Get a job!!!! and get a life!!11
By hearts456
@hearts456 (10)
United States
January 14, 2008 2:03pm CST
What has the world come too today?
People are always asking other people for money...Is life that bad to where people cant even pay their rent???
I dont under stand why people cant just get jobs and be happy!!!!I've had a job since the day that I turned sixteen wow to me thats a good thing, considering that there are people that are middle aged and have never had a job in their life!!!!
People think that it is okay that they can live off of disability for the rest of their life I really dont understand that concept...
People dont understand where that disability money comes from well it comes out of mine and every other employee's pay check...
Dont get me wrong there are people out there that really need a disability check...
My aunt for example is a person that really does qualify for disability and food stamps...She was born with a disability called Facio Scapulo Humeral Muscular Dystrophy and it really has taken its toll on her body.....
All that aside with her disability all she gets a month is $613.00 to pay her bills and but what she needs, and get this...she gets $84.00 a month in food stamps... whats the deal with that???? no one can live off of that but I guess you could say she makes it work...
Any ways I really did go off topic here but people really make me mad I hate the fact that many people can get away with taking my tax dollars and they dont even deserve it....
If your wondering what started this thought it was because I work at walmart, and I get sooooo many healthy able to work people come in and buy 3 and 4 hundred dollars worth of grocery's and pay for it in food stamps this really angers me
if you have an input on this subject please feel free to comment!!!
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9 responses
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Jan 08
yes, i agree with you. there are many people that could get a job if they tried, however, there are many people that need 'the system' hubby and i both work currently. however, he lost his job (before this one) and was off work for 9 months before he got the one that he is currently working at and is making at least $40,000 less per year than before. i work part time and am selling crafts that i make. i cannot work full time due to health issues...and no, we are not only not on welfare, we dont get food stamps!
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@hearts456 (10)
• United States
14 Jan 08
I totally understand your situation and there are people out there that do need help, but just to clear it up I was just talking about the people that are really healthy and are able to work, that dont have jobs, and milk the government, for there money which is really the people that are employed's money, it sounds really messed up if you ask me...but I totally agree with you situation i dodnt mean to offend you....sorry (-=
@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
15 Jan 08
I understand where you are coming from and you make a valid point with your aunt, but your last comment is what caught me. Have you ever thought about what those person's situation is that spend that much in food stamps? Does your Aunt live by herself or does she have others living with her that she is taking care of? If she is by herself, that is why she only gets that much a month. Do the other people that spend that much have kids?
See, the people that you are talking about is me. Where we live, cost of living may not be so high, but the cost of food and gas makes up for that. But the pay is also at a minimum. My fiance and I now have a total of 3 kids (just had the third a few weeks ago) and he doesn't get paid enough to where we would be able to afford food. Also, when we first moved here (a year ago) it took him almost 6 months to get a job and we were only able to go to the food banks a certain amount of times in a certain amount of months...after that we were screwed. So we got food stamps. Now I am a healthy woman and am able to work, but I have to stay home because there is no way that we would be able to afford daycare, even if I did work.
I know that there are people that do abuse the system while others have to suffer, but think about the situations people are in before you jump to any conclusions.
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@mahaneesh (297)
• India
15 Jan 08
I am still not clear about your question my fren... are u against people who are healthy but still beg or against those who don't do jobs??
@nuffsed (1271)
15 Jan 08
What it is to be so very young and have so much insight into the wrongs of society!!!
I have to ask....Do you live at home with parents? And do you pay from your Walmart income a fair proportion of the household expenses? I know very few young folks that do even if they are earning a good wage, they are usually subsidised by parents willing to lighten the load for their offspring. My point being that there are plenty of jobs out there that do not pay a decent living wage, are physically hard and demoralising, and which leave very little reward for a week of hard labour one the basic bills are paid.
Many designer labels are built on the profits from slave labour in countries where labour conditions are horrendous.
American buyers flock to buy Chinese cheap goods at the cost of jobs and other damage to the U.S. economy.
Jobs go abroad because corporations have no patriotism but only avarice.
Attacks like yours on benefit claimants are a regularly used tool to demonise the disabled, unskilled and mentally ill.
America, like my own Britain, is wealthy enough to support much more of a social burden than we actually do. There are no shortages of people living in genuine hardship through no fault of their own. There is much need both here and in your own U.S. for more money to alleviate real hardship. And many of those suffering are veterans of armed conflicts that should never have occurred and which are conducted at enormous cost to the public purse and the global environment.
I urge you to get your priorities in order. Complain about the obscene waste of lives and cost of illegal warmongering.
Complain about the lack of affordable training for work skills. Complain about workers rights being undermined and abused every where in this global economy.
It is trendy to attack the working class where they are not working, but this is a petty diversion in the big picture of real fraudulent use of taxpayers dollars.
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@siouxz39 (6)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Oh my goodness...what a way to start off my Tuesday morning...hehe. I am with you 100%. It seems that if you work hard and do what you are supposed to do and then you have a run of bad luck and need help....forget it. I know people who have gotten pregnant and split up (atleast housing wise) so that they can take advantage of the system and get food stamps, housing assistance and a check. I, like you, have worked and had taxes taken out since I turned 16 and I would hope that if I needed it, that the government programs that I put in to all my life would be there for me to utilize. But guess what...because so many people take advantage of it, it won't be.
And then there is the whole just borrowing from people. We have had several people borrow money from us over the last year and then they act like because we helped them out once, that we can do it again. And when we say no, they get mad. It seems to be something that sticks with my husband a lot lately. And it's not just with money, it's with things cameras, lawnmowers and gas cans. I don't know if there is an answer to any of it or not. Except maybe personally being hardcore and not letting people borrow from you and as far as the government is concerned, they need to get a whole lot more strict on the government programs and how they are managed.
I do know that people need to stand up and take care of what is theirs instead of letting everyone else do it. I could go on, but I do have work to do...hehe.
@jiffythorn (282)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Why do the young people think they can judge a book by its cover?
Can a skinny person not be mean, and a large person not be the nicest person?
That large person might be getting that government help, but yet even on that extremely little amount of help they will give till they have nothen to help someone in need, that could be you someday...
When you need help it will be there for you, and then maybe you will see the light...
Good Luck with your learning...
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
14 Jan 08
Ooohh it's too bad seeing these kinds of people, worst they are the one who keeps on complaining but they're not even moving their feet.
And for the people out there who keeps on complaining about their jobs, come on get a life. If you're not happy then why stick to it? Open a newspaper, search on the internet for jobs there are several. I'm definite that if you'll move your 2 lazy feet you can find a job which can pay you better, make you happy and won't make you dependent with food stamps.
I got a new job right now, I'm happier and I look forward to my first paycheck.
@Estina54 (385)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Maybe it is very well that they are not hired. During Bill Clinton's prsidency we were served by hadicaped people They didn't pick up anything, had no skills for their jobs. They made me very tired because they made mistakes all the time and when I was tired I couldn't be very patient. I was sorry then, because people that are capable can't find work and these people are allowed to work with people and many times I thought that I could help myself, that I could do their job without their help, they were so hard to talk to.