Are you Good in telling Jokes?

@poohgal (6845)
December 28, 2007 11:51am CST
Telling Jokes is not as easy as it sounds. It's easy to tell a joke but it's not easy to make people laugh. First thing first, the joke itself must be funny. If the joke is not funny, no matter how good a Joke teller you are, your friends will not laugh. As for the Joke teller, he must be able to say the joke in the right tone, pace and volume. His body actions must also complement what he says. If a Joke teller is not able to do all these, no matter how funny the joke is, people will the way the person is telling a joke boring. Do you enjoy telling Jokes? Do you think you are a Good Joke teller? Why? Perhaps it's more accurate to ask your friends for their opinions. =P I think I am not a good joke teller. I am monotonous girl. Whether I'm happy, angry or excited, I sound almost the same. =P This does not make me an interesting Joke or story teller. However, many at times I am the joke. My friends enjoy my company partly because they enjoy teasing me and seeing my reactions. It's my reactions that make them laugh. I wonder why..
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15 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Dec 07
Lawyer: I have some good news and some bad news. Client: Well, give me the bad news first. Lawyer: The bad news is that the DNA tests showed that it was your blood they found all over the crime scene Client: Oh no! I'm ruined! What's the good news? Lawyer: The good news is your cholesterol is down to 130! If you laughed I am good at telling jokes.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
30 Dec 07
Thanks.Try this and tell me how much you laugh. A man goes to his doctor and says, “I don’t think my wife’s hearing isn’t as good as it used to be. What should I do?” The doctor replies, “Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t respond keep moving closer asking the question until she hears you.” The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says, “What’s for dinner, honey? He gets no response, so he moves to ten feet behind her and asks again. Still no response, so he moves to five feet. Still, no answer. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, “Honey, what’s for dinner?” She replies, “For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!”
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
30 Dec 07
LOL. This makes me laugh more. =) Thanks
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
=D Thanks for the joke. The verdict is you are quite good in telling jokes. The joke did make me laugh a little. =)
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
hehe.. same like u, i'm not a good joker but i'm a joker myself to my frenz.. i always tells them nonsense and rubbish and we will end up laughing like madman like that.. LOL =P
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
Haha.. I guess those they treat those nonsense and rubbish you say as Jokes =P
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
30 Dec 07
haha.. maybe lo.. bUt we will often make something out of nothing just to entertain ourself.. Can be from plants to everything.. LOL =P
@Stiletto (4579)
29 Dec 07
I'm rubbish at telling jokes. Not that I try to tell them that often but when I do I know people are only laughing to be polite lol! Although I'm told I can be funny I think I'm more like you - it's my reactions to things that people find funny.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
=D It's great that we can bring joy and laughter to others.
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
29 Dec 07
Yes, and it is according to my friend. Because, everytime I have to talk and they laugh. Maybe my punchline is accurate and in time when someone need it and of course it depends on the situation too. My friends called me a joker.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
Good for you! It's a talent I always wish I had. =D But despite not having, I am still happy who I am.
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@fanji008 (775)
• China
29 Dec 07
Hi,there! Well,it's somehow difficult for me to answer this question.I'm not sure about whether I'm good at that or not.I think my friends could give a good and fair remark.I don't tell many jokes usually.But when I think sth is very interesting,then I'll make a joke about that.It could make my friends laugh usually. It's not too easy to make me laugh,so I'm somehow strict with the jokes that I tell others:) Anyway,I think it's always good to bring sth funny to others.LOL! Thanks for the discussion and have a nice day^_^
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
LOL From what you said, I think you are a good joke teller. =D Keep it up!
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@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
2 Jan 08
I am not a very good story teller but nor am I am bed one. When I like a joke and when I feel comfortable with people I am telling it too I can sound like a very good joke teller. I know several great joke tellers and I am not one one them. I remember one frined telling us a joke about some frogs, it was a really long joke, but it seemed even longer because it was so funny that we were laughing like crazy all the time and he was laughing to so it took him a lot of time to tell it till the end.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
2 Jan 08
LOL Care to share that frog joke with us? =P
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
28 Dec 07
no, i'm not good in telling jokes at all... i think i'm not even a funny person... i am an introvert, monoton girl and i think i feel very uncomfortable when i am around lots of people... so definitely i am not a good joke teller...
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
It does not matter if you are not funny. Most importantly you must be happy and comfortable with who you are =D
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Dec 07
I am not a good joke teller. lol i have a bad memory, so on the rare occassion i DO try to tell a joke i'm one of those people who tell them like this.. " Ok so there was this guy, WAIT no, two guys, and one of them was a newfie, or was that a bartender, Um. Shoot, have any of you heard this joke before ? No? Well anyways its really funny. " lol. I'm sure you've encountered one or more of those people in your life. . I am one of them, and i tend not to tell jokes, cause i can't make them funny lol.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
28 Dec 07
LOL. I have a poor memory for jokes too. I can remember many other things much better than jokes. I guess we are not meant to be a funny joke teller. =P
• India
29 Dec 07
I am also not a good joke teller.I dont have the funny bone.I try to entertain people but i always fail to do that.Sometimes i succeed also , but very few times. Now i am telling jokes , hope u will like that :- Joke no. 1 :- Father to son - son if you pass this time in the exams then i will give you 25 dollars ($). After 2 days.... Son to father - father i have great news for you. father - what son? please tell me! Son to father - I have just saved your 25 dollars ($). Hahahah isn't it funny.??? Joke no. 2 :- teacher to student - what is skelton? student to teacher - A person who has started dieting but forgot stop it. hahaha... Joke no. 3:- Son to Father - father can you write in dark? father to son - yes. off course son to father - then please switch off the light and sign my report card. hahahhaha.... Joke no. 4:- mom to son - why are you writing salt on the packet of sugar? son to mom - to deceive the ants,mom. Joke no. 5 :- customer to waiter - hey waiter there's a fly in my ice-cream. waiter to customer - don't worry sir, it will die due to cold. hahahahahah.... Joke no. 6 :- mother to son - son , see why is your little sister crying? son to mother - mom , i have no time , as i am eating her biscuits. hahaahahah.......... I hope that you all have enjoyed that."Life is busy , Jokes make it easy".Keep joking and laughing - Enjoy!!!. bye,take care.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
Thanks for the jokes =D I like Joke no. 3 and 4 the best! =D
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 08
I make myself so mad because I'm terrible at telling jokes! I'll hear or read a really good one then I try to tell it and everyone looks at me, waiting for the punchline because I managed to mess it up somehow! Annie
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
8 Jan 08
LOL Me too. I always forget the punchline too. =P
@arikiya (41)
• United States
29 Dec 07
lol, I'm HORRIBLE at telling jokes. I'm pretty good at smart-alecky one-liners, but I always forget an important part of a joke and have to backtrack... so I usually don't even try to tell them anymore.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
LOL. Stick to those one-liners then. =D
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
I cannot claim to be able to tell good jokes all the time. It really depends on the mood and the time when the joke is told. Some can do it all the time. Some can do it some of the time. I think I fall into the latter category. I too am the butt of jokes some times. I guess it is the way we react. Probably our expression at the time when things happen is just funny to our friends. Or could it be that we are so innocent that we are not seeing the insinuations that is being passed around.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
Yea. It's good bring joy to others. =P
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
Yea. It's good to bring joy to others. =P
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I can't tell a joke to save my life. I never remember them in the first place, and frankly, I don't think most of them are funny anyway. My husband is the joke teller in the family. I'll leave it to him. As to your friends enjoying your company and seeing your reactions, it appears that although you can't tell jokes, you enjoy them, and what's better for a joke teller than someone who can laugh and enjoy the jokes? You must be a wonderful person to be around, with a good sense of humor and kindness in your heart. Be satisfied with that.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
Thanks =D I am indeed satisfied with who I am.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
28 Dec 07
poohgal, i am always raising a laugh at work. i have a talent for comedy, and to top it off, i am incredibly handsome.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
29 Dec 07
Wow.. you sound like a good catch. The ideal man girls want. =P
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I'm not good at telling jokes either. The worst is when I forget or flub the punchline.Alot of actors say that too. I mean that comedy is alot more difficult than drama. or action. Case and point would be Sylvester Stallone Rambo, CliffHanger, these are his genre But the movie 'Stop or my mom Will Shoot' was supposed to be funny. I found it to be a waste of film.You are not alone. I limit my joke telling to forwarding emails I think are funny.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
28 Dec 07
Yes. I always forget the Punchline too. LOL