I'm Confused

January 31, 2008 10:46am CST
I'm a man who was about to be married...i had a problem with my girl's mother about kind of pets that we'll have when we were married...i wanna take my dog as the pets, but on the other hand, my girl's mother doesn't like to have a dogs around the house, she just want to have a cats..but i don't like cats...unlike dogs, cats are hard to train, high cost and also quite useless..thats why theres never been a cat as man best friend, its always dogs as a man best friend right ? My wife-to-be were also confused with the situation, shes right in the middle between me and her mom...and actually, she also prefer dogs over cats...what should i do or what reasoning should i give to my future-mother-in-law ? Well, shes also kind of stubborn person...
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21 responses
• United States
31 Jan 08
Zased, whose marriage is this going to be? Yours and your wife's, or your future mother-in-law's? Are you and your bride-to-be not adults who can make decisions on your own. Your future mother-in-law needs to know her place and learn that it's time to let her little girl go. No one decides anything about your marriage and your married life but you and your wife, and those decisions should be made privately. One of the keys to a successful marriage is to never allow negative/controlling outside influences affect what you have at home...keep those influences away. At times when those negative influences try to "sneak" in, you and your wife need to have the attitude "it's you and I against the world." Best of luck for a happy, long marriage.
• Canada
2 Feb 08
Absolutely great counselling! Right on...right on! I am just wondering if these people are going to be living with the mother-in-law (in her home?) Cuz, it's seems like she has moved in with them.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
1 Feb 08
Hmm.. there are lots of confusion it seems,. But i do not understand one thing. Are you going to live in your Mom-in-laws house after marriage? If so then you and your would be wife should decide. If not then why biother so much about her choice.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Feb 08
if you are living in your own house the decision is yours and your wives, if you live in your mother in laws house the decision is hers. but you should get your own house anyway
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@kareng (70156)
• United States
31 Jan 08
The decision is yours and your bride to be's. Not your future mother in law. You both need to sit her down and tell her to mind her own business! For real! If she is starting things like this now, imagine how it will be after you are married.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
31 Jan 08
You need to stop worrying about what the mother-n-law is going to think. this marriage is between you and your wife and if you both like dogs better, get dogs. It's not that big of a deal and if the mother wants to pitch a fit, then let her. She doesn't have to live with you and your wife and if you let her control things now, she's gonna think she can control your whole marriage. don't let her, it will ruin your relationship and your wife needs to realize that to, or future wife should i say. thanks for posting and God bless
2 people like this
• United States
31 Jan 08
Are you going to be living with your soon to be mother in law? Because if I were you, I would put off the wedding until you guys can get a place of your own. It is a horrible way to start off a marriage living with other people. Seriously, I know.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Are you and your wife going to live at her mother's house.. if so, I'm afraid she does have a big say and it's too bad she will not be more compromising especially if you promise the dogs care is always up to you or your wife if she agrees... If you will not be living at her house, the matter is up to you and your wife, and has nothing to do with your mom in law.. Unless it is next door or something and on their property it perhaps may involve her.. Best of 'luck'!:)
@LovingIt (5396)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Ok. I'm confused here. What does the girl mother have to do with the decision? Are you going to be living with the mother in her house? If that's the case then she should have the final say. If she wants cats and no dogs, that's her priority. I'd also suggest waiting to get married until you can have your own house. If you are not going to be living with her, then I dons't see what she has to do with the choice.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
1 Feb 08
My first question would be when you get married will you be living in your mother-in-law's house? If so then I'm afraid you should live by her house rules. If however you and your wife will be having your own home then it's between the 2 of you as to what pets you have. I love and have both myself and each severs their purpose - my cat is a great mouser :)
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• Malaysia
1 Feb 08
okie.. let me try to help you with this.. first of all, dont' stick to any decision first. we'll start with.. what's the benefit of having a dog and a cat. Who are suppose to take care of the pet? you or her mom? now.. we look at your house.. how big is your house? is there any garden? is it possible for the dog to run around? you don't want to cage the dog all the time isn't it? look at your neighbourhood.. observe what types of pet they have.. is it convenient to walk the dog out? or is it much better to have a cat? where are you going to keep the pet? i agree it's also the matter of interest.. but.. do take notes some important details as well.. thank you =)
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• Philippines
1 Feb 08
are you going to live with your mother-in-law to be? that's a definite no-no...
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@elsoft12 (1821)
• India
1 Feb 08
Well...Worry about your mother- in - law...Let your father-in-law take care of her fancies. Dont let the choice dictate your life.You and the bride are the people to be married to its important you two are happy...Not the cats or dogs or your in-laws. All the best and best wishes.have a nice time with people.
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@lightningd (1039)
• United States
1 Feb 08
Well, unless you will be living with your girls mother, I don't see what the issue is. As far as I know, whatever pets you and your future wife want is your business. Her mom should butt out.
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@newfette (338)
• Canada
1 Feb 08
Why does your soon-to-be mother-in-law have a say in what pets you and your wife will have? will she be living with you? i think you and your wife should do what you want to do, and if her mom doesn't like it she can find somewhere else to live!
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
Why not have both?Cats are also useful in scaring rodents away.I know they will fight a lot but they could be trained to be friends.I'm a dog and cat lover.Both make affectionate pets.You'll learn to like cats too! :)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I say pick your battles wisely..i have never seen a mother in law who would put up with making a fuss over YOUR AND your wife's choice of a pet or no pet..whatever.. if you lived in your mother in laws house i would say she would have the upper hand in picking a cat over a dog...is she paying your lodging? is she supporting you and your wife? if the answer were yes..then by all means let the mother in law have her way but if it is your house then thank her for advice and or opinion but just tell her in kind words that your choice is with the dog and your wife concurs with you..you hare the head of the family in your house/home..this is not a good thing to be spending your time worrying over..your wife should back you up on this without a doubt..now is the time to find out what kind of family you are marrying into..people change..but not always for the good..good luck
@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
3 Feb 08
I find this to be quite silly. You and your fiance both prefer dogs. But your mother in law likes cats. So you have different likes. It is strange to think this is even an issue. Such a little thing like that. But if you give in to her with this. Who is it to say that it won't be the last.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
4 Feb 08
I completely disagree with you, I had a dog and two cats and my cats did not go to the bathroom all over my house, make my house smell like wet dog or cost me thirty five dollars a month for food or chew up my furniture and shoes. So I disagree that dogs are easier than cats. A bag of cat food is 5.00 and can last two or three months, they are easily litter trained and are very lovable so they are not useless.
• United States
4 Feb 08
I don't know where you get the ideas that cats cost more and that they are harder to train as they do not cost more (IMO) and I've never had to spend 8 months trying to get my cat to use the litter box properly. I do have a staffordshire pit bull terrior that I adopted from the animal shelter. We've been working now going on 3 months on just sit and stay and for the most part, he gets sit, but doesn't get stay. If you want to keep your dog, keep your dog and find another place to live. If you can't afford to find a place to live, postpone the wedding until you can. I would NEVER give up my animals for a man. Men come and go, but my cats and dogs will not ever just wake up one morning, tell me they don't love me and then demand a divorce and half of my income.
@susu22 (24)
• United States
4 Mar 08
you and wife to be need to stick together.it is your happy life,you cannot please everyone so please yourselvs and make your decisions together.if no likes what you two agree on well that is their problem.the 2 of you will have enough problems in life and you need to stick together now and do not let others ,family or friends make your decisions for you.you and your mate are entitled to be happy and make your own choses and decisions.susu22