What do you do when you get a gift from a loved on that you DON'T like?
By reinydawn
@reinydawn (11643)
United States
December 31, 2007 6:50am CST
Apparently, I'm hard to buy presents for. Well, then just don't buy me anything. I'm fine with that. I'd rather not have a gift than have to "pretend" that I like something I don't. I actually thought my husband and I weren't going to do the whole gift thing this year - we get stuff we want all year long so it's not like we need anything. I did get a couple things that I don't care for at all, and I'm not the kind to pretend that I do. I did tell my husband that the slippers he got me probably aren't going to work because they're too small. After a week, they haven't stretched out much, but I'm sure we can't return them now. They weren't cheap either. Now I'm stuck with them - I don't like them, they're uncomfortable (even if they made the right size for me they're like wearing shoes and I hate wearing shoes), and I never even expressed the remotest desire to have them. I actually have made faces when he's mentioned getting me a pair. I would have much rather had nothing than have the slippers. So now I'll be ungrateful. Another thing he got me, as soon as I openend it I just said, "Oh, I don't like these." I get kinda mad at my husband when I see that hurt look in his eyes because I don't like something he bought for me. Why would he buy me something that I've told him that I don't like (the slippers) or never expressed a desire for (the headband)? Argh!!! It's so frustrating!!!
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11 responses
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
31 Dec 07
reiny, I completely understand where you are coming from. This is one of the reasons my husband and I usually don't exchange gifts. I realize that I am hard to shop for, and there is just not all that much that I want. If my husband does wind up getting me something I am not excited about I usually tell him (away from anyone else) that I REALLY appreciate him thinking about me, but the item is just not something that I would use. Then I suggest that we take it back to the store together and find something that I do like or use the money to go do something together such as dinner, coffee, bagels, etc. I hope that lessens the impact of the hurt on him. I know that he tries, but I really do have very little I wish to spend money on. Talk to your husband and ask him what would help the next time to not hurt his feelings so much. Of course he gets a hurt look in his eyes. He wants to please you.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Yeah, that's what I do. Just look at him and tell him "Hun, I'm glad you thought about me, but it's just not for me." I know he's just trying to make me happy, and that's what he's been conditioned to think makes people happy. I'll have to try harder next time to make sure he really understands NOT to go shopping for me...
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I don't think men can appreciate when we say don't shop for us. They are conditioned to think that we will have an absolute FIT if they don't buy us something. The first time my husband really didn't get me anything I could tell he was waiting for the blow up. He was shocked, but pleased, when it didn't happen. Maybe next you the two of you could agree on a family or household gift and go shopping for it together? That always helps my husband feel like he is getting something for me even though it's usually something like a TV or the parts for a home improvement project. Truthfully I appreciate those more anyway as I am just not a girly girl.
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Practical- that is exactly the right word. I told my husband from the very first time we decided to go out- do not buy me flowers as to me they are a total waste of money. Do not buy me jewelry as I do not wear any (I now wear my wedding and engagement bands and a ring my husband bought me at my request with my daughters' birth stones in it). Even going out to dinner is an expense that both my husband and I choke on so we do it rarely. Man, I sound like a real party pooper, don't I? LOL Fortunately my husband doesn't go for the hair and make up thing so we fit together well!
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
31 Dec 07
All I can say is first off, how rude of you, you don't even care that you hurt his feelings, and secondly, I'm thinking he needs to pay a little bit closer attention to what you say. I have received gifts that I didn't like, not from my s/o, but other family members. The gift just screamed 'don't know what you like, don't care, here's a gift', for those I simply find out where it was bought and exchange it for something I do like. As for gifts from my s/o, he listens and pays attention, even when I think he isn't, and this was only our 3rd Christmas together. He bought me slippers, mittens, and earmuffs this past Valentine's Day, one because I came from the south, and dang it gets cold up here! lol The slippers, were the wrong size, too big, so he just gave me the receipt and I went and got the right size. I go barefoot most of the time, but I love this, lined with lambs wool. This Christmas, he bought me a new camera, because at some point in the past 3 years, I seemed to have mentioned that I used to love photography and had won some competitions with some of my pictures, however, I honestly don't remember ever mentioning that! Even if he bought me something that I really didn't like, I couldn't be that rude to him, to hurt his feelings when he went out and picked out something he obviously thought I would like. Of course, I guess I really don't have to worry about that, he knows my likes and dislikes, and I know his.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I'm already tagged as ungreatful, I know that. That's exactly why I've told people to NOT buy me stuff. I get things I don't want/can't use and it's a huge waste of everyone's time and money. Nope, I don't want to hurt his feelings, but if he's going to go against my wishes in the first place, we both know it's going to happen. My family has finally figured out - after 40+ years - that when I say something, I mean it. I don't mean the opposite. I guess after a short 4 years, my husband hasn't figured that out yet - although I do tell him repeatedly and he tells me that's what he loves about me :)
What's really funny is that he told me what he wanted and I told him to go buy it. I know NOTHING about hunting and I have no clue what type of things he needs so there's no sense in my getting him things that he's going to have to return for the correct ones. Honestly, I think that's much more considerate and much less rude than just going and buying a gift that might or might not work out.
But, that's just me...
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Ok, you won't like this answer but since you insist on being honest and not pretending, then I am going to be honest.
Gifts are not about the item they are about the thought, hence the saying "It's the thought that counts". He thought to buy you a gift, like it or not, he did a good thing.
You can return practically anything to practically any store, even without a reciept as long as you return in the original packaging unused.
You've worn the slippers so there no returning them. Here's a hint to stretch them to your feet. Get them wet and weart them. Ok, it will be a bit uncomfortable at first but this will usually work. I have put on slipper sox while wet and worn until they dry and they conformed to my feet and I loved them. Of course when they are needing washed again you will have to wear while wet again. Not sopping wet, just towel squeezed and put them on.
As for the headband. Do you not like it as it is or do you not like headbands period? If you don't like how it looks change it. Get out ribbon or glue and glitter or yarn and crochet over it. Use your imagination. (Can you think of a reason why he bought it? Have you been complaining about hair in your face? Is he wanting you to grow your hair longer or pull it out of your eyes?) Many won't agree with this but I say if you don't like it wear it atleast once for him and then if it happens to get lost or broken, oh well, it happens.
I know honesty is the best policy but sometimes being tactful and appreciative is best. My bet is after this he may never buy you anything ever again. I know my hubby wouldn't. We learned a long time ago to go easy on each other when it comes to likes and dislikes. Such as I like comedy sometimes and he prefers scifi all of the time. If he wants to buy a scifi I get to buy a comedy. We are both happy. (And yes that has everything to do with this subject.)
I hope you will try my ideas with the slippers and if they still won't work for you atleast he will know you tried, which will make him feel appreciated. Next holiday be sure to give him a wish list even if you both agree not to exchange gifts.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
1 Jan 08
Thanks for the honesty, I do appreciate it! I totally agree that gifts are about the thought, but when no thought is really put into the gift, that's kinda different...
When he has asked me about his slippers (which is the same kind he got me) I have told him that I don't like them, they're like shoes and I hate wearing shoes. So, he bought me slippers like he has. Not very thoughtful in my opinion. The place he bought them has a great return policy so we probably can return them for credit. I'm trying them a bit longer though because they do keep my feet warm, they're just very uncomfortable. It's a trade-off of sorts.
I somewhat know why he bought me the headbands. They're not decorative, they're for warmth. I have long hair and they're not very comfortable for me to wear, plus they scratch my face when they slide down. I'm not sure why he got them for me when he got me the earmuffs that I needed and haven't been able to find. It's kinda like he didn't want to get me just one cheap little thing. Of course, we had already agreed NOT to buy each other anything - we get things for each other/ourselves all year long.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Jan 08
I'm pretty sure the earmuffs are in our closet, on the top shelf, behind the games. Getting to them is going to be a major event so I haven't tackeled that and had done without. And, now I have the new ones, so that's cool (um, warm).
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
10 Jan 08
Best not to try to hard to figure him out. we would be spending our lifetimes doing that...trying to figure out our men. I wonder if he knows what happened to the earmuffs and felt bad about it. Like maybe he threw them out by mistake.
I do understand why you thought his choice was not very thoughtful though.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I feel you are hurting your husband by not accepting the gift and you are hurting his feelings.
I was taught it's not the gift it's the thought.
I know you did not like the slippers but could you have said "Honey these are not my size" and left it at that and not tried to streatch them out. I would never assume a slipper would streatch out. I have to give you credit for trying the slippers. The headband you could put in the bathroom and never find a time that is right to wear it or take it back and exchange it one day when he is not around.
My husband is use to be a bad gift giver. one year he bought me a sweat suit two sizes to big so I could "Grow" into it. This year he bought me a few items I needed for my home office. It was considerated but should have been given as a gift because I use them for work? Oh well when I opened up my box from him and found an box of push pins for by bulliten board I had to laugh..
You might ask your hubby for a gift certificate next year so this won't happen again. When you open it up you can say "OH honey just want I wanted how did you know."
I am sorry you got bad slippers that you cannot return and an ugly headband.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I guess what really got me the most - and throws that whole "It's the thought that counts" idea out the window - is that we agreed NOT to do gifts for each other because we buy stuff for ourselves and each other all year long. AND he knew I didn't like the slippers he bought me BEFORE he bought them for me. If you're going to get someone a gift, why would you be thoughtless enough to get them something you know they don't want? I'm the kind of person that pay attention to EVERYTHING all the time so it's sometimes frustrating when other people don't pay attention at all. He's fine with it though, he knows this is how I am and he's still trying to get used to knowing that what I say is what I mean. His prior relationship wasn't quite that way and it's habit for him to second-guess everything. He's learning though :)
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I have to admit that I don't agree with "it's the thought that counts". More and more lately I have noticed that people buy gifts out of obligation. I'm sorry, but there is no thought in that at all. I'm not saying your husband did this, reiny, but I'm talking about in general. In these cases it seems that any old thing off the shelf will work. Gift giving in general anymore frustrates me. I didn't even want to have birthday parties for my kids this year because I hate the idea that everyone thinks they have to bring a gift. Then there is all sorts of "stuff" that I either didn't want my kids to have in the first place or that they will never use. Anyway, I would rather not get a gift at the time when it is "expected" but maybe if someone saw something that really screamed out my name get it then. One time in the middle of summer my husband was at Home Depot and saw a little toy race car with Snoopy driving it. My mom collects Snoopy, so he bought the car and drove it to my mom's house while he was out on his route. It made my mom cry, but that is "it's the thought that counts" to me. Sure, it was a 99 cent toy car, but it made him think of a person and made their day.
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I have to say that I would love gifts of supplies for my home office. There are lots of things I could use but won't get because I'm a cheap skate! LOL Then again, I'm weird about gifts. This year for my birthday my husband bought the vinyl tile I wanted for the bedrooms and replaced the carpet. I was thrilled. Most women wouldn't be excited about gifts like that, but I guess I am way too practical. :)
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
31 Dec 07
My mom is usually the one that gets me gifts that I really don't like, but I don't say anything. It's the thought that counts, and I know she don't have much money, just like I don't have much money.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Dec 07
Well, we joke about our Mom's gifts. Sometimes it's a good year, sometimes not so good. We got scarfs this year from my mom. I have no use at all for a scarf, but she got it in Italy when she was on vacation this past year. It is very pretty, and I'll probably put it with the tote bag she got us from Spain a few years back. Of course, my sisters just loved the scraves because they wear them...
This year we "saved" our step-mother from having to buy us things that we don't need/want. We all decided to do a White Elephant gift exchange. It went over GREAT!!!
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
31 Dec 07
I've been envolved with the white elephant gift exchange before. They do say what is one person's trash is another persons treasure! LOL
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
31 Dec 07
That is so true, my brother brought old (and I mean OLD) Nintendo games and some xbox games. He also wrapped up a Michner book (Carribean, which I've read but my sister ended up with, she likes to read too). Oh it was so much fun!
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@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
3 Jan 08
it happened to me once,in the first Christmas with my wife.she gave me something i dont really like.but i thank her first and accepted the gift but after a few days i have to tell her the things i like and the things i dont like.that way she realized that her gift for me was one thing that i dont like but i know i didnt hurt her feelings since i have explained it to her clearly after Christmas.after that she never fails to amaze me every Christmas with her gifts for me and so my gifts for her also since i ask first what she wanted for Christmas before i buy a gift for her.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
4 Jan 08
That's pretty cool. I do think it's best to let people know what you feel, otherwise they will think you are one way when you really feel something different. I'm sure your wife appreciated that too!
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
3 Jan 08
That was kind (and smart) of you to wait until a couple of days after Christmas to tell your wife what you did and did not like. I think it is hard the first Christmas you are with someone to get it right. It's the balance between not going overboard and wanting to please a new spouse that makes it difficult.
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@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
24 Jan 08
yeah it is kind of difficult at first and besides i dont want to spoils her christmas besides it was just a gift.so i have to wait for sometime to tell her what i have in mind and i guess it just works when you love somebody you just dont want to hurt her feelings.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
2 Jan 08
Funny that he should have got you stuff that you said you didn't want! I'd probably make a face too if it was my husband who got me stuff I didn't like or need. He probably didn't understand what you said? Did you try shouting in his ear? My husband learnt his lesson early on. lol..he doesn't get me anything now and I'm okay with that too. I've always told him to get me what I like or else not bother getting me anything.
And he's quite happy that way coz he doesn't have to spend money on me.
But I don't really tell anyone that I don't like what they have got me. I just shove it in some cupboard and give it away in a year or two.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
2 Jan 08
We have a thing with my brothers and sisters. We stopped with the aggrivation of buying each other gifts a long time ago. We were just wasting money on something that they didn't want/need so we said we weren't going to get gifts for each other any more. UNLESS we HAPPENED to see something that was great for that person. Without "shopping" for it. Like if I was walking through a store and I saw something really cool to do with hunting and it jumped off the shelf at me, I'd get it for my sister. Now, that's really cool because we'll go years without giving/getting for each other then we see we have a gift and we know it's going to be lots of fun!
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@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
5 Jan 08
When love was new and good for my partner and I, I remember our first Christmas gifting. It was horribly funny! I have always been a "girly" woman and I have always been a "perspirating" woman (do not get me heavy sweaters or lined sweats). I opened my first package and it contained a pink striped Polo Shirt (I have never worn a polo shirt in my life!), it was tucked neatly into a Pink plaid flannel shirt. I was told with a very pleased smile that they were bought as a set and meant to be worn that way. "Holy Crap" was what I was thinking. Okay, pink was a great choice; but other than that, this combination was meant for a lumber jack! Oh, well, there was another box to unwrap! I opened the package (J.C. Penny's wrapped them and the gift wrapping was very pretty). Inside was the idential gift as the first box but instead of pink it was baby blue! I smiled graciously and said appropriate thank yous. I did wear both of the "sets" to work one time so I could be seen wearing and appreciating them. I then washed them and told the little white lie that they had shrunk because I didn't read the label correctly.
The following year, around August, I suggested we go shopping together. I also let her know the purpose of this shopping trip. I told her that I was going to be mindful of everything she was looking at. If she hesitated at any particular item and picked it up I would mentally jot that down and she should do the same with me. I also informed her that this was a very good way to remember what each of us really liked when it came time to gift each other. This method has served us well for 25 years. I have never received anything that I don't like and I have never gone wrong in purchasing for her. Perhaps you can try something like this. It couldn't do any harm and it would surely save you some frustration. ~Donna
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Well, the really funny part is, that this was our 4th Christmas together and he's NEVER been off the mark before. And I even told him before that I don't like the slippers he has - which is the same kind he bought me. I have no idea what he was thinking... We agreed not to do gifts because we buy things for ourselves and each other all year long so we were trying not to spend too much money. Sometimes he just has no clue...
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jan 08
He is obviously trying hard to please you. Why not
suggest he take you along when buying your gifts
so you can make sure he gets the right color and size.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Probably because we agreed NOT to exchange gifts for Christmas. So why he got the "token" "See I thought about you" gift was beyond me. If he really wanted to get me something, the laptop I've been hemming and hawing about for 2 years woulda been nice.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
1 Jan 08
Aw, if I knew what you liked (and you lived around here...) I'd get ya something!
Happy New Year to you also :)
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@OnLineTherapy (29)
• Israel
4 Jan 08
First of all - I thank the giver of the gift.
After that: I "recycle" the gift - and give it, as a gift, to somebody else!
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