Who is the more impulsive buyer in your home--you or your spouse?

@kareng (69150)
United States
December 29, 2007 11:28pm CST
This discussion was inspired by my dear friend, Vivasuzi. She was asking us how do we control our impulsive buying and it made me chuckle because this describes my husband to a "T". He is very impulsive and will always pick things up that we don't need. It kills me the way he will buy and never get around to his little projects. I'm still waiting on him to install a floodlight that he bought over a year ago. Now if this was me, I would buy it right before I planned to put it up. Not buy it and let it sit around the house forever. Another example is when he gets gift cards. He can't wait to spend them. He is worse than a woman wanting to go shopping. LOL. So who is the most impulsive buyer at your house? Is it you? Or your spouse?
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17 responses
@mgmagana (3618)
• United States
30 Dec 07
i'm an impulse buyer big time! its gotten us into lots of trouble, i've learned to control myself better, so hopefully, we can get outta debt soon!
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Good luck with that. I want to get rid of all my credit card debt this year. That's my goal for 2008!
• United States
30 Dec 07
my husband and I run a close race when it comes to impulsive buying. I tend to pick up a lot of little things along the way and it doesn't really matter what store I am in even if it is the grocery store. I try not to go to the store with any extra money and with a list that has everything that I need on it. I pretend that it is a race and i have to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible so that I don't spend so much money. My husband tends to spend a lot of money also. He spends on things that we don't really need but he thought that it might help us out along the way. He also has a bad habit of buying things for our oldest boy when he really doesn't need those things. One thing that I can say is that I am very responsible when it comes to paying my bills on time but my husband is not. I would rather have my utilities paid on time than to have to pay a late fee but he would rather wait until our bank account has $500 saved up in it before he pays his bills. I imagine that we probably spend about $100 on late fees and reconnect fees a month because of this but he is the one who has to write the checks and no matter how much I complain, this is just the way it is.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
31 Dec 07
My husband is even impulsive in buying at the grocery store. He will pick up enough snacks to feed an army. I have to remind him we only need food for a couple of weeks. And then when I ask if he wants to gain 20 lbs or worse, for me to gain it--he will put some back. You should make a list of the late charges by month and total at the end of the year. You would have a free vacation. Happy new year!
@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
11 Feb 08
I am the impulsive buyer in our house, but it's usually things like clothes or even holidays. My poor dear husband has to pull on the reigns every so often. He's the sensible one. This year I've booked 3 holidays abroad and there would be more if I could get away with it. My excuse is that flights are so cheap, but I forget to factor in the cost of accommodation and food.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I love to travel and plan on doing more of it this year!
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Hey I inspired you and never noticed :) I would definitely say my husband. For example, I still have a Gift Card that was given to me at my wedding shower in March! I want to make sure I order the best thing there is and really get my money's worth. My husband controls his impulses since we've been dating when it comes to large expensive purchases, but I can't seem to get him to control the smaller purchases... like going out for cappucinos even on his day off. He's getting better with this! I think it's just that I really think about almost every dollar I spend and he usually thinks if something is cheap, it doesn't need to be thought about.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Hey there!! My husband is the same way. His worst habit is stopping at the convenience store a couple times a day sometimes for cokes. I can bring a 6-pack of soft drinks to work and they will last me for the week, and most of the time I will have one or two left over. I tend to forget I have them sometimes. So where I'm spending $2.00 for the week, he will easily match that with $10 or more for his stops. Drives me nuts!
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
30 Dec 07
My husband and I are equally impulsive, but in different ways. My husband is more impulsive on the big things. For example, we are moving into a new home next month. He wanted to get all the flooring, painting, and other work done right away. I think we should live in the house for awhile so we can find the personality of the house before making changes. Fortunately there are not too many things my husband wants and I can usually get him to stop and think before rushing out to spend a lot of money. I, on the other hand, am pretty impulsive on small things. I try to stay away from dollar stores because it's easily $20 every time I go there. I love to pick up books, even if I have a hundred of them sitting on a shelf at home. I see cute little dollar items at Target and just have to get them for the kids. That kind of thing. My husband never says anything to me about this spending, but I know it annoys him sometimes when I come home with a bunch of "stuff".
@kareng (69150)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Ah...do you have a Dollar Tree in your area? They have some good stuff and you can find some awesome deals but then again you come out with $25 worth of stuff when you only went in for one or two things. I'm bad about this too!!
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Ours put in freezers before Christmas and now they have all kinds of stuff. You have to watch it though, some things are cheaper at the grocery store.
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• United States
30 Jan 08
We do have Dollar Trees in my area. They are really dangerous! LOL Especially around holiday times. I set out to buy one or two things and just find too many good deals!
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
3 Feb 08
The most impulsive buyer in my house is definately my partner. The minute he gets paid, his money seems to disappear like it is monopoly money. One pay he bought a boxing bag and a speed ball. THere is no way I would ever buy that in one pay, then you are broke for the rest of the week. I would put it on layby and pay off slowly. However I do impulse buy too sometimes, if at shope and see something I really want like clothing. But I will never go too ridiculous and splurge on really expensive stuff in one go. I am a little guilty of impulse buying freddo frogs that are near the counter in petrol stations. They are too tempting, those marketing companies have me sussed lol.
@kareng (69150)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I think men in general win this award!!! They are impulsive on the big things!!
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
31 Jan 08
I think we are both impulsive but I think my husband is more impulsive than me. I have locked myself in the house for the last month to prevent myself from buying something we don't need. Okay, that's a little extreme. I have STAYED AWAY from the MALL for the past month to avoid spending money. My husband, on the other hand, has no problem spending money we don't have. We are so far in debt we will never dig out, but he has no problem taking the kids snowboarding for a couple of hundred dollars, or insisting on taking a vacation every summer that we can't afford. And if he is with the kids in the store and they ask for something, he will buy it. There was one occasion when the whole family was in the store and I saw a box of sneakers under my husband's arm. I asked him what it was and he said our younger daughter wanted them. I said she sure as heck didn't need anymore sneakers and insisted he put them back on the shelf... and he did. He just can't say no to them, whereas I feel the guilt of not helping out financially so I try to be more frugal. But, I do treat myself once in awhile. :)
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Awww, it sounds like your kids have your hubby all twisted around their fingers!!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
31 Dec 07
It is definitely my hubby who is an impulsive buyer, not me. I think very carefully about nearly all purchases I make. If hubby goes to a garage sale & sees a good bargain, he buys it whether we need it or not. It can get a bit frustrating at times, especially when we lack money.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Yea, it is a big problem when you don't have the money for sure!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
I would have to say my spouse. I buy a lot of things we need, like clothing and pick up stuff at the grocery store we need through the week. But he will stop and look at things like, food choppers, and thing like that. Why would we need that ? It's not like we do an excessive amount of cooking for an excessive amount of people. Why would we need a food chopper to chop up food for us and our 17 month old. It's more work to wash the thing after you use it then it is to just chop up the darn food with a knife! And the novelty stuff that he buys, I HATE useless stuff that clutters and collects dust. Ok so i collect willowtree figures, but I dust them, he has clumps of lego junk all over the house, the top of his dresser is so full You have to be carefull it all doesnt topple to the floor when you open up a drawer. And do you think i'm dusting that crap ? GOD NO! lol. you want it there to look at you dust it! Thanks for giving me the oppertunity to rant there kareng, bet you were not prepared for that were you haha :)
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
9 Feb 08
Guys love gadgets!! That's one of their big quirks. I totally agree with you on food choppers! I hate cleaning them, it's much easier to wash a single knife! And it takes about the same amount of time in the longrun!
• United States
30 Dec 07
My hubby hates to shop so it is definitely me. But I will also think about it later and have no problem returning things that I realize I shouldn't have bought. The rare times my hubby does go shopping it is to Lowes or Home Depot and yes he will stock up on junk for future projects. That does bug me, unopened junk in his workshop. I would rather buy things as I need them because I hate clutter!
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
8 Feb 08
That's another subject--hubbies buying stuff for future projects and procastinating on doing them!! lol
@youless (112821)
• Guangzhou, China
2 Jan 08
Needless to say, I am always the impulsive buyer. And the worse thing is I always say something I am going to buy is so useful. However, no more than a few hours or days then I will feel regretful to it.
@kareng (69150)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Oh that's funny. You shouldn't feel bad about it. If you do, maybe you should return it?
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
In our household it is neither one of us. We never buy on impulse. Everything we buy, we plan for ahead of time. We always buy everything with cash so we usually have to plan ahead and save the money for it. Except food. My husband likes the finer foods. He will pay anything if it's something he wants. If he wants something food wise, he won't even look at the price. I hate this because I am the opposite of this. I am a bargain shopper. I compare prices all the time and try to buy the cheapest.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Yep, I notice when my husband wants something (no matter what) he wants it right now and doesn't care what it costs. It must be a male trait!
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
2 Jan 08
My boyfriend! I always wait for discounts specially when I have to buy clothes and he doesn't care for that if he likes something he buys it and that's it. Sometimes he buys stuff and 2 weeks after that he sees that now its on discount some 40% and he is really sorry that he bought it before because he could have saved those 40% but he doesn't learn from his mistakes and he makes them again and again.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
11 Feb 08
That's a guy thing! My husband is the same way. Whenever he wants something it is right now!!
• Nigeria
30 Dec 07
My Spouse is impulsive buyer, though sometimes l have to refund the money she spend.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
8 Feb 08
If you refund the money to her, aren't you reinforcing her habit? I think I'd like that situation :)
@bcote212 (1112)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I am definatly the impulsive one. I love to buy things. I dont know what it is just a rush when my credit card swpes through the machine. There are lots of things I buy, especally on ebay LOL that I never use.
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
31 Jan 08
Ebay can get you into trouble fast! lol
• United States
30 Dec 07
I try and save and my husband trys to spend.He just bought about 30 dog toys off the internet.I don't know how come the dog needs so many.I tried for years to get my husband to start a savings account.It wasn't until lately that I suceeded in doing this.I started a savings account awhile back and named it morgage attack.I told him we needed to attack our morgage with a joint savings account.Then he got interested and started a direct deposit from his paycheck.Its working.We now have a joint savings account to go on the principal morgage of our house.I told him that we need to get this house paid for before we retire.
@kareng (69150)
• United States
8 Feb 08
That's a good goal!! Good luck!
@gem170104 (172)
30 Dec 07
I am pretty impulsive but my partner is worse because he refuses to say no to the impulsive things I want to buy. I would probably put things back if only he would say....we can't really afford that this month...but he doesn't so I continue to impulsively buy lol!!
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@kareng (69150)
• United States
31 Jan 08
That's funny...almost!!