Talk about our "adult" kids! Why do they do these things to us? Have to Rant!!

United States
December 28, 2007 6:28pm CST
My daughter just called me to make sure her phone is still working! She had until today to pay her bill before they shut it off....she told me this yesterday. I've had my granddaughter all week so she's had plenty of time to get her errands done without having to drag her along. She has the money to pay the bill and her bank is 5 blocks away and since she doesn't drive she can always hop on a bus at the corner of her street if she's that lazy right? It's 7:15 and she hasn't put the money in the bank yet!!! Once it's in the bank she can call them and pay it with her debit card and all will be fine but no....she's tired and she doesn't want to drag Vicky out of the house now! We had a sunny day today which we can't really count on having many of lately. I'm getting stressed just thinking and writing about this. How can she be so stupid? I'm sure they are ready to shut off her phone any time now since they haven't been paid during the work day. Why do kids do these things to their parents? She's going through a tough time right now financially and she knows I'm worried about every little thing she tells me and now she calls to check to see if her phone is working! And she calls ME of all people! I could write books about this girl and what she does to me but this I think has really done it for me. Why do they do this ....any ideas? She knows there's nothing I can do to help her. What goes on in their headds at times like this??????
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8 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Dec 07
KNow where you are coming from! I dont' know why! My daughter won't talk to me, she insists on texting. So we are back and forth backa nd forth and you can't say what you really mean and it goes on and on and the typos and it just makes me crazy. But she wont' talk cause she doesn't want me to say anything other than what she wants to hear. If she askes me a question, she just wants the short answer to that and nothing else. I miss talking to her, but this is all she'll do. I am thinking of playing it backwards to her and just not answering the text! Maybe she'll worry about me and call and then she'll have to talk to me!!!! I loved captain Kirk in Star Trek, but the communicators that were the idea that started cell phones - wish Captain Kirk had lost his!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm so happy we never got into the texting thing because I'm sure that would make my daughter very happy! What would happen if you just called your daughter? Maybe tell her you can't text for some reason any more.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
29 Dec 07
You'd think, but it goes right to voice mail! She's just to buzy for mom these days. I did tho once, when she asked me about something we had talkeda bout, oh excuse me... texted about day before and I just said "long story and I am not texting it" - she never asked again about it! Oh well. Guess our moms didn't like it when we sat in the closet talking on the phone for hours either!
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Dec 07
Sounds like it is her problem; so let her take care of it and forget about it. all the best urban
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Dec 07're obviously not a mother! we can't just say it's their problem when these things happen to our kids because eventually it does become our problem in one way or another.
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Dec 07
And knowing that they take advantage of it. No good just saying, "Oh, your not a mum..." because not all mothers are subject to this kind of thing. The hand that rocks the cradle wrecks the world all the best urban
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Dec 07
i don't have a child yet but i know how it feels if i am in your situation because my mum always tell me that... all i can say is your daughter is matured enough to be responsible for her action and you can't always be there for her and worry about her all the time... i know it is easier to say than done... but that's what my parents do to me to make me grow up and responsible of my own life... they left me on my own once i am married...
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• United States
29 Dec 07
I hope you are learing from what you see other moms going through here. I know not everyone writes about their problems but I've noticed quite a few. Please don't ever put your mom through all of this.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Another way to get your attention, since her daughter has had so much of itlately. I am not sure why kids do not grow up. Or I could be nicey nice, and say it is because she knows that you love her, and you make her feel safe. Or she is depressed. I know, you do not really want an answer, you just want us to hear you, and commiserate with you. All kinds of adults can drive us crazy by not being adult and responsible.
• United States
29 Dec 07
Yes, I needed to get it out and this is the best place to do it. Thanks for listening and adding your words of wisdom, I do appreciate it. You are right....all kinds of adults can drive us crazy by not being responsible adults....especially men and that's another discussion isn't it? lol!
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I was so happy when i seen this discussion since i just opened one like it...Girl I knew i was not the only one that had grown kid problems..Lol They just do not think, they have no idea what they do to us..My youngest wakes up in a new world everyday ha ha, but i just watch it happen like a car crash and cringe...I see so many things mine does and i want so bad to say something but i have to bite my tongue, i swear one of these days i am going to make it bleed..Why should we have to worry? I have no idea, i just know that the things they do really affect us mothers.I do hope they do not turn her phone off before she gets down there to pay the bill..If they do then you will not be able to call and that will be just another worry..I ask my self all the time Why? Why should I have to worry, I have already raised these kids...LMAO but this is not funny
• United States
29 Dec 07
It's sad but also nice to hear that someone goes through the same thing that I do. I had to laugh because I felt like I was in the middle of a car crash while I was talking to her last nigh. It's so hard not to say "smarten up biatch" isn't it?
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I used to be the same kind of mom, ctry, always stressing over the adult kids and what was going on in their lives. It took coming down with high blood pressure to teach me that I can't handle everyone's problems. These young people need to learn-the same way that we did- that their lives are going to be pretty much what they make of them. I wish I could count the times that I've been told by a couple of my girls to mind my own business, only to be the first place they run to when the going gets rough. Well, I finally wised up and learned to say, "But that's your business."
• United States
29 Dec 07
Yes, I have to laugh when she tells me it's not my business when the next day she's made things so bad that it is now in my lap and is my business. She can't understand why I get so upset over these things and I can't understand why she doesn't.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Wow - your daughter sounds just like mine and it drives me crazy. As for what goes on in their heads? With mine I think it's either nothing at all or her soon to be husband who I think is even worse than her when it comes to being 'responsible adults'. I am not happy about the up coming wedding and she knows it.
• China
29 Dec 07
I don't know how old is your daughter,It is her fault to ask you to help her pay for the telephone bill.Mybe,when she was young,you always help her to finlish little things that it is so easy for her to get it done,so,when she is grown up,she is used to ask you to help,parents should let your chilren learn to paddle his own caone.
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