How old is too big for a stroller?
By Sissygrl
@Sissygrl (10912)
December 26, 2007 11:45am CST
My hubby's ex STILL puts their son in a stroller and he is four and a half years old. I dont think that's very fair! and i think that's pretty sad on her behalf. the poor boy likes to walk around. infact he is very active, and he likes to run around and play. I tend to wonder what is wrong with that woman a lot of the time. I know she wants another baby, but HE IS A BIG BOY now! let him grow up! lol.
She also doesn't know i'm pregnant again, i feel bad she's been trying to get pregnant over a year, and i got pregnant by surprise lol. . well.. she's kinda mean so i FEEL like going HA HA HA, but i'm not like that. so i just keep quiet.:)
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22 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Dec 07
A four year old is a big kid to have in the stroller. I think the only exceptions to that would be if you are going somewhere like the zoo, mall, etc that requires a lot of walking. I would rather push the stroller with the 4 yr old in it than have to carry him around.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
True, but most stores and malls have those lil kid things you can rent and sit them in and push them around. I see no need for him to be in a stroller. We actually have never put him in one, he's been coming here since he was about 2ish, and we have a wagon for him we take incase he gets tired, and if he dont get tired, well the wagon double as a grocery cart, or whatever.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I think after 3 or 3 1/2, the child should be old enough to be able to walk around without having the stroller. Some younger than that...just depends on the child really and how they react to not being strolled around anymore. My 19 month old enjoys the stroller when she's tired, but really would rather walk with me and hold my hand. Makes her feel big i think and I let her. I see no sense in making a child who is more than capable of walking to keep them in a stroller the whole time. I think she is doing wrong by him to make him stay in a stroller and if it's just because she is wanting another child and trying to keep him a baby for as long as possible, it could damage him and not let him grow maturity wise as he should. Someone should really talk to her, other than you and your husband, about not letting him continue to be strolled around. I think if you two were to say something she would probably get offended and get defensive, know what I mean. There has to be someone else, maybe on her side, that could confront her of this issue. I don't's a tough one. Keep us posted though on how things go and congrats on the pregnancy. Children are such a blessing. God bless
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
27 Dec 07
OH i husband's ex wife is like that to. Drama is her lifestyle I think. LOL! Anyways, I'm sure that something will happen. It may take a complete stranger coming up to her and telling her that her child is to old for that stroller. You never know these days. Again, congrats on the new little one. You'll have to keep us posted on how things are going with that. having a baby is such an exciting time. God bless you and your family
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@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I have a 3 1/2 yr old and I let him walk but if I am gonna be going on a long walk then I wont hesitate to put him in a stroller.
I'd rather do that then listen to crying the whole way or having to carry him. kids can get heavy after a while.
I feel like, this is my kid and if someone has a problem with me having my own son in a stroller then who cares.. they need to worry about their own children and not mine.. I think that there are other things in this world that are more important then just picking on a parent for taking their kid for a walk in a stroller.. heck, I know people who don't even let their kids go outside!
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 07
I can't believe she drives everywhere! Surely, if her kids is in a car all the time, she'd want him to stretch his legs! I know people who drive everywhere and put their kids in strollers immediately from getting out of the car, even if it's just go a couple of steps. I often wonder how those kids ever learn to walk!
As the other lady says, if you walk everywhere then you can't expect a young child to always walk all the way but if you don't walk anyway, I just don't get it!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
26 Dec 07
She should let her son be as active as possible and it is not fair on him to be confined to a stroller at 4.5 yrs of age.
I work in a nursery and I see so many parents nowadays trying to keep their kids dependent on them as much as possible, its like they don't want them to grow up and become independent.
This I find sad as it is selfish on the parents part and the kids end up whimps, not knowing how to do things on their own.
A good parent will teach their kid all the skills they need to become healthy and independent.
Its a shame you have to keep quiet about your pregnancy, I would be telling everyone. It is not your fault she is still trying, she should feel happy that she has a child as I know so many women who cannot have any and they would be over the moon if they were in the same position as her.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
26 Dec 07
We had neighbors who kept their daughter in a baby swinging and using a stroller and many of the things associated with a baby until she was into 1st grade. I thought it was awful, that the kid would grow up with all kinds of problems.
Well now she is in an ivy league school, she got a full scholarship.
She is a talented musician as well.
I don't think it is hurting the child, just leave it alone, he will complain about it on his own soon enough.
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@mastermindkk (295)
• India
26 Dec 07
if that is true than...
four and half is really big for stroller
as per my thinking a child around 2 is the age when can we start a make habit to walk on its own and till 3 stroller is totally removed and this is good practice too, by doing this the child grow on its own learn the confidence to stand and learn
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Dec 07
Well I kept mine for my older child in case we had to walk a long way but even then, he usually walked it all the way anyway. I think it is unfair on the child at 4 and a half if he likes to walk. My 2 and a half year old likes to walk so I let him as much as possible. Although he's not too big for a stroller! Usually though, even he walks unless we have to be quick or walk a long way.
Is there a reason why she still puts her son in a stroller? Because I know my little one can walk really slowly and some kids can behave really badly, especially if they get tired. So, it could be something like she is worried about him running off or something.
But, yes, I do think that for most kids, 4 and a half is too old not to be allowed to walk.
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
27 Dec 07
I just wanted to add that my youngest child couldn't walk until he was 23 months old but now is happy to walk. Some children have physical problems but the child in question obviously doesn't. Even if he hadn't started walking until late, it shouldn't be an excuse to keep him from walking at least short distances if he wants to.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 07
Maybe you are right then. It could just be that she gets so engrossed in shopping that she doesn't want to leave the child. I know that, even though my kids don't run off (don't ask me how I've done it!), I still sometimes worry about them, especially my little one, although there are plenty of things like reins that are available. I have a bag with a strap which is really good but I don't need to use it any more!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
I dunno if she has something she is worried about, maybe she is too involved with her shopping to watching him. . But he is fine, he runs and plays, and walks when he is here with us just fine :) He is more then capable and willing. He does try to stray a little bit in the store, but no more then any other child i've seen in the store.
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@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
27 Dec 07
basically all she is teaching that young boy is how to be lazy and have someone else do the work for him. and i bet within a couple of months he will be overweight.
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@myworkid1987 (755)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I think maybe up to age 10. Specially if your having a big day of shopping. those kids dont like to walk around all day and they get tired. And specially if i had him and went shopping with him. I wouldnt want to be chasing him all over the stores...strap him in the stroller and you dont gotta worry bout it. Take him to the park and let him run around.

@myworkid1987 (755)
• United States
28 Dec 07
are you serious!!! lol im not putting my kid on a leash!! that cruel and inhuman. lol Kids are not animals and they shouldnt be put on a leash
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@joey_matthews (8354)
15 Jan 08
I think asoon as they can cope walking it's too old.
You often see a lot of "4" and older kids being pushed in strollers and I think it's just making them more like babies. For myself, I've noticed an impact with my son and at the moment we don't have one. (due to sending it back) however the past week + he's been walking and my wife and I took turns carrying him.
He loves walking, i do feel some parents just take the "fast and easy" route but hey that's fine.
My son will be out of it soon enough, maybe from time to time we will call upon it but when he's past 2.5 (two years, five months) no way am I pushing him in a stroller, I'll carry him or put him on my shoulders if I have too.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
15 Jan 08
Well jakes very tall for his age, he's a monster to for his weight. I tend to gain back pains from doing it for long walks (especially ones that take a hour) I carried him the other week in my arms from a toy's r us store the other week all the way back to our place. (he feel asleep) so I had to grind my teeth LOL
~Joey =)
@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I agree he is too big for the stroller. And your right she should let him grow up. She could at least let the poor kid sit in the buggy.
By the way congrats on your pregnancy!
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
27 Dec 07
That kind of age is old enough to "graduate" from using the stroller. My son who's four doesn't use one anymore. Even if sometimes my husband wants to bring the stroller with us when we go to the mall. But as I keep telling him, our son wants to freely explore the things around him. And putting him in a stroller keeps him from doing it. I do agree with the other responders. The stroller should only be used for certain circumstances. But for 4 year old boys who are very excited to explore everything, your hubby's ex is not helping her son do that.
And congratulations!:)I just love the news of pregnancy. My husband and I wants to have two more but we're not very ready at this time. So,for now I end up sighing and wishing that it was me who's pregnant. lol!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
aww i'm sorry your not ready to be pregnant! i'll let you do the pregnant part for me if you'd like, but i'll take the baby back when your done. LOL i dont really enjoy the pregnant part a whole lot. It's easier the second time though! no morning sickness this time, but more back pains!
I agree they love to explore and i think she's too busy with other things, like chatting on the cell phone,and shopping and that sort of thing to pay attention to where he is exploring so she sticks him inthe stroller. That's my best guess anyways. She is one of those HIGH MAINTENCE.. people, for lackof the ability to use the other word that starts with a b. . . .
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
27 Dec 07
Ok, when should we start discussing the arrangements?:) The truth is, I was pregnant last May,this year. But unfortunately,it wasn't meant to be. I had a miscarriage when I was only a month pregnant. But then, I guess, there's a reason for everything. I was very happy that time because I didn't suffer from the terrible nausea and vomiting. I was actually feeling great. But..... :(
Anyway, that's a closed chapter. Now, I understand why she insists on putting her son in a stroller when she doesn't have to. If she's busy with other things, she really won't be able to keep an eye on her son. But my heart goes out to him because I just can imagine how disappointed he must be. No choice but to sit still in the stroller.
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@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I think if the boy likes to walk then she should let him walk. I can understand parents putting their children in a stroller if they are going to the zoo or some place like that and the kid doesn't want to walk. Congrats on your pregnancy. Maybe she just doesn't like to displine him and she feels that it is easier to put him in a stroller than chase after him. Have a good day.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
I think she is one of those.. closet screamers. LOL she yells at him at home, but not in public or at least not around us. She is always like James please do this, james please do that. I change the tone of my voice and he better damn well know i mean business!! lol.
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@cruelkitti (230)
26 Dec 07
Yeah, 4 and a half is a bit old for the stroller. Unless you're going to the zoo, or some kind of all-day outing where the kid is bound to get tired. But for just normal everyday activity, he should be allowed, even encouraged, to walk.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
I agree with you there. but the stroller is in her car my hubby says so she must carry it and use it a lot. If we ask him he says she still puts him in there. We got a red wagon for him here, it doubles for putting stuff in, he can walk or get it if he gets tired, and he dont look like a big oversized baby in it lol.
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I think that a child that is 4 should be able to walk and not be put into a stroller I believe that a child that is 2 is old enough not to be put in a stroller.But that depends on how fast the parent walks in order for the child to keep up
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@vicky_lane4987 (980)
27 Dec 07
i would say that by that age a child should be walking around. children of that age are always really active, so she is limiting his developement by keeping him in his stroller. she is obviously just doing it for her own ease. she either doesnt want him to grow up or she doesnt want to have to chase after him etc
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@chari_dc (492)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
a 4-year old boy in a stroller looks kind of awkward for me. my son didn't use his stroller for more than 6 months coz once he learned to walk, he'd rather walk than climb into the pushcart. hahahah so now that i had a baby girl we didn't bother getting her a stroller coz she looks as active as her older brother.
walking is good for growing kids. guess your hubby's ex doesn't know that.
but don't stress yourself over it. and don't get bothered anyway coz her decisions don't affect you anyway. after all, she's JUST your hubby's ex... ;)
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Dec 07
I agree. It's her kid, she does what she wants to him. I just thought it would make a good discussion.
My kid is the same way, as soon as she started to be able to walk, she didn't want to go into the stroller anymore. But she's still only 17 months old, and we dont drive, so letting her walk everywhere would require a LOT of patiece, and its TOO cold out in the winter to walk THAT slow lol!
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I reckon at some point the child's weight will be too much for the frame of the stroller to bare and at that point she will have to allow him to walk around. she may be her own worst enemy down the lane a bit when the child grows to be lazy or lacking in the muscle and stamina to walk and stand for any period of time.
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@cartoon4umaniacs (1648)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Hmm I don't really know if there is a set age for the kid, it depends on each individual person...for my five year old she still likes to go on a stroller for places like the zoo or park or places that would require long walks...
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@CanuckPrince (1052)
• Halifax, Nova Scotia
29 Dec 07
people should invest in a wagon or other forms of transportation for their kids once theyre too big for a stroller.. my son's been using the radio flyer wagon i got him since he was just over 2.. he has no need for a stroller and a know a wagon doesnt fold up but really how comfortable can you be in a stroller when youre over 3 feet tall!
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