year when mankind puts aside some of their selfishness, and 'even' narrow mindedness, than I'm all for it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
No problem someonesmom as I feel the same way here. Actually I wasn't going to respond much to this..but...just have to get it out. And I hope you don't mind my expressing my views here.
First, Celanith, there are a FEW things that I can agree about with you here. I actually do find it rather comical and insane at the same time over the "shopping frenzy" people do once the Christmas season starts...and I was listening with amusement about how on Black Friday, that is the day after Thanksgiving, people would actually be at stores at 3 or 4 in the morning to get the "bargains" I remember growing up, that Christmas gifts were little sentimental tokens of love that were given, nothing expensive, nothing elaborate, but something from the heart. Now it is a commercialized business, and people go nuts trying to get the latest "gadget" usually electronics, and very expensive--kids no longer are content with simple dolls or bikes, but want iPhones, computers, xboxes, in other words things well over several hundred dollars each--I can't help think it makes today's kids (and adults too in many cases) spoiled brats. I was even listening to a commercial about a woman who is in her newly acquired Cadillac car as that was the gift her husband allowed her to pick for herself...uh..duh??
Of course many times it's a case of wanting to keep up with the Joneses--if one of our friends or acquaintances has something of expensive value, then we've been brainwashed to want it to. As for me, I don't buy gifts per se..if I do, I get some little silly but inexpensive thing to give that I bought in the dollar store, or since I am skilled in crafts, I make something for my friends as it comes from the heart as I'm making it.
As someonesmom points out, I too, have seen more generosity this year and the feeling of good cheer and well being to people than any other year. There is something magical about this time of year more than any other that can bring out the best in us. I heard of one person here who cooked up extra food, and went in her neighborhood freely giving food out to the homeless in her area. I heard a story on the news of a person, who went out in the streets giving away money to the homeless, and on and on--such acts like these are unselfish acts of love and generosity with no though of return or that gimme attitude.
Yes, I can see your point that maybe the frenzy that is now known as "Christmas" has lost it's original meaning...a celebration of the birth of Christ...and you're right on that score. I do kind of have to admit that your wording and labeling it as "paganism" is a bit extreme however. Now just hear me out, okay...I grew up in a Christian environment and upbringing. My father was Methodist, my mother Catholic...I was baptized Catholic, confirmed Protestant....I also grew up on the principles of Unity and Science of Mind...since I love to study and learn, I read up on Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism--Now I've never given up my Christian beliefs...but have added touches of this and that to mine as an extension of my beliefs,...then of my own free choosing, some years ago, I admit that I decided as a further extension of my beliefs I did choose the pagan/wiccan path. Yes, there ARE a lot of elements of the pagan belief in Christianity believe it or not. The whole idea, for instance of the Christmas tree for instance, reflects back to the pagan celebration of Yule on the Winter Solstice, and it was tradition of the pagan Druids to "bring in the evergreen"--thus transformed in Christianity as the Christmas tree--as were many pagan concepts transformed into Christianity.
And like someonesmom it really saddens me too, that you have such a negative attitude toward DOES have to go beyond the commercialized "business" of Christmas and put it out of ones mind to truly enjoy Christmas...I know I do--and my Christmas was a really peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable one--even though a bit sad as this was the second Christmas without my mother as she passed away last year.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Dec 07
This year I have been a mixture of sad and glad . This is the 4th one without hubby and he loved to decorate nad watch the lights at night.Which I do at night also every night.
but what a joy to see my grand daughter eyes when she saw her bike! small one she is 3.
and I had the 2007 teddy bear setting on it.SHe was so excited opeing presents but with each one she would pose for a pic to be taken and we had to tell her she could move for one was a camcorder lol.
and 2 of the presents were a bag with games in them and she has the cards and checkers all over the house placing them where ever she thinks she wants them .
And darn it it turned so cold she has rode her bike but a few min.
. I had my sad moments too.
and then we had to go to dinner it went very well but we didnt stay all that long about an hour and a half. I ill be glad when Son gets home will stay longer but he also will come over here and stay a long time.
and we have tok time to watch christmas movies got grand daughter into Frosty , Rodolph and something else she likes Frosty the best.
all in all it sad that it is over but then I look forward to this weekend for Son in flying in and we will have another one for them! Have freinds invited for New years and we will Smoke a ham and maybe turkey not sure for son will be doing it and he usually finds something else he wants to try lol
Now it is time for Happy New Year!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Hehe..sounds like your grand daughter was a bit of a ham of posing for the camera as she opened her presents. I bet even if it were 20 below zero she still would wanted to ride her bicycle right? Bet you're looking forward to seeing your son this coming weekend and can celebrate the New Year with him

@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Christmas wont be over for me until next Sunday. My brother comes down from Connecticut the weekend after Christmas so I've got two more days to go. We'll go to our Step-Mother's Saturday then to my Mom's on Sunday. THEN it'll be over for us. And I'll be relieved. If it were up to me, I'd just stay home and relax, so once we're all done I can do that :)
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
28 Dec 07
We didn't put many decorations up - and no tree at all. We don't do any Christmas celebrations here so it's not that big a deal. And the kids are grown so it's not like we need it for them either. This is our 2nd year without decorating, so I don't know what we'll do next year.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I really don't consider Christmas really over myself until I take all the decorations down and the tree....and that won't be for awhile. Going to hold out as long as possible
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Well even though I live alone now, save for my two furbabies, I still like to just cheers things up for me..and gives the place a change from the every day
@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I am always glad to have Christmas is a very tense time still for me and my daughter. We seem to miss those we lost more during the holidays than at any other time. My parents passed away within months of each other so we had a double whammy and it is hard even after five years, there is always something that will remind you. I have tried to change things as much as possible to reduce the flashbacks and it is a lot easier. I am ready to take the tree down now too, but I will wait till New Years day for that. But I am glad it is all over.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
You're lucky you have your daughter though. The only family I have now are my two kitties, as my mother passed away just last year. This is actually the second Christmas without her around, and I didn't seem to miss her as much last year as I did this...she was a real royal pain in the a$$ to be honest and I had a LOT of problems with her...still
Oh, no I'm not THAT glad Christmas is over to take the tree down..I'm so happy with it as it was a"love" gift to me...plan to keep it as long as it holds out, and it's still very fresh...hasn't "fossilized" yet..LOL
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
I celebrated Christmas quietly with loved big deal, but was so happy. Thinking about it warms my heart, and now that it's over, we're still expecting another big celebration, the New Year...we sure will be busy again preparing foods, and other stuff to welcome the new year. How do I feel about it? Nostalgic...'til the next Christmas season. I was really tiring with all the parties and gift wrapping and giving. However, for me it's a welcome was a deviation from the daily routine of work...even if I'm glad that it's over and is ready to welcome the new year....
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I somehow think all the frenzy that goes on with the Christmas season is actually part of the fun of it all....imagine how dull the month of December would be if there were no Christmas to celebrate? It certainly does break up the mundane daily life :)
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I'm glad the "hectic" parts are over. Its nice relaxing and recharging now and Christmas was good overall. Of course it'd be nice if the season could stick around a little longer. Plus I need more break time!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
It'd be nice if the Christmas spirit could last longer period, right? I don't mean the shopping craze, just that nice warm feeling of Christmas time
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@neethucool (357)
• India
26 Dec 07
No my cristumas was very sad ..i was alone i got mad ,so simply i slept without any feelings . Iam 20 hours far from my native, every cistumas i will celebrate with my family or with my fiancy he is also from my native now .I didnt get the ticket to go to my native all ticket sold out all my friends also gone so i planned to go by flight but the season time that air fair also increase so that time my budget was very low i couldnt go ..So was alonee in my room i dint celebrate the cristumas ..Just i went church & come back sleep whole day ...........
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Oh, I so sorry to hear your Christmas was so sad. If it's any consolation to you, I celebrated my Christmas alone too, as this was the second Christmas without my mother as she passed away last year in the summer of 2006.
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@adforme (2114)
26 Dec 07
Actually, now that Christmas is over; I feel quite content. I spoke with family reflected on past Christmases and am actually making plans for next Christmas. I was not with my family for Christmas; but I will will be next Christmas and believe it or not, the anticipation I have for this moment is great. I do not stress over shopping and what to give. There is so much more to Christmas. I enjoy Christmas very much and use this time to realize my greatest gifts. These are my family and my good health. Don't get me wrong, I like the occasional present, but life and love are gifts that keep on giving. Be well and Happy Holidays!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Yes, I can sense the anticipation you have for planning to be with family next all year long you have something to look forward to, right? :)
@marriedman111399 (1207)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Well tonight we celebrated our last christmas at my parents house. It was really nice to see all of my family again. My 1 brother and his family live I=in Italy so I dont get to see him that much. The day was filled with great things. We ate dinner and opened gifts and just taled alot and caught up on things that were happening with each other. The night before we were at my wifes family for christmas and that was also really nice. I am glad Christmas is over and we dont have to travel anymore. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I am kind of glad. I had a Great holiday with my family but its over and that ok.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm so glad you were able to be with family members that you don't get to see normally like your brother and his family.Sounds like you had a great Christmas
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
No pye I don't feel sad now that Christmas is over. I feel sad because holidays is almost over and work week starts just this coming week. I have a seasonal job aside from my home business, I work a day a week or less, still I wish holiday time doesn't finish this soon
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Yes with Christmas over there aren't any real major holidays until Easter when you think of it
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I had a great time at my brothers house! We had a great meal, and I got to see my sister in- laws side of the family. Haven't seen them all together in about 6 years (last time it was thanksgiving at my brothers). My great niece was there. (oh my god I'm a great aunt)Brit is 16 now. Saw my neice, we all had fun joking about when I used to babysit her and my nephew. Before going there I stopped to see my daughter and grandkids. I have to admit I did get up in a bah humbug mood. I was missing My husband , mom and dad, even though they have been gone awhile. Plus a few more ba humbug things lol.
But as the day went on it got better.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I was in a weird mood I guess too on Christmas, not exactly ba-hum bug though. This was the second Christmas without my mom...she passed away in the summer of 2006...I didn't notice it so much last year as I was still frantic with taking care of her so-called "estate"
Sounded wonderful that you were able to get together with all the family members especially ones you hadn't seen in ages.
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
28 Dec 07
The 26th of December is the saddest day of the year for me. I love the Christmas season and all the cheer and good will and cookies, lol. I love hunting for the perfect gift 5 seconds before the stores close on the 24th and cooking the big meals and all of that. I even love the carols though I prefer the classics not the newer ones. So when it's all over it's like all that good cheer just evaporates and life goes back to normal and people go back to not giving a crap about one another and it's sad.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Dec 07
It is a shame that the nice warm Christmas spirit doesn't last all year long, right? Christmas doesn't really end for me until I take all the decorations and tree down, and that won't be for awhile yet...
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@fineexistence (574)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I had an awesome time celebrating with family and friends. For now, it sort of gives me a bit of a breather for now. I am now looking forward to the next round of parties for the new year. :-) Still looking forward.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Yes, now it seems we're all gearing up for the next rounds of festivities...a new year! :)
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
28 Dec 07
I'm not feeling sad of the end of Christmas.
In my country,the first day of new year is more important than the Christmas day.The christmas is over and the the new year will come no longer.We have no time to sad,also it is no need because our country has no custom of Christmas actually.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Dec 07
That's kind of a shame that your country doesn't have the custom of Christmas
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