Is there only 10 active members on mylot?

this is a question mark - yes it really is a question mark
Vatican City State (Holy See)
January 2, 2008 4:21pm CST
I start some of the most interesting discussions on mylot and would expect to recieve a response from all mylotters with the gift of sight. So based on the responses i have had is there only 10 active mylotters on mylot? I would think so as i have never had more than 10 responses and some of these replies have been of a substandard quality. but i can help those people become more interesting. if they copy my intelligent discussions and talk about me then people will want to join in. i really am very interesting and i possess looks that would charm the leaves off the trees.
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24 responses
@GardenGerty (161858)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I am open to being convinced of your charm and intelligence, I have seen your discussions and you have not convinced me even to answer them so far. If you want more responses, try responding to a few people yourself, and also request some friends. Once you have requested friends, actually be a friend not such a conceited ninny. Offer helpful input. I think you probably have a good sense of humor and are laughing at yourself right now. At least I hope that is true, because it seems from these responses a lot of people are laughing at you.
@GardenGerty (161858)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Actually he got what he wanted out of all of us. An active, give and take discussion with more than ten responses. I probably will not be pulled in again.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jan 08
GardenGerty, you hit the nail on the head. "Ninny" lol...I cannot remember the last time I heard that. Anyways, I agree with you as far as the offering helpful input goes. It's one thing when you are intelligent, but it's another when you are too full of yourself and believe that the world revolves around you. I don't tolerate ignorance or negativity, but I read through this post in hopes that I would find someone who doesn't find much interest in what's going on here. Thank you for stepping up and being honest. Hope that Captain takes your advice. Be blessed and always positive!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I didn't laugh much to start with and I'm not laughing anymore. Captain crossed the line for me when he picked on Jeffery.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Wow, this is such an interesting discussion! I can't imagine why only 10 people respond to you. There isn't more? Could it be that your a self centered person that emphasizes way to much on his self and his perfectness that he has to start a discussion about how good he looks and how brillant he is. Well, I guess you'll end up getting your more than 10 responses on this one i'm sure. Us regular mylotters really do have a lot more to do than focus on you and your so called looks that would charm leaves off their tree. As for intelligence, sorry sweetie, it's not called's called low self esteem. Try starting another discussion in the right sections that maybe would be interesting to respond to. I had to respond to this one cause it really make me laugh to hear the ignorance that you have made so clearly here on mylot. Good day and God bless
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
you clearly are fighting your true feelings. you want me. i can read between the lines. And why not? am i not gorgeous.
• United States
3 Jan 08
hmmmm, let me think on this one for a moment. No, don't believe you are, but thanks anyways. I am happily married and my husband is the only man that I think is gorgeous. It's called love and maybe if you stopped with all the selfcenteredness, look at me might even find it one day yourself. good luck to ya and God bless
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
2 Jan 08
I think there are many more then 10 active users on mylot, but maybe they just dont know where to find your discussions. Why not adding some more friends to your list of friends and answer their discussions, that way your friends will want to respond to your disucssions since your respondind to theirs! See how that works ? you give a little and you get a little!! :) good luck captain weirdo :)
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• Vatican City State (Holy See)
2 Jan 08
when i give a little, it is a lot to someone like yourself who has never been in contact with greatness like myself. i really am magnificent.
@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
3 Jan 08
I have a question for you, do you hav enough friends to help you respond to your discussions. Its not about the number of active memebers in question but the kind of discussion you have.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
my discussions always revolve around me, therfore they will be witty,entertaining and educational. after all, i am as handsome as a basket of fluffy kittens.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
3 Jan 08
You obviously have not met xboxboy or you would know there are scads of us, although I cannot promise they would find you as interesting as you find yourself. Fear not, for with transdisc as a friend you cannot help but attract quality posters, even if you yourself are the poster boy for posturing, err, I mean posting! Welcome aboard.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
xboxboy has shown his immaturity in a previous discussion but i offered my hand of knowledge and he has not responded. transdisc knows his place is under me. you are right to find me interesting. i am very interesting. i am even interesting when i sleep. and i do not snore as gods sing in thier sleep. as i do..
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
2 Jan 08
This is the first time that I have ever seen one of your postings and I am on mylot every day. But, I did check out your other postings and now I know why you have a problem getting responses. Try to come up with some more timely and broader topics. Happy Posting! La Shana Tova! Happy New Year! Adoniah
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
but what could be more interesting than me?
@mythmoh (3984)
• United States
2 Jan 08
try to reply to the responders by providing will make yor discussion to be on the front page of that topic hence will get more response.further start interesting topics which is more popular.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
2 Jan 08
surely all my discussions are worthy of a pulitzer prize?
@roberten (3128)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Only in your own mind, but you are outrageously funny!
@Mickie30 (2626)
3 Jan 08
LOL well you have had 34 responses to this so what does that tell you? 34 active members? You got your answer.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
it tells me there are 35 intelligent mylotters to respond to my fabulous discussion. and no wonder. it is about me!
@Mickie30 (2626)
3 Jan 08
Well there was 35 with my response I forgot to mention that. I bet this is the most responses you have had.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
it is. the only time i got more was when i accidently said i would date a mylotter. i got 35,000 responses. some from lumberjacks. i had to ask mylot to remove it for safety reasons.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
2 Jan 08
There are more than 10 of us, we have all just realized that our responses could not possibly live up to your high standards. You are just too good for all the regular mylotters. When we see your discussions we just divert our eyes so we are not blinded by your beauty and greatness.
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Hot flashes already?
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
2 Jan 08
that explains a lot. my teeth do dazzle when i smile. and my body sizzles.
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@ltmoon (1008)
• United States
3 Jan 08
teehee...CaptFantastic??? Ok, by the (36) after your name at this time I know that you are relative new to the site or have not been very active yourself. So is it a case of Pot-Kettle-Black or of a new member complaining that no one is paying any attention to him??? If it's the latter - Pay it forward dude! Get out there and respond to other people and maybe they will notice you and read what you post.
@ltmoon (1008)
• United States
3 Jan 08
CF, after checking your profile I note the following: - you are boorish besides boring - you're ugly and dress like a poof - and to top it all off, you are English! The sun long ago set on the empire. We kicked your royal bums 200 years ago to start the decline, and followed it up 25 years later for good measure. Then we had to rescue your sogging arses from the Kaiser...twice! If it weren't for Gunga Din bringing the water you all would have dried up and blown away a hundred years ago. Back to my original rant - quit complaining and get out there and comment on other people's discussions! Then by your thinking there will be at least 11 active people on this site!!! P.S. I also noted on your profile that you joined just a week ago. Welcome to the club. I joined last spring but just became "active" the past couple weeks.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
but other people are boring, i am facinating. and handsome.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
i take it you are from the 'new england' and related from one of our convicts. don't you just love the whacky backwards humour of the american cousins? you guys are great! i will truely look you up and answer one of your discussions. i look forward to someone being as interesting as me!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Too funny. I will say that IF that is you in that picture you are YUMMYYYYYYYYYYY!! I saw that you are from the UK which means a British accent! That's hot- sorry the Paris came out in me for a sec. Women love you, men want to be you- such problems you have. :) If this is an online persona then the reverse psychology worked and you got responses, you may be smarter than people think. Good job! But if you aren't that intelligent, well at least you have those looks and accent going for you, would be fun for a night or two. Stay beautiful!
• United States
3 Jan 08
I must have gone mentally insane from your beauty for a sec there- ok you win- take me now!!!!!!!!!!!!
• United States
3 Jan 08
Cyn- we're really alike - it's a great thing, but we could definitely be related!
• United States
3 Jan 08
skinny chick, are you sure we aren't related? ROFL. I second everything she said, twice! LoL
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
2 Jan 08
try adding more friends...also make sure your discussions are under the right topic. It will help...sometimes there are just too many questions, so yours will get buried in the pile. good luck!
1 person likes this
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
2 Jan 08
thank you. facinating.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
3 Jan 08
if you really wanted to have more responses on your discussions,try inviting lots of friends and put more related tags on your discussions.that way you can make your discussion more attractive to others.if you have sometime update your discussions once in a while to put it again on top of the new discussions list to gain more responses.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
thank you johndor, for one with only (104) you are worldly wise. but not as worldly wise as myself. but few are.
• United States
3 Jan 08
Well you've managed to make me laugh so you at least got me interested enough to look for things you post in the future. All part of your evil plan I'm sure.
• United States
4 Jan 08
LOL- yummmmm
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
you are taken by my god like features and intelligent discussions. do not fret. so are all women with a pulse. and a lot of men.
@nickventere (1420)
• Zambia
3 Jan 08
Thre's always thousands of hordes of folks online at any given time. When you don't get responses, it simply tells you that they are not as interesting as you the author might think they are. Why wouldn't people respond to other posts and not yours? They don't even know you. Just work hard on making them more interesting and noteworthy.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
but i command the attention of hundreds when i give a speech at charity functions. i am extremely witty and have duveted the most attractive models in the world. and who can blame them? i am incredibly handsome and exceedingly witty.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
3 Jan 08
I don't know from where you have got the idea that there are only 10 active mylotters. What I think that you are quite new here. Initially without many friends and all, you can't expect so many responses. Do you think to get thousands responses for each discussion of yours? There are lakhs of people here and even more discussions. May be your discussion was buried in it.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
I do expect to get a response from every active mylotter as i am such an interesting person. i reek of intersting smells and aromas.
• India
3 Jan 08
Hey, I've been a part of mylot since months now but never came across such an interesting topic which hardly makes any sense. So you don't have to worry on that front now. Your number of responses have surely increased. To get more responses pouring in quickly make your topic very catchy. Also you can add more n more number of friends out here. Try writing comment on each response so that your topic remains on the first page of the recent discussions or in the list of 'discussions my friends started'!
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
thank you my beautiful friend. you have responded because of my interesting topic and incredibly good looks. you are correct. i am very handsome.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Well you are doing pretty good for a newbie! I believe this is the first time I've come across any of your discussions. Probably because you aren't on my friends list...yet. LOL When I respond to discussions I usually look at discussions from my friends. Having a bunch of people on your friends list should help you gain more responses...especially if you share the same interests. I think there is at least one discussion on how to gain more responses. If you can find it, it should be of help to you. Good luck and welcome to MyLot! :)
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
thank you sacmom. you clearly appriciate beauty when you see it. and i am truely handsome. i make mirrors look defective when other people look in them as they do not see what i see. i feel sorry for normal people.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
3 Jan 08
Hi captain!You're a newbie here,right?So if you want to attract more mylotters' attentions,you should add more friends on your friend list here. Personally,I prefer to respond to my friends' discussions here so if you have more friends,your discussions will get more responses. Try it! Welcome to!Happy mylotting!
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
i am god like on mylot. my discussions are supreme. i would be horrified if i was not ranked '1' after i reach 100 posts. i am that good!
@roberten (3128)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Your wit is adorable, your phyical appearance is unimportant; I find it very entertaining to read your posts. Who cares who else is active, just as long as you stay online I will be a thoroughly delighted and generously entertained mylotter. Keep posting...better yet, why not video post on so even more people will be able to grace themselves with your glorious humor. You do make the work on Mylot less work and more play, I for one appreciate your levity.
• Vatican City State (Holy See)
3 Jan 08
i do appreciate your taste in discussions. i am superior in all areas. and you know what they say about men with big brains. it is true. i need specially built pants.