do you believe in ghosts?
By sharrone_01
@sharrone_01 (55)
January 26, 2008 9:07pm CST
I believe in ghosts, spirits roaming around... I have seen some of them... They are just like us, some dont know that they are dead... They wanted to mingle with people when they know that you can see them... just like what people do, they will seat, smile and feel like their into your conversation... but I think what I experience is a friendly ghost...
If you have experienced seeing a ghost...can you tell me your story...
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15 responses
@jhazie (340)
• Philippines
27 Jan 08
Hi,Yes i believe in ghost because ive seen white lady since i was 14 years old. i talk to her outside our house near in acassia tree. my mom wonder who i talk outside but she cant see who,then after 3days i got sick. all i know shes there watching me in bed all the time in my room.
i dont really know why she want to talk with me,then my mom get doctor but cant see any problem about me instead they get spirit warrior then they find out that the white lady need some help from me that time my dad worry hes with working man outside our backyard in real maybe she wants me to stop them searching something:) near our house. it happen and but im not scared coz shes kind.
LOL she wants me and gave me ring and have name on it. Hope she rest in peace now. thats my experience:)

@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
what an experience... its really scary... maybe she really has something to tell you guys... maybe the backyard is her home and doesnt want someone to ruin it... i also experienced seeing a white lady she sat beside me and smiled at me... my friend sees her also... we dont mind her... she's harmless she just wanted to sit in...hehehehe.... she's living in my friend's house... often times my friend will say that she's sleeping with her... but she doesnt mind she's okay with it...

@cindawelch (28)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I do not believe in what most people consider as ghosts. I do believe in Spirit beings - angels and demons. Due to my own faith in Christ and the Bible - I don't believe in an in between realm.
I am by no means closed minded. But I do reference everything I believe to scripture.
The thing that must be considered is both angels and demons can shape-shift. Therefore causing people to see them in almost any form. A person, an animal, an object, ect....
I do believe that when something really bad happens - it opens a portal for these spirits to flow through.
And do believe God allows us to be somehow touched or effected by the spirits of our passed loved ones with out it actually effecting their afterlife.
I know - I know ya'll gonna say this women is nuts. But I am not.
I just don't believe in the traditional meaning of Ghost.
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
27 Jan 08
I dont think your nuts, because my husband too dont believe in it... He often tells me that Im just haluscinating... its your opinion... and every person has their own opinion on things...
thanks for responding to my discussion...
@cindawelch (28)
• United States
28 Jan 08
sharrone, I don't believe you are hallucinating. I do accept that you and many, many other have seen something very real.
For I too have seen, heard, felt, and spoke to these spirits both good and bad. I just don't believe they are always what they appear to be.
I also believe that some people are more gifted than others - as far as their sensitivity is concerned.
For everyone is given gifts by god, it is up to us as to how we use them or whether we use them at all.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I really don't know, because I have never encountered a ghost. However, I do know several people who claim they have had experience and/or contact with a ghost. I really do doubt it, but I guess that it's just one of those things you have to experience for yourself in order to believe, at least for me that's how it is.
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
Yeah, that's what my husband told me so... He wanted to see something in order to believe in it... but i respect his belief because its really hard to believe in something weird and mysterious...
@ReoTwo (194)
8 Feb 08
Yes, I do. I was born wearing a view, which in some cultures means the child will have some sort of second sight. I can't read minds, or predict the future; but I do sometimes and believe in the presence of spirits. My sister and I shared an apartment once with combined 5 children. The apartment was spotless when we moved in (rare for those times), except for an 8"x10" school picture of a little boy who looked like he was appx. 19 years old. The picture was propped up on a shelf in the pantry. It would always fall down when we opened up the door but we would just pick it up and prop it back up. We would never throw it away. Our children would say that their little would visit them at night. We would even see a shadow dart into their room on the way to check on them. One day while we were in the kitchen cooking, we saw the little boy from the picture leaning against our frigerator with a sad look on his face. My sister and I wouldn't say anthing at first, not wanting the other to think that we were crazy. But, finally I said, "I know you see him". She admitted she did, and we were even able to describe how he looked and what he was wearing exactly the same. After he disappeared we went and laid down. (smile). When we told my aunt, she said that we were supposed to say, "In the name of God why have you appeared before me? But we never saw him like that again, just his shadow darting in the kid's room and making them laugh.
@gordon309 (15)
• United States
27 Jan 08
Yes I believe in ghosts and spirits. I haven't seen a ghost but my sister has. Once in a house we used to live in my sister said she saw a ghost one night walking down the hall. She was so freaked out she ran back in her bedroom and shut the door. And I believed her.
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
your sister can see the unknown... and its great having a sibling like you who believes in her... its hard to tell someone what you've seen cause sometimes they dont believe you and sometimes they say your just haluscinating and damn scared of something that dont exist...
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
28 Jan 08
well said, my husband say those lines also... He would often tell me that he should go alone to haunted places in order for him to believe...
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I do believe in ghosts. I have seen them myself. They do not all try and communicate. They just appear and disappear. I do not fear them. I see my grams every now and then but that is just her way of telling me I have not been to the graves in a while and I need to visit. I do not believe they are here to just mingle amoung us. I think they are here for a purpose and they need to figure it out. I do not believe they will hurt you and if you are afraid of them just tell them to go and leave you alone. Explain to them that you are scared and they must go and cross over to the other side. For the most part I have never had any ghost try to scare or hurt me in my life. My cousin also sees what I see but she is afraid of it. She tells them to go away and leave her alone and they do. Most people do not believe and that is the main reason they do not see ghosts. They have closed minds.
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
27 Jan 08
yeah, i think some of them needs help... they need prayers for their spirits to be at peace... some says that they have unfinished business here on earth... whatever it may be we have to respect them as well..
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
27 Jan 08
I don't have a ghost story, but I think I have felt their presence before. I do believe that there are ghosts around and that they can make themselves know to some people. I think people who can actually *see* the ghosts has a special gift.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
27 Jan 08
I have not personally seen a ghost but my daugher has when she was around 8 years old. I believed her as she is not the type of person who tells lies. Once she creeped me out by saying she saw a ghost in our pool. Another time at school, she said she use to see lots of ghosts sitting in trees. I found that one perculiar. Also once at home she saw an orange ghost in our kitchen that one freaked me out as she was scared of that one. Most of the time I think she saw friendly ghosts. However one time, she said a ghost told her she was going to die. She was in tears, scared. I did not know what to do. I spoke to her grandma, she knew someone who does spiritual travels. somehow, do not know how but he got rid of the ghost that was surrounding her, i think it was a lost soul.
Today she does not see ghosts. I tried to discourage it as I was afraid for her, incase some were bad spirits.
@sharrone_01 (55)
• Singapore
27 Jan 08
your daughter has a third eye as what others say when they see ghosts... you should get a spiritual adviser for her... I think what you can do for her is pray... Faith is more powerful than any other things here on earth...
• India
27 Feb 08
once in my life i experienced the effect of roming ghosts, when i was 10 there was a house in solitude in my neighbourhood for many months , we and my friends used to play near by that haunted house then sudenly a very frightning crying unusual sounds started to percolate and forced us to leave for our respective homes and the incident made a ardent believer of ghost.
@Virgie60 (556)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I believe in spirits. I have had strange things happen to me which I believe are to be spirits. One time when I was only about 12 I was awoken by the end of my bed being shook and there was no one in the room. Another time I heard foot steps in my attic and then heard a door being shut and no one else was in the house.
I believe that they want to help you sometimes. Especially if you are grieving they might come to make you feel better. Just my thought on this.
@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
i believe ghost are that fallen spirits and are just around us
@mohanseenauth (5)
• Canada
27 Jan 08
I saw a ghost once when i was driving with my family on a rural road. At least i think it was a ghost. We were driving at night and we passed a blur on the shoulder of the road. My father said its a ghost and he kept on driving. He said in his home country of guyana there are alot of ghost that wander road ways at night.