are you for or against abortion? mature answers only
By jerritts1mom
@jerritts1mom (816)
United States
January 26, 2008 6:42am CST
I have been thinking about writing about this topic for discussion, but wasn't sure how to approach it, and if I could even handle the responses.I gave it some thought, and I am.It's something I feel very passionate about and I have to get it off my chest.I am not aiming to offend, so I apologize in advance if I do.This is merely my opinion, and I am but a small speck in this world...
Let's not even talk about women's right for a second,let's talk about the baby first, yes I said baby...
I have done a lot of research about the methods they use for abortion, and I find it to be cruel and unforgiving.The age of the fetus plays a huge part of why I think this.
I read in Parent's magazine that the 1st-4th week the baby develops many things.One is the ability to think,yes the fetus has a to me, it's a baby.It has it's nervous system,so it can to me,it is a baby.It can also sense movement and sounds through vibration, and some even say at this point can sense it's mother's emotion...again if it can do these things, to me it is a baby.
Now back to the method part.
The morning after pill :
This can be looked at two ways.
A) a form of birth control, which to me is clearly not birth control...or
B)a form of abortion,(which may not be as cruel as a vac. sucking out the already developing fetus or a needle of an acid type substance shoved into the sac and then the fetus itself)but it kills the fetus none-the-less.
Medical Abortion:
peformed up to 9 weeks (we won't even go there when it comes to development,the baby has the feelings like I said earlier the first 4 weeks of life)
This method consists of multiple visits to the doctor being treated with one or more drugs and actually gradually kills the baby slowly,but it is very effective.
Surgical Abortion:
These can be performed for up to 12 weeks of the baby's life.12 weeks!!!
It's where they insert a tube and suck your baby out like cobwebs in the corners of your ceiling.
I listed all of those things first, so I could support my reason for believing what I believe on the matter, not to convince any of you on your opinion.
I think it's cruel,and should be against the law.Here's why.You are killing a baby,not a fly that is bugging you,a real live, human baby,who clearly cannot speak for himself.
Who has feelings and is aware of what is being done to him/her [did you know they are already a him/her at the time of conception?You can't see it, but they are either Jill or Jack that early on].
Now on to the women who have these procedures done.Yes woman have rights, to do with their body as they choose and
I know the reasons why women have these procedures done,and frankly unless a person is raped [and even then I have a hard time justifying it] there is no reason why you either can't practice a safer form of birth contol,and/or give the baby up to people who can't have children and can give it what you obviously can't or don't want to give it.Period.
Some women have abortions simply because it is more convenient,or they want to cover up ever have gotten pregnant in the first place.These are not reasons people!!!
The rape thing.. to me, is even hard to swallow.No you didn'thave a choice that you got pregnant,and I feel bad that you were put in that situation, but to not give the innocent party [the baby] a chance at life is taking a bad situation and making it worse in my eyes. I know of women who are in abusive relationships and are raped by their spouse and still keep the baby, as damaging it is to them , still keep the baby.What is different with rape victims who don't know their attacker?If you don't want the baby, fine there are couples who can't have babies...give them a chance....
To me killing a child is unacceptable and cruel,dare I say matter the my eyes.
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21 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 08
i've only got a second here so this will be very short and quick...BUT I'll be back later to expand..
Simple answer...well there isnt one really BUT I AM Pro Choice...and I have had an was a tough choice to have to make and one that I wish didnt have to be made BUT it was the necessary one for all involved (meaning myself, my husband and my two living children)....
do I think its cruel? Well it would depend on the reasons behind it...when abortion is used as a constant means of birth control then yes I would classify it as cruel not to mention sick and twisted..BUT if the reason behind the abortion is a valid one (and there are many) then no I dont see it as cruel..In fact if I'd NOT aborted THAT would have been cruel actually and that just couldnt happen...
gotta dash BUT I'll be back to expand like I said....and LETS HOPE this thread remains a mature often they go to pot far too quickly which is a shame really since it is a powerful topic and one that should be discussed openly and maturely on both the Pro Life and Pro choice sides..
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I look forward to hearing from you,thanks Ravenladyj- I always appreciate your comments :)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Okay I'm back..did ya miss me LOL ;-)
As for the whole "feelings" at 4 weeks I think its a very grey area really....I mean plants have "feelings" but we dont hesitate to snip them, not a good comparison I know and no I dont equal a plant with a fetus or baby by any means...I just want to get the point across that "feelings" isnt at that stage of developement the same as what we experience as "feelings"...
According to much research..some doctors and researchers alike believe that the "spino-thalamic tract" (which is the system that registers pain etc to the brain) isnt developed until the end of the 1st trimester BUT its also believed that its not until the middle to end of the 2nd trimester that the brain is functioning enough to recieve or I guess you could say comprehend this sensation....Others still believe that an unborn can't really feel pain or register it until 23 or more weeks..NOW THAT I tend to disagree youngest was born at 24 weeks gestation and without a doubt he FELT PAIN..his physical senses were very much there...
I personally dont believe that a fetus as young as one month has the physical ability to "feel pain" simply because they arent developed enough, not even close actually...A 4 week old fetus is only about to think that at that stage its developed that advanced just doesnt make sense...
CRAP! phone...I'll be back....
any questions at this point....LOL
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
HEY it's been theraputic for me're one tough cookie Raven, big hugs**
And...why do I picture you frolicking???lol
have a sweet day
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@schilds (410)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I don't like abortion, but I am also a realist. It's not something I would choose for myself, without very good reason (baby health issues, or mommy health issues). But I also believe we are all entitled to our mistakes. And as long as people are getting pregnant with unwanted children there will be abortion, legal or not. I just wish they could stop abortion as birth control. My theory is one mistake OK, learn from it. Second mistake - no chance for a 3rd - mandatory sterilization. I know that isn't realistic, but no more than wishing abortion away completely.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
I am too a realist, this is why I have stopped protesting.And though it may seem that is what I am doing here, truly this is just my way of getting it off my chest.
I know there will always be abortion,and it will always make me ill.
Mistakes as big as that one should have some type of consequence.That's like telling my son it's ok to hit people because I know sooner or later he'll learn his lesson by getting hit back...uh no, some things are just not going to be tolerable.Not the first time, and not the second.
I mean do we allow a murderer to walk the streets just because he only killed once? no, we punish him so it never happens again.
I absolutely think abortion as a form of birth control should be punishable by law,and sterilization is definitely a deserved punishment, but it wouldn't solve the problem.
EDUCATING these girls to pretect themselves before they have to face this choice is what we as adults, with our big opinions should be doing....we may save a few.
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@schilds (410)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Wow! I agree that people need to worry more about prevention than how to deal with it after the fact. That girl should have to face consequences but I think more for accusing someone of rape if that wasn't the case. As far as mom taking her to the dr for morning after pill - I'm guessing she was under the assumption that it was rape, and that is a perfect circumstance for the morning after pill. After finding out the truth, were it my daughter - I would ask her to choose between a shot or iud, and escort her to the dr appts - or face the consequences on her own.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
yes!! that's what I said...the mother was in the right,she was merely protecting her own, however the girl knew that wasn't the case, and had time to speak up , ultimately it was her choice....
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
27 Jan 08
Look i think it varies from person to person. Personally I do not support abortion. If it is really needed for some medical cause, then it can be accepted. But nowadays as there are many methods of abortion, I think people do it now and then. They do not think their activity of bringing the life and they even take no time to kill it. It hurts me.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
it hurts me too, thank you for your comment
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
26 Jan 08
Personally, I am against abortion. On the other hand, I believe that each person has the right to decide for themselves what they can do to their bodies. I'm also against obesity, but that doesn't mean I think fast food restaurants should be shut down, and that stores should only carry healthy foods, and regular restaurants should only serve healthy portions of healthy foods.
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@berryliciousme (1003)
• Philippines
26 Jan 08
First and foremost, I respect every people's opinion on this one. I got pregnant when I was in college. I was not married and I do not know how to tell it to my parents when I felt like, maybe I was pregnant. However, abortion was never a choice for me. Honestly, I do not think that my conscience could bear killing the first child that's in my womb. It may have happened in an untimely manner, but I never thought of aborting my baby. I am just quite fearful of how my parents would react because I know for a fact that it will break their heart that I am in such situation. But I was lucky that my parents were very supportive. My mom told me that whatever reaction other people would have, I should just continue being happy because a child is always God's blessing. I went to school pregnant. I had to stay strong for me and my baby. Sometimes, I hear negative comments but I just ignore it. The reason that I do not want to commit an abortion is that I might regret it someday and there's no way I could turn back time. I might be thinking 10 years from now that the ghild could have been 10 years ols but I have not given him the right to experience how it is to live. I am really thankful for having the best parents. My baby is 3 now and I am very happy whenever I see him smile.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
And that's all that matters,
thank you for your comment :)
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@madasp (563)
• United States
26 Jan 08
There isn't really a whole lot I can add to this discussion that hasn't been said by either side, but here goes.
I've never had an abortion and I can't see myself ever being able to, but I STRONGLY believe that it's not my (or anyone elses) place to prevent someone else from making that decision. I believe every woman should be able to decide for themselves. So I guess that makes me pro choice.
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
26 Jan 08
thats what it makes you :)
thank you
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
28 Jan 08
There are only two instances when I am okay with abortion and that would have to be medical reasons and rape.
For all those who say that no contraceptive is 100% foolproof, I would suggest using 2 or more where there is a bigger chance of not getting pregnant(I'm sure they'll have their reasons for not doing so).
It's just like people who are on the borderline of getting some disease and they are advised not to eat certain food...if they do...they are at risk. So, if one makes a choice of not wanting kids, they should try different options where they will be positive not to get pregnant.
It's my choice not to use abortion as a means of birth control.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
27 Jan 08
being roman catholic this causes quite the quandry,do i believe in abortion? i think it's up to the people responsible for the inseption but in the end the woman.and would i want to bring a child into this world at this time when no-one even our gov"t know's what's going on in our world? i don't think so.hey if your going to love and cherish a child with no second thoughts about having it there"s no reason not to. who can second guess "god" not me.
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@max1950 (2306)
• United States
27 Jan 08
no i'm talking only about my views on abortion not all catholics where it's not allowed and if i had the hindsite about unprotected and having children i wouldn't have joined the marine corp knowing i would have had to kill people,things happen it's that easy.your getting too intense on the subject for me bye bye
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to get all intense on ya
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I respect your views on this difficult subject and I can see it's something you're very passionate about. However, I'm personally pro-choice and don't feel I have the right to judge what someone else does with their own body. I started a discussion some time ago on the whole pro-life, pro-choice issue and as I said then I'd never call myself "pro-abortion" and I think there are few who would. I also do NOT buy into the abortion as birth control mantra. There may be a few rare cases of that but I think they're the exception rather than the rule by far. Also, your information as to when a fetus thinks and feels is way off from everything I've ever read or heard anywhere.
I feel the need to add that I know there are couples who can't have their own babies but there are plenty of children who need to be adopted. They're not all newborn infants, they're not all white and they're not all "perfect in every way" but our foster care systems are full of children who would love to have a family to love them and give them a permanent home.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
you have your view points as do I, and I respect them...ty for your response...if I can find the exact articles where I did get that info, then I will post the links, but if you look I said those procedures are offered and performed up to x amount of weeks, and within those said weeks, certain things do progress in the fetus's neurological systems, I don't make things like that up...also there is a video of an actual abortion, I wouldn't recommend it for the faint of heart...but it is very informative, I will find that link too, and as far as adoption goes, I know personally of couples that have been waiting for an awful long time to adopt...again I am not saying women should give their kids away to couples that can't have, but why not, they're killing them anyway...I only said that is what motivated me to protest...once more ty for your response...
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
29 Jan 08
I haven't a clue how these women feel personally, you are absolutely right.I don't know what they are going through,have been through, or about to face.I didn't make that statement based on what I think anyway, it was statictics.
In a situation like this you can't take one sentence and break it down, I think you need to see the whole picture.I am against abortion that I feel isn't neccessary.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Feb 08
There is so much inaccurate information here I don't know where to start. An embryo does not "think". In the first 4 weeks there is NOT a developed brain. The brain develops very slowly, and what's present first is a primitive brain stem. Saline abortions are very rare, and performed in the second trimester & a totally different subject. In the first trimester a surgical abortion is just a D&C. The uterus is dilated and the contents removed.
There are infinite reasons why women get pregnant when they do not wish to be. Some do not have access to birth control, some are limited in what BC options they can use (due to allergies or other medical conditions), and sometimes birth control fails.
That there are couples who can't have babies is not the fault of the woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Why should she gestate a pregnancy, endure labor & birth to give her baby (actual real baby not clump of cells) to a couple she doesn't know? It's repulsive to me how "pro-lifers" can talk about a child as if it's a puppy that needs a new home.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I apologize, I saw that you acknowledged a mistake with development after I posted. And I apologize if I in anyway upset you during this amazing & changing time in your life. I am also a mother, and in no way do I devalue motherhood. It is in part because of the respect I have for parenting that I feel as strongly pro-choice as I do. The decision to become a parent is a huge, life-changing, amazing commitment; one that compares to no other. I don't feel that's a decision that should be forced on any woman. Every child deserves to be born into a family that loves, cherishes, respects & treasures them.
Best wishes with your pregnancy.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
we share a commonality, as mothers we are passionate about
this topic.agree to disagree?
thank you for sharing your opinion.
take care :)
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
4 Feb 08
as I stated in a previous comment on another response, these actual time lines were not acurate, the brain develops at week 7, still these D&C's are performed up to 9 weeks...I can admit when I have made a mistake, no harm no foul..I do apologize.
we obviously have a miscommunication problem if you read this discussion and got that I relate animals to human beings.I do not.
Oh and as far as a my baby is concerned, who is now 4 weeks in gestation...he/she is not JUST a clump of cells,it is a life,one in which I will give the opportunity to grow and live and breath because it can't make that decision for itself.As a mother,I will protect my child.If I didn't want this baby, I wouldn't have CHOSE to make it.
you'll have to forgive me, for I am hormonal, and very much pregnant.I CHOSE life.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I think abortions are wrong. There are many people out there who would love to have a baby if you need to give it up and yes it may be harder to give the baby up after having it grow inside of you but I think it is the right choice. Thou shall not kill so why would you kill something with a heartbeat. A baby is such a wonderful gift and alot of people who can not have children are looking for babies to adopt.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
well the majority of the people that are pro-choice argue that they aren't killing a baby, because the heart doesn't develop that soon what is your veiws on that, baby or fetus ?
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@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
In a perfect world, perhaps this topic won't even be an issue. But unfortunately, reality is a harsh mistress. Life is more important then any material possession, but so is the quality of it.
I personally know people who wish they were never birth. They were never loved as children, never being wanted in the first place. A lot of them end up hurting themselves, living fast, seeking acceptance from anyone and anything. Doing anything to stop the pain. Some of them dun make it pass their teenage years.
Perhaps we have to examine it at a case by case basis. There are no simple answers, in this and other aspects of life.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
28 Jan 08
If there is one thing I learned from having this discussion,it is that ...IT IS EXHHAUSTING having an
I agree with you on a fair amount of your argument...
and you do seem like a very aware woman, thank you for participating. I did check your link and it was very informative,I may have been off on a few things about the
development or the time span actually, but unfortunately for pro-choicers, this doesn't affect my opinion on abortion.
It may just be that I look for reasons to feel the way I do,it may be that I want to justify my own personal feelings, BUT they are my feelings and facts or no facts, text books or no text books, I am against the act of abortion.I feel really strongly about it being wrong.So you don't,hey can't win em all,aye???
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
27 Jan 08
If something were horribly wrong with my fetus, I would have an abortion. That would be about the only way. I was pregnant with my second child, divorced and was almost convinced by the father to have an abortion. I even went to the clinic. But I chose not to go through with it.
The point to me, for me, is that I cannot and will not make that kind of decision for anyone else. Who the hell would I be to do that? God? My youngest daughter thinks that she would love to make decisions for others, but I put that down to her eternal immaturity. She's also the one I went to the clinic for. It was my CHOICE not to abort her, but she just can't understand it should be a personal choice.
Oh, and working at Social Services, I can tell you that 99 out of 100 adopters want a perfectly healthy white child. Most of the others spend their lives in foster homes and institutions. It's not as romantic as you would think. Virtually none of them adopt older children. So nobody is out there waiting for the sickly, deformed, brain-damaged mixed-race children. People adopt for all kinds of reasons; the love of children isn't usually one of them.
@sabbathandruth (567)
• Canada
26 Jan 08
Yes its the womens right to kill another human being baby! but they will be judged for that jus tlike if i killed another person, do you believe murder is wrong? do you believe killing your pet is wrong? why is an unborn human baby less important ????
@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
ahhh finally, I am not alone !!
thank you for your comment :)
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
27 Jan 08
I will be agaist abortion if there is no reason, if the mother is sick & need to abort her fetus i will said its ok, than both of them will be sick or die. saving life will be better, than just kill them without any reason.
@arwenrey (315)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
I'd say i am against abortion, I am catholic and I believe that the moment a woman conceive there is life and soul in the womb so it's like murdering your own child already. There is an alternative way to if the mother does not want the child and that is to put the child for adoption, and if by any case the mother is afraid to let someone knows about her pregnancy she can ask help from social workers. I think young women should be educated about this at school as early as their puberty stage so that they will know what to do if anything happens. This should be mandatory in schools.
You know it really ironic because there are some people like me who want to have kids and yet i am having difficulty conceiving but there are some who gets pregnant but they don't want the baby because it can ruin their lives or something.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
thank you for your response,
I agree..
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@leeesa (884)
• United States
27 Jan 08
What's more cruel? Ending the life before it's born or hving it thrown off a bridge over a highway or into a river after it was born? There is so much in the news lately about children being abused, neglected, abandoned, and worst of all killed. The fact is, people just don't give up their babies for adoption anymore. That's why those wanting to adopt are seeking children from outside countries. It's a social stigma to give babies up for adoption. Everyone knows you were pregnant and unfortunately is it now a shameful thing to do. I really don't understand it. I personally would not have an abortion, but I also don't believe that it is anyone's place to pass judgement upon those who do. They will face a higher judgement one day and have to answer for their wrongs, if you even want to call it that. I think you are wrong to call people who have abortions murderers. As the saying goes, judge not lest you be judged.
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@jerritts1mom (816)
• United States
27 Jan 08
you bring up a very valid point...but lets say you can prevent 1 of those babies from being KILLED,regardless of how they are to think you would stand up and say something,or keep your mouth closed because GOD is the ultimate judge?...I don't know, you're a stronger perosn than I am...
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I believe we should all take responsibility for our actions. If you are adult enough to lie down and perform the act, then you must be adult enough to pay the consequences. As for situations like rape, I understand your compassion for an unborn child, but I can empathize with the rape victim also. A circumstance like this can be brutal and a difficult memory to carry through life. Unfortunately, I speak through experience. Although I was lucky enough not to have become pregnant, I can only imagine that a child would be a constant reminder of something so deeply painful. Perhaps the best answer in a situation such as that would be to give to those couples who are unable to conceive and would provide the child the love it may not be given otherwise.
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@david2005 (798)
• Canada
5 Feb 08
I am not really for or against abortion because I think that it is up to the girl if they want to have the child or not because every girl has a reason to why they want an abortion like being to young,the child is going to have major birth problems,rape,etc. But it is hard to accept that someone wants to end a unborn child life.