What are people doing to keep the bills low?

Broke - I am so broke!
United States
December 26, 2007 3:23pm CST
As taxes and the cost of living rises, what are some things people are doing to keep the bills down? Are they conserving heat? Right now I only have one room on with heat and hoping like hell it heats the rest of the place? Also i am using the oven to heat things up instead of the mircowave. I am also not really traveling so i can save on gas. Its been work and home. I have filled out for a second job, but i have no bites yet. I did fill out for a full time job that pays more and than i wont have to get a second job! Tell me what your doing? And what are some things that pay or worth doing?
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13 responses
• United States
26 Dec 07
This might sound stupid Ejobsuccess, but I feel the same way you do sometimes about the costs of things. Have you ever noticed that everything you buy these days has a stupid red or green light on it to tell you whether it's on or not? Well, my theory is,,, if a light is on, that means electricity is being used. See that little green light on your monitor? What's it for? To let you know the dang thing is on? Duh? Anyway - there are people who disagree with me but I proved to myself how much I could save by fixing the problem. When I shut down the computer for the day, I turn everything off. I changed out my phone for an old fashioned one with no light. I unplugged my microwave, disregarding the display, and plug it into the socket next to it when I want to use it. I unplugged my freezer and sold it and I unplugged the stero unit and anything else I could find that had those stupid little lights. I unplugged everything I could. I put plastic up over the windows to keep out any drafts that might be coming through. I cook on my gas stove 99% of the time. All of this paid off big time. My electric bill dropped by HALF! Yes - I said half. It's amazing how much electricity all those little red and green lights eat up.
• United States
26 Dec 07
I'm just wondering if this is a sign of the things to come. Everyone is talking about going green - saving the environment, saving fuel, saving electricity and all that - - - heck, we've been doing that for - well - as long as I can remember. For us, it's just a way of life. Savings I mean. Living in the dark. Eating at mom's house. Saving cola cans for a few extra bucks. Good Grief......
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• United States
27 Dec 07
Tell me about it. I am hating every minute of it. I mean i am all for saving the enviroment. But saving cans becuase i need the cash is really ridiculous.
• United States
26 Dec 07
Wow I bet. Since i am bit of a computer geek, i know shutting on and off the computer is kinda bad. What i do is turn the monitor off. But never my computer. Its like my baby. I agree, I unplug just about everything that i am not using like the toaster but not the microwave. I need it for the time. But i dont leave things in the outlets unless i need them. Thanks and good thinking.
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• United States
26 Dec 07
You might like to break down your expenses right to the daily expense level. Do that for a month and mark out all the unnecessary expenses you have spent on. You might have overlooked expenses which appear small but accumulate to alot more than the so-called big items like electricity bills. eg. make your own coffee as oppose to buying them from starbucks.
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Yes I have done that already and how did you know i love starbucks lol. Well I have stopped all forms of entertainment and kept it to the home. Since I have broadband and comcast cable, I am able to surf and watch tv and am ok with that bill. I try to keep the heat low and only on in one room. I do not go anywhere but work and home. I even stopped buying food, i eat at my moms (she lives next door). Its really depressing me. At this point. I don't know what else to do but look for another higher paying job. I took a hugh paycut to have more of a life, but silly me, i cant have a life, if i cant pay for one. I need to expand and have no funds to do so. I am really cutting out essentials here. I just pay down my 3 credit cards which are not that high but high enough where it will take me another 2 years or less if i get real aggressive with it. that means any income that i get extra will have to go right on bills. All i pay is rent, car, gas, car ins,electric, Gas for apartment, comcast (which includes phone,cable and internet)and I have 3 credit cards to pay off. I dont even buy food anymore. Yikes
• United States
27 Dec 07
Yes i have used that method before and it really works wonders. At the end of the month i feel so accomplished. I am currently doing this again, I have been debt free to get back into debt unfortuneatly i was not disaplined enough.
• United States
26 Dec 07
My goodness! It does sound like you have a big problem here with 3 credit cards to pay down. I would recommend that you look again into the finance companies/ banks to source for interest-free or lower interest loans to cover your current credit cards. Alternatively, pay off the credit cards one by one. By that, I suggest that you pay 2 with minimum payments to avoid charges and 1 which you pay aggressively to the max you can afford. Once that card is cleared, cut it and return to the bank and attack another card outstandings. Meanwhile, put the credit cards at home (not in your wallets) and avoid adding the loan amounts. Hope this helps.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Dec 07
We don't run the heat or a/c unless necessary. We changed our light bulbs from regular bulbs to the CF bulbs (which made a HUGE difference), only run full loads of wash and dishes. We cook using the foreman grill as opposed to our horrible electric stove. I work only a few minutes from home so I keep my gas usage to a minimum. My husband recently started commuting so we make sure his car and tires are in tip top condition for the best fuel economy. We shop as cheap as possible using coupons and buying everything we can on sale. We are also thinking about moving close to my husbands job because we will save on gas, not have to pay a toll charge, and if we stay in the same size apartment our rent will be less.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
26 Dec 07
In reality working 5 - 8 hour days may be better for your bills. By not being home at all during the week you will cut your electricity bill by not running lights that one day and being able to keep your heat or a/c off one more day.
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• United States
27 Dec 07
I think that might do the trick as well. Ugh i love my day off. Actually i would sleep most of the day or be on the computer and didnt really use the light. But you know i would turn the tv on. I got a biggie tv.
• United States
26 Dec 07
Yeah i am thinking about getting a job closer to home that will actually pay me more, but it will be 5 days a week. Right now i work 4 ten hour days and have wednesdays off. I changed as many of the bulbs as i could, My celing lights wont accomidate the bulbs, well it wont fit in the fixure but i really dont turn lights on anyways. I dont even by food anymore, i eat at my moms, she lives next door. How bad is that.
@kareng (69652)
• United States
26 Dec 07
Since I'm off this week, I'll be saving on gas to and from work. I don't plan on going out a lot, just local errands. I may go to the mall this weekend to check out some after Christmas sales but that is about it. We have electric heat so not too much on cutting back there other than lowering the thermostat. I've been using coupons when grocery shopping also. You can save a good bit that way and if you add it all up for the year, you will see a difference. Good luck on your job hunt.
@kareng (69652)
• United States
27 Dec 07
Haha, I wish I could eat at my moms or mother in laws. I hate grocery shopping. I don't mind the cooking most of the time.
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Yeah i have electric heat and i hate it. I am hoping to switch to forced air. Maybe that will be better. I wished i could do food shopping, I eat at my moms now (she lives next door)
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
28 Dec 07
As much as possible i try to minimize the use of appliances co zit could save me alot of money for the electricity. It should be a lifestyle coz it will also help me with my monthly budget, I also do it helps alot.
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• United States
28 Dec 07
Thanks for the reply.
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
26 Dec 07
One really small thing I started doing, only because it was kind of a challenge is to only use one garbage bag all week. I've managed to do it the last couple of weeks. Kind of goofy I guess, but anytime I think of something new like this I have to see if I can do it. If I can get into this habit, I will only use one box of garbage bags for a whole year. I am also keeping my heat set lower than usual. We also put in a new door this year that closes off a room that is not heated. I try to run all of my errands in one trip, that is if I can remember to write everything down. This can sometimes be a challenge for me.
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Hi Kykidd, that doesn't just save money but also sounds pretty environmental friendly. We need more people like you around. :-)
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Yeah i am gonna try that. Even though i dont buy the trash bags anymore, i gotten so cheap, i get them from work.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
27 Dec 07
Nothing wrong with getting all you paid for! Nothing wrong with stretching the dollar till ol' George Washington grins! That is a good thing! I have a blog where I have posted articles about saving money, making ends meet, not wasting money, and realizing you are wasting money and don't know it - lot of things that I learned while raising 2 kids on a very small budget. I did it cause I had to make ends meet, others can do it just to save money. Coffee Break Whatever Save Money - link in my profile. All these ways are totally do-able and easy. I did them all (except the Starbucks/coffee one. But I pointed that out to my daughter who realized she was spending $60 a month just for a cup of coffee in the mornings and that was only the 4 mornings she worked each week! She realized when she did the math and realized that was a credit card payment! She stopped the coffee last year and in October paid off a credit card! You can do it, just just have to find where you are spending it, where you are wasting it (and didn't even realize) and where you are just literally throwing it out the window!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Dec 07
We rent, and we have an apartment that is fairly cheap, although its in the basement, it is ok i guess, since our rent is inclusive, So we dont pay for our heat or power, or natural gas. It's all included and so we take advantage of that and turn the heat up a lot when its cold. We bought a space heater because the owners of the house controll the thermastat. But the upstairs is always warmer and that is where the thermastat is. So it was ALWAYS freezing down here in the basement. The heater has worked out well for us, except its a DRY DRY heat.
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Yea that sucks a bit. Heat rises and so you might have a draft going on somewhere in the house. But i hear ya. My sister doenst have to pay for heat, its included in her apartment. But she also doesnt have a nice place like i have either.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
27 Dec 07
I read the reason for the tax rises was because Gore said that we humans are responsible for global warming and must be punished. It aint so, It is in God's hands and it is caused by seasonable shifts, sometimes it gets colder, sometimes it gets warmer and the cycles last for maybe decades. We live in Manitoba so we cannot turn the temperature down at night past 68 degrees F because then it would be too cold for my husband to be comfortable. We use those new type of energy saving lights, the fluorescent lights, and we usually buy the basics and we have switched to a cheaper grocery store. My husband puts as much on the credit card as possible, and we do not turn the lights on in the rooms we do not use.
• United States
27 Dec 07
Man we really need a tax break. Or some one needs to create an assistance program for the middle class. I feel like i am going to be poverty as the days continue.
27 Dec 07
We have recently moved into a private rented house, so we are still working out how much bills cost on average each month. To save our electric bill we turn all the plugs off we are not using apart from the phones and the fridge freezer. To save our gas bill when we are out i turn the heating and hot water off so that the gas cannot be used while we are not in. All essential bills cannot be cut down on because they are charged by our landlord for rent and by the council and companys for general bills everyone gets. We do not have a car, so we save money there, hehe. ~Joeys wife
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• United States
27 Dec 07
Yeah life with out a car for me is like prison. I can get around much faster with my car. its my sanity mobile.
• United States
27 Dec 07
I know the gas and electric company we have offers a list of ways to conserve energy. They put it in with the bill and its also on the website. We always make sure to conserve as much energy as possible. We dont heat the stoves until its a have to case.
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• United States
27 Dec 07
Yes, I signed up for their service for assistance. That helps but electric is a killer.
@laylomo (165)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I just think about what I need and what I don't need, and how I can lessen the cost. For example, most people drink coffee in the morning. I don't drink coffee, but if I did, I would not go to Starbuck; instead I make it at home. Replace all lightbulbs with the energy efficient bulbs. It does save a lot. Heating and cooling is important, but there are certain things you can invest into to less the cost. Check the insulation in your home - that can save you money in the long run. With cooling, I use a swamp cooler, one that uses little electricity and water to cool the area.
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• United States
27 Dec 07
gas is such a killer right now so some neighbors and I have started car pooling to go places like the gym, grocery, picking up kids, etc. Also, I have cut back my latte's. I still love coffee but I am content with the stuff I make at home. Little things add up!
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• United States
27 Dec 07
Yes i totally agree. I was car pooling but my pooler had me going out of my way at times and well i really love driving myself as well as coming and going as i please. its the only freedom i have left. Please dont let them take that away.
• United States
27 Dec 07
What I am doing to keep some of my bills low is to be sure that I keep a mental note of how long I do t hings such as talk on the cellphone before my free nights and weekends kick in. Also I try to eliminate the use of excess lights. Meaning, if the light is on in a room, and no one is in the room at the time, then I cut if off.
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• United States
27 Dec 07
I haeva free incoming plan, and most of the time, people are the ones calling me anyways. The lights are hardly on, its like i live in the dark ages. its starting to look like a second job will have to get implimented.