Do You Always Give a "Best Response"?

United States
December 28, 2007 7:13pm CST
Now that I have been here awhile I have learned about best responses. I love looking and seeing which conversations I have replied to and gotten the "best response". I mark a couple of my old conversations every few days. If there is only one response and it wasn't that good I don't give a best response. If there are lots and I don't know which one to pick I usually plan on coming back later. Do you check to see which discussions you have been marked "best response" in? Kinda like checking for rewards? Do you always mark your discussions (or never for that matter)?
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16 responses
• Philippines
3 Jan 08
Not that always. I always ensure that I am quite satisfied with the answer before I will give a best response. If I am still not satisfied with the answer of the responses I get from my discussion, I just leave it for awhile and try to go back next time around to check out if there are still other responses I get. :-)
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
5 Jan 08
I always pick best responses for my discussions, i'm not sure if it gives you any extra earnings, or if it helps the other person out any either, but i use it as a way to keep track of my discussions and respond to the people responding to my discussions. My email option isn't working. So When i make a discussion i keep going back to "my unresolved discussions" over there on the left hand side under discussions. And then i can see who responded to what. and respond accordingly. I usually pick a best response when it seems that no one else is going to respond to my discussion. If it has been a few days and no one else has said anything after i responded last, then i will choose the best response. I find the fewer you leave without best responses the easier it is later to choose a best respnse because its easier to remember who said what without RE-reading all the discussion again;) And i always look back every once in a while to check to see if anyone had giving me a best response, and if they have then i go back and thank them. Politeness gets you a long way sometimes ;)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I always try to give a best response. If i cant decide on which one is the best then i simply just leave it alone. And i do check to see what discussions i have got best response on. I usually check it about once a week.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I'm still thinking of giving BRs to my former discussions, but still want to give a chance for others to reply. As for myself, I check my BR list every once in awhile. In fact I just checked it yesterday. Now to try and earn some more.
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@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
30 Dec 07
i give my best response if i like it,otherwise i leave it blank.
• United States
4 Jan 08
I haven't done that. However, the concept of rewards perks my ears up. I'm still a newbie wandering around here on mylot.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I mark the best responses most of the time but there are certain discussions I forget to go back and reread. I try to wait a week before making a decision but sometimes I get an excellent response and want to mark it right away. Yes I do check my best responses once in awhile. It's a good feeling to know my responses were rated best.
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@amitksing (1323)
• India
6 Jan 08
I love when anybody marks my response the best one! And understanding the similar feelings for those answering my discussions, I try to mark the response the best one if I really like it. If I dont get one like that, I wait for a better response to arrive. marking the Best Response I thing is a good habbit!
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I try to always give a best response. I have had a couple of discussions that I didn't think the one response to it was all that great,but since that person did respond,I gave them the best response. I think that you have to in order to get it off of your unresolved discussions, don't you? I really enjoy mylot and I am glad that I found this site.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Dec 07
I always give a best response. And I will decide it for about a week. I think it is a good habit to mark the best response as it is a kind of appreciations to the people who respond to my discussions.
@beauty_ph (2749)
• Philippines
29 Dec 07
In every discussions I have started, if I have ample time, I always try to mark the best response. I also give positive ratings. In discussions I have responded to, I also try to come back and see what others would say. I love to know comments that they say. Most of the time, I try to give the best response I can think of. That is why I love reading back the best responses marked by mylotters. I thank them for every BR mark they gave to my responses.
@fanji008 (775)
• China
29 Dec 07
Hi,there! I've never done that before.Actually I'm also curious about whether my response is marked as the best.However,I didn't plan to check that.Usually I just reply to the discussions which I'm interested in and try to state my opinions or give some useful suggestions.Maybe it's not the best,but it's my true idea:) I have never marked my discussions before,but I may do that in the future cause I think it's also very interesting to see that and get more information about myself.LOL! Thanks for the discussion and have a nice day^_^
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I have been really bad about giving 'best response.' I have been so busy with keeping up with the bare minimum of what I want to do that I hardly have time to think about it lately. I will try to set aside some time to do that soon. I have checked my best responses once or twice, but again, it is one of those things I just haven't had the time for.
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• Philippines
29 Dec 07
I have been a member for a week now and I just learned about the "best response" lately. Two members were really nice to choose my answers as best response. Of course, I am happy about it because I feel that they really appreciate my response. After that, I checked my previous discussions and had chosen the best responses. I'll be doing that for the succeeding discussions that I will be posting.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Jan 08
I also usually take a few minutes once or twice and week and try to resolve as many of my discussions as I can before I get distracted and move on to something else. I usually wait awhile before giving my "Best Response", waiting to see how the discussion evolves, especially if there have been quite a few responses. In the event I have only one response that's not that good I'll add a comment and wait another day or two and see if there are any more responses before resolving it. I usually do resolve it eventually, just to get it off that page wasting my! Annie
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
29 Dec 07
yes i do give best responses but not always,i see to it that i give the best responses to a deserving respondents.since a lot here in mylot just wanted to make money and does not have the energy to make good responses i only awarded a few.