I am sitting here now almost in tears,
By neelygal
@neelygal (1022)
January 17, 2008 11:08am CST
My daughter refuses o let me get anything done,she wont go to sleep anymore in the days and slowly I am losing my mind.I feel like just running away and leaving my children.That is so bad!I know what you must be thinking bt I never ever get a break from them.I am always with them.I was even conidering going back to work the other day they were driving me so nuts.Dont get me wrong,I love my children but I just need a break.And my husband doesnt see why.I just feel like screaming.I want to let him have a week of never getting 10 minutes rest ans see how he feels afterwards.
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17 responses
@letsrock2001 (200)
• United States
17 Jan 08
Ya, I get like that to sometimes. But my husband sees this and takes him with him on rides. So I at least get a little break. Sometimes it spans to hours, but of course their I am on the phone making sure they are ok..Ya hubby and kids frustrate ya but ya wouldn't trade them for a million dollars..lol
@letsrock2001 (200)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I even got frustrated earlier and told my hubby thats it! You go put his diaper on he wont quit crawling and trying to stand up!Next thing ya see my hubby goes and does it for me..lol
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
17 Jan 08
If you can work it out, plan a small trip with a friend. Leave the kids at home with your husband 24/7 without any help. He will see exactly what you are going through. I did that once and my husband had a new appreciation for what a mom does during the day. Even if you can get away for a weekend. I I know how kids can rake the nerves as we had three daughters within 7 years and they kept me really busy. At times it was terribly frustrating but always remember you are not alone. Most mothers feel this way where there is no break and have a whiny baby. It's difficult and I feel for you. Hang in there, it will get better.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I understand where you are coming from, it can be very frustrating with young children, and it gets harder when hubby doesn't help out. Here is what has worked in our house, and has helped me buy some sanity. Hubby may not understand why you need a break, or may even feel like that you think your job is more stressful (and let's face it, unless he works in the cia it prob. is more stressful) and be a little upset about that.. but regardless of his motivations, I think I can help. We set up a rotation in our home. My husband takes the kids one afternoon a week, and I go do whatever I want to by myself for a few hours, the next week it's his turn. That way we BOTH get time away from the kids by ourselves... and it's wonderful. (and he will be more willing to do it if he gets something out of it too!) I usually go to a coffee house, and drink coffee and flip through a book, by myself..
Also, to buy yourself some more sanity at home, how old is your little one? I started my boys (now 3 and 1 1/2 years) on alone time when they were babies (6 or 7 months old) I started them in their play pens for 15 minutes at a time, after a week or so of 15 minutes i upped it to 20 and added five minutes a week, until I reached an hour, now my oldest plays in his room for an hour, quietly and the youngest plays in the pack n play by himself for an hour.. it is WONDERFUL! It teaches them to entertain themselves, and it's great help to you. She may throw a fit and scream and yell, and depending on how old she is, she may throw a huge fit and get worked up, but it's only 15 minutes initially, and eventually she will learn that it doesn't matter how much she screams, she's not getting out until you say so. I transferred my oldest from his play pen to his room when he was about 2 years old, and initially I put a baby gate up, but now he obeys enough for me to leave the door open, and he knows he's not allowed to come out w/out permission.
Also, if she has dropped her naps, My three year old on occasion refuses to nap, and on those days, I tell him, that's fine you don't have to sleep but you must stay in your bed, and you can look at books, and i make him stay in there reading books for about an hour, b/c the rest time is great for him, even if he doesn't fall asleep, just getting an hour of down time is a wonderful help. She will have to lay down and rest in pre-school and kindergarden, so she may as well get used to it now.
I hope i have offered some practical solutions. Good luck to you, and hang in there, we all feel that way some times..
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
17 Jan 08
Well if your hubby wont take the kids so that you can have a break from them, maybe you can trick him into giving you a break! tell him that you should hire a babysitter once a week so that the TWO of you can go out and spend some time with eachother alone. I know you wont be alone, but at least you will be in adult company, and away from kids for a bit! If that doesn't work, then i dunno what to tell you, tell him one day when he's home your going to the store and dont come back for a few hours!!! lol go to a friends place or something to relax ;)
I feel your pain. but i only have one small child, and one on the way. But i understand already,and i'm sure everyday that goes by i will understand how you feel MORE and MORe. *hugs*
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Jan 08
I would ask your husband if he can take over for a little while, that you have to take a walk or go out for tea or coffee with one of your friends. You have to get your daughter used to other people. Have you considered having one of your friends come over and get used to her, someone who you trust, so she can look after your daughter for a while?
Oh to get your daughter to sleep, why not try the "pretend to be sleeping" bit? I did that with our sons. If you lay down, maybe she will be less fussy.
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@graedragon (329)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I understand that. My EX was tohe same way. He would tell me you don't work, your lazy. All you do is take care of the kids. You don't contribute anything. Yeah he was a winner. It was funny though once a year I'd go to the doctor for my yearly wonemly check up. I would be gone all of 2 hours and as soon as I walked in the door. He would say I can't stand this anymore. I'm going out to get away. Must be nice I would think.
My new husband though understands that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world. He kmows their are no breaks you can't just get away. I have finally found a man who is willing to help out.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
19 Jan 08
I am sorry for you and I can understand the stress and fatigue you go through-but I again neelygal, life of motherhood has its own sacrifices, as a mom, you must just learn to endure this situations, get around it by finding out exactly what the problem is and a Doctor's help would be handy here!
@fianne (1057)
• United States
18 Jan 08
hello neelygal. well, it is just but a normal feeling. i feltthe same too with my son before, but eventually it will just go away when you can handle your time and manage the kids. a conversation with your husband about it will help you very much because he will know how you feel and that his help is really needed. it will be very nice if you get help from him as he is the father of your child. well, if your kid can understand somehow, talk to her as a mom and as a person. don't scold her or anything like demanding her that you don't get rest anymore. make her feel you are her mom and you are willing to sacrifice things for her but as a person, you need rest too and that is a basic need. one thing i can suggest is that, WHEN SHE SLEEPS, YOU SLEEP far from her but on your sight but not that very far from her too. it will give you time for even just a nap. i hope i have helped somehow... anyway, it will just be for a while. cry if you want to, no one will yell at you for doing it. if so, tell the person to look after your daughter with no rest like you did. hehehe... cheers!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
18 Jan 08
OH I can TOTALLY relate to what you are saying!! I've gone through that myself when my kids were younger..Is there no way your husband will take the kids for the night so you can go out with friends or just go hide at your moms or if he takes them to a friends for a visit and you can stay home alone and just soak in the tub or something??
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
18 Jan 08
I feel for you, I really do. I have been there so many times. I love my kids but I just want to run away from them sometimes. Maybe you should get your husband to actually do your work, you take the time for you! You need it and he will perhaps appreciate what you have to deal with more? I have had to do that too! And if he doesn't get it, one night just pick up and leave him to do everything. You need it for your sanity. Besides, you will be a better mother, wife and friend if you take these much needed breaks every now and then!
@RowenaTheWitch (947)
• Italy
17 Jan 08
I'm sorry for you. I don't have children, but I think taking care of them 24h a day would drive me mad as well. Sorry if I sound stupid, but I've watched a lot of episodes of the "SOS Nanny" program and there were A LOT of mothers with exactly the same problem as you. The nanny's solution was always to give the father more responsibilities and also to set rule for children (ex everyone has to clean his own room) to make them more indipendent (less work for the mother).
Also doing a part-time job and using a nanny for the hours you are at work for me is not a wrong idea.
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@shymurl (2765)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I know how you feel. I work three days a week but its at night when the kids are asleep. During the day I have my three kids except on friday when the two oldest are in school. I get no sleep and my husband doesn't understand that I need a break. I try to tell him that one day i want to go to the movies or go shopping by myself and he won't let me. He says take one or all the kids. I feel like screaming too. I'm the same way, I love my children and would do anything for them. But I too need some time alone.
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Just let her cry it out. If you keep coddling her, no wonder she won't let you out of her sight. Just tell her that mommy has to do something and she needs to stay here and play. If she follows you to the other room, or outside or wherever, tell her to go back inside and ignore her if she doesn't. If she clings to you, physically take her inside and make her stay. Keep doing this or spank her if she won't stay. Lock the door on her if you have to. Anything to keep her away from you.
No child has ever been disfigured because their parents let it cry it out.
He doesn't see why b/c he's not there all the time. Hire a babysitter and go back to work -- even if it's a few hours a day. The break and distraction from the clingy kids will do you some good.
@Noxmorexlies (739)
• United States
18 Jan 08
You do need a break it is only fair you need to get out of the house and away from everything at home for a few hours to have variety in your life! I hope you do this, you will feel exhilarated and so much better about yourself.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Jan 08
i have experienced that too and understand what youve been through,that is, my children.. when they were still small and clingy..especially if they are not feeling well and trying to get attention as always...just be patient with them and understand them too...a toddler?? i mean your daughter??
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
17 Jan 08
do you have any family or friends or neighbors that can give up a day for you? It would make a world of difference. Its really only a small thing, but it seems so awful when your going through it. someday when your children have grown up and are out of the house, you will wish for the sounds you are hearing now,, believe me! You are not alone, and if you just ask for some help i bet you will get it..remember that you have your whole life yet to live, and how lucky you are to have this small one right now!