what should i do with my husband?

December 27, 2007 5:17am CST
my husband has some girl these days,i feel that he isnt nice to me and there is a strange number in his mobilephone.when i asked who was the girl,he didnt answer me and he was silent.at most he would say she was his classmate,but i know this is not true.when i asked the girl's name,he said he didnt know.what can i do with him?he is lying to me,i know.but i have no idea .what should i do?could you give me some advice?thanks.
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19 responses
• India
28 Dec 07
Hi There, Best solution according to me is talking..You should sit and talk with him but very important to wait for the time where is also open to talk..you will creat that comfort level as very often we forget that we can also be friends..talk to him like a friend and then let him open up...There can be many distractions in life and your husband might have fallen for one of them but if behave sensibly this problem can be resolved...I hope everything becomes alright soon..take care..god bless and remember you have one friend always there for you
@kaiwang (11)
• China
28 Dec 07
Don't worry! I understand your feeling! But I think you should be not restricted in his movements! After all, he is a man ,he have to provide liberally for your fanmily! So he have to deal with many things,you should allow for his difficulty! On the other hand,you don't pamper him! Don't act rashly and alert him! Above all is my suggestion!I am young ,so i know a ittle! Wish you a happy life!
• China
15 Jan 08
i really want to know if he is faithful.but sometimes he is very nice to me and i have no idea what i should do with him.yes, he is a man ,so he must know what he should do and what he should not do.am i right?i earn money more than him,so he is not the only.... thanks a lot for my response.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
11 Jan 08
hi nanclie! oh, that is a very difficult position. hmmm, the only thing i can say maybe is to pray for your husband. that is the best that you can do for him. it may be the least but it is your best weapon. i am using a book now, praying for your husband, it says there, there is no use worrying about our spouses because it will not do anything to our marriage. but praying can change everything. God bless you and take care! i hope that your family will be made whole again! :-)
@anonymili (3138)
11 Jan 08
I would like to say to you to give him the benefit of the doubt but past experience has shown me through many many people I know who've been cheated on that if you ignore these warning signs it will only go on to further misery down the line. If it was completely innocent there would be no reason for him to stay silent - men are cowards quite often - when they're stupid enough to get caught they think it's cool to try to keep quiet and their partner will just accept it and think nothing is wrong! All I can suggest is tread carefully - decisions you make now can affect the rest of your life - I wish you strength and courage to face the coming weeks whichever way it goes. x
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I would call the number on the mobile phone. Explain to them that the number was in your husband phone and you wanted to know who he was calling. If you find out he is cheating on you I would pack his bags and change the locks on your doors.
@luluwow (165)
• United States
27 Dec 07
I agree lightning... call the number, do some research and if he is truly a liar... change the locks and move on to a nicer man! good luck!
• China
27 Dec 07
I am sorry to hear that, but you must keep quite, to analyze the reason, especially make that become more and more serious, you must known, man like little boy, he need careful and you love.
• China
28 Dec 07
i canot agree more.at frist ,you should find out the reason from yourself.there must be some problems beteween you two.
• Canada
28 Dec 07
Only you can judge whether your husband's behaviour toward you has changed. You say he isn't nice to you. How has his treatment of you changed? Was he open to you before and sullen and uncommunicative now? Was he helping you with the baby before and not anymore? I agree that he is acting really strange, and if I were you, I will wait for an opportune time to ask him outright. Try to find a chance when the two of you are having a quiet moment together, and don't be confrontational. Hug him and ask your question (what's worrying him, you feel hi has changed, is it something at work, etc.) with a sincerely loving attitude. It can't hurt. He may become confident enough of your love that he will come out and tell you whatever it is. Be calm and keep a level head. Your family life is at stake here so don't let jealousy ruin it, even if your jealousy may have some basis in fact. Good luck with it and have a wonderful new year!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
27 Dec 07
In my opinion, he's cheating. If he can't come right out and tell you who it is, then he's got something to hide. I've seen it on a bunch of different sides, with friends that have been cheating and friends that have been cheated on. I think you should decide if he is cheating, what do you want to do? Do you want to forgive him and hope that it won't happen again, or do you want to cut your losses?
• Canada
27 Dec 07
This is really your call. I would really think it through and decide for yourself if this is the kind of guy you want to be with for however long. I was told when I was a young girl if you don't respect yourself no one else will either. So for me I take no crap like that from not just a man but any friend, boyfriend, or relative for that matter. This is a time for you to look inside yourself and be honest with yourself. I am not ssying you have to kick this guy out and not give it another chance but you do have to confront the issue in a upfront way and determine how you want to deal with it. If this were to happen again after you have established the ground rules for yourself then I would move on. Not all men cheat. Don't believe it for a minute. Other men frown on that behavior! So if you love this guy and think he is worth the fight then call him to accountability and expect more of him and maybe he will of him self as well.
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
28 Dec 07
nanclie, is your husband unfaithful?, such situation need to be handled with care. first of all ask yourself these questions: 1. am i not beautiful? 2. what attracted him to me before 3. do i still take care of myself 4. do i still look fine etc start caring for him, beautify yourself, make yourself appealing forget about the girl and don't remind him about girls or who called. try as much as possible to contain him and manage the crisis.
• United States
27 Dec 07
Try talking to your husband again. Maybe tell him your worried about him and you just want to know whats going on. Maybe if you keep at it he will eventually come out and tell you.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I'm not sure of the best and right way to handle these situations. I would tell him that I believed he was cheating and lying. I would not want proof that he was but rather I would want him to prove to me that he was not. If he could not convince me, then I would leave him. I could not be with a man that I felt didn't love me and was cheating.
• United States
28 Dec 07
First off don't jump to conclusions, give him a break... step back and calm down...then when you are at peace ask him how he is doing...if there is anything he wants to talk about if there is any problems or stress that he is feeling...let him know that you are there for him and that you love him...if he won't tell you then do some investigating on your own but don't let him know that you think his cheating or else if he isn't then you will get him piss but if he is cheating he won't tell you anyways... what I would do is check up on his daily activities and have my friends call that number to see who that girl is and check on her background...once that is done I will draw the points of A my hubby and B that girl to see what relationship they have together either business or pleasure it has to be one or the other or both...if then I have a good sense that they are cheating I will confront him to give him a chance to explain if he doesn't I will give him the proof and reason on why I suspect him of cheating...if my hubby was cheating I would have the divorce papers for him to sign as well...that is my 2 cents...
@janet66 (53)
• China
28 Dec 07
you need to have a chance to talk face-to-face with your husband,If he doesn't speak out and doesn't explain to you,then you can decide what to do next.I hope that you will solve it succesfully.But you should remember:do not be made you sad.
• India
27 Dec 07
I think you should speak with his best friend or someone close to him, as he is not answering you should not ask this question again now.. be good!! If he has decided to stray.. he will.. so no use getting panicked!.. be good to him & hope there is nothing fishy. Or take legal help if you think there can be some problem.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
27 Dec 07
How many red flags does he need to wave? I'd tell him, choose! I wouldn't put up with that for a minute. I mean if it was just a female classmate or friend, then there would be no reason for him to play dumb about who she was. There would be no reason for him to hide it from you. So, tell him, either be honest or leave, but I wouldn't play second fiddle to someone else.
27 Dec 07
I would tend to agree with palanghorn. He is definitely up to something if he will not answer direct questions or tries to dodge them. From what you have said the facts are that he has a strange number in his phone, is associating with another girl and is distanced from you as well as dodging your questions. It would appear that he is being unfaithful but you will only really know if you are able to confront him properly. If he still refuses to answer then make it absolutely clear that you will no longer tolerate this behaviour. You are worth more and deserve better. Either way, the ball is in your court as to whether you stay with him or not.
@fanji008 (775)
• China
27 Dec 07
Hi,there! I'm sorry to hear that you're cheated by your husband.I know you feel pretty sad about it as well as angry at the same time.No woman would like to see that.That's always a pain for women who are in the marriage.If you really love your husband and you can forgive him for this,then I suggest you have a long and very open talk with him about this issue.It's not blaming but just a communication.Only when you guys are very open with each other and fully trust each other can you solve the problem.If you can't bear it and can't forgive your husband for this,then be sure it's really the fact that he betrayed you.And then you can choose to leave him and lead your own happy life.Best regards and good luck. Hopefully you'll find the best way for yourself!
27 Dec 07
It is strange that he can't communicate to you about it which means he is hiding something. It might not be what you think it is though. Just give him time, but keep communicating. You will get this sorted no matter what it is.