Gissi in action again
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
January 12, 2008 4:59pm CST
Hi everyone Gissi here
I had a very scary Day with Mum yesterday and I was scared
Mum went to lie down at 1.45pm as she felt ill and tired, at 2 pm Mum got very restless and she was getting up and down holding her Chest then her Stomach then she would sit on the bed and curl over. By 2.45 pm was crying and her breathing was really worrying me, I got scared I saw Mum pick up the Phone to call the Doctor. Mum then walked outside and came back with Jo from next Door, Jo sat Mum down, now I was worried something is going on, I sat on Mum,s lap and I was giving her Kisses as I didn't like the Way Mum was crying and breathing. Next thing Jo went outside, I saw the Blue Light, I do not like blue Lights or Sirens, I got mad. The Man with his Bags, green Uniform and Yellow Coat came in, I sat in front of Mum and I growled at him, no way is he coming near Mum, not with all them Machines and that, well I could not understand it, but Mum put me on the Lead and Jo tried to take me out, I didn't want to go, I want to stay with Mum, they will hurt Mum, then the Big Car came with the blue Light, that is not good a little and a big one. I wriggled so much I got out of the Collar so I ran to Mum and sat on her feet and I growled at all 3 of them to stay away from Mum. Well Mum got me on the lead again she said "Sorry Sweetie you have to let them to me" Well I had not choice as Mum had tightened the Collar so I could not get out of it
The last I saw was them putting things on Mum something to do with her Heart, Mum was crying bad now and they where giving her some stuff to help her breathe. Well Jo took me for a walk and as we came back I saw them put Mum in the Big Car with the blue Light and I tried to rush Jo as I needed to go and get Mum, they where pinching my Mum. I didn't get there and they drove of with my Mum. Now I was scared, will Mum ever come back
I didn't want to be in Jo's House I wanted to go to Mum's and my Flat, I cried and cried. Jo realized what I wanted and took me next door, she sat on the Settee with me for a while and talked with me. I kept asking her where Mum was and is she coming back, but Jo could not understand me, Jo is nice and I really like her but I wanted Mum, I went in the Bedroom and I laid on Mum's Bed, Jo then gave me a stroke and told me she will be back. And she was she came a lot to check that I was ok. I was sad where is Mum she did not say Bye to me, wait till she comes home. But she might not as she was taken in the big Car with the blue light. Well 4 Hours later I hear her Voice "Yes Mum is back" but I am mad at her now and I show her to. I nip her nose I shout at her
But goodness Mum looks awful
Well she tells me that there is something wrong with her Stomach but at least her Heart is ok
Mum has to take Tablets now for a Month and if it happens again they are going to put a Camera in her Tummy to have a look
Well I am not letting Mum out of my Sight at the Moment
I was so scared, Mum always says Bye when she goes Shopping and she is back soon but yesterday they just took her and she was gone so long
But Mum gave me a big Hug and told me she loved me, Jo took me out for my Last walk but I hurried back in case Mum disappeared again, but she didn't she was there we went to bed very early as Mum was falling of her Feet, she has slept a lot today
Well they better not try to pinch my Mum again, I hate those Cars when ever I hear one I start crying and then one takes my Mum away that was scary
So that was our Day yesterday
Oh the Pain has eased on Mum now so we are hoping that it is helping
Sorry it is so long but as you can see it was some Day and a Scary one
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17 responses
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Gissi, take good care of your mum. Stay close and love her a lot. But if she starts to have trouble again, you go get Jo and the car with the Blue light. Honey, those are people who can help your mum. They might take her to the hospital but they will bring her back to you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Jan 08
But it is scary though Mum says she does not remember being put in the big Car and when she realized she started to cry but the nice Man with her calmed her down and was telling her Jokes and Mum calmed then but she also had to have something called Oxygen to help her breathe and then she said something about Gas and Air which made her so relaxed and eased the Pain
I will take care of her I am still keeping an eye on her
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Oh my Gissi, what a terrible ordeal, for BOTH of you. I can only imagine how scared you were of your mum, but she must have been terrified too. And you did good to growl at those nasty men, I mean that's your mum, and you don't want anything to happen to her, but you have to realize they were only trying to help her. I sometimes wonder...I know your mum is taking a lot of medications to help her breathing but I wonder if they might have affected her stomach as well, is that possible Gissi?
Sounds like Jo is a nice lady...she understood how you felt even though she couldn't understand what you were saying to her.
Now you be sure to take care of your mum, okay, and be a good boy and don't mess up her bed! That wouldn't be nice..give your mum a lick on the nose for me (((hugs to both of you))))
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Jan 08
Yes we think that is what has caused it as the Doctor said
That time Mum went to the Doctor about her swollen Stomach and the Doctor said it was fat well it wasn't
Mum's tummy has been so big now for weeks and yesterday it looked like she was 8 months pregnant and it was hard, well today her tummy is back to normal but yes they think that Mum's Stomach linings are damaged or something like that
I will take care of her I promise
I am trying to get her to go to bed
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Because of the Medication and because Mum has not been eating many a time in the past before she moved so the Kids could have food
Mum told me she had to do that many a time
And Mum has been having this Problem with going to the Toilet when she has eaten and that for a year now and the Pain started 4 Months ago you know when that Doctor told Mum that she is fat?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Do you know why Gissi your mum's stomach linings are damaged?? Yes, Gissi you be sure to take care of her and tell her to rest up. Hope she doesn't throw that water bottle on your bed again, that wouldn't be nice
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Awwwww Gissi I didnt even think about how you felt when Mum told me about going to the hospotal.
I know that was a terrible time for you but now she is home and hopefully this meds will work.
I remeber how Fang would cry when I had to leave the housse for a few days and how happy he was when I got home.
mostly I was gone for several days but I would talk to him on the phone so he knew I Was ok just on a trip. Nothing as scary as you went thru. But if this ever happens again (Isure hope not) ya have to let the men with the bags get to mom to help her get better faster ok ? HUgs
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@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
13 Jan 08
Oh my goodness, what a traumatic day for you and Mom. I'm so glad Mom came home, and you're feeling better. Sit with her, and she will feel better soon too. You're story made me cry, I know it's hard when your Mommy leaves you.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Hi, Gissi, this is Sissy. Annie's one of my mom's and I was watching while she was reading what you wrote and I just had to tell you I know how scary it is when you mum gets sick and they take her away. My old mom, she's 91 and mommy Annie calls her mom too, well she fell a few years ago and that big car came here too and a guy and a girl came in the house with these awful scary looking machines and a big cart with a bed on it. They took my mom away and she didn't come back for a few months so you can imagine how scared and mad I was! I heard mommy Annie and other people that kept coming into my house talking about how she broke her hip and had to have surgery and she was really sick for awhile. They said it was a good thing those people in the big car took her away because she probably wouldn't be with us anymore otherwise. She broke her hip and the doctors found out she had other stuff wrong with her because she wouldn't ever go to the doctors. I thought she was right about that because I hate going to the doctors too, there are always big dogs in there - no nice little doggies like you, Gissi, but great big ones that bark and growl and look at me real mean!
Anyway, Gissi, don't be scared anymore but keep a real close watch on your mum. Those people in those big cars with the blue lights and the people at the hospital aren't really mean; I guess they're not anyway, I'm still scared of them. I'm glad your mum feels better and make sure she does what she's supposed to and when she goes to have that camera in her tummy don't be worried or mad, she has to do it to get better. I know Mommy Annie is worried about your mum, I saw her looking real sad when she read what you wrote, but she giggled a few times too. She always giggles at stuff I do, even sometimes when I don't think there's anything funny. I still love both my moms. Mommy Annie only ever leaves me for a long time when she used to go on a stupid vacation. When she does that I let her know how mad I am when she gets home! I try to, anyway, but when she picks me up and kisses and hugs me sometimes I forget to be mad because I missed her so much.
Here comes mommy Anne! I better let you go and take care of your Mum! Meeeoooowwww!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Hey there Sissy nice to meet you
I do not like Dogs that are nasty to Cats
Mum's Children have 5 Cats and my Favorite one is Scruffy she is great
Jo next Door has Daisy but Daisy just always wants to sleep but I like Cats and I have a lot of Cat Friends to
I am sorry to hear about your other Mommy but I am so glad that she got well
Tell your Mommy not be sad as Mum is getting better, she is still sleeping a lot
Love and Big Hugs to you and to your Mommy's to
also from my Mum xxxxxx
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Oh gosh Gabs!! That had to be really scary for the both of you!! I'm glad to see you back on here and poor Gissi. The poor guy doesn't understand what's happening and is so concerned for you. Bless both of your hearts!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Oh Gissi you should have called on your bessie mate, I would have looked after you! Your poor mum, I know you looked after her as best as you could, it's worrying isn't it, when as animals we feel so helpless, we don't understand do we, not properly and can only look on with sadness and all we can do is love them and cuddle them. Give her a big kiss from me won't you Gissi! I know you'll do your best and be a good boy for her xxxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Hey Wolfie I couldn't call you I do not have your Number
I know in Hospital Mum sent a Message to Aunty Mo to let her know and then when Mum got Home Auntie Mo rang her
But yes I am looking after she is sleeping so much at the moment but I guess that will help her won't it Wolfie
Big Hugs and Love to you from Mum and of course from me xxxx
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Gissi dear, that was quite a day. I know you worry about the big cars and the little ones as well when they have blue lights. My three cats have to come make sure I am okay every time I come home in the car. It is good you have Jo, even if she does not understand everything you ask. She certainly tries hard to be a good friend. Ihope your mum gets a happier tummy. Lots of people I know are having tummy problems this month, but mostly they are viruses and they go away in a day or two. Even some of the kids I work with have this problem. Tell Mum to eat sensible foods and rest a lot. Hugs to the both of you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Well they think Mum's Tummy lining is damaged from all the Tablets and also because she would not eat
This has not just happened lately the Problem started a year ago but because there was not a lot of Pain they just said it is indigestion
The Tablets are helping Mum though
Big Hugs to you
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Hi Gissi! Wow what a scary day for you. I dont blame you one bit for growling at those people. Im so glad moms heart is okay. I think you handled it quite well. At least they know not to mess with you.LOL So listen little man you take good care of mom. I know you will and I will be talking to you soon. Love you Aunt Terry Kisses on your nose.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
14 Jan 08
Hi Gissi,
I'm so very sorry that I'm so late with my response here. What a scary thing to have happened to your mum. I know you'll stay close to her, and make sure that she gets lots of rest, eats, and follows her doctor's orders. I do hope that she's okay, and doesn't need 'the camera test.' Please tell her also, that I'm praying for her, and am including her 'internet difficulties,' in these prayers. She certainly would be missed around here, if this is taken from her.:(
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
16 Jan 08
I'm so glad to hear that 'your mum' is doing better. I pray there'll be no more scares like this, for you, Gissi. That's so wonderful about the internet. Please tell her, I'm thrilled to hear this!:)
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
13 Jan 08
My prayers are with you my dear friend Gabs and I hope all is well with you now!
Also, I want to commend you on composing this as it is very well written! You are a talented writer my friend :)
Take Care
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Thank you Heaven I really appreciate this compliment
I am in the process of writing a book and I have written many Discussions as though Gissi is talking lol
I have just not had the Mood to carry on with my Book at the Moment but I do need to get it done
Thank you so much
I am a bit better and the pain has eased of but I am still very tired all the time
Hugs to you
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
13 Jan 08
You're welcome for the compliment...You are certainly well deserving!
My prayers are certainly with you!
Take Care of yourself my dear friend :)
Love and Hugs to you!
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Oh, Gissi I am so sorry you and your mum had such a scary day. I know it was really hard for you to wait to see if mum was ok. I am so happy that she is back at home with you now you both can rest. I'm really glad her stomach is feeling better. Thanks Gissi for letting us know.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
13 Jan 08
I'd be frightened myself. I hope your mum gets better, I want the best in all of this. If things don't work out perfectly at least we are all still here to support. Tell mum to get her rest too, to me it really sounds like she needs it.
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@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Now little one Mum will be okay I know it scared ya when they came but they was only there to help ya have to let them do there job
@lols189 (4742)
8 Mar 08
aawww gissi that was a really bad day for you and mum. I can understand that mum was really ill and when she is like this she needs the help of them people with the green uniform and yellow jackets. Hope mum is recovering well and you look after her little man ok. Take care x
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Petie here,
Poor poor Gissi you made me cry when I was reading your how your day was yesterday. I was scarded for you and mum also. I have grown to love both of you. I send lots of licks and kisses your way.
Mom was taken in one of thoes vans with the yellow and blue lights once. Dad was also when he had his stroke. When dad went he was gone for three weeks I was worried he would never come home. Mom could not sleep, Linda my human sister came home to stay with mom at that time. Our Nana (mom's mom) was being a real pain for mom ordering her around because she was not getting enough attention.
Dad is home now and fine.
Gissi I hope your mum will be fine at least she came home in four hours. I hope it was not her heart. My mom says you can't be two careful with your heart you only have one. What ever that means!
Gissi give your mum lots of love from Me,Sammy, Abagail, and my mom I am sure she sends her love.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 08
Hey Peti
I wish you did not live so far away because I would have asked your Mum if you could stay with me while Mum was away
It was scary the good thing is though Mum is getting better
Her lungs still hurt though as she had so much problems when she was crying and panicking to breathe, the Paramedic had to get Mum to calm as her Lungs could have collapsed on her to as they are not so strong, the Pain is not so bad anymore and Mum's Tummy has gone down a lot now
Peti it was scary and I am glad Mum did not have stay away like your Dad I am glad that he is better now it is terrible when we can't do anything for them
Thanks for stopping by my lovely Friend