Who do you think reads instructions more...men or women?

Our female cat Sha-lie...with a toothy "Hah-Hah" e - Shortly after a funny incident in our home we managed to snap this photo of our year and half old female cat Sha-lie...sharing a big toothy grin along with us!
January 24, 2008 12:36am CST
David and I have a gal-pal staying with us this week and this discussion was suggested by her as a result of something that happened while she and David went out to run some errands while I stayed home to complete an article I have to get in on a deadline. Due to a variety of health problems last year David had to have his teeth removed in a surgical procedure and is getting used to his new dentures. They weren't fitting properly and got some Fixodent. As he openly admits he rarely reads the instructions because he is truly is very adept, resourceful and capable person by nature. Once again he followed along in his usual way and took out the Fixodent...and amply applied it all over his dentures and put them in his mouth...then went out the door without giving it any thought. When my friend and David returned a couple of hours later they were cracking up because on the way home David wanted to remove his teeth....but couldn't!!! They were stuck and fix-o-dented alright!!! So much so that there was no way he could get them out. My friend picked up the instructions he'd left on his desk and came up to my office nearly splitting a gut with laughter. The instructions said...three drops...no more. We all had an 'ah-hah' moment there...had David read the instructions he would have known that. For a moment we had an image of my friend and I with our feet on David's chest trying to pry his teeth out. Thankfully, that wasn't necessary and he eventually wiggled them loose and the story has a good ending. Now this funny (to us) little incident lead my friend to saying; "Hey...this is too good...why don't you ask your fellow Mylotters whether they think men...or women are more apt to read instructions?" So I have. Also whatever your answer...do you have an opinion on men or women do read instructions more than the other? Thanks for all your interesting, funny, warm, thoughtful comments here...it is a pleasure to log on and read what you all have to say. So enjoy this site...and everyone on it! Big Toothy smile from all of us here coming your way...and our cat Sha-lie..she thought it was funny too! Cheers, Raia
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29 responses
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
25 Jan 08
I would say that both my partner and I are bad for not reading instructions. It is only when faced with a challenge that we turn back to the "rules or directions" His excuse is that he can't read, mine is that I sometimes think I am a know it all. LOL
3 people like this
• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hah...that is cute...and self-honest as well! Sounds like you have a workable way of figuring things out. Whether it is really gender or learning styles seems unclear...but the overall consensus appears to be that women do read instructions more than men. Thanks for your input...and the lovely comment you left...much appreciated my friend! Enjoy your day! Raia
3 people like this
• Canada
24 Jan 08
I think that women are more likely than men to read instructions from the get-go. I think that men are more likely than women to read instructions when they are frustrated.
3 people like this
• Canada
24 Jan 08
Hello and welcome to Mylot...good to have new members joining us in this great community. Your views are well put...and I agree! Thanks for adding them this discussion...and being the first out of the gate! Raia
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
25 Jan 08
I have to keep telling them to read! the instructions specailly JImmy! and he is the same with the fixadent! he uses way more than he should but not the whole thing at once lolololol I can picture ya on his chest trying to get them out. ME I had my teeth removed in the hospital whne I was 23 I have never used any of that stuff they stay in on there own. BUt back to the question I do beleive women read the instructions for thing way more than men do. In my case any how for it always takes JImmy way to long to put things together and wrong most of the time till he finally gives in and reads them Like I have already told him but then it has at that time came to be his idea to read them lololololol
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Jan 08
just have to know how to get the suction right lol and yup they do fit good . But I liked my first set best wore them for 30 years . lol ok tell David him and JImmy alike in this
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
You keep telling them to read...and they keep saying..."I am not hard of hearing...just ignoring you...right?" It would seem from the responses here that most believe women read instructions more than men overall. I will let David know that he and Jimmie share a common thing in using too much 'sticky stuff!' You must have had a really good denturist because most people I have spoken to that have had their teeth out need some sort of fixative. I still have mine and don't have a point of reference for it. Glad yours hold though! Cheers, Raia
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• Canada
26 Jan 08
Pass on to Jimmy that David was relieved to know he wasn't the only male who didn't read directions...and sometimes puts too much goop on too! Good sharing as always...especially the funny stuff! Raia
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Men do NOT: Read directions Ask for directions Follow directions Know their direction in life
• Canada
24 Jan 08
Ah...do you really believe that? I think you are being a little hard on them. I know a lot of wonderful men who may not ask for directions...but do follow them...and are very self-directed. As you can tell I may have a feminist perspective...but I am also pro-guys...you all have a lot to put up with too! Thanks for your input...an interesting perspective...and always welcome. Raia
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@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Always self-directed... just in the wrong direction! Thank God for GPS systems.
2 people like this
• Canada
24 Jan 08
You are a hoot! Thanks for giving David, my friend and I another BIG chuckle as I start my Mylotting day! I greatly appreciate guys and gals who are secure enough to make fun of themselves..and their gender. Good one! Thanks for keeping the smiles and laughter going! Raia
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@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
tht was a great laugh. in my observations i think women reads more instructions than man, specially if the woman is a mom. doctors always advice moms to read the labels and instruction twice before giving it to your baby. well men always say that they know this stuffs already so no need to read instructions. on the womans part, we dont want to be looking stupid so we read instructions more than men do.
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
25 Jan 08
while reading your comment the first thing that pops in my mind is the disney cartoon mulan 2. mulan said "what is with man and asking directions?" i think its is quite similar with reading instructions. hmmm.... now i am so envy you got something with shrek on it and you got it super sale. i got, hand wash and the bottle is shrek. the hand soap will come out from his ears if you press it. funny and cool. the liquid soaps color is green too. it is really nice having good talk with you. take care.
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hi again...and I agree with your comment about the directions. It is pleasure for me to share things with you too. Your Shrek soap dispenser sounds really cute! That is what I love about him and his growing community...they do make us smile! I don't know if I mentioned that I also found an 18 inch Shrek in the summer at Wal-mart. When you pull his arms he talks...and I get him off the shelf when I need to decompress and giggle a little. Do you have a Wal-mart close by...maybe you could call the pharmacy and see if they have any that they are clearing out. Enjoy...and we will keep chatting! Raia
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hi friend...and I like your overview on the topic...and you could be on to something there. Because of our upbringing, training and sometimes interests I think woman have been more 'electronically challenged' than men and reading instructions helps bring us up to speed as you pointed out. I make no bones about the fact that my interest and expertise in electronics is zippo...and I am glad David is the tech support in our house. Women reading instructions more does seem to be the prevailing view so far...but some men have said they are. I guess when all is said and done is is a personal thing...and what our learning style actually is. Good hearing from you again. Oh yes...I just found another Shrek collectible yesterday. We were in Walmart and they were clearing out Shrek with donkey on his shoulder and Puss and Boots at his feet in the pharmacy department. Who would have thunk? It is filled with bubble bath and matches the one I got a few years ago also with bubble bath in it. So check it out...it was originally priced at $7.98...and I got it for $2.00. Now I have a matched pair sitting right to the left of me on my desk...and making me smile like your Avatar always does! Raia
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Definitely women! LOL! A lot of men think they don't need instructions and feel they have to be all manly and do it by theirselves. I find it quite humorous myself because a lot of times my husband will try and put something together and then get mad that he has to read the manual. Just the way it is though and i make sure not to laugh, in front of him anyways. thanks for posting and God bless
2 people like this
• Canada
24 Jan 08
David and my girlfriend were reading responses together...and we all laughed when you said..."My husband will try and put something together and then get mad that he has to read the manual." That is hilarious. I ran this discussion about David and his teeth before posting...and he said.."I am secure enough in who I am and don't mind others knowing that I am among the many other men out there who refuse to read instructions." I guess we have a consensus on this one! Thanks for you input...and blessing to you my friend. Raia
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• United States
24 Jan 08
LOL! That's a man for ya. My husband has said the same thing. thanks and God bless
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• Canada
24 Jan 08
Yep...we do have our differences...but that is why we love them...they are a unique and special lot..(most of the time!) Thanks for you interest here..nice to be sharing. Look forward to more chats! Raia
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Ha-ha I can totally visualize that in my head...lol All the men in my family and the ones I know are always throwing the instructions aside while they try to put whatever they have together and it seems 3 hours later when they are frustrated because it won't work or doesn't look like the picture or they have tons of leftover pieces or have even figured it out yet that they would then pick up the instructions to see where they went wrong..No..they blame the product that something is wrong with it. Then after they leave it alone the we have to go take it apart and then read the instructions and put it together usually without problems or leftover pieces. Then you tell them that you did it right reading the instructions, you'd think that they'd read the instructions next time, but no..they don't. Why do men torment themselves like that? Why not read the instructions and not have to deal with the frustration and the hike in your blood pressure and the few cusswords that escape while trying to do it. My mom found out how good the Fixadent works She applied it to her brand new dentures right at the dentist office and before she got a mile down the road she was pulled over with her door slung open trying not to puke and pulling vigorously on her dentures trying to get them out because they were making her sick. She had a hard time getting them out. The were to long and needed to be filed down more. Later we had our pictures took since she got her new teeth(she went without teeth for several years) and I had no problem smiling big because with her teeth in again(without the fixadent this time) they still made her sick and she kept telling the photographer to hurry up so she could take her teeth out between photos..I got so tickled at her. I know it was bad but it was funny at the time you just had to have been there..
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Jan 08
My dad never asks for directions no matter how far we go out of our way or how much gas and time is wasted. My mom has to pratically bang him on the head when he is driving to get him to pull over at a gas station to get directions and she is the one who has to do it. If I am lost or forgot a way I always ask for directions so does my mom. I don't know why some men don't ask for directions if it is machoism or something else. Thankfully they are GPS around now, just wish they weren't a war price. Thank God though for Mapquest.com because we can get the exact directions we need to get where we are going. My mom can laugh about the denture incident no we all still have a giggle about it every now and then.
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• Canada
26 Jan 08
Oh my goodness...you talk about our situation being a big 'Hah-Hah"...I think yours is even more so. I was chuckling through the whole thing as I read it. Heaven's to Besty...what a long set of funny and not so funny events surrounding your mother's experiences with her dentures. It sure makes me want to brush and floss to make sure I don't have to have all my teeth removed and go through what your Mom and David have been. I am sure your feeling tickled at her as she took her teeth out after each shot was funny...even though your mother may not have thought so. Thanks for sharing that story...I love to laugh...and I sure did. I also appreciate what you say about how men never seem to change their pattern of not reading instructions no matter how many times things get messed up because they don't. As one gal said maybe it is a macho thing...or their innate confidence...or they don't want to take the time. Whatever it is...they are lucky that we do read the instructions and often bail them out of their teeth gnashing frustrations. Oooops..no pun intended! Smiles... Raia
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• Canada
31 Jan 08
Goodness your Mom must have the patience of a saint. That would drive me to distraction. From the sound of it you...and she both have a great sense of humor and I am sure that helps. Fortunately David is a great navigator and I am not too bad if I am driving. As a passenger I do no pay the same amount of attention to where I am going and how I got there. I also will be glad with GPS systems come down in price so we can all enjoy what they provide. Map quest is a great option too though...you are resourceful from the sound of it. Loved your funny story...and thanks for coming back. Raia
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
25 Jan 08
I have a picture in my head of you and your friend trying to tug the teeth out, that is too funny. I think women read directions more then men do. Men think they know everything already. Women do know everything, we read the directions to make sure they have them right. What gets me is some of the ridiculous directions, hair dryer-not to be used in bed or not to be used in bathtub. Lighter-extinguish flame before putting in pocket. Hot coffee-caution coffee may be hot, I hope its hot. Etc.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
25 Jan 08
If you would like to see something "cute" go to 2 of my post. One of them is a pic. of me and my new "boyfriend". The other one is my Happy New Year Video, its just a short video. I love to laugh and have fun. I enjoy my time here on mylot so much. Take care and have a good night.
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
Thanks for making me aware of that...I would love to see a photo of you and your special someone! I will drop by right now because I will be signing off soon...but want to share in what is happening over there because I appreciate your support and interest here. Hope you sleep well...and keep the laughter coming...we all need happy endorphins pumping through our bodies! Cheers, Raia
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
11 Feb 08
I think it varies tremendously. I am one for reading instructions thoroughly. My wife is not. On the other hand, I know plenty of women who read instructions and plenty of men who don't. I have a theory. Instruction readers and non-instruction readers are an alternative gender. You should have one of each in every household. If, perchance, two of the same get together, the results are very odd. You either get the super-geek household (it tends to be like something out of a fifties movie where the girls wear tartan skirts and glasses and the boys wear ties) or you get the super-catastrophe household (sometimes a bit hippy but with an element of disaster-DIY that most hippies would shun). Both kinds are dysfunctional. You gotta have one of each.
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• Canada
12 Feb 08
Hello...how nice to see you here again. You always have a great way of framing things...and your response show that once again. Your insight on this is very true. Having one of each in a household...or business is a wonderful way to create workable solutions to most problems. I am more of reader than David is...he likes to learn by doing. So I will read and figure some things out...other times his ability to dive and and problem solve then show me is good too. I tend to agree that that reading instructions has more to do with personalities and the way we learn than gender. Good input...and great chatting again. Raia
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jan 08
So you have proved our regional proverb ''sugarcane's misery, ant's revelry."Having fun at poor David's expense,[I could not help but smile at the imaginary picture you evoked with you both stomping on his chest[like Laurel and Hardy] substituting that poor man's pain in the jaw with a pain in the chest. He was in'denture''-'danger'' of not only pain but the laughter of wicked souls like all of us because I am sure many would have laughed with that picture rising in mind .Thank God he got it out successfully , poor thing! Regarding instructions, I think , it is the level of confidence arising out of handling gadgets or any miniature device with deftness --[the more the person is exposed to this the more he/she is confident. I do not know if gender has something to do with this. Now I can say, I am hopeless at handling any gadget whatsoever, and that is why , unless I am certain that it would be used by me constantly I never would buy anything.I WON'T READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND I WOULD RATHER NOT USE THIS. ON THE OTHER HAND , SOMEONE SHOWS IT TO ME THEN IT IS FINE.[Only in case of absolute necessity]My motherinlaw has good application of mind, is interested in reading the instructions and using the device accordingly. My husband and son are good at this. My fatherinlaw refuses to use an ATM card .So we have a mix at home itself. One sis-in-law would follow instructions and . another won't use the gadget at all My mother would run away in case of extra luxurious items, and expect someone to fix it up if she has to use it like a hearing aid.Once taught, she would abide most systematically by the instructions taught to her, my sister would suggest to the other person that the instructions must be read and done accordingly.So, what a mix!!!!!
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jan 08
Incidentally, your wicked mirth brought another instance to mind. Once, when my husband was saying his prayers[he reads the verses of some ancient teachers and poets loudly at times-that particular day the verse suddenly brought another humorous song ending with the same words in mind to me.eg It is like ]PRAISE THE LORD] ,my song had also ]praise the lord]-ok! So, what did I do? Without realising that I was enjoying myself and revelling loud in it, I virtually danced a jig and was singing this in a loud tone full of gaiety and mirth in another room.. That poor devout husband of mind never comes my way and expects any ritualistic preparation from me[these are very common in our communities, you know , where the wife meekly prepares offerings , puts Rangoli, cleans up the shrine where we keep all the pictures and moorthis you see, gets flowers for Poojaetc..,].my husband has a selfcontained , broad minded approach and strongly believes in'each to one's own.' I did not realise I was distracting him with my singing around . The next day, after he finished his prayers he comes and tells me that when he was reciting that particular stanza, it was my chattering song that came to mind. Then he had to whip himself back from distraction. I myself felt it was sacrilege because that particular song and the writer are exemplary examples of devotion and faith.I stopped doing it [at least singing the other one during prayers.Today i thought we are all birds of a feather .
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
25 Jan 08
Hi Raia, Thanks a lot for giving me the best response. Today, I shared the story with my son too, and he laughed out aloud because he also has a sense of humour [on hearing the story and the Laurel and Hardy imagination.] Looking at the humorous side of things has its real advantages because it makes us feel so lighthearted. David's feeling regarding the 'male mentality' is echoed by both my husband and son because in many cases it becomes a case of 'the gentleman protesting too much'[remember the allusion'] and this is done where there is no mutual respect[from what I have seen].Your love and mutual understanding are seen in many related discussions and I too feel very happy reading your discussions.Your comments about my writing are really heartwarming and encouraging.Looking foraward to more chatting.
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
You are welcome...well deserved! My feedback about your writing is how I honestly feel. I learned early in my training that when you 'show' the reader what is happening rather than just reciting events it is much more engrossing. Whether you are posting events here...or chatting one to one by e-mail I love your 'word pictures' that take me into the events you share. Good to know that your family is learning about your kindred spirit friend and her life and interests as David and my friend are hearing me talk about you with great affection too! See...just like we do with valued friends in our our day by day exchanges. Yes, it goes much deeper than just surface pen pal chat..and I am delighted! Chat soon...enjoy the day! Raia
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
30 Jan 08
Well... I have to admit that I have a fault. lol I simply won't read the instructions until I have tried everything I know for an hour... and failed to make it work. And it has even happened that I broke the feaking thing by doing the wrong thing. So you see... I can also be stupid sometimes. lol
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• Canada
31 Jan 08
Oh Aussie...stupid you are not. From what I have gathered from this discussion...you are not alone on this 'habit.' For whatever the reason guys seem to take your approach...and for whatever the reason most women who responded here think it is..."a guy thing." Raia
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Feb 08
I think women read directions and men do what is called wing it. But as your discussion points out that winging it is most of the time not good. I have seen my husband put together different things and I must say that it must be a man thing not to read directions to put something together. Just think you guys have another memory to look back upon and laugh. Big smile at you.
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• Canada
16 Feb 08
HI...and big smile at you! From the general consensus it would appear both men and women think women read instructions more. However, there are some who think it is just a learning style. But from the overall responses here...women are in the lead in the instruction-reading department. Thanks for dropping buy... Raia
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
24 Jan 08
That was a funny scene you described!:) And yes, thankfully, the three of you didn't end up like that.lol! In my opinion, it's women who give more time and consideration with regards to reading instructions. Maybe it has something to do with our nature as females. Being more observant and a little extra aware of just about everything. My husband tells me that I read every instructions I come across letter for letter. And I tell him that his eyes scan through the instructions like a speeding car.
• Canada
25 Jan 08
Thanks for your comments about what we saw as funny...glad you did too. Once again you and your hubby seem to balance things out. Having different strengths helps a lot in any marriage, friendship or family dynamic. When we can't do it...there is someone close by who probably can. David's abilities with technical things is a real bonus for me...a more artsy f@#sty kind of a gal. So all four of us are fortunate to have picked mates that do things we do not like to do. You are always a joy to hear from...and thanks again for all the lovely comments you keep positing...I showed my friend today and she and I both looked at them all again. They give me as much pleasure the 2nd, 3rd and sometimes 4th look through...as they do when you send them. You are a great friend! Raia
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
Thanks...if you check to...I am starting to find some and will be sending some to you too...they are so touching to receive! Raia
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• Philippines
25 Jan 08
I'm glad you liked the comments. There are still more to come. :)
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Jan 08
Hi perspectives, I'm not sure about this one as it depends on the person. I am more likely to read instructions than my wife, but It isn't the same with all the couples we know. I guess I'll just have to take a pass this time. Blessings.
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• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hello again Pose...getting any warmer there yet? My friend and I bundled up and went for a walk today and compared to the deep freeze on the weekend it felt pleasant. The sun was warm...no wind...even though we still didn't make our minus 6. Oh well...still a lot better and I am happy about that. Your pass is fine...because I agree with you it does depend on the person and their learning style. Some learn by doing...others learn by reading and I do not think it is really a gender thing either...but there have been some funny comments...and we can all use more laughter in life. We will be in touch...I was thinking of you as I was sourcing out new owl photos for my wall paper...and I found a great one on the national geographic site...in fact two or three. So I am planning to create a slide show of them to keep the variety going. Talk soon...stay warm and take care. Raia
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• Canada
31 Jan 08
As you could probably tell from my topic on the Brrrr factor. We have had VERY cold weather and we have had to bundle up inside and out! Raia
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hi again perspectives, We are having another storm today, blizzard conditions, but it's nice and warm inside. Blessings.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
25 Jan 08
That's a funny story about the fixodent lol. Tell him if they ever get stuck like that again to swish some warm water in his mouth and it'll help loosen them. Gee, I'll have to say I believe women read the instructions for everything. Men oftentimes think they don't need to read them, and that they should instinctively know how to do whatever. One Christmas eve, when my girls were little, we got them this dollhouse. There were so many little pieces parts lol. Hubby tried putting it together without reading the directions, and it just didn't fit together right. He went out to his shop to get some tool to 'make it fit'. While he was out there I glanced at the directions, and by the time he came back in from the shop, I had it put together and hey...it all fit. I've known many men who just won't look at the directions no matter what (and then they have extra screws or whatever.) I don't know, maybe it's a macho thing and goes hand in hand with not asking for directions?!
2 people like this
• Canada
26 Jan 08
Thanks...I am glad that you got a kick out our our little anecdote. There have been a lot of laughs shared on this one...and I am glad David was OK wish sharing it here...has made for a good topic. I appreciate your suggestion about the warm water...we were not aware of that...good to know. Your story was humorous too...I can just imagine the expression on his face when he came back in and you had it all figured out! Even with that he STILL doesn't see the benefits to be gained by reading instructions? Well...I guess David is like that too. Maybe it is a macho thing...different learning styles...who knows? Anyway, good thing they have us gals around to read the instructions for them! Fun addition..thanks! Raia
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• Kuwait
27 Jan 08
My husband really takes time to read the intructions and level before using such product he is very careful learning what it can help and can effect upon usage of the product whic i supposed is good and i admire him from doing it.
• Canada
31 Jan 08
Good to know your hubby is the thoughtful instruction reader that he is. As you gathered from the funny incident in my post...things can get complicated when instructions are not read...by either gender. Thanks for your input.. Raia
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
25 Jan 08
I think women tend to read them more than men. If we buy something, whether it be cold pills or furniture, I have to read them for my husband. He will not read them and usually ends up doing it wrong. It is so aggarvating, as it would sometimes save time if he would.
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• Canada
26 Jan 08
Another check for the women...it would seem most who have responded are of the same view as you are. Thanks for adding your experiences to the discussion. Raia
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I've noticed in my own experience that men are less likely to read the instructions until they have tried something that didn't work and they go back to find out why. My first thought was that it was a personality difference and that women with similar personalities would also avoid reading the instructions. But when I went through training for mental health counseling I recognized that it wasn't the case. So eventually I came to believe it is the social conditioning of males in our culture to be success objects and, therefore, they are not permitted to have any weaknesses. Reading directions before taking it on themselves without help means they are superior. Superman does not read directions - he knows! There are still many men and women who still buy into that social conditioning. My hope is that each generation will be freer of stereotypes and encouraged to do what works best, not just what is expected of a "real man" or "real woman."
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• Canada
31 Jan 08
Hi and good to hear from you again. We seem to be spinning in different orbits these days. I have found that with a few friends here. We spin away...and then come back. With less time here it is all I can do to stay current on responding to responses on my site and wish I had more time to visit friends to contribute there. Anyway, as always, I think your last line sums things up beautifully. Thanks for another insightful addition and one I completely agree with. "There are still many men and women who still buy into that social conditioning. My hope is that each generation will be freer of stereotypes and encouraged to do what works best, not just what is expected of a "real man" or "real woman." Take care and hopefully we will be more in touch. I miss our exchanges. Raia
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
30 Jan 08
Oooh, that must have been gross! That Fixodent gets all oozy if you put too much on and it doesn't have a bad taste but it's not a taste you want in your mouth all day. My answer on reading directions is the same as on asking for directions on a trip - all the men in my life just do NOT do it, no way, no how. Then when they either get something put together wrong or get lost or whatever else is applicable they get all frustrated like it's someone else's fault - usually whoever the poor woman who is closest to them. I'm not sexist at all, really I'm not, but I must say it's just one of those "man things"...lol Annie
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• Canada
31 Jan 08
Hi Annie...haven't been here for a couple of days and hope all is well with you. We have had really cold weather...and a friend is staying with us. Hope to drop by your site soon...but in the meantime thanks for coming by here again. Youdon'tsay (in the response before yours) offered something that might be the most reasonable explanation why some guys are reluctant to read instructions...or ask for directions. It sounds reasonable to me...what do you think? We could get a whole other discussion going...not only that men do not read them...but why? Anyway, whatever it is the woman seem to be winning on this discussion! Talk soon, Raia
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
25 Jan 08
For me, I guess women do read instructions and even labels from products more than men do. Women are more meticulous and instruction or detail-conscious. My husband and son don't mind so much reading instructions...I guess they find it annoying to be reading instructions to the letter or trying to discern what you mean with what you just said. Chances are, they will never get the errand correctly. I remember years back when I was pregnant with our first child, I asked my husband to buy me a ladies bag, and went on to describe the details. He did buy, but far from what I imagined it to be...I almost fainted when I saw the hideous bag! LOL! I realized then that men are not only bad shoppers...they don't attend to details and have poor taste! From that time on I never let him buy anything for me....well, well. I still love him though up to now. Been married for the past 26 years!
• Canada
25 Jan 08
Hi...and thanks for the good examples...of what appears to be a general consensus on this discussion. Women are leading with way more comments saying we do read instructions more than men...for whatever the reason. Even though your hubs doesn't read instructions...and leaves a lot to be desired in choosing women's fashions...you both have a lot going for you if you are so much in love after 26 years. David and I are going into our 18th year together and I love him as much...if not more than when we met with each passing year. We are indeed fortunate women...many have unhappy endings instead of a love that keeps on keeping on. Raia
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