Who thinks the matrix is a lot like our world?
By penevnick
@penevnick (16)
4 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Well thats a philosophical example of the brain in a vat and to an extent Plato's cave allegory. In the first example is philosophical skepticism and basically we could all be brains in a vat or some other area. Our brains are fed information from a computer to the correct neurons and clusters in the brain; this is done to simulate all ranges of the "human experience" (And this becomes an allegory/metaphor realized when the Matrix is revealed - [Neo in a vat]).
The second example has prisoners chained in a cave only seeing puppet shadows and hearing voices. They eventually take this as reality. When a prisoner is released certain things occur. For one the prisoner thinks the shadows of objects are more real than the objects themselves. For another a person may be driven to go back to the cave being unable to accept reality as it is. For a third example, prisoners may not want to leave the cave for fear of what is beyond it (All of these are referenced in the Matrix by dialogue and characters -[Morpheus' explanations, Neo's panic after realizing what the real world is, Neo's reflection of his past in the Matrix, Cypher's intention])
As for it resembling our world or having any application...there is a possibility. Nothing is truly "certain". This could be the real world, or it could be a simulation fed into individual minds to live out (as a collective simulation). Someone mentioned Descartes and his famous quote of "Cogito Ergo Sum" (I think therefore I am). This is relevant to your thought exercise. Basically the claim says that because we think, we are. I'll use myself as the guineapig. I have thoughts, beliefs, dreams, ideas, memories...all of this makes up me, Pro. Because I'm aware of all of these and they are private to me (unless shared) and because they are my creations, its evidence that I exist; at the very least I exist as a sentience or thinking force. The physical body, my surroundings, other people, their existence cannot be certain. However, things like empathy, commonality, rationalism help to mitigate this from more paranoid beliefs in this sense. And of course one can simply assume the same concept of thinking to other people (part of empathy and commonality).
For a "Matrix" world, our world could fit the bill. Smith (and later the Architect) describe what the "past" Matrix programs were. The first one was a perfect world where none would suffer and everyone could be happy. However it was a failure and the reasons for it split between two schools of belief for the issue. On one hand, the machines may have lacked the programming to describe humanity's "perfect world". Counter to this is the following, that humans define their reality by the misery and suffering going on (along with general "realism"). Both Smith and the Architect describe this one briefly but enough to extrapolate and hypothesize on. The Architect described the second Matrix as a more frightening and hellish world, one opposite to the "perfect" Matrix. This Matrix failed too due to humans not believing how horrific their "world" was. The Matrix as we end up seeing it is similar to late 20th Century Earth (rather than mid-late 21st Century Earth as depicted in Second Renaissance: Part 1 and the History of the Matrix found on the Revolutions DVD). This point is not as important, but it does underscore the "realism" humanity maybe use to. Think of a futuristic world with little or no suffering compared to a world with more struggle and strife in it (without being too excessive). The first world would too closely resemble the very first Matrix that failed; additionally, it would seem easier to convince human minds into an environment with significant problems and struggles rather than a world with none or far too many.
The choice. Before I forget, there is the aspect of choice. I mentioned the former matrixes, our current world and the fictional history of the world before the matrix. I did not mention one key to the Matrix itself, human choice. Even if it was subconscious people chose to accept the Matrix or not (I believe only 1% end up refusing the Matrix). To keep order, the machines allowed those that did not want stay the chance to leave (perhaps the choice of the red-blue pill has already been made long before a rebel gets to that point and only serves as reaffirmation of their true beliefs). It would be interesting to see if there were such rebels for our "world". Even more interesting, is the choice. When do we make the choice if this world is a Matrix? Is it when we are born, or sometime during our lives? Do we even know we made the choice? The main point of the choice is that at least its there, but it the "world" was created to a point as to limit "rebellion" and coerce others to not leave. The choice of the other two worlds was non-existant in the Machine's thinking. Even with the choice, Smith noted that no one would accept the program (something similar reasonably happened with the second Matrix the Architect described). With our "world" there is a range of sadness and happiness along with realism to keep people's rationality in check.
If I was the machines...I'd pick this world or something close enough to fool human minds. If I wanted to enslave humanity...I'd pick this world to circumvent choice and obscure reality. If I wanted to imprison all sentience...I'd have constructed the mattrix similar to the "present" Matrix seen in the movies. I'll have to revisit this in the future...
Have a nice day... :)
@penevnick (16)
• Bulgaria
8 Jan 08
Thanks for such a good answer.
I think youre 100% right, but how long did you write this?!?!?
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
9 Jan 08
This took about 30 minutes to an hour, but I've been thinking about things like this for years. Its a bit easier for me to write and talk about it. I also find this fun.
@penevnick (16)
• Bulgaria
31 Jan 08
I have also been thinkin a lot but I havent got time to write a lot becuase i have to study (i go to college by the way)
Thanks for writing back.
@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
22 Aug 08

@lucgeta (924)
• France
28 Dec 07
It could be real, some people experience things that are real only to them - proof that the brain decides what is real or no. A French philosopher once wrote "I think; therefore I am".