What stresses you out?
By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
December 28, 2007 11:22am CST
Stress is so common nowadays. What puts you over the edge? Think of the many things you do on a daily basis. Think about your daily habits. Think about who you come in contact with each day. What makes your hair fall out? What can you do to eliminate stress in your life? What have you tried before to make it go away? Has anything worked for you? Is your stress a result of a particular person or certain circumstance? How do you handle your stress?
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16 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Well, I have an anxiety disorder anyways...so I get stressed out pretty easily. I can't stand a lot of noise and I have three children, 9..8..and 19 months old, so it's kind of hard for it not to be noisy around my house. I can't stand being in crowds...that stresses me out and bills of course. I always dread the first of the month. My husband is overseas and it stresses me out because I am always worrying about him and his safety. Wow, I'm just a really stressed out person. LOL! I am on medication though, which helps out a lot when it comes to getting stressed and having anxiety attacks. God bless
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Thanks so much for the encouraging words. My three children are definitely my life and my joy, but it can be very stressful at times because that is all that I am. I don't work, other than my full time job at home, so there really isn't a lot of time for me to just chill out and relax until at least 10 at night. I hope all the soldiers overseas stay safe...my husband is in a reletavely safe place this tour, so I don't worry as much, but i always worry when he's in that kind of enviroment. Thanks again and God bless
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
It sounds like you have a lot more obstacles to overcome than an average individual, but it also sounds like you're doing a great job of staying on top of things. Three children - good for you. You are blessed because your house will be full for years to come! Children can bring much joy also. I know it's stressful, though. I have five siblings, and things are always interesting. There's always something to do, so I'm sure you can be thankful for that. If you weren't so busy, you'd probably be stressed out because you would be bored out of your mind! But once again, good for you. Your life is filled with good things. I hope your husband stays safe also. Sounds like you have a wonderful family. Keep up the good work!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Dec 07
LOL...what a day to ask me this. I won't go into the most current details otherwise I may feel the need to be destructive but needless to say it has been a very stressful couple days..if you read my discussions involving my in laws you'll notice I have a lot of stress. I handle my stress by coming here and ranting to whoever will listen. It helps a little and when it doesn't I think evil thoughts about the offenders until I am amused at what I've come up with.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Dec 07
LOL well thanks and here it is. I'll give you the short version even though it doesn't sound nearly as bad without all the details and background. MIL made my stepson take back the dresser he'd given to me because she needed the bookshelf he'd put his clothes on. Now my clohes and the baby's clothes are stuffed in a laundry basket on the floor until I figure out another place to put them....Earlier today I'd been working at the computer when FIL came home. He needed something and I was nice enough to go look for it for him. Sometime during the whole 2 minutes I was gone he turned off my computer and lost all of my work. He's just so sure it's my computer causing the $250 electric bill each month and not the extra full sized refrigerator in the garage, the freezer on the porch, the mini fridge in the kitchen along with the regular kitchen fridge and the other mini refrigerator in his bedroom....or the electric dryer, the dishwasher or any other item that he owns and uses electricity. Apparently only things belonging to me or s/o actually count towards the bill...*so dripping with sarcasm*
And that's only the major events of today and yesterday...
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Thanks for the chuckle. Of course, now you're leaving me hanging! If you feel like venting, the floor is yours for this discussion. I wouldn't mind hearing about it if it helps you being able to vent. I know in-laws can play a huge factor in stress. I'm not married...yet...but I'm seeing it slowly but surely. It's there for everyone. What a pain! I'm here to listen if you feel the urge to vent and/or think evil thoughts. :)
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm sorry to hear that! Wow...hmm...a computer using up all that electricity. I really don't think so. I know it probably won't matter what I say and how I support, but here goes nothing anyway (LOL). I don't know if you have a laptop or a desktop, but by the way you're talking about it, it sounds like you have a regular PC. That's what I have. It's actually better on power and better for your computer to stay powered up all the time for when you're going to use it. If you're constantly turning it on and off when you're not using it, what a strain on the machine! It probably takes more power just to turn it back on. So there's an idea. That's just something I learned about computers in general. The amount of power it eats up all depends on so many different, small, insignificant factors that it wouldn't really be worth looking into. A computer compared to a regular appliance is trivial. I think you know where I stand on this! It's just common sense, I guess. LOL - thanks for taking the time to share!
@Lalitshukla (314)
• India
29 Dec 07
Lots of things actually.., I am normally happy with myself and the way I am, but things outside my control really annoy me. Like, people's driving sense, traffic on Indian roads, bad attitude, back stabbing etc I am not very materialistic, but people running after money and wanting to have it all without doing anything worthwhile to deserve it.. really p-ss me off.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Dec 07
This is a good one! I definitely agree with you. I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned "things outside of my control." This is the biggest source of stress for everyone, in my opinion. There's nothing we can do about all those other people out on the roads. (And just as a side note, isn't it funny how you can yell and scream at them all you want from the comfort of your own vehicle and it never seems to change anything?) I can't stand bad drivers and all of the above. I think you covered it very well! Thanks for sharing. I'm definitely with you on all of these.
@venigalla (191)
• India
29 Dec 07
it is common now a days as u said every one has there own way to overcome the stress,for example a teacher shows his stress on their students in the way scoldings,a wife shows his stress on articles like throwing.
i will get it off by destroying any article in my hands but i now change my trend simply by having a smile on my face
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I really appreciate your response because you've proved that you have become a better person because of how you handle stress. I remember one time I was stressed, so I threw my cell phone, and it hit the wall and broke. I really didn't benefit for the way I handled the stress in my life at that time! A smile can really benefit because you're stressed inside, but no one knows it except for you. You're a better person because you've shown self control. I really like your answer. Thanks!
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Hi JJ, I'm probably one of the most fortunate people I know in this subject (and many more). In the past, I have had some of the most highly stressful positions a woman could have (thank God). Each one of them were a result of a terrific education and great opportunities. Not to mention being a wife and mother, which in itself can produce its own level of stress, I have been a business owner of several very successful businesses with numerous employees and for a time was a private secretary to a high level politician. I was also, for a time, second in charge of an all male prison facility that houses over 900 inmates.
I can honestly tell you I never allowed any of those responsibilities to overwhelm me or stress me out. I have always had the good grace of God with me and carried the faith of a mustard seed throughout my working career.
My policy in each position was always, "if you do what's right, if you follow policy, if you treat others with respect, like you want to be treated, there will be no reason for stress in your life". Even when things around you look very bleek and disquieting, if you try to be a part of the solution instead of becoming part of the problem, if you look for the blessing that each circumstance holds, then stress,(which I always considered a part of confusion - and we know where confusion comes from), would not gain any foothold in your heart or mind.
I made a conscious choice not to give place to stress or confusion or to allow it to be any part of my life. When others who weren't as fortunate as myself and who weren't capable of posessing that kind of thought process came to me trying to upset me or frustrate me for the sake of frustration, I simply closed my eyes for a moment and said a silent prayer that God would give me the wisdom to defuse the situation and give the person the answer they were seeking, or in some cases, let them know their attempt to confuse me was not going to be successful. They either walked away completely confused to what had taken place or walked away convinced they had received what they had come for.
So - how do I handle stress?
I simply take the attempt stress presents itself as and turn it into a positive action or response.
While many people would not agree with the following statement, , ,
There is contentment is every situation if you look deeply enough.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
1 Jan 08
Thanks JJ again, for Best Response. I try to write what's in my life experiences and my heart. When we get (by the Grace of God) to the age I am, and older, there comes a certain amount of wisdom that needs to be shared. It's almost like a responsibility to share it. If one person can learn from my experience, then I've accomplished a great deal from my life.
"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again".
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Once again, you have left me speechless. And once again, you have definitely earned a best response on this one as well. Why can't we all learn to handle stress like this? It doesn't need to be a part of our lives! I have to tell you that I've gotten more responses (many more) than I have for any other discussion I've posted so far. Why is this? I think we both know the answer to that question. It's something that we all face and struggle with. But as you said, we don't have to struggle. We always have the option of giving it to God. We don't have to carry it with us wherever we go. You've really taught me something today, and I appreciate it. I love how you mentioned converting the negative energy that stress brings into positive outcomes. You have once again astonished me. Keep up the good work. MyLot needs to see more of your responses!
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@nmhschic2004 (1238)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Right now my parents. They are constantly at each others throats. And i feel like im being put in the middle of it. And i hate that!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I know what you mean because I'm going through the same phase right now. My parents get along with each other okay, but my dad has diabetes. If he's not happy, no one is happy. The thing that sets him off is when he's hungry. I guess that's just the way the health condition goes. His blood sugar gets all wacky and things are not good. I've gotten used to getting yelled at for pretty much no reason, so I try my best to see where he's coming from and that he has health issues so I don't yell back at him. I try to help him or I just stay away. So I can completely relate! Thanks for sharing...and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
29 Dec 07
I enjoy doing any work so work cannot be causing any stress. It is the worries that is causing me the stress. So I am working to get rid of worries by doing meditation. The only way to handle stress is meditation, concentrate on one work or the other, try to be as happy as possible by doing pleasant things around you.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I agree with you that concentration can cause the stress to go away. You will have to tell me more about this medication you take that does away with stress! I haven't heard of this before. I know keeping your goals reachable and staying busy can keep stress away. I like it when you say "be as happy as possible by doing pleasant things around you." This truly is a cure for stress.
@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Lots of things stress me out such as being late, waiting for other people to get things done, money issues, etc. I have not found the magic cure for reducing stress - but exercising and getting enough sleep helps a bit.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 07
There are so many things that can stress us out if we allow them. I agree with you. Whenever I'm running late, that's such a key pressure point for stress in my life! I hate being late, but yet I just can't stop doing it for some reason. I can definitely relate. I also get stressed in waiting on people. It's like you have to wait for them to get something done so you can move on with your life. That really makes things difficult. You wish it were something you could do for them, but you just can't. I appreciate that you have suggested exercise and sleep. Those are so important because if you're experiencing a great deal of stress, you won't be able to combat it without good health and habits. Thanks for sharing!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 07
I had a boring meeting every Monday evening. Only the head teacher's opinion seemed to matter. It stressed me that time was wasted and that discussions were unfair. Cycling home after that made all my stress fly away. I find it stressful if someone makes my kitchen untidy. I think clutter clearing and good organization is a way to make a less stressful lifestyle for person. Dealing with paperwork in a sensible way avoids losing important papers.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Nothing stressed me out more than wasted time! That will always stress people out unless they don't really care what they do with their time. To me, time is extremely valuable. I can completely relate with you. When I was in college, I hated certain classes because I never saw a point in taking them because I didn't think I would ever be able to use them in the future. I tried to look on the bright side of things, but sometimes there just isn't one. Organization, as you said, can also really help in relieving stress. Getting in good habits now can really save a lot of stress later. Great response - thanks!
@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
28 Dec 07
For me it is studying, especially leading up to exams. I don't want to fail the university subjects and repeat them so there is always the fear of doing bad. And hence I need to study for long periods, but then again there is always the fear of believing you don't know enough or you must know everything since you never really know what's going to be tested and not.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I can completely relate to your situation! I graduated from college back in May, but final exams were so hard because I was sitting around trying to study anything and everything wondering the entire time if I was actually qualified to take and pass the exams. I didn't know what would actually appear on the finals or what I needed to study more on. I guess it came through because I'm done with cramming for exams now forever...at least, I think and hope I am (LOL). It's so hard because there's no way the human mind can retain everything that's taught in class and things that are read and studied afterwards. I know we only use about ten percent of ours brains, so whoever can figure out how we can use the other ninety percent will be a genius! I don't like having that much extra space that's not being used, if you know what I mean. Good luck in your studies. If you're a diligent student, it will come through for you!
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
29 Dec 07
I am usually stressed out with a lot of things...from the petty ones to the real stressful situations at home and at work. I have a couple of obsessions: like our house and my office should be clean and organized. Having it otherwise will cause my hair to fall out and more wrinkles on my face. Of course, beating deadlines at work, preparing for a meeting in which I am the presiding officer, or even when I am made to prepare for a speech, addressing a large group...a couple of times that I'd just simply freak out because some jobs did not turn out as expected, and a lot of other things. Of course, my family's health, finances, etc. also can cause my body alarm to send distress signals.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I love your response because you referred to different levels of stress in your life. I appreciate your need to organize because I'm the same way. If things are in their place and going as planned, there's no need to stress. When there are bigger things coming up (such as meetings and presentations as you referred to), that's a reason for stress when you want it to turn out well but unsure if it's going to. Great response - thanks for sharing!
@cooldude_no1 (883)
• Malaysia
29 Dec 07
it definitely would be my work. Because I am sometimes at the project site and because of the tight dateline to meet the project milestones, I am often worked hard and late. And often, both my shoulders get so stiffed up and tired. For that, I go to a spa and for a massage whenever I'm stressed or just for the relaxation.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I like your idea of relaxation! I can't say I've ever been to a spa or had a massage, but I've definitely been considering doing so. I'm sure that works just fine for you with your shoulders getting stiff. There's nothing like unwinding after a hard day's work. Thanks for sharing!
@Dblabcker2200 (183)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Well, besides finances, my ex-wife was the main source of my stress. Since we have been separated and now finally divorced, my stress level has lessened.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I know what you mean by finances being a huge part of stress. I'm sorry to hear about the stressful marriage you were in, but I'm glad things worked out. That's kind of funny to hear actually. It sounds like you located the source of your stress and got rid of it! I hope everything still works out for you, though. There's nothing like finding the problems and tackling them head-on. Good for you.
@bstinson1989 (588)
• United States
29 Dec 07
The things that stress me out are the things that, well, the things that do not go my way all the time. I find that to put me in upredictiable situations which makes me feel as if I do not have control over my life. No one likes not having control over their life. How I handle my stress is- I use several different methods. One such method would be for me just to sit back, and relax, and understand that things will eventually go back to normal. Sometimes what I do is something which no one should do. That thing is gorge on snack and candy. Its a bad habit that I should break.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I know it sounds selfish, but I hate not getting my way either. It's just human nature to want what you want and be stressed if you don't get it. I don't like unpredictable situations generally, but sometimes it can keep things interesting. I like how you say, "No one likes not having control over their life," because I completely agree with you. That is very well said. Since my New Year's resolution is to gain more weight, I really like how you handle stress in your life. I know it may not be healthy for you to gorge yourself when you're stressed, but if eating takes that away more power to you! Stress takes years off your life. If a couple pounds helps you stay away from it, good for you. I need to take after you (LOL). Thanks for a great response as well as a solution to the stress you experience.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Dec 07
It stresses me out when my stepson comes to visit here, because he acts like a little brat. and he doesn't tend to listen to what i say. It would stress me out a lot less if i didnt' have a step son, but i guess i signed up for what i got. I just didn't know what it was i was signing up for beforehand. stupid me.
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@bianx21 (339)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
my dad stresses me. eversince he returned, he made life complicated.. i try my best to ignore him but sometimes, it's hard not to pay attention to his wrongdoings. i just go and remind myself that no matter what happens, he's still my dad and nothing's gonna change that. i still and must respect him.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I can completely relate to what you're saying. My dad can be a difficult person to be around also. He has quite the temper and just lets it fly sometimes. He's diabetic also. I don't know how much you know about that condition, but when my dad has an empty stomach, no one is going to be happy until he's fed. It's so strange, but I try to be positive as you said and look at it from where he's coming from. I have to remember that he's my dad and still loves me no matter what. I still need to love him no matter what also and try to help him through the difficulties. A positive outlook really helps during things like this. Thanks for sharing.