Do you open your car door(s) carefully?

@sacmom (14192)
United States
December 28, 2007 2:37pm CST
When you park next to other cars are you careful when opening your car door? Or do you just let the car door(s) swing open not caring if the door might hit the other persons car? I try to open my car doors carefully, though I have slipped at least once. There was a time (years ago) when my husband parked in a parking space that a bit too narrow (the other two cars next to our car didn't park too great) and when I opened the door, even though I didn't open it much it still bumped gently into the car next to me. My husband got upset and said for me to be more careful as the other person's car could have gotten a ding. But I was as careful as anyone could be and didn't let it bump hard. We even looked at the other vehicle and there was no sign of a ding or any other minor damage...that was how careful I was. I opened the door so slowly it was ridiculous, but it still touched from their lousy parking job. :P Another time I was in a parking lot. Though this time someone else's car door bumped into mine. I just got there and had parked my truck (the only vehicle my husband and I had at the time). I was getting ready to get out of it with one of my kids when WHAM! I got out of the truck quickly to see what had happened. The person next to me swung open their car door open. The man had some rather old car (I'm guessing it was from the 70's or older) and the doors where rather big. I started looking for damage on the truck, but I couldn't find any. I told the man not to worry about it and my son and I went on our way. As I hadn't seen any damage, I didn't worry about telling my husband...that is until he saw a dent in the side of the truck that wasn't there before. He just about flipped! But since the guy was long gone and some days had already passed it was too late to do anything about it.To this day I can't see this dent, unless I actually look for it. So, what about you? Do you open your car door(s) carefully? Or do you just let them swing open?
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48 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Yes I do it carefully, even if I'm not near a car. Weird I know, but its how I do it some of the time. Nice stories too. I hope your husband was able to get over it (at least in some capacity). And I do hate when some people do pathetic jobs of parking, then complain when something dumb happens.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Yeah, he's been pretty much over it for a while now. Thank goodness it is an older truck or he'd probably still be PO'd! :P LOL
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I always try to open as carefully as possible, which sometimes is hard to do on a windy day.. I know my kids have swung open the door before, but I don't think they really did any damage before. And when they do, I try to explain to them why they need to be careful..
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Oh, windy days are the worst! =X But I do my best to not let the door swing open by holding onto the handle tightly. So far I haven't had any problems. A few months ago I had gone into the hardware store with my oldest, while my husband and youngest son waited in the car. My husband had parked away from the other cars and no car was on either side of us. When my oldest and I returned to the car, there was a car next to us. My husband told me about the woman that had accidentally swung her door open due to the winds...right into the side of our car. My husband got out to survey the damage, but there wasn't anything visible. This of course calmed him down and he told the woman and the man that was with her to be more careful next time.
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@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
28 Dec 07
I open my car door carefully, but it's hard not to get the other cars sometimes, especially now that i'm pregnant, and in my last month, i need a lot more space to come out of the car LOL Once though, it was very windy, and the wind got the best of me, swung my door all the way opened, and it hit the car next to us, which was a BMW!! I freaked out, for it dented the other car very slightly, but we just drove off.. It barely even showed.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
OMG, I would have freaked out too! Even a small dent can be an expensive fix when it comes to BMW's and other luxury cars.
• United States
29 Jan 08
yes, i have seen this happen..if someone would dent a car and drive off.. they would get a ticket for "leaving the scene of a an accident/property damage and the fine is not cheap plus the judge views this as careful as something like this happened to me...but it was my first offense and the judge told me that if i would have stopped and identified myself at the time of the accident i would have not been given a ticket...but he gav me some points and what got me was he asked if i was drinking at the time and I said yes i was...and he just looked at me and did not say anything more..but while going out the cop who arrested me said it was a good thing i confessed to drinking as he wrote that down on my ticket..and would have had to testify..but i don't know if this was right either as he did not give me any kind of test for drunk driving..but i know in my heart i would have failed as the cops did follow me all the way to my home..they knew...but sorry to be so talkative..but be careful leaving the scene of any have NO defense is someone wants to rat you out..good luck
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
29 Dec 07
yes I do. I don't want to damage somebody else's door because if the person knows it I will have to pay for it. My husband's car door once got hit but it seemed this person moved the car so we didn't get to know who it was. It wasn't much but visible. He said if he found this person he will send the bill. I told him if it were my car, I would just hit the person's car door. If we send the bill there is possibility they won't pay anyway, so if we damage their car door the way they damaged ours, they have to pay something.
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Sorry LittleMel, this is off topic, but I love your avatar. : )
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
But what if you THOUGHT you found the person that did it, damaged their vehicle, but then find out it wasn't them after all? Then what?
@kuting (885)
• Philippines
22 Jan 08
yes i always do. and before opening i always check if someone is walking(if the door is on the side) and more carefully if im opening a door on the side of the road where there might be other passing vehicle.
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I park my car as far as possible from other cars and usually by a barrier so if lucky only one car can park by me. I have had so many door dings, scrathes, shopping carts hit my cars over the years. I think 80% of people don't care that much about their cars and another 10% don't even realize. But is good exercise parking so far away so at least I get something out of it nowadays.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I don't like parking too far away as other drivers seem to love to speed through empty parking spaces. I'd hate for one of these drivers to crash into my car because it was parked in one of these vulnerable spots.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Yes I open it careful, especially if I am parked next to another car, I want people to have the same consideration for me.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
25 Jan 08
Hi sacmom Yes I do open my car door very carefully. Last year a car that was parked next to me scratched my side of the door. I was furious. I didnt have one dent on that car. I think its just rude to do that and not let people know. I went into the store where I was shopping and they said there was nothing they could do. Now I park way in the back away from cars.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Oh Terry, that sucks! I would have been furious too!
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
I try to be careful, but, just recently it was a very windy day, and the door swung open, and hit the car next to me. Luckily I was picking up a rental car, and it hit another rental car in the row. I mentioned it, but, they didn't seem too concerned about it. I try to be really careful, but, unfortunately, not everybody is judging by the side of my truck.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm always very very careful when opening my car door and have actually moved to a different parking spot on a few occasions so that I could make sure not to bump the car next to me. Years back I had a Mustang I loved dearly, my 2 older sons called it the Red Pony and still refer to it with that name. The first week I owned it someone opened their door into the side of it and left. I never knew who it was but it was so very obvious what had happened.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Oh, I have a funny one for you. A few years back I had a classic car, I didn't like it even though it was in excellent condition. My fiance at the time talked me into buying it and when we split I wished I hadn't.. Well, one day I met my oldest son in town - we were transferring kids (I was taking grandson and he was taking his younger brother). The two 'boys' my oldest and youngest opened their doors at the same time and the doors hit. They both froze for a second and then at the same time said, "Oh she hates it anyways" - it did make a small dent in my car but nothing on his :(
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Well just think how much worse you would have felt if the dent would have been on a car of yours that you actually liked! LOL Yeah, I know, it still sucks either way. :( I saw two strangers do this once. While I was sitting in my car getting ready to leave the parking lot I saw these two people open both their doors at the same time, then WHAM! I was expecting one or the other to freak out, but they just looked at the doors then each other and went their separate ways. They didn't even say one word to each other. I guess it wasn't worth the hassle to them.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Oh that is awful! I always worry about this happening to my own car. Someone did swing their door into my current car, due to it being pretty windy, but fortunately it didn't mess it up any. I only know it happened because my husband was in the car when it happened.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
6 Jan 08
My car seems to be a magnet for idiots who don't pay attention. Especially my most recent car. My first car just got keyed. My second car was backed into and scratched the bumper. It was backed into and the door got dented in and it was rear ended. My now car had scratches on it after the first day. Someone put something on my hood and just slid it off. Nice. Plus it's got dings and scratches from other idiots who don't pay attention when they open the car door. Plus my fog light is dented in from someone whose exhaust pipe got backed into my car. Mind you, all these things were done when I was not around my car and they didn't leave a note or nothing. great. The best thing was that i scratched up my car because of some idiot in a parking garage who i had to swerve to avoid them hitting me. i got this brand new door put on my car and the very next day I had this nice white triangle indent in it from some idiot who opened their car door into mine. I hate that. I can't understand how people do this and YES I do open my car carefully because I care about my car and I have respect for other people's personal property.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Oh man, I feel for you raychill! Even though my car has a dent and some dings (both things from the previous owner) I still try my best to treat it like a new car (even though it is 8 years old). I'd still hate it if some idiot were to add to it! :P This is one of the reasons I wouldn't a new car. I'd be so freaked about the possibility of it getting dented up from others carelessness. :(
• United States
29 Jan 08
yes, but try as you may things like this will happen i got hit in a parking lot and the women did not apolizie for scratching my brand new ford escor..she just said if that is how "cheap" they make these cars then "too bad for you" i got her name and information from the place of business..the guy was a business man and I did business with him and seen the whole thing..but the cops i called did not even want to hear about this and told me to just calll my insurance man..and when i did ..he would tell me a lot of stories of how everyone..even himself was a victim too...but what do I pay insurance for? in the end my so called friend told me to forget about his...i did..and him too as he is just a businessman and not real friend..he was afraid to offend this women as she was a 'customer" ...long story short..most people are ok..but sometimes the wind will take the door out of your hand..i had a thunderbird and the doors were very it sprang the fault that time..but shopping cars on a windy day cause a lot of damage.. I of course still get mad at this..but not like I used too as life is too short to agonize..why would you want to buy something that cost 25,000 or more ##$$$$ and cry when you put a ding in it? i hate traffic tickets too..i got my last one going through a yellow lite..125 bucks..and then i got one for going five miles over the speeed limit..115 bucks so you see..i know i am to blame but it sure can be when you buy a car/truck there is never a dull day.
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• United States
29 Jan 08
the "law" is not always there to serve and portect...i don't have a problem with the police...but i have had times when they could have been more fair..but it is there call..and it is then up to the judge to judge..
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I always try and open my doors carefully. A couple of times the wind caught the door and threw the door open but thankfully we were either not near enough to another car or I caught it just in time. Just a couple of days ago my husband and I were pulling into a little restaurant and watched this old man throw his car door open. It smacked right into the car next to him, which happened to be a cop car. Good thing for him the cop wasn't in it!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Jan 08
It's kind of too bad that the cop wasn't in or near his car to see this happen. Maybe it would have taught this guy a good lesson! :P LOL
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
6 Jan 08
One thing I totally forgot to mention in my last post was please do be careful when you open your doors. My Grandma was walking down the street(on the side walk) and was hit by a car door. A child swung the door open quickly and it hit my grandma. It actually ended up breaking her hip and she was in a lot of pain and had to have major surgury. Please do be careful!@
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Oh I AM very careful when opening my car door. I look before I exit my car and I only let my oldest son open his side if I know it is clear. I wouldn't want to hit anything (cars and people included) when I open my car door. And I don't let my youngest son open the door unless both of us are on the outside of the car so that I can stop it from opening too much if it were to slip out of his hands.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
28 Dec 07
Hmmm this reminds me of a sorry episode when I was a teenager I was walking along the pavement minding my own business and someone just opened the door of their car and the door swung right into me, the woman just glared at me, no apology, nothing! As though I was in the wrong! I had a bruise after that, back then I was more calmer and would have walked away, now I think I would have let loose with my tongue, older and wiser? Maybe not. As for opening my car door, well I love my car too much to risk denting it or putting a mark on it by swinging it open without due care.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Wow, that is terrible! =X I tend to look before I open my door for this very reason. I certainly wouldn't want to hit a person walking by!
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Good discussion topic! Maybe this will persuade those "swingers" to be more careful, lol. I am someone who is extremely careful when I open a vehicle's door. I have been on the recipient of someone banging their door against mine, and then happily driving away without even looking in my direction. My car has also been keyed. That of course was on purpose, and I wasn't near any other cars. So I am very respectful of someone's personal property. How would I want someone to get out of their car? How? With extreme care. So I try to show the same courtesy. The other day I was standing on a curb outside a restaurant with my mother. We were talking, while standing in front of her car. A couple pulled up next to her car, and the woman opened her door and slammed it into my mom's. The woman didn't say a word! She just started to get on the curb until she saw me staring her down. I would never make a scene, but if intimidation by a stare down works, I'm good with that. : ) It just burns me when someone does something to upset one of my parents. So the woman saw the staredown and reluctantly apologized to my mom.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Thanks Pam! :) I've never had my car keyed (knock on wood) but my husband had one of his scooters (a motorcycle looking type) keyed a few years back. My husband is guessing it was some teenagers that were asking for a ride when he parked it at Wal-Mart (which is in a bad part of the neighborhood). He politely told them no and went into the store. When he came out of the store, there was a small, but noticeable hole in the side as well as key marks around the hole. Of course the kids were nowhere to be seen... Good for you for helping your mom out! I don't know if I would have just stared down this person though. I probably would have cussed them out as well! LOL I have such a short temper sometimes. :P LOL
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm always careful when I open the door to my car, especially if I'm parked next to someone. I always tell my daughter not to open the door until I get out or I know that we have enough space because sometimes the door flies out of her hand and out of her control. I would hate for someone to ding up my car and I would hate to ding up someone else's car.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
I only let my oldest open the car door when there is no one next us. He sometimes lets the door swing open, though he is getting better about it. I don't allow my youngest to open the car doors, unless I am right next to him, just in case it were to swing open on him. That way I can stop it from going out too far.
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
28 Jan 08
I do open my doors carefully but not for the benefit of the person beside me - i couldn't care less about their car (well i could but my car is more important to me than theirs is to me), i don't want to damage my own car & to me, it's more important that i watch out for my own car first! Does that make sense? It's not that i don't care but if i let the door swing open, then both cars will end up with damage & i couldn't afford to have to fix both dings! I also don't let them swing open coz not only would it damage my car but i don't want to have to come up with the money to fix someone elses car. I can only other people are as considerate coz if they damage my car & take off, it'd get expensive for me to be fixing all the time!
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I am always careful when opening a door and I'm always reminding my kids to be careful. I can't stand the thought of accidentally hitting someone's car with the doors from my car and I guess I get a little bit fanatical with my kids about it. But I don't want to damage another car and I always hope people will have the same respect for my car and other people's car. Have a great day! SheliaLee
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
It's good to know that you are careful and that you are teaching your kids to be the same way.
• United States
28 Dec 07
I open my doors VERY carefully, I have had people slam open their doors and put dings, dents, and scratches in to the door of my BRAND NEW VEHICHLE, yeah I was upset, but i got over it.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Oh that sucks! My car isn't brand new, but I still try my best to be careful when opening the doors as I wouldn't want to cause damage, especially to other peoples vehicles.