New to looking after pet fish.

January 11, 2008 7:58pm CST
We brought our son two pet goldfish today from a local pet store. They are both small fish, one is yellow and the other one is white and red. He named the red and white one "duck" and the yellow one "fish". Our son is only 19 months old so obviously we will be the ones looking after the fish, but he likes to help by feeding them. Our son enjoys watching the fish swim around and we chose this type of pet because as hes only young it will be us looking after them, feeding them(with his help) and cleaning the fish tank out everytime. For the moment we have a 7 litres capacity plastic fish tank for them, but we will be getting them a bigger one soon. We brought some gravel aswell as the food and the liquid used to make the water safe for the fish to live in. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what size tank would be good enough to have 6 fish at some point? Is there any other equipment that is nessisary to keep goldfish as pets? Is it important to have a filter in the fish tank? Does anyone have any other advice/information that will help us? ~Joeys wife
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9 responses
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
14 Jan 08
Hmmm I don't know much about gold fish, Joey, except that they are messy - well they pooo and pee a lot from what I heard LOL THat's why I never got gold fish. They need a big tank not as much for space but to help with clean water. I'm sure you will need a filter too to keep the water clean specially since they are so messy. Apparently they also grow quite a bit. SO maybe 6 might be a bit too much in terms of a small tank. I have a 20 gallon now and I think that that would probably be the minimum for 6 goldfish - it's probably small even. The gravel is good and maybe some plants too. If they're as messy as I heard you will need to change the water more often. But I don't know much from my own experience because I only have tropical fish. ALso, if he likes to feed the fish ( even supervised ) make sure that the fish are not overfed. It's quite easy to do that without even without noticing and the result might have to be a quick trip to the pet store so he doesn't notice the demise of his pets. IN any case, I think you should talk to someone in the pet store, they can give you a better idea, but I shouldn't be too wrong in terms of size.
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
Wow... kids nowadays seem so big and intelligent. Not even 2 and... wow.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
12 Jan 08
You can buy a tank with all the accesories that go with it at the pet store. It shouldn't cost that much neither. You do need to have a filter, fish tank can get dirty quickly. Gold fish are easy to take care of. Gold fish will keep growing with the tank size. The bigger the tank, the bigger he fish will eventually get. Have fun with the fish, they are fun and relaxing to watch.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
12 Jan 08
Goldfish will live forever no matter what you do to them lol unless they were sick before you got them.. I had four in a small bowl. If you are sticking to the goldfish, you dont NEED anything else, but a filter would help keep the tank clean, because goldfish are pretty dirty fish. Good luck with your fishies ;)
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• United States
12 Jan 08
I have about 7 or 8 gold fish in a 10 gallon tank. I hve a water filter and a allegie eater(1) and I probably clean my tank like once every other month. The reason why I do that is because I noticed that my fish is getting bigger and I do have in invest in a bigger tank soon but I notice that the less I clean the water that they are so comfortable plus when I was changing the water I also noticed that I was lossing 1 or 2 of my fish but when I stop doing it they actually started growing. We got ours little also. I hope this helps a little.
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@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Jan 08
Your son is very cute:) I think goldfish are easy to take care of. They can live in any temperature, I think. And just remember do not feed them a lot once. It will die because of so full but it won't be die beause of being starving.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
29 Mar 13
Hi Joey, I hope those fish are doing fine and you probably have fun a better solution by now.
• United States
3 Feb 08
I have been raising fish (mostly tropical fresh water fish) for over 55 years. Think about an aquarium as a room where the fish live without a toilet. The only way to "flush the toilet" is to do a water change. Also you do not want to do a very large water change at a time because if the water that you put back in is very different it will stress the fish, and yes you do need dechlorinator to get rid of chlorine and if you have heavy metals or chloramines in your water you need to make sure to get rid of them also. I recommend doing 20 to 30% water changes each week. Al;so as to the size of a tank that you should have, there are many people that say that for goldfish you should have 20 gallons for each goldfish because they can get to be over 12 inches long. No you do not have to go out and get a 199 gallon tank right away but in the future you should have at least 100 gallons for the 6 fish that you wish to get or even better would be to have a goldfish pond that has enough room in it for you goldfish to live in (make sure that it is deep enough so that it does not freeze solid in the winter.
12 Jan 08
If you want 6 fish you will need quite a big tank as they all need a certain amount of space. I have a 22litre tank that will hold 4. A filter is recommended as it will aerate the tank otherwise you will need to change the water every other day as the fish will use up all the oxygen and the water will get dirty really quickly. Otherwise you can use oxygen blocks. If you want more fish it would be best to get them pretty soon as they can pick on each other and be quite competitive - we lost a small white one because it got picked on so we have stuck with 2 now. Another point is not to overfeed your fish. I was told they will eat what they need in 2 mins and if you give them loads it just sits at the bottom of the tank and rots.
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