Welfare! Please read entire post not just tag line......
By bellaofchaos
@bellaofchaos (11538)
United States
January 4, 2008 11:32pm CST
Alright todays topic of discussion is welfare.
A lot of people seem to be in the same mind to cut out the welfare or limit that you should only have two children to qualify for welfare or that no matter how many are in the family it should be the same amount for everyone.
I am also aware that there are those individuals that abuse welfare, but should their actions hinder the honest ones that need it? If your on welfare and buy a vehicle that expensive I think you need to fill out a form and rationalize it and face it you can't rationalize buying that expensive of a vehichle when you can get a cheaper one to do the same job.
But here is what I want you to read and think about.
We hit 14 and 15 now and are able to work. We get taxed right? Now say there is this girl she has worked all her teenage years and paid her taxes. when she graduated she still had no kids continue to work and became a workaholic had three job and was taxed for those jobs. say she get married and then has a kid at 21 doesn't get on assistance right away. husband lost his job they get unemployment. They go on welfare to provide medical for the child. By this time the mom is working but the job she works doesn't provide benefits. ( a now common problem). So therefore she still working and recieving welfare. But she still pays taxes and they also have taxes taken out of the unemployment. So here's another question they paid in with out help from the time they were teens and now they need the help and still she continues to work and get taxed. Thus still paying for people on welfare including them by paying there taxes.
I don't condone having kids just to stay on welfare. But if your working and you need help and you have paid in with out even using it for many year and then when you go you have to feel ashamed because you get the help you need when you paid into the system. The system is there to help everyone .. Yes like all things it gets abused, but their are a majority of people that work of their booty to make ends meat and need help. I see no problem in people using the welfare system to help them get on thier feet. I see no problem with families who have jobs and pay taxes and barely make it to go to the system and get help. That is why everyone pays taxes .. Like I said I don't agree with those who abuse the system and have no intention of bettering themselves. But why do people think that there shouldn't be a system in place to help those who truly need it and are trying?
So My question to you is what is your reason for or agianst it? plus all the other questions through this discussion.
I thank you all for your responses.
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7 responses
@merrydew (60)
• United States
5 Jan 08
When talking of welfare and handouts, it's easy to forget that this is also given in one form or another to businesses, farmers, the economy, 3rd world countries, you name it.
Hand-outs, compensation, cash injections, bail out, subsidies, however you want to call it, is given by the government, to more than just the poor, and there is a potential for abuse in all cases. But it is deemed necessary as part of a bigger picture.
As the government is intended to be 'for the people' I'm ok with government aid to the people, and don't see why we'd consider this more harmful than the 'welfare' provided in other areas.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Thank you for your response. You make a very valid point that I agree with welfare and handout are given to farmers, business owners, etc. so why are peple upset that we aid the poor with it? Thankyou for your post I think it will give everyone much to think about.
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@merrydew (60)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Thanks. I don't think anyone should feel guilty about accepting welfare, provided they're unable to work or there is no job available that covers their basic cost of living. That's a failure of the system, and it seems fair that the government helps them out in that situation.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I'm not against the system at all, except like you said, the ones that abuse the system. I know that there are many people out there that really need the help...me being one of them at one point in my life. There has to be a system like this for those people in need. What irritates me are the people that are living off welfare and doing nothing what so ever to support their families. Circumstances come up, we all know that, but if you are just having babies to get more money from the government and not holding a job down or doing anything what so ever to help your family, then you are abusing the system. That makes me mad because there are people out there that are really needing the assistance who aren't getting it because someone else has taken away from them that isn't even trying to support their families. I do think that it needs to be monitored better. i know here you get cash assistance for 18 months, but they make you either take classes on how to work or something like that. I'm not sure what the food stamp and insurance is here now, but i know you have to go and get reapproved every six months. I think that is really good if your being honest about what your making and what your doing. Thanks for the discussion and God bless
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Jan 08
You are absolutely correct it the ones that abuse the system that make welfare an ugly war. I am all for people who truly need help going to get the help. I appalled at those who think that they can sit at home and eat bon bons all day and expect the tax payors to pay for it. It's wrong !!
Where we live yeah we have to do a renewel every six month with supporting documentation that you need. it.Thank for responding to my discussion and have a lovely day.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Thank you as well for the discussion. It's been nice conversing with you. God bless and have a great day.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Jan 08
I think that welfare, food stamps, ect are there for people when they need it. They should not be lived off of. In our area there is welfare to work. People who are on welfare have a certain amount of time (I believe it is 5 years) to get off, during that process the welfare office helps those people receive the training and skills they need to get off of welfare. To me, that is fair. They are helping you out and asking you to help yourself.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
6 Jan 08
Ours is sorda like that but it's only the cash that you can have for 5 yrs. Thanks for your response.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
5 Jan 08
There is a theory out there that Everyone (regardless of race or creed) has a Basic right to food and shelter. This would mean that society guarantee Everyone these 2 basic rights.
Also there is myth out there that there is not enough food and shelter to go around for everyone. This is wrong. Our society consists mostly of those people who have Much more than they need to support a good lifestyle. Yes I know- these people have worked hard to get where what they have. But wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone had enough to eat and a good roof over their heads!
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Jan 08
yes it would be a wonderful thing the only problem I know it will never happen unles we make some real changes with what people get paid for what they do. For example people who act or are in sports and get paid over a million to do something that is a little much if they love what they do pay them minimum wage like the rest of us and that goes for every other high paying job there is out there. I think if no matter what the job everyone got the same pay then maybe things would balance out but I know that will never happen and that is not a logical solution to help people. Oh well I love the sentiment that you have behind your answer and wish that we could do that.Have a nice one.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I'm not against the 2 year welfare program that they have now except they cut out the other help programs that went with it. At least, they did down here. As it stands now, as long as you have a child under the age of 2 you can collect welfare. There is also a limit to how many kids you can collect on. That is to keep women from having 12 kids and staying on welfare forever.
It used to be, when you went on welfare, you were eligible to get help getting your GED and other training programs. They had classed that taught you how to go on interviews and write a resume and how to dress for success etc. That is all gone now. When the kid turns 2, you are on the street as far as anyone is concerned. They do not care. If you want more help, you are just a mooch. A lot of these mothers never finished school and really need that GED and the other training to get a job. So they get pregnant again and stay on welfare a little longer.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Where do you live? Wow 2 yr program. I'm just amazed at how many different way places run there welfare programs. Thank you for your resonse. I just told loungeact that the only thing they limit where I live is cash assistance that is a total of five yrs but they don't have a limit on kids or at what age your child is to cut it off I use to think our system was kinda sucky but now it doesn't look so bad. have a nice one.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
6 Jan 08
They tried to stop welfare altogether but lost out on that. Now every year they throw sick kids off of SSI and make their parents reapply. While they are reapplying, they are getting no benefits. Not even food stamps. They do this to the "special adults" too. This is why we have so many street people here in Fl. It is not just the warmer weather attracting northerners. It is because so many people have been cut from SSI and other programs and they do not know how to reapply themselves!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Obviously the woman here breed before needing help so a discussion I have going right now that would probably boil your blood is best left on my page. I have said what feels like a billion times now that people who need help because they fall on inevitable circumstances should be free to seek help that is available to them. But think about this....
If we could take everyone who was abusing the system out of it, can you even imagine what that would do for not only the people who truly are deserving of the benefits but the states who are giving the benefits to them? Billions of dollars wouldn't have to be sunk into welfare and then maybe schools would get some much needed assistance, roads would be fixed, businesses would start coming into the area because there would be a larger job market, and so much more.
I still think welfare needs to set limitations. (Just one example or I will be in your post all day) I don't know the welfare regulations but the average person is supposed to be able to eat on some insane amount of like $7 a day. If you have a family of 4 eating on $7 a day for 31 days that is over $850 dollars that person is getting for food a month. I am a family of 6 and I barely spend half of that on food in a month. If someone on welfare was getting for arguments sake say $500 a month for food then 3 months later knew that amount was going to be decreased to $300 then 3 months later knew they were going to cap out their benefits at $200 you would assume they would begin to make better choices in what they bought. Instead of spending $6 on a case of soda every other day they would encourage their kids to drink more water and milk and invest in some sugar for kool-aid. They would begin to buy in bulk. like a 5 lb. box of rice for $3 instead of a 1 lb. box of rice for $1.99. They would use the stove in their kitchen to actually make meals instead of popping a frozen dinner in the microwave that costs as much to buy. With just a little reform people would be forced to grow up and be adults rather then continue to be given permission to sit on their butts being lazy taking every handout they can find.
It is very rarely the people who work for a living that fall on hard times and need a little help that stick around on the system long enough to abuse it. They take the help to make sure their families are healthy and their kids are fed and meanwhile they go out and get another job so they don't have to be on the system any longer than necessary. These people I admire. These people deserve it. Unfortunately for these people, they are in the minority when it comes to the welfare system. It is usually the actions of others that ultimately ruin it for the people truly deserving. Since there is no "legal" way to sort them out unfortunately I feel that everyone must suffer before any good can come of it.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
5 Jan 08
This may come out wrong and I don't mean it to so if it does it is not anything against anyone- just my experience and thoughts.
I'm pretty sick of the abuse of the welfare system and because of people who do it- people who have worked for many years can't get any help. I went through it for medical for my daughter and when I was pregnant with her. My then husband and I were in the bar/restaurant business which most of the time means-no insurance and we couldn't afford to pay 400.00 a month for medical insurance. So I thought the best thing to do was apply for medical aid- which I got only because I was pregnant and it was cut off pretty much as soon as I had my baby. I had paid my taxes for 15 years on time and when I still needed the Aid they said I was done. But people who live in the ghetto or slums just automatically get it or feel that it is owed to them and haven't worked a day in their life. This is how they make money and they ruin for the hard working Americans who need it. Sometimes I feel much of it is based on race, take a look at your local welfare office and tell me how many white people you see. Not many- the best part of welfare is that they give it to illeagal immigrants who can't even take the time to learn English..It just frustrates me and thankfully I have medical insurance because all the red tape and aggravation is not worth the measley amount of money or food that they do give you..I hope I didn't offend.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
5 Jan 08
You did not offend me in the least at all , I can't answer for anyoneesle who posts in this thread, but I feel your pain. You have to literally jump through so much tape to get so little help if your hard working and just need the help. That it's not funny.
Because of the abuse of welfare that is why the state I live in says you can only get 5yrs total on cash for you entire life, and you have to go through job classes and you have to do an active job search while you are on cash or else you can be kick off of cash and lose benefits. So I happy to say for all those who have abused the system for year and sat on their buts collecting it's will be over in five yrs and you better hope and pray that you actaully paid attention in those classed.
With that being said those who qualify for the cash automatically get food, and medical. Housing out here is a different agency so I can't say much for that and we only have a 6 month waiting list and sometimes less than that. But those who actually attend the job classes and find jobs they get the benefits of not having any thing taken away from them for a yr because they actually got a job and the welfare system thinks thats enough time to get your bills caught up and get your act together. So all in all it really comes down to how you use it wether you should be allowed to have it. If your in need and are trying to better yourself I see no problem in getting it and Skinny as you pointed out it's frustrating that you see people abuse it and then those who need it not get it and have to jump through red tape.
Thank you for your response. This is what I wanted a meaningful discussion about the welfare system. Thanks.
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