fastest way to level up your character
By AzraelValley
@AzraelValley (677)
7 responses
@Kenorv (343)
• United States
10 Jan 08
I prefer to solo so I level up slower than the pure power levelers but one thing I learned from one power leveler is to go to one area, group up and do all the quests there. Make sure they're yellow or orange in your quest log. If you have a high level helper then you can even do the reds. Don't even bother completeting any green quests. Once you've done every yellow and above quest in that area, move on to another area and repeat the process. With the changes in exp needed to level from 20-60 and the increase in exp given from quests from 20-60 that seems to be your best bet. I wouldn't bother with any instances unless you have a great group for that. I don't think it's worth it since you're just concerned with leveling.
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@AzraelValley (677)
• Philippines
10 Jan 08
Do you know where can I find group that could help me?
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@Kenorv (343)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Usually people just ask in general chat to group up for quests. So whatever area you're in just let everyone know that you're looking for a group to quest with and usually people will help. I don't know what level you are, or even what server you're on but there's usually plenty of people in the low level areas that are willing to help. If you're on a low populated server then you'll probably have problems early in the morning(server time) but if you're able to play in the afternoon and evening then there should be people willing to help even on a low populated server. Like I said. Don't be afraid to ask. Someone's always willing to help.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Other quick tips
- Take advantage of the zones
- When you hit 10, you can do your race's 10-20 zone, but you should also alternate to the other places (Horde: Barrens, Ghostlands, Silverpine; Alliance: Westfall, Thelmasar, Auberdine, Bloodmyst Isles)
- Watch for level 15-25/30 areas (Stonetalon Mts, Redridge) so you can use those to mitigate the fresh decade effect of leveling (i.e. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
- Continue with lvl 20-30 areas (Ashenvale, Duskwood, 1k Needles, Hillsbrad)
- Then proceed to lvl 30-35/40 areas (Arathi, Desolace, Shimmering Flats, Stranglethorn)
- Make sure to check the midway areas here 35-45 areas (Swamp of Sorrows, Alterac, Badlands, Duskwallow Marsh)
- Then try lvl 40-50 areas (South Stranglethorn, Hinterlands, Feralas, Tanaris)
- There are lvl 45-55 areas (Azshara, Searing Gorge)
- Next try the 50-55 areas (Western Plaguelands, Ungoro Crater, Burning Steepes, Felwood)
- Then there are lvl 55-60 areas (Winterspring, Silithus, Eastern Plaguelands)
- Next comes outlands 58-70 area this order (Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, Terrokar, Nagrand, Blade's Edge, Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley)
Other things
- Check everywhere you can for a "!"
- Kill named mobs if you can (sometimes they have quest items you can activate and turn in)
- Check the capital towns for a "!"
- Do any turn in quests once for the experience
- Do not worry so much about professions if you want to speed but pick up the essentials of cooking and first-aid
- Try to cluster your quests so you do multiple things in the same place, instead of having to run back and forth (look to thottbot or wow allakhazam for quest information on zones)
- Make sure your talent spec is something that is not only level efficient but also something you want to play (a couple of times, you may just get the level spec and do your work only). DPS classes will have more advantages here.
Warriors (Arms or Fury)
Paladins (Protection to Reckoning then either holy for Improved righteousnss or Retribution for Seal of Command and critical strikes)
Priests (Shadow)
Warlocks (Affliction or Destruction, Demonology may work too. DPS class)
Rogues (Combat is best, but other builds work too. DPS class)
Mages (Deep Fire or Frost, or Arcane Fire/Frost. DPS Class)
Hunter (Marksman is best. DPS Class)
Shamans (Elemental or Enhancement)
- Sometimes good groups and dungeon runs can help with leveling, but it can get tiresome. Groups can also fail, wasting your time entirely
- Soloing can get amazing results but only if you do not let yourself be distracted and if you read up on the quests of each zone
- Read up on each zone and its quests in allakhazam or thott, do this when you have a good chance to, or before you start playing for the day
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@AzraelValley (677)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
wow, you are impressive. You must be a power leveler.
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@AzraelValley (677)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
I already know that. I said some tips to level up faster.
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@skcustolym (37)
• United States
18 Apr 08
ask a friendly gm lol, i play wow on a free server called, nice people and no monthly fee :)
@glitzypurple (1477)
• Philippines
10 Jan 08
I don't play world of warcraft but my friends do. I think they just play and play so they level up quickly. I play RAN online so if you play that too, I could give you tips. Thanks :)
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